2018-06-10 03:59:25

Hi. I was wondering are their any new FPS games coming out? I love FPS games and really want to get other ones besides Swamp and also,, are their new ones coming out? I'm supposed to be testing out one sometime in the future but, I don't like waiting. So, Are their any new ones coming out? Thanks.

2018-06-10 16:19:14

I have heared that talon from dragonapps is working on fps writen in electron but I am not sure that it is still in progress

2018-06-10 22:14:05

Yes we are developing another fps game in bgt which will be out soon. We're working on it's final things to release. The first version will be beta

Co-founder of Sonorous Arts.
Check out Sonorous Arts on github: https://github.com/sonorous-arts/
my Discord: kianoosh.shakeri2#2988

2018-06-11 23:28:51

can you tell us more about it?

2018-06-12 00:39:31

The website is in another language. It's not worth it.

Anyway, I really want a new FPS game besides Swamp, I can't stand that game because you use the mouse and that just doesn't seem practical in this day and age.

2018-06-12 01:02:40

Erick wrote:

I can't stand that game because you use the mouse and that just doesn't seem practical in this day and age.

I found this very funny.  big_smile

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2018-06-12 01:14:39

Aprone wrote:
Erick wrote:

I can't stand that game because you use the mouse and that just doesn't seem practical in this day and age.

I found this very funny.  big_smile

heheheh, gave me a good laugh too. reminds me of this:

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2018-06-12 02:34:02

You know, I once encountered the opposite? The deprecation of floppies kinda came quickly, and if you weren't paying attention, it could take you by surprise. So, at some point between 2002 and 2005, I read an update from a site owner, who said they couldn't post the entire update because the lab computer they were on didn't have a floppy drive. Their exact words were something like, "I didn't know they still made those".

Re: FPS's. I guess I'm throwing together a first person DBZ game for funzies, if that counts? It's mostly for my own amusement, so not even sure if I'll wind up releasing it (if it ever gets done lol ), never mind what condition it'd be in. But just a few minutes ago I was flying around blasting craters into the ground, FWIW. For some reason other chars are intangible at present, though.

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

2018-06-12 03:12:41

I'm curios to know what FPS computer games should be played with in this day and age?  I haven't seen anything except the mouse being used in mainstream circles, unless you're thinking of consoles, in which case many of the top players use third party devices that allow them to hook mice up to their consoles.  Steps actually have to be taken to detect and kick out players who have mice hooked up to their consoles, because they dominate tournaments and other competitive play.

Part of me is really hoping the answer is voice commands or touch screens.  big_smile  That would be fun to read.  Oh oh, how could I forget dance dance revolution dance pads?!

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2018-06-12 10:49:52

lol a mouse you can make turns etc with it so much easier than with a keyboard and far quicker. ok it means only 1 hand on the keyboard i grant you but that really isn't so difficult.

2018-06-12 11:20:10 (edited by braille0109 2018-06-12 11:21:17)

I learned swamp in about 20 minutes, if one knows how to, they don't even have to use the actual touch pad bit. I'll admit, I was hoping swamp would work with my what I could describe as mouse extention, but unfortunately it doesn't. this latitude has 3 additional mouse buttons above the actual touch pad, but at this point, I'm not even sure if thatt is even a swamp limitation, or simply my new keyboard, since this keyboard doesn't have the pointer. in short, I guess he doesn't want to learn, nothing else to say, really. actually, it would be pretty cool to navigate the character with the touch screen, now that I think about it. too bad I don't have touch screen windows devices.

2018-06-12 11:34:01

A track pad is basically a touch screen stripped down to the bare minimum. The best I've got is that, "in this day and age", people are mostly using smaller and smaller laptops, which, when they do have trackpads, often ruin the ability to use the left/right buttons, implement features that make using said trackpads for FPS's needlessly frustrating, etc.
Why has no one made it so you can bluetooth a smartphone or wiimote to a computer, and use its motion detection abilities to function as a mid-air mouse? Using that with the Wiimote was needlessly cumbersome, last I checked... in, what, 2011? But nowadays even webpages can detect giroscopics, right? So is there a use-my-phone-as-a-mouse app? ... Preferably without malware?

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

2018-06-12 13:57:16

Erick wrote:

The website is in another language. It's not worth it.

Anyway, I really want a new FPS game besides Swamp, I can't stand that game because you use the mouse and that just doesn't seem practical in this day and age.

you, are, a, noob!

