2018-03-07 19:36:25

Hi all!
Today, I created a new tt5 server, you can log in to this server, and, hang with your friends.
host informations:
IP address:
ports are 10333
have fun!

If that's helpfull, why don't you press Thumbs up?

2018-03-07 19:41:07

I don't think this topic belongs here...

Why do ghost hunters have to hunt ghosts? Well, there's a fear of being ghosted out there. They may need therapy as well as their ghost hunting kit.

2018-03-07 19:54:31

yeah, this should be in off topic

2018-03-07 20:02:08

Agree, this shouldn't belong here.

Kind regards!

Add me on battle.net and let's have fun, region is Europe, my BattleTag is: Hajjar#21470
By reading my post, you agree to my terms and conditions :P

2018-03-07 20:03:02 (edited by tabutcu 2018-03-07 20:13:17)

it is a new release guys, I Think it is right place.

If that's helpfull, why don't you press Thumbs up?

2018-03-07 20:17:20

it is a new release, but not a new release of any game

best regards
never give up on what ever you are doing.

2018-03-07 20:26:12

its not a game release, and though I'm not a moderator, I still ask for one to move it into OT.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2018-03-07 20:31:08

yes, agreed

best regards
never give up on what ever you are doing.

2018-03-07 21:23:48

LOOOOOL! today's new release! A new TeamTalk Server! (Page 1) — New releases room — AudioGames.net Forum big_smile

2018-03-07 23:01:25

Wow! A new game, ur, server, release! Seriously? I wonder if this thing's even stable or if that guy's IP is even gonna stay the same for a few days, try at least having a DDNS before announcing any such server, and please, please post in the right room next time.

2018-03-07 23:10:37

Lol totally agree with Riad. Those just want attention nothing more.

Kind regards!

Add me on battle.net and let's have fun, region is Europe, my BattleTag is: Hajjar#21470
By reading my post, you agree to my terms and conditions :P

2018-03-08 03:25:53

ok let me say ...
firstly this is not a new release game
read rules carefully.
next topic doesn't matter for forum room purpose for posting in treads mean new for releasing a new game or project that already completed.
and the last thing you should listen what most people are saying and think that is it right I don't know you so I couldn't say much.

the bestest reward for people who are working so hard they should receive their experience of their own life.
everyone can collect in everyday.

2018-03-08 07:10:21

Another teamtalk server, lol, oh my ever loving god. No, don't go to his, go to mine, ironlabs.servegame.com 10330 10330 blank blank. go there please, make my life not so shitty with your warm and beautiful presence... oh god please come talk to me, I'm looooooooooooonely.

On a more serious note, yes, that server does work but no one uses it, secondly, @OP, yes, as pointed out, this is not in the correct place, it needs to go to off topic.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2018-03-08 13:18:48

nice game

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2018-03-08 14:03:12


No, this doesn't belong in new releases since it's not a newly released game and yes it is being moved.

That being said yee gods people! I've never seen a more unpleasant and less friendly reception of anything!

No, this wasn't in the right room, okay, that's been said, can we please move on?

As I've said many, many times, why for the love of sanity can't people just be nice for a change?

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2018-03-08 14:16:55

First of all, this is not my computer, this is vps, and, if ya want, you can use that domaint too: tr-turkiye.tk

If that's helpfull, why don't you press Thumbs up?

2018-03-08 16:11:48

@Dark the reason people are not nice in this case more than in other cases is because this guy build such a reputation for himself and is known for cheating and bringing up such dramas. Plus, I am sure that writing hey I got this server here isn't what will make people connect to it. Give some reasons how and why it should be different from other servers people hang on and then sure, people might accept what you do.

2018-03-08 17:13:16

LOL he claims to have redspot source. woops, maybe I'll regret posting that... tongue

2018-03-08 17:16:54


Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2018-03-09 09:27:28 (edited by ivan_soto 2018-03-09 09:27:41)

NO, I have it! Not you. Fuck you!

Ivan M. Soto.
Feel free to check out my work and services.

2018-03-09 15:07:52

Quick, drama alert! Guys, order pizza and beer and grab a seat, this is gonna be fun!

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2018-03-10 03:02:15

99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer, take one down, pass it around... Yep, I'll get the beer, soda and popcorn (and pizza too!) and watch the show.

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
My Github

2018-03-11 13:31:48

This server is not up. LOL What a joke.