2017-12-26 18:48:14

Thork wrote:

Could anyone tell me where to buy the soundtrack? It would be great writing music for my Choice of Games book I am writing.

You can buy the soundtracks from iTunes.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2017-12-26 18:55:05

Also Amazon, CDBaby and Bandcamp.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2017-12-26 20:01:12


i also want to buy the soundtrack via iTunes, but on wich keywords should i search to find it? when i enter a heroes call i find a lot of music wich isn't related to the game, or am i wrong ...

Greetz mike

Visit the following website to see what games we have:
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2017-12-26 22:28:16

You have to search for a hero's call original game score, otherwise the soundtrack will be at or near the bottom of the list of results.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2017-12-26 23:28:47

actually when I searched for a heros call, it was right at the top.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2017-12-26 23:44:03

Damn, the busy Christmas time was the perfect distraction from the calendar. Now it's all over for me and time starts to creep again.
And I won't be able to buy and Play AHC till at least the late 1.1. Man, it will be hard for me not to read any of this thread after release or watching Liams stream or any other let's Play. But I don't want to spoil the first Immersion for me.
Hopefully Liam will put the stream up on YouTube. I enjoy his game Play Videos quite a lot and will probably watch them after I played the first couple of hours myself.

This is the first time ever I can be hyped about a game release after GTA San Andreas back then in 2004 - the last game I at least could partially Play with Vision. Thanks to the guys from OutOfSightGames. I so much hope (for them and us) that this won't be a No Mans Sky story and it will be at least nearly as good as we all hope.

Hope you don't mind me just rambling about stuff you don't Need to know. But I think our random Hype commends could motivate and delight the AHC devs. And I like the idea that we might contaminate them with our positive excitement about the release. If they still follow this topic, they must be in such big stress atm.

2017-12-27 01:17:40

As will I. Liam is most definitely entertaining.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2017-12-27 07:49:46

I'm trying, and failing, to find ways to stave off the mind-crunching boredom ytil the day of release. I realize how fanatical I sound when I say that, but oh gods, how I wish it weren't Wednesday, rather Friday. I've overplayed too many games! Friday, hurry!

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup
RPG Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QQcHS3Gk

2017-12-27 07:58:18

Indeed he is, as I was watching yesterday some of the awesome gaming marathon he did on twitch, also some parts of the Manamon playthrough. But I (unfortunately) won't be able to listen to the stream he'll do for ahc, unless if I almost completed a big part of the game so things couldn't be spoiled smile.

Kind regards!

Add me on battle.net and let's have fun, region is Europe, my BattleTag is: Hajjar#21470
By reading my post, you agree to my terms and conditions :P

2017-12-27 08:00:20

Dragomier I agree, gosh those two days are pretty long and boring big_smile.

Kind regards!

Add me on battle.net and let's have fun, region is Europe, my BattleTag is: Hajjar#21470
By reading my post, you agree to my terms and conditions :P

2017-12-27 09:39:51

Lots of people have free time on their hands if you guys are getting that fanatical! lol I'm excited for sure too, though!

Discord: clemchowder633

2017-12-27 10:08:06

Man! I keep listening to the very awesome soundtrack! What an amazing piece of work! And we haven’t even gotten to the actual game yet!   I know we only pretty much have two days left, but I really wish I could read the documentation! That would be something to hold me over I feel.

2017-12-27 10:16:52

Here I won't start the game until I read the whole manual. Excited to read it too.

Kind regards!

Add me on battle.net and let's have fun, region is Europe, my BattleTag is: Hajjar#21470
By reading my post, you agree to my terms and conditions :P

2017-12-27 11:01:12

looking forward to it! I keep checking the site randomly hoping I'l see a preorder button

2017-12-27 13:54:27

I'd say not given how close we are to release. I definitely know what you mean about the soundtrack. I listen to it at least once a day and more often than not Farhaven is my track of choice while having my morning coffee LOL. I also agree about the documentation, but as has been said before it really wouldn't make a lot of sense to release the manual before the game, although as I recall Liam did that with Judgment Day. Then again if my memory serves me he also waited to do that until a day or so before release.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2017-12-27 14:45:47

I should clarify that I am on break this week, so I have entirely too much free ⠐⠞⠲

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup
RPG Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QQcHS3Gk

