2018-02-15 16:13:51

So yesterday or the day before that, I can't exactly remember, firefox updated and was no longer accessible.
In desperation I switched back to IE, because I'm not using Chrome over my dead body, it doesn't allow you to view best gore videos.
I'm thinking of using Tor full time but I'd have to update it first and meh too lazy. And it's a bit too slow.
Are there any other good web browsers out there compatible with Adblocker or similar plugins?
On another note, fuck off youtube you piece of shit. Why don't you have the option of paid accounts with no ads? That's literally the only reason I have Adblocker installed and the day Adblocker stops working I won't be a youtube user anymore.

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2018-02-15 16:47:37

best gore videos? Tor full time? Wtf dude

ReferenceError: Signature is not defined.

2018-02-15 16:52:27

Gore videos? What the heck are gore videos, I hope they aren't what they sound like, especially if your having to use tor to access them big_smile.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2018-02-15 17:11:05 (edited by defender 2018-02-15 17:13:08)

Again, professional, edgelord.
Bestgore and the deepweb are practically prerequisites.
Not to mention liveleak, /r/watchpeopledie, 4chan, emo punk rock, cutting sideways for attention (not lengthwise for results) dead baby and anti jokes, and hating preppy kids (which may or may not even exist in this decade).

2018-02-15 17:20:12 (edited by LordLundin 2018-02-15 17:22:37)

Lol you guys need to educate yourselves big_smile

@Dark bestgore is a community centered around the more ... ahem ...
brutal things in the world. We don't necessarily enjoy the gore, but it makes us thankful, or some of us. It's a bit of a kick to the stomach, you're like damn I have it pretty good.

@Defender lol Tor is not equal to deep web. You can access .onion urls with it if you want to, but no one says you have to. It's just like any other browser - in fact I think it might actually be based off firefox. Also it seems like you know more about edgelording than myself. I've never visited 4chan in my entire life, or the particular subredit you pointed towards either, or liveleak. So congratulations. big_smile

On another note ... web browsers?

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2018-02-15 17:32:28 (edited by defender 2018-02-15 19:10:53)

Yeah I was mostly kidding, I visit a site called dreamindemon, and view police activity and war leaks on youtube, as well as all the serious tagged ask reddit threads about (worst thing you've seen) from first responders, hospital staff, shop and lab workers ETC, my self, for the same reason, fascination coupled with a need to experience what the people going through this shit are going through by proxy, a morbid sort of empathy for something I can not comprehend.
It's also helpful to know how much worse my life could be when I feel that things are getting unfair like you said, and it can be a good preventative as well, which may help me avoid similar situations.

Still I thought tore was super slow? that's how that hole red room's being commonplace thing got debunked, because streaming would be essentially impossible. Is bestgore illegal in your country? if so couldn't you just use an IP randomizer and VPN for at least better speed rather than tore?
And yeah 58 was supposed to fix it mostly, while 59 is supposed to improve it more on big sites, yet on my mom's win 10 computer running NVDA it's horrifyingly slow still, even though RAM and CPU are not unreasonable and I cleared the temp cash and cookies, used refresh and safe mode, ETC.
NVDA 2018.1 is supposed to further improve things on their end, and it's coming out this month, but who really knows.
I'm going to miss noscript really badly, and probably my secure password generator as well.
Ironically, at least on 57, the widespread slowdowns were fixed for almost everyone by (disabling accessibility) so that's fun... LOL

2018-02-15 17:57:45 (edited by Orko 2018-02-16 01:08:25)

To avoid the current accessibility issues that Firefox is having, have you considered using an ESR edition?

When Firefox 57 was released with all of the accessibility problems it introduced, most people recommended switching to the latest ESR edition to avoid the problems.

2018-02-15 18:27:13

Well, Orko, the latest ESR is actually 52, not 56, so I see why some people might be concerned about using that instead of more recent versions if you are not a big enterprise or something.

