2017-12-21 23:22:12

Out of curiosity, how many people are still doing guild stuff on this game? lol I literally just started playing this morning, not entirely sure yet if I'll keep playing past story mode quite yet but considering I picked up all the DLC to have a complete character select screen, most likely I will be.

"You know nothing of death... allow me to teach you!" Dreadlich Tamsin
Download the latest version of my Bokura no Daibouken 3 guide here.

2017-12-23 19:00:30

Hi all,
is there a menu guide for this game? I'd like to Change Settings but don't know how to do it because I don't know where which Setting can be found.


Thanks for helping!

2018-02-02 03:57:30

Hay all.
I just got Injustice 2 on ps4 today, and would like help with the menus.
I'm most likely going to have some sighted help with them in the morning, but someone else on here said they'd write down the menus somewhere.
If that ever came to pass, could someone post on here and let me know?
I'll look it over and have my sighted help fill in any gaps and I'll post the results on here for all.

2018-02-13 19:51:54

the ninja turtles dropped today, does anybody have them? they are pretty damn cool to me, using leo and mikey

can i get a peace double harmony burger? no chaos

2018-02-13 20:00:44

@Smoovgunner Is it true that being able to select a different turtle is loadout/gear based

2018-02-13 20:48:14

How do I get all of these characters? I bought the season pass on launch, just haven't been keeping up but I want to redeem all of them and download them.

2018-02-13 21:21:47

yes, the turtles outside of leo must be set to load outs. I can type up a quick guide if people need instructions on how to do it

can i get a peace double harmony burger? no chaos

2018-02-14 19:04:53

Naturally if you use OCR, you should have no problem.  I say should because I won't be able to get them for another week so can't confirm.  have had a lot of luck so far with dealing with gear though.

2018-03-26 23:56:55

so, I reinstalled this on my new machine, and played around with the settings a bit.  higher rezolution I think? works wonders, I can actually read challenges and gear stats now. 
also even though it's unimportant, controller remapping was easy as pie.  had to change the trait button from b to left bumper.  should make ones you have to hold down while doing combos much easier.

2018-12-03 16:51:31

Is there a menu guide for this game?

Kind regards!

Add me on battle.net and let's have fun, region is Europe, my BattleTag is: Hajjar#21470
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2018-12-05 09:20:18

wow haven't played this game in ages....yes there is a menu guide up on this post, search the first couple pages for it

can i get a peace double harmony burger? no chaos

2019-02-17 14:54:23

Yeah yeah I know, topic revival is not seen that nicely around forums, but this is an Injustice 2 problem and the thread is called official threat for a reason.

So, the problem I am currently facing. I bought Injustice 2 for the PC but my controls are completely messed up. I am playing with a xBox one gamepad.
Selecting an option is currently set to x, not a as usual, I don't have any light attack, the light attack button seams to be the throw button, I don't have heavy attacks either ... I don't know what the problem there is, the control sheme is messed up quite hard.
Keyboard controls work fine, but who wants to play with a keyboard.

Does someone know how I can change the controler options? I found the controler settings menu with the keystrokes, but hitting another button to change for example the light attack doesn't work.

So, any hints would be quite great.

Greetings Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2019-11-21 15:00:00

is anyone still playing this? I just picked it up for the xbox, kind of felt like kicking some ass with super heros of late

can i get a peace double harmony burger? no chaos