2017-11-02 04:25:50

Its no issue if the developer plays his own games. But screw these arguments, wanna see redspot good once again

Life is one so live it

2017-11-02 05:17:56

Um, are you trying a "Make redspot great again" approach? Probably won't work... Lol

I am the blind jedi, I use the force to see. I am the only blind jedi.

2017-11-02 06:51:09

Something I really don't see why its allowed is these people who go AFK for hours and hours so they don't lose their inventory. I think there should be a timer in the game like 1 or 2 hours, if you leave, boom. You're booted off the game, because we have these people like Sam's team members who do this. Well, what's the point in losing your inventory when you log off then? Another thing I will question is Sam's banning system, how does it work? I had 2 people tell me they were randomly banned from redspot with out even being online. To get unbanned, Sam makes this big deal of giving you a file to run to get a computer ID.Um, seriously? You're banned from a game but to be  unbanned you have to run a file that does god knows what?

Ivan M. Soto.
Feel free to check out my work and services.

2017-11-02 09:05:13

I think they type something like /ban if the ban is on the ip address and sam for computer ids. If they got his IP or computer id anythime, they can ban him. And I think that Sam was only lazy so he didn't bother to add a /unban command.
Nah. I don't think that Sam will ever return to that old style of FPS's, if that's what you meen.

If life gives you communism, become a communist dictator.

2017-11-02 11:50:31

@79 ok what are you talking about? A few months ago I was banned mistakenly by an admin, and then unbanned again. I didn't have to run any file.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2017-11-02 12:03:07

I think that he meens something on the server, they need to run a goodness knows what program to unban that IP or computer id, and how do they no your computer id or ip. Anyway it's not client side, it's serverside.

If life gives you communism, become a communist dictator.

2017-11-02 13:04:26

connor142 wrote:

@79 ok what are you talking about? A few months ago I was banned mistakenly by an admin, and then unbanned again. I didn't have to run any file.

From what I've heard, think you're still in that banned list.. big_smile
anyway, my friend got banned and Sam gave him a file that spat out his computer ID and had him give Sam the ID. Why ban someone who did nothing and make them go through all that crap just to get unbanned for something they didn't do. Seriously?

Ivan M. Soto.
Feel free to check out my work and services.

2017-11-02 14:26:31

no actually, I got banned twice. this second ban is recent and that's been lifted as well. The ban I was talking about was an accidental ban a few months back. Sam probably gave your friend this file because something prevented him from reading the computer id with redspot or something.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2017-11-02 16:29:35 (edited by Ethin 2017-11-02 16:32:46)

I know I'm going to get ribbed and angry retorts about this, but I have to add my own two sense to the ban system -- and I would happily understand if someone added a permanent /ban command but no way to remove it. Bans are usually meant as a last-ditch measure, and it's the admins way of saying "Get the fuck out and stay out. Your not welcome here!" If you have a timed banning system, where you ban someone for two-three months, for instance, those who are banned like that don't really learn shit, because it's like saying, "Oh, I got banned for doing x; so I'll be unbanned in two months. Guess I can do it again then..." If you permanently ban that person instead of giving them a timed ban, it truly causes that lesson to sync in. On a game like RS though, where people are banned unjustly and sometimes for no reason, such a system becomes necessary. But for other games where admins ban in a fair manner and do it justly, asking to get unbanned is only going to cause you trouble -- if you got permabanned, you obviously were permabanned, or banned in general, for a very, very good reason. S don't ask to be unbanned; it only pisses people off and makes you sound annoying.

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
My Github

2017-11-04 07:22:49

Yeah ethin, agree with you there. Banning is pretty much a last resort thing, well usually. Not in redspot though, it seems to be the only real punishment people get, and so its sometimes a temperary thing and it shouldn't be.

I am the blind jedi, I use the force to see. I am the only blind jedi.