In any case, as soon as I read about the whole accessibility situation with Firefox 58, I switched to the development snapshots of NVDA (the next branch) as well as Firefox itself (it's called Firefox Nightly in this case). They seem to work exceptionally well together for me since then, perhaps even better than before. I just have to stand a Firefox update approximately once a day, which doesn't even take an entire minute on my computer and with my connection though. NVDA updates take longer, yes, but they are less frequent and you can have them downloaded but installed later, when it's more convenient for you, since 2018.1, which most of you will actually yet have to see when it comes out officially.


I won't be using this account any more or participating in the forum activity through other childish means like creating an alternate account. I've asked for the account to be removed but I'm not sure if that's actually technically possible here. Just writing this for people to know that I won't be replying, posting new topics or checking private messages until the account is potentially removed.

2018-02-15 18:34:17

Solution to firefox. Download 56, and disable updates.
Do this until at least 59, or until screen reader advisories go away.

A learning experience is one of those things that say, "You know that thing you just did? Don't do that."

2018-02-15 18:57:05

first, I agree with post 9. if you want something that just works, just get firefox 56, and don't update. and it's better than using an ESR, in my opinion. personally, as soon as that came out, 57, that is, I decided to switch over to chrome. since I was a firefox user ever since I was a windows user, it was hard to switch at first. chrome has beautiful, if not better add block plus support. it's at least 3 times faster, and just seems to be running smoother. so regardless of screen reader support, I can't see myself switching back, the only reason I'd consider it is purely the layout, nothing else.

2018-02-15 19:02:50

I'm forced to use Jaws because NVDA doesn't work, well it does but hardly ever since I updated this machine about a year ago. I'll get firefox 5.6 though, sounds like the best option.
I looked into the ESR but I didn't figure out how to get it ... nor did I bother much to.

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2018-02-15 19:12:45

Just went back to 5.6 and it looks much nicer than 5.7.
I had speed issues as it seemed to slow down my whole computer ... I never looked at how much it took up in task manager though. Lol

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2018-02-15 19:42:47

I've heard of a few deep web things like 4chan and liveleak, but none that really encouraged me to look closer.

In terms of gore, having  grown up with two medical parents and an intensive interest in biology, I don't really need to go poking about the net ressesses if I want to hear about medical emergencies I'll just ask my mum or some of her friends big_smile.

Personally I've always found Firefox something of a hog, one reason I went straight from Ie to chrome, and thus  I've been very happy with Chrome,
Even the multiple tabs (which used to be a major pain), I've got rid of thanks  a handy extention.. The only  irritation is the gnarly flash support and lack of sound playback on some web pages e.g the Whitestick.co.uk site.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2018-02-15 19:53:32

Lol Dark!
4chan isn't deep web! I don't think Liveleak is either. Just wanting to put that out there.

I watched the school shooting in Florida on there today, sorry to anyone who might've been affected.

On another note I wish I could boycott Google all in all but ... ugg what are the alternatives? Boycotting Google would mean boycotting youtube. And it's not like we have a great all-solution brand that aren't influenced by the government ... like the recent European deal with Facebook and how they would be charged a riddiculous amount of money if they didn't react fast enough in terms of hate speech or harassment. Yepp, you may not like it, but politics controls most of the internet.
For example, if google doesn't like a site, it can just choose to not display it. Or only display negative information about it. Just like what happened in the elections last year.
I am not paranoid for my own sake but it's sad to see how everyone is being lead to an age of surveilence and total control ... one small step at a time.