2018-06-12 15:48:17

you we're saying the website is different language,  but then how you can use google translate etc
without any effort,  we won't get better games to play
so use google translate for your convenience
I heard a game called fire fight fps coming,  check and search the topics, I am not sure when will be release thought

2018-06-12 17:12:51

Back around 2003 or 2004, a good friend of mine was a huge Halo 1 fan.  He played on the console and was beside himself with excitement when the game was finally released for the PC, because he wanted me to play it and see how amazing it was.  He had been telling me his war stories about it for probably a year or more, and he was convinced it was better than any other FPS, while from the PC perspective I was telling him I thought other PC games were probably better.  It was just one of those fun PC vs console debates between friends that we both did for enjoyment.

Up until that point I had never agreed the play the game, because I didn't want to use a console controller.  He didn't want to try any PC games because he didn't know how to use a mouse and keyboard (he rarely ever even used a computer except to type some school papers).  So we didn't have a common ground until Halo was finally available on both platforms.

So the day came and Joseph set me up to fail, which was actually my idea.  I told him to put me on the hardest difficulty and put me in a map that he had never been able to beat at said difficulty.  My in-game character became an instant sniper ninja to Joseph.  I could dodge every shot, head shot every enemy even from across rooms.  I ran past an enemy, jumped onto the table and then over another.  While in the air I turned 180 degrees to head shot the first one before it had time to fire at me, then right as I landed next to the guy I'd hopped over, I melee attacked him in the side of the head and killed it.  My first time sitting at the game I beat the level he had never been able to do on that difficulty.  To put salt in the wound, I did the whole thing only using the weak gun you start with.

With the controller you are limited in the same ways as a keyboard.  You can use the joystick to rotate yourself slower or faster, but the fastest you can turn is just the joystick all the way to one side.  Someone extremely skilled with a controller can make fine adjustments to their aim that don't require more than maybe 15 degrees of rotation, but that's about it.  If someone wants to rotate 90 degrees, or 180 while mid air, they slam the joystick over and then wait while their guy spins at some set speed.  With a mouse you choose the speed of rotation without any limitation.  If I quickly slide my hand over the correct distance, I can 360 in the air before I land from my jump.  You can aim at extremely tiny targets at a moment's notice, because, sighted computers users anyway, use that precision constantly to click on buttons and text.  You're training to head shot a monster from 100 yards while you click around and edit your latest word document, ROFL!

So yeah, it was cool for him to finally see the difference between a controller and a mouse, but it was a little sad that he never again argued with me about which was better.

P.S. It was a shame that when they ported Halo over for the PC, they didn't ramp up the difficulty.  Few console fans realize that FPS console games have their difficulties lowered way down compared to their PC counterparts.  This is meant to balance the differences in how the game are played (controller vs mouse).  When they moved Halo to the PC but kept everything else the same, they really did the game a disservice.  I didn't know any PC guys who enjoyed the game because it "felt like a console game" in that it was way too easy, and felt too linear.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2018-06-12 23:52:48

after releasing the game we'll make another page entirely for the game, in english if players want it. Although the current page is half in english you just press h and you are in the English part of the website. The game itself is entirely in English. That means the default language is English.
so no worries about the game.
These things apart but the best fps audio game I've seen so far is swamp. I never had the chance to play it in the online mode but offline mode is enough to see the quality. My only problem was with the w key which i changed it and everything's now fine

Co-founder of Sonorous Arts.
Check out Sonorous Arts on github: https://github.com/sonorous-arts/
my Discord: kianoosh.shakeri2#2988

2018-06-13 00:42:02 (edited by hadi.gsf 2018-06-13 00:49:55)

I'm hoping to see another FPS made by aprone.
Imagine this: excluding all the other games and projects he had,  building swamp up from what the first version was to its current state, He probably has a lot of experience under his belt on audio games development and its community.
I would pay for a battle royale/survival/any pvp or co-op pve aprone develops cause i 'm sure it'll be pretty good.
Swamp is amazing  but I get bored pretty fast because it turns to a chore after a while, and I can't seem to find any way to  coordinate with other players to do anything. Missions are great but you can't really setup a strategy with other players.
Well except CTF which is pretty damn good, But then again i have to  beg the playerbase to have a co op going vs bots. Having said that Swamp is the best audio game i played.

I dislike pretty much any other FPS audio game because they don't let you to use the mouse  lol.

I forgot the road to rage, which was brilliant and i was so much hyped for it but It was discontinued and They didn't continue adding features to it.

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2018-06-13 11:32:28

i still play halo combat evolved big_smile

2018-07-05 05:54:15

i would love to play the dbz game you are making! dbz is my favorite!

2018-07-05 06:28:28

It's not going especially well ATM. Physics is still buggy, and there's a sound leak somewhere that causes sounds to stop playing after a while. Also using audio from Sagas and SPARKING!Meteor, with some Zenoverse to fill in the gaps, so there's also that.

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.