2017-12-27 15:16:08

Oh me too, although this state of affairs is more or less permanent for me. On a slightly off-topic note, I don't know if anyone's noticed the difference in Samuel the innkeeper's voice between the radar demo that Joseph did and the talisman quest demo? It's just something I noticed last night and again today while I was revisiting those videos on YouTube. But in the talisman demo he has a Scottish accent while in the radar demo he doesn't. Then again even in cartoons it's not uncommon for a voice actor to try several different voices for a single character to find out what voice works best for their vocal abilities. Again this is just something I noticed. I also didn't realize until yesterday that Samuel and Father Ignatius were voiced by the same guy. Of course that's not a problem since quite obviously he's a talented actor.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2017-12-27 15:17:58


I am also still on break the upcoming week, so also have many hours to spend on ahc.

Btw, i bought myself the soundtrack of ahc as well. Man, what a wonderful soundtrack. I like them all, but right now i agree with brianP about the awsomeness of the farhaven track smile

Greetz mike

Visit the following website to see what games we have:
Or the following English marketplace to see what retrogames and game merchandise I am selling:

2017-12-27 16:17:41

Yup, that's a really pretty track. Gwen's theme is either a close second or a tie for me. As I may have said earlier in this thread and in others, this has inspired me to try to rework the series of novels I've been working on writing on and off for the last four years into an RPG. I've even imagined my characters' dialogue set to themes from the AHC soundtrack, though of course if I were to actually undertake this project I would need music of my own, hopefully of the same excellent quality. But I have a feeling I'm going to have to really rein myself in when AHC comes out, just so I don't gobble the whole thing up in a day LOL.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2017-12-27 16:43:18

To answer your question Bryan, if you remember, Joseph did say they used placeholder voices in some cases. Given that they didn't interact with Samuel in the radar demo, we don't know if that's what it was, but I'll guess so.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup
RPG Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QQcHS3Gk

2017-12-27 16:57:49

Hey all,

So, if you haven't guessed by now, pre-orders won't be a thing. In fact, I'll be completely honest, we're going to be cutting it down to the wire to ensure that payment processing for the game works by release day without having to push back. It's all a bit technical and over my head but as I understand, PayPal has decided to change something in their code base for 2018 that has rendered something about our website and server code incompatible and wound up generating an inordinate amount of work for Ian to re-design things so that payment processing will work again. Please don't ask for details cause I've literally told you all I know. I think we've got it figured out, but at any rate, I'll keep you all posted about the exact time that things will go on sale.

I really appreciate the continued attention to the soundtrack. I'm glad that people continue to enjoy it.

To answer the question about voice discrepancies in the demos: in the radar demo, which is quite old, no VO had been recorded for the game; everything you hear came from sample packs. In the talisman demo, specific VO was recorded for characters that were interacted with (though some of it has since been re-recorded, and one character has been re-cast), but the ambient dialogue is still place-holder. All dialogue in the finished game has been recorded specifically for AHC. Hope that clears things up.

2017-12-27 17:07:45

Hello, Joseph. Good to see you again, hope your holidays were enjoyable. I won't bog down your time with a long post you have to read, so I'll keep this short and sweet: Your commitment is admirable. I know you're the type of people that will do everything in your power not to push things back, so thank you again, and I lool forward to giving my opinions on the game.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup
RPG Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QQcHS3Gk

2017-12-27 17:38:45

Oh so do I. I've got money set aside for it so I can buy it right when it comes out. It's both a belated Christmas present to myself and a reward for paying off a longstanding debt LOL. Hope you can get the payment situation figured out. I do remember you mentioning that a lot of dialogue was basically placeholder stuff. Still, a lot of it does fit the game's atmosphere. I knew it was likely preorders might not be offered. Personally I agree with that since too many developers have offered preorders and then failed to deliver. Not that I believe this would be the case here but I've made it a point to be cautious about preordering in our market.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2017-12-27 18:08:40

Hi there Joseph,
Thank you very much for your hard work, we really appreciate that Joseph.
I have a little question here: will we backers get our copies on the same day? Sorry for being this question kinda pointless haha.

Kind regards!

Add me on battle.net and let's have fun, region is Europe, my BattleTag is: Hajjar#21470
By reading my post, you agree to my terms and conditions :P

2017-12-27 18:20:07

I would assume so.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!