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2018-02-16 00:55:06

Sadly, this is one of the downsides to a system that tolerates or claims to tolerate everything save what people deem intolerant.  it's an absolute negation, a self defeating argument that goes a little something like this:
Person A says, "I tolerate everything!"
Person B says, "No you don't.  You don't like my train of thoughts, because there are things I do not tolerate!"
Person A can then choose to reply, "I can tolerate intolerance,"  which would frame him as a complete fool because if he were honestly capable of tolerating intolerance, he would in fact be saying that his own position on the matter is less than important to him, and so why should it be important to anyone else!  On the other hand, if he says, "I can't tolerate that, "he is in fact digging his own grave in the argument by suggesting that he cannot tolerate everything that is everything as he previously supposed.
That's what the whole fight concerning internet nutrality is and has always been about, big corporations wanting to dictate what should and should not be viewed at what speeds and by what people.  In essence, that leaves a huge giant like google able to squash any other search engine by virtue of the fact that google has the money to back itself up and serve content based on that money rather than on any fairness factor.
to seriously tolerate something you have to learn that you will not always agree with it and also, that the other party in question has the freedom, and even right, to choose as he wills.  Obviously such a choice can come with consequences; that's part of the tradeoff.  Both systems have flaws, but I believe I prefer the latter over the former, yes, especially in politics.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2018-02-16 01:18:56

I recall having to do something like what Enes suggests in #9 with Thunderbird when an update caused JAWS to stop being able to read the message list. It worked great. I had forgotten that or I'd have suggested it myself.

Sorry about getting the version number wrong, I myself don't use Firefox so I was trying to write that from memory.

2018-02-16 02:55:50

I only use Chrome on my iPhone and my android devices. Chrome on the Mac is sucks. It uses much CPU and battery a lot. At least on my machine.

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2018-02-16 10:23:24

And guys, once the bugs in firefox are ironed out for accessibility, mozilla claims that  it is almost double the speed of firefox of 6 months ago.

A learning experience is one of those things that say, "You know that thing you just did? Don't do that."

2018-02-16 12:34:25

Firefox is garbage. IE is life when it comes to accessibility at least. For speed though chrome is the way to go. I have firefox but can't use it for what ever reason, I open it and get some message about accessibility settings not working then when i try and use it jaws only says blank blank blank

I am the blind jedi, I use the force to see. I am the only blind jedi.

2018-02-16 12:44:28 (edited by Orko 2018-02-16 12:46:23)

I don't use Firefox or Chrome because I like the way Internet Explorer integrates into Windows. The sad thing is that both Firefox and Chrome could have taken advantage of many of the integration possibilities, but chose not to. Their loss.

Besides, for accessibility, Internet Explorer blows both Firefox and Chrome off the face of the planet.

2018-02-16 13:38:23

I'm on Firefox 58.0.2 and latest version of NVDA on WIndows 10 and I'm not seeing these problems?  I jumped ship from Google Chrome, which I loved, to firefox last month after trying to browse Sweetwater and my sweetwater card website and it wasn't working properly.  it'd just announce my search result at heading level 3 and that'd be the end of it.

IE just seems laggy as balls in some cases and I dunno.  it's like there's no one happy camper browser.

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2018-02-16 14:38:21

Oh god those IE guys, it is not any better than people using XP these days.

2018-02-16 15:18:00


What have you got against people who choose to use and are happy with Internet Explorer? It's a choice, just as JAWS and NVDA are choices, or PC and Macintosh's are choices. There's nothing wrong with any of them. Be thankful you have the option to choose and restect the choices others make. No one choice is going to be the right choice for everybody and no one deserves to be disrespected because of the choices they've made for themselves.

Or are you just demonstrating how you want everyone to treat you?

2018-02-16 15:58:34

Except,  jaws and NVDA no matter how much you like or hate one of them are up to date and are in active development, unlike IE which will become opsolete pretty soon and then it will no longer be a choice unless you are fine with not having access to modern websites, at which point you can use it perfectly fine.

2018-02-16 16:34:49 (edited by flackers 2018-02-16 16:52:17)

I use IE too. The bottom line is, that it works, has great accessibility, and I've never noticed any speed difference with firefox. Some pages do seem to hang with IE that don't with FF, an if I were visiting these sites daily, FF would probably become my default browser. There's a definite speed increase with chrome, but there's also one or two accessibility issues I can't recall that sent me back to IE. There's this subtle suggestion creeping in again similar to the jaws and eloquence argument that we're using antiquated software because we're too old or dumb to cope with change and move with the times. We're using them because they're getting the job done the way we want it done plain and simple.