2017-12-08 20:25:26

as the topic title states: can I still buy Entombed? I heard that the registration info needs to be passed to me from the developer so I am wondering if he is still active

If you want to contact me, do not use the forum PM. I respond once a year or two, when I need to write a PM myself. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Telegram: Nuno69a
E-Mail: nuno69a (at) gmail (dot) com

2017-12-08 21:31:06

Yes it is. Just go to Driftwood's web site at this link:


Then go down to the purchase page link. It's $39.95.

Just in case you aren't aware, it appears as though development on the game has stopped as the current version, 1.02i, was released in April 2010.

2017-12-08 22:39:11

Well, I would be super carefull right now with driftwood software and purchasing.
I tried purchasing entombed last saturday afternoon, so almost one week ago.
The game stated that, when I payed the price via paypal, my account would be ready to get upgraded to the full version of the game.
Well, I payed the price, got the E-Mail from paypl with the transaction details and such, but, when I tryed logging into my gamer account in the game, it was stated that there was no vallit payment detected and the game offered me to go to the purchasing site again.
I than tryed finding the registration with the transaction code submitted in the E-Mail I received from paypal, but nothing could be found there.
I than tryed contacting Jason multiple times, but received no answer.
I invoked the paypal buyers protection two days ago and if I don't receive an answer from Jason till sunday, I will submit a conflict and request my money back.
So, be carefull, I don't trust this company one bit.
Greetings Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2017-12-09 00:16:04

With the lack of any sign of updates in almost eight years? Why am I not surprised?

2017-12-09 00:58:03

sad we reeeeeeeally need to get better at this consistency thing. I totally understand devs also have lives and that things may pop up that prevents work on any given project, and that more often not this can become a sudden thing. Maybe it's just me but this seems to be happening more and more hmm

2017-12-09 01:48:29

I think that what happens is that a developer comes into this market with big ideas, put together a game, then find out through sales figures that the market is simply too small to make a living with, that the only way to stay in the audio games market is if you do it in addition to making games for the main stream.

2017-12-09 05:46:43

My Dad bought Entombed for me last year, and I got my account unlocked. Maybe he just stopped looking at e-mails. Wouldn't surprise me, sense he stopped giving updates on Entombed 2.

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).

2017-12-09 11:50:50

So sadly, there's not other way of playing the game than cracking it? I really wanted to support the dev, s I like the game.

If you want to contact me, do not use the forum PM. I respond once a year or two, when I need to write a PM myself. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Telegram: Nuno69a
E-Mail: nuno69a (at) gmail (dot) com

2017-12-09 12:41:47

This is why I use PayPal for most purchases. Besides allowing you to make purchases without revealing any financial information like credit card or bank account details. They have a very good, you get what you purchased, or you get your money back, policy.

2017-12-09 17:49:01

if he's not gonna be updating it then why not just make the game free?

PSN ID: AvidLitRPGer
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AvidLitRPGer
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AvidLitRPGer
leave me a message saying how you found me.

2017-12-09 17:58:12

He'd probably tell you it is free, at least the first seven levels are anyway, and since my skills aren't good enough to get past them, I haven't bothered to buy the full version, why buy levels you can't get to?

2017-12-09 18:05:11

I agree. This is the point I brought up to a friend last year. He's not updating it, and he's barely supporting it, and as of now he's not at all. Why does he continue to keep it paid if he can't be bothered to give full accounts to people who pay. This is what drives me nuts about devs sometimes. I bought Super Liam a few years ago and never got a key. Now Liam made the game free because he knew he wouldn't be supporting it anymore. Why can't Jason do the same. Of course, I bought the game and got my account, so I'm not to concerned, but still.

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).

2017-12-09 19:20:19

Yeah agreed, or look at bSC games, we now have key gens for all their games because they knew that they would close, so gave us all their games and the reg files in adition.
If a developer isn't supporting a game any longer, accepting payments and doesnt upgrade peoples accounts or give them keys, he shoudln't be wondering if people start using urm, other ways of playing the full version.
Greetings Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2017-12-10 22:06:10 (edited by pulseman45 2017-12-10 22:06:35)

That, plus the game being quite buggy as it is. Now it's true I didn't encounter any game breaking bug as of yet, but one of my friends didn't have this chance and had to deal with a giant spider skeleton crashing the game, and had to start over.

2017-12-11 03:22:04

Or, he could make it open source, so that some people who have some knowledge of programming could squash the bugs that remains in the game.

Follow me on Mastodon.

2017-12-11 09:56:08

Yes, I thought about that too, though it seems to unlikely to happen unfortunately.

2017-12-26 04:25:25

So bringing this topic back, after a week of not replying, I called Paypal and send them the transaction details to set up a buyers protection conflict and trying to get my money back.
It took about a week or so when I received an E-Mail with the information that the case was closed at my advantage and that I would receive the full price I've payed, which I actually did right after the E-Mail came in.
So, so much for purchasing entombed.
Greetings Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2017-12-26 14:40:45

Perhaps with that knowledge, the database entry should be updated to warn new players about the issue.

2017-12-26 16:32:01

This is pretty sad actually, I've been on and off about buying entombed over the years as, when I do play it, I enjoy it enough, but I never got to actually buying the full version and always stuck to the first 7 levels. Guess this decides it then.

There is one rule above all others for being a man.  Whatever comes, face it on your feet.
@bcs993 on twitter, feel free to follow!

2017-12-26 22:44:17

I haven't touched Entombed in about two years. A while back I started a YouTube Let's Play of it on my channel, but to be honest I've always found it hard to maintain my interest in the game. I like my RPG's to have a fully explorable world with towns and villages, whereas in Entombed you're limited to the dungeon, which admittedly does have a creative sort of somewhat backstory behind it. But the balance issues the game has are a bit too glaring for my taste since having more HP and defense is no guarantee that you won't be one-shotted by a luck 25 damage to the torso or head when you have over 200 HP. That said, one thing I always loved about the game was the music, especially if you stuck it out and worked your way down to the final floor and, better yet, allowed the final boss to transform into her true form.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2017-12-30 19:55:44

A friend forwarded me this from the Entombed mailing list. Entombed should be free now.

To:Entombed Discussion (Roguelike game for blind and visually impaired)
Sent: Monday, December 25, 2017 7:11 AM
Subject: [Entombed] Entombed is now free for all.

Hi everyone!

Sorry for being absent for so long. I'm essentially a slave to my job, hah. I've had a lot of success over the past few years making casual games for mobile players (unfortunately, these haven't been accessible) but I haven't had a break out hit where I could dedicate some time for other games. I'm currently in the United States away from my development environment in Australia so it's possible I messed this up, but you should be able to log in to your account and have full access if you didn't have it before. If you create a new account, that should be automatically upgraded. I also reset all the scores, so hopefully that is working again too.

The server I've been running this on is extremely expensive compared to the ones I use today for my games so I'll eventually migrate it over. Maybe with a new release if I can manage it.

Every time I get some spare holiday time, I try to dedicate some time to accessible game development and I have made some cool stuff - sadly, none of it release-worthy yet.

For anyone who has had issues purchasing or delay in communication, I apologize. Due to the legacy nature of the game, I try to queue up a lot of fixes at the same time.


2017-12-31 07:20:05

hey I tried making a new account on entombed because i forget my nickname and stuff. so i did, but it says no payment information found. nickname goku2017 .... so i cannot play entombed now?