2018-01-09 11:37:30

Hello there,
I know its gonna start up people yelling about this but it needs to be talked about, and we should have a right to talk about the game, good or bad. I don't really care how tired someone is seeing topics about this game being completely flawed, we should be allowed to talk about its problems.
So a lot of people might think I'm just trying to give redspot more of a bad rep than it already had and maybe even a few people might call me biased because I am a developer of a game similar to redspot. However, I'm not here to do that. I'm here to tell you a story and my view here and you can think about this and take it how you will. So right after christmas some random people on redspot were teaming up, and we had this huge team consisting of 15 to 20 members or so. We had 2 bases and one of them was up on sky. So Sam apparently told us that we had placed too many barricade bombs and the server was lagging and I agreed because I couldn't even access our base because of the base time out system, and how it times out after entering a code. He comes online to destroy the barricade bombs, as he clames. So after he goes up there, someone in the team starts shooting with the base machine gun at Sam. Apparently someone added him to the owner's list so he couldn't hurt the base. Ok, well Sam had told us that the rule was now you couldn't place a lot of barricade bombs close together because it apparently generates lots of lag, which I completely understand. So he eventually did give me bitcoins and stuff to create a new base. Lets go back to the base distruction for a little bit. Not only did he destroy the base with over 100 mill health, he gave himself admins stars which apparently take 200000 mill health in one hit. What kind of an item is that...you might as well just code a /destroy_base command to destroy a base. He also killed the sandbags near the store a person in the team placed because it was causing too much lag. Now just the other day, that same person(now in Sam's team) placed lots of barricades near the store making it very hard to enter and even sometimes generating lag. But Sam had said that day that he gave us a warning and we shouldn't place barricade bombs, but when a  team member in Sam's team that was in another team before,places bombs and sandbags its ok? He did this 3 times in one day by the way, all I saw done was the new dev(Carter) come online and break the bombs. They clame they talked to him about it but I don't see anything being done about this. Why are these developers not coding a security update to the server? My god if its that hard to right a function to check barricade bombs, I'm sure its extra harder to create a throwing star that takes 200000 mil health in one blow. I don't know guys, I like the game but this game has waaaaaaay too many balanced problems and the developers have clearly shown favoriteism over beta members and team members.

Ivan M. Soto.
Feel free to check out my work and services.

2018-01-09 12:12:41

and this, my friends, is exactly why I will not play redspot. I've nothing against Sam, but a good game is worth nothing without a good community. So, unless redspot drastically changes, it can go die. There should just be a command to clear out items like bombs, and be done with it.

2018-01-09 12:54:40

Well so much for admins only being able to kick and ban.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2018-01-10 05:08:26

@ivan your game has similar issues, maybe not the sort of favoritism, but certainly balance as new people can't kill anybody who's halfway decked out, has vehicles, just grenades the shit out of you. I can evade like a mofo though, but still, when I get good shots in, when one of my grenades lands on target, when I get three or four sniper shots from 200 or so units away, it has no effect, its like a single mosquito trying to kill a grizzley bear with its bite.

Believe me, if I could code worth a fuck, I would create a game and show yall how shit really works XD No shields, no robots, accurate bullet physics, accurate gun mechanics, i.e. whenever you shoot, if its a rifle, you have to pull the bolt back and jack another round into the chamber by pushing it forward again, if it was a shotgun, you'd have to pump it. You'd have a bunch of weapons, but none ungodly powerful. Rifles would work up to say 200 units away, where pistols would work maybe 30-35. There would be vital zones that would kill you in one shot, head, heart / lungs, etc. You also would have to factor bleeding in. But say max you could stand up to is around 6 shots if none of them hit vitals. After you took the first shot, your audio environment would start shifting and warping in weird ways, coming and going, and blurring in waves because you're in pain. The more you bleed out, the worse your field shrinks around you. Getting hit in the leg would mean you can't run or walk as fast, getting hit in the arm or hand would mean you can't use your weapon effectively, with a pistol, you could use it with the other hand, but with a rifle or shotgun, no way, you can't one hand those, maybe you could one hand a shotgun fully healthy, I wouldn't want to, You could also one hand a light light rifle, like a .22, but not be accurate. That's right, you'd have full 360 degree turning, but also aim up and down. There would be a sprinting system, but it would require that you tap the arrow or W key, the faster you tap, the faster you run, up to a cap of course. Doing this means you might, and that's a kind of slim chance, but might get away from someone. Sprinting would also bring into play a stamina system, for instance, you could never sprint for say, more than 30 seconds at any one time, you do and you start slowing down and breathing hard, and tapping the arrows wouldn't do anything. Running yourself to that point would also slow down your walk speed for a time,but your stamina would recover. If you could stand still and not move, it would recover faster.  I would also introduce rolls and cover, Some cover would be hard cover, maybe non destructable, or maybe destructable by explosives alone, but not just bullets. Other cover would be susceptible to gunfire, and while it would protect you, it would only take the punishment before falling apart, at which point you would be exposed again. Vehicles, I don't know, certainly if those were a thing, they'd have some constraints. You would have cars, very fast for moving you across the map, but very susceptible, easily damaged, also if you hit the tires, driving would be very difficult. If there were tanks, they would not be like you see them currently. The turret and the vehicle's direction would be independant. The turret would move slowly, spinning it 180 might take 10 seconds. You'd also have to lob the shot if it was far away. No tanks shooting 200 units or something, and no tanks just whipping 90's in a half a second and raining hellfire on you.

