2018-04-09 15:30:35

I mean ... why? It's an amazing game but no one seems to be playing it.
I'd even set up a group for it but the interest seems to be null ... why do you think this is?

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2018-04-09 16:01:49 (edited by JasonBlaze 2018-04-09 16:04:23)

everyone busy with fps games, probably?
who wants to play slow and  require  thinking game when there is a fast, action pack awesome fps out there , eh? , lol
*insert some Sarcasm*
and seriously, yeah, I played tactical battle from time to time, trying some maps and watnot, it is a nice game indeed

2018-04-09 18:34:12

I love tactical battle. One of my favorite games... I've even considered creating a map pack based on Dragon Ball or Warring States Japan.

“Can we be casual in the work of God — casual when the house is on fire, and people are in danger of being burned?” — Duncan Campbell
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2018-04-09 18:50:43

hi, i play this game, and game is excelend. the best map pack is star trek intergalactic war. Hmm i like to any create mappack set in world war 2 period, or later, where you can command your units... Some map packs is so hard like age of warlord, maybe is it reason why so much people do not play game.

2018-04-09 19:09:46

I love the game.  I don't play it too often because the multiplayer support doesn't work. sad
The server was recently brought back up, but it's impossible to play more than one or two turns because connections are dropped for some reason.

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2018-04-09 19:11:59

Because I'm fucking stupid. I have no mind for strategy, I can't play such games as Chess, I get ate alive.

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2018-04-10 01:40:58

The one time I tried it, the game started to slow down my computer and make my CPU fan go nuts after a bit. That was on my old Vista machine though.

2018-04-10 04:55:31

I just really don't know how to play it or understand how to play it.

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2018-04-10 08:39:04

Well, i would play it, but I don't have any map packs that would spark my further interest in playing. i know, you can create your own maps, but I am not a good strategy map builder by any means.
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2018-04-10 08:39:09

Yeah I really should play it. I've never really played it honestly, does someone have a zip or is there a place we can get all the resources for it? Also yeah that's a real shame if online doesn't work, maybe something that can be fixed? I thought the game was open source, but I could totally be wrong.

2018-04-10 10:25:30

THe game's not open source. You can get the map packs on the audiogames archive though.

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2018-04-10 11:54:03

I also don't like how it is only sappi. I would prefer to use my screen reader.

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2018-04-10 15:23:46

You can use your screenreader.  I believe alt + o switches?

2018-04-10 15:24:23

Oh neat, thanks Key. Good times.

2018-04-10 23:05:21

That's a shame about the multiplayer, has anyone tried it recently? I kinda wish it would be open sourced if the guy making it even says on his own page that he's not developing it anymore, at the least, make one more patch that allows people to run their own servers, and allows the game to connect. If it was a dedicated server, and you could have multiple games at once, and it was able to run under linux, I could host a 24/7 public server.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
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2018-04-11 07:03:09

I played it for a while and honestly found the game play rather manotinous.  I would have liked a bit more customization to go into building the maps I played, because all it ever really was was move units and attack after positioning them.  I fogot what the one I did was called, but I remember you built a civilization and spawned units and I really wanted more to be able to be done in that map set.  Not a bad game, just didn't keep my interest sparked for very long.

2018-04-11 07:38:00

Used to play TB, kinda lost interest in it after a while. Wanted to play it about a month ago with a friend but multiplayer was down so... (On another note, I did make a random SoundRTS map, called MH1. its a SoundRTS map but nearly everything is random: food, gold, gold mines, woods, meadows, amounts of starting units... you get the idea. You might also like my Rules file; you'll definitely need it if you want to play this map in a truly reasonable amount of time. You can install it by putting mh1.txt under %appdata%\roaming\soundrts\multi, and by putting the rules.txt file under C:\Program Files (x86)\SoundRTS unstable\mods\crazymod9beta9.).

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
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2018-04-11 08:15:24 (edited by defender 2018-04-11 08:21:19)

Sounds neat
Though my path is
C:\Program Files (x86)\SoundRTS\mods\crazymod
For rules and
C:\Program Files (x86)\SoundRTS\multi
for maps, I wonder if I have an older or newer version than you? I don't actually even have a Sound RTS folder in appdata.
If I replace my current rules file with this one without copying the other one out, will it effect my games on the other maps?

2018-04-11 11:26:06

It's a damn shame about the multiplayer, I haven't actually played it with another person so I didn't know about it, and that would explain why people aren't really playing it.
Are we talking the standard release or are people actually using the developer version now these days?

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2018-04-11 12:05:56

Hi everyone,
Only dev version is there on the archive. I just opened this gae ones and never opened it again because the server mode was not working.

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2018-04-11 14:10:30

Last time I checked, the multi-player feature was working.. I really enjoy tactical battle.. In some maps its way more than just attacking the enemi's units, like in age of warlords 2.

2018-04-11 15:26:33

@18, it probably will, yes. Its unfortunate that you can't have a map-by-map based rules.txt file. Ah well. Also, guys, if you do use this map, be prepared for games taking an hour or more, especially when your playing with 2 or more players. This map doesn't exactly have a fixed position set, so you can be put anywhere on the map, and so could your opponent. So be wary of that before playing. smile

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
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2018-04-11 16:03:36

I love TB! I don't play it very often because I don't have a lot of time this days, but I keep returning to it after some months of break. I too wish the multiplayer mode would work, maybe with the permission to create your own server like in soundrts.

2018-04-11 17:20:52

The multiplayer works for me in that it allows me to connect, but that's all I know.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
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2018-04-11 18:04:23

You guys should get the dev version and the map packs then we could test it out.
I think that projects that are no longer supported should be open-sourced but it poses a few issues.

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