When I say gun physics, each gun you got would come in a state appropriate to it, but a non functional one I can guarantee you. The player would start out with nothing, and I mean nothing, maybe like a knife or something, but that's it. Not only would they need to find a gun, they'd need to find the ammo for that gun. The gun would come with one clip  already inserted, but empty if its a pistol. Rifles have built in magazines, so they don't use clips. You could find extra clips, but those clips would come empty. To use the gun, you would need to eject the clip from it, then load each shell in, and put the clip back, then you would need to pull the slide or bolt back and let it go to force a round in. You also would have the option to put a shell manually into the chamber, so your rounds would be like clipsize +1. You would also have to turn the safety off, even if you never turned it back on again, that's fine, but in order to shoot, all guns come safety on, so you need to switch it off or you point and hit the shoot key and nothing happens tongue XD big_smile. When you use up all your rounds in that clip, you would have to load the clip up again. If you found more clips to fit that gun, and yes, you would have to get the right clip to fit the right gun, you would have two options if you ran out of the shells in the clip in your gun. The best option is to switch clips, putting the empty clip in your pocket. But if you are in danger, maybe you just drop the empty clip, load 2 in your clip and put it back in the gun, turn and shoot. Gun mechanics mean you can do what you want like that, you don't have to load up the clip fully if you don't want to. A clip droppe isn't necessarily just destroyed, its an item drop like any other, someone could come along and grab it if you don't. Also, when you are killed, your items come out as one pack that fall, so when someone takes that, they get all your gear in one pack, and then the pack object is cleaned up. I would have a diversity of weapons, but each one would be as real as I could make it. Maybe a chainsaw for CQC, but chainsaw require gas, lol.

Sadly, none of this will ever happen because I suck at coding, and always will suck ,and can only do it at a very sub par level, so I don't even know why I took the time to write this tongue. I do know how guns work though, I've owned several, including an assault rifle and have been shooting since I was 7.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
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2018-01-10 09:30:50 (edited by stargate 2018-01-10 09:39:56)

I've always held the opinion that hyper-realism tends to ruin games, and I don't think it'd be any different here. While a game like that might sound good in theory, I don't think it would be fun to play. Most people play games to chill and have fun, not to simulate an actual war zone. Can you imagine learning the controls? There would have to be tons of different key bindings just to operate weapons.
I can't even think of any mainstream games that have such a high level of realism.
I still think it'd be interesting to actually see a game like that though. I might be wrong and it could turn out to be awesome.

2018-01-10 10:20:45

You completely missed the point of the post. Its not about how unbalanced the game is, although I agree both redspot and TK need some work on that, but that's not what I[m talking about. I'm refering to how unfair Sam operates the game...seriously. Just look at this first initial post and my post. Clearly its always Sam's teaming having the upper hand, and when they come online, they find a reason why this team was cheating, using loopholes, etc.

Ivan M. Soto.
Feel free to check out my work and services.

2018-01-10 15:13:43

stargate wrote:

I've always held the opinion that hyper-realism tends to ruin games, and I don't think it'd be any different here. While a game like that might sound good in theory, I don't think it would be fun to play. Most people play games to chill and have fun, not to simulate an actual war zone. Can you imagine learning the controls? There would have to be tons of different key bindings just to operate weapons.
I can't even think of any mainstream games that have such a high level of realism.
I still think it'd be interesting to actually see a game like that though. I might be wrong and it could turn out to be awesome.

The ARMA series, the original Operation Flashpoint, now rereleased as Cold War Assault would disagree, that game has a huge huge community, by the way...it's consistently held in high regard by the way and was one of the games responsible for the milsim genre. So there you go, just setting you straight on that fact, I mean, ARMA 1/2/3 and CWA/OFP had a horibly complex control scheme but it worked amazingly well as long as you were on foot. In vehicles....especially planes, it sort of just gave up and was all I dunno how to handle this.....

So I jumped on RS for about 30 minutes last night under an alt account (yeah yeah ban me if you want admins) and all I have to say is....okay, why. I get clunky controls, I played ARMA 1/2/3 to death, I'm used to cumbersome and clunky controls, but.....no. The controls need major streamlining, and that's one bit of my griping.

The second, major bit of it is I personally feel the entire playerbase needs to be reset and th game rebalanced. Explain to me how starting from scratch, a new player is supposed to have fun exactly when there's people who have literally everything the game has to offer? How is a newbie supposed to stick around and get motivated to get better thanks to some guy with a crapload of stuff destroying him over and over? I got bored really, really fast in the 30 minutes I played. That's a long enough time to point out the game has flaws. Now I'll sit back and watch the fanboys lash out at me for attacking the precious game. It's not perfect and it needs work, a lot of work IMHO on both the technical and player side to be anywhere near reasonably fun. If that invovles nuking the player data and starting over, after a huge update to balance stuff, and removing certain people from adminship and replacing them with more mature people, so be it....because as of right now it doesn't seem to matter how good you are, it's who you know and how many strings you can pull to get good stuff handed to you. If I wanted to I could probably manipulate one of the admins into giving me a bunch of free stuff or even making me admin, or manipulate them into banning somebody who is completely and utterly innocent. That's not okay for any game. No, admins are not perfect but IMO that's down to the playerbase and the age of some admins. I've not got stats to back this up, but....eh, IMO I'd personally kick all the admins under 18 off any admin team I'm in charge of simply because, speaking generally, teenagers are not mature enough to handle being an admin. Note: I'm making general statements but it's still mostly valid. Yes I'm aware here's those teenagers who can handle being an admin but they are the exception, not the rule.uterly

Warning: Grumpy post above
Also on Linux natively

Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2018-01-10 16:01:23

That startover/wipeout/whatever you want to call it should be a given in any game of this caliber, whether it occurs once a month or twice a year is your business, I suppose, but it should occur with some frequency so that people actually have a chance at getting in.  Either that or, give newbies their own maps from which other, older, stronger, more empowered players are absolutely and entirely barred from visiting for the sake of easy kills and whatever else it is you accumulate from such a thing.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2018-01-10 17:37:45

I'm going to be unfair here but i think the developer of redspot is too young, and from what i'm   imagining he doesn't have any experienced players advising him on anything at all.
Actually, even 90 year old  developers have people assisting them with feedback and suggestions. I just think that Sam has not picked the right handful people to take feedback from, and the huge waves of suggestions coming in telling him to "do this". and "do that" has made him to ultimately not really care about the game.

For example, This  aspect of the game where you have to be online 24/7 to build your empire and  then slam the other players with less playtime is  extremely terrible from a game design point of view.
In other "good" games developers find a way to reward players who play more in some other ways rather than creating this huge gap between players who never sleep or go to work/school vs players who have only three hours to play in a single day.

If redspot is going to keep on going this course, unfortunately it is not going to have a bright future and will be probably limited   to    12 year old kids (sorry i love you guys, but you guys have more time than us oldies). IT's just that simple and plane.

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
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2018-01-10 17:39:24 (edited by stargate 2018-01-10 17:43:24)

Interesting. I haven't heard of the ARMA series, so I need to go do some research on it. Like I said, I could be wrong and an audio game of that type could turn out to be very popular, but unfortunately I don't think we'll see anything like that in the near future.

I agree with what you've said about Redspot, but most of the things you brought up have been discussed countless times and very little change has come of it. That's why I didn't even bother commenting on Blink_wizard's post. Ironcross32's ideas just piqued my interest.

2018-01-10 19:04:37

oh, yeah,  blinkwizard is moderating his game fairly,  he is banning  players with 1000 rockets, because admins gave the rockets to players and    mahdi telling blinkwizard, hey blinkwizard ban this player he is a cheater, and blinkwizard banning them with no proof of cheat

2018-01-10 19:14:56

about being unbalanced, i think,  making game  based on account system and saving your items and stats like stw, and having  1 day  of newbie time, will make good game and   it'll be fun to play.   
newbie system: a newbie system, when activated, players can shoot others newbies and be killed by other newbies, but not with higher stats players, and can't be killed with bombs.  then, they can build up in that one day, and when they do, they can battle high stat players.    when someone dies and if they don't have a base, they must get a newbie flag for one day again.   and    players must not be able to make a base, to make a base, first they must create a team with others.

2018-01-10 23:58:18

Yeah, there are not a lot of people here who I would see admin potential if I'm honest. Talented coders, sure, admins, nah, leaders, nah.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2018-01-11 00:09:35

Hey, Sam, put me in charge of your games!  I'll be your PR guy!  I'll even do it for free!
There's just that one little condition of, like, you really should listen to what I tell you.  I'm a moderator elsewhere, after all...  :d
In all seriousness, I still don't understand how you moderate/administrate a game of this nature... I mean, isn't the idea that you're supposed to go blow each other's brains out?  I'm with all of you who claim there's imbalances and all that, and for those reasons alone I'm staying far, far away, but really, how do you moderate something that's really a beat em down type thing?

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2018-01-11 03:29:24

I think that's part of the problem. They don't really know what to do, and they don't know how to balance a game. Sam's strength are coding and audio editing / mixing. They do not include game balancing. I think he probably wants to take a development position, rather than an administrative one, but the problem with that scheme is that if you want to do that, you had better have a good admin team in place, which, I don't think is the case. I think a lot of them are inexperienced, and while I wouldn't say immature, I wouldn't exactly say mature either. Also, you kind of have to listen to your team, talk to one another, discuss issues that come up, no matter from which quarter, whether it be disciplinary, balance, or the like. The ability for the team to lk amongst themselves and feel like no one of them is worth more or less than anyone else. Sam doesn't listen though, he is convinced his way is right, and he does what he does regardless of what other people think, which is fine, but then you have the type of issues he has now. IT's also bad if its his team that are also being given the cold shoulder, or ignored.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united