2017-12-08 13:26:05

Welcome back to the Stage of History.
Well I can't believe I'm writing this, but we've waited long enough and I thought it was the franchise that wouldn't come back, but here we are. Soulcalibur vi is coming to ps4, xbox one, and pc. According to what vague info I have, Mitsirugi and Sofitia are confirmed so far.
Here's a link to the reveal trailer, andit's one of those where the music overpowers stuff, reminding me a bit of the nether realm style ones, but still sounding quite cool. Early days yet.
So what do you guys think? I hope there'll be some sort of story mode in this one!

2017-12-08 13:37:23

Oh man this just made my day. This has always been one of my favorite series, and I can't wait for the sixth part to come out.

Silly Gohan, animals don't eat people. People eat animals.

2017-12-08 16:36:22

Been waiting for this forever. I held out faith they'd make a comeback and I was right! I just hope for a job that isn't boched like they did with 5... the game was great, but the content was disappointing for a soul calibur game. Still, as someone who will always prioritize gameplay, 5 was probably my favourite and the game I loged the most hours online.

Discord: clemchowder633

2017-12-08 18:10:43

I played way more Soul Calibur IV than I did V. I'm studying up on lore. (So far Segfried is my favourite... Knight in shining armour! Exactly what I like to be!)

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup

2017-12-08 21:07:22

Yes, Yes, yes! Soul Calibur was, and still is one of my favourite fighting game series of all time. I thought they would never come back with a game like v, but looks like they are. My one hope is that they have a better selection of characters.

fantasy world creationist

2017-12-09 07:23:53

I've still to this day never played any of them. As a newcomer to the series which one would you guys suggest starting with?

2017-12-09 10:33:49

Depends on which platform you have.. but 2 is the best game overall. Three was a little slow and balance wasn't at great, same with 4. 2 and 5 are my personal favourites.

Discord: clemchowder633

2017-12-09 11:59:04

Good to know. Yeah I'll probably grab 5 to start with.

2017-12-09 12:23:41

I'm always a fan of the SoulCalibur series, so yeah. Excited for the coming SoulCalibur game.

Kind regards!

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2017-12-09 12:59:55 (edited by pulseman45 2017-12-09 13:02:10)

I used to like the series a lot. I don't like it as much since SC IV, but I'm still interested in what they could do. Also, I hoped that they would eventually rerelease SC III with gameplay and balance from Arcade Edition, content from the PS2 version and an online mode, but now I doubt this will ever happen.

2017-12-09 14:42:24

People are saying that the characters in the trailer look younger than they were in sc 5, so I'm wondering if they are about to do an mk 9 on us, if this is going to happen, I will be very very happy indeed especially if they go the cinematic route. Some are calling it a soft reboot!

2017-12-09 15:10:30

Indeed, it's been confirmed that the game will revisit events from the previous SC games, info courtesy of Playstation Blog.

I'm personally looking forward to this and hope that even though the trailers are not in stereo in terms of combat audio, the final game goes the same route as the previous installments using stereo sfx etc.

Sightless Kombat.
***If you wish to refer to me in @replies, use Sightless***

2017-12-09 20:56:06

Oh man this has only made me more excited to play.

Silly Gohan, animals don't eat people. People eat animals.

2017-12-09 22:05:33

Oh yes, and it'll be the first SC game for PC... Well, without emulators of course.

Devin Prater
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2017-12-09 22:06:27

There's no reason for them to change the stereo fx, so they most likely will stay that way. Let's see how this turns out.. cinematic or not, as long as the gameplay is good I'll be sold!

Discord: clemchowder633

2017-12-10 12:10:36

Agreed, but you never can tell.  But indeed, let's hope.

For reference, Soul Calibur 2 and 3 work fairly well with OCR via emulation.

Sightless Kombat.
***If you wish to refer to me in @replies, use Sightless***

2017-12-14 06:30:48

I’ve heard rave reviews about this game Series,  but really don’t know much about it, other than that it’s 3-D.

Not entirely sure how playable  the game is, with my only other experiences in 3-D fighting games not going so well (Tekin). 

Sounds like from the discussion on this thread, I’d imagine this game should be relatively accessible from a game play/combat standpoint?


2017-12-14 07:42:45

So I've heard that there will be a guard feature called reversal edge that protects against almost any high mid or low attacks with the press of only 1 button. Not sure if this is some sort of meeter-spasific maneuver or what, but it sounds like an interesting concept. And apparently when you let go of the button your char will retaliate. Can't wait to learn more about these new features. Also critical edge is coming back, but it'll only take a 1 button press this time similar to tekken's rage moves.

2017-12-14 08:53:56

One button press supers are becoming a thing now, unfortunately... and this game is playable, moreso than tekken for some because it will likely be in stereo. I love both these series, so am looking forward to 6 when it comes out.. and will be playing tekken 7 to death until then. Reversal edge does look like an interesting concept, but if they aren't done properly there will be balance issues galore.

Discord: clemchowder633

2017-12-14 14:21:42

Will be picking this one up for sure.  Next year looks to be great for fighters.  Hurry up dragonball!

2017-12-14 19:48:09

Definitely going to be a good year for fighting games. Looking forward to Dragon Ball and Soul Calibur more than the others.. Blazblue Cross tag Battle doesn't really grab me, at least right now. lol

Discord: clemchowder633

2017-12-15 04:50:01

Going slightly off topic for a sec, what I've always wondered about the Soulcalibur series, and any fighting game that rely on hand held weapons is, really quite a simple question.

How the hell do they not lose their weapons when getting nocked to the ground.

yeah yeah, I know it's a game and games have over the top bullshit, but seriously?

Why can't you lose your weapon like in mortal kombat 4.

If I nocked you down and you were holding a sword, chances are you would drop your sword when you hit the ground.

2017-12-15 05:28:42

Because, simply, realism isn't the point here... the point is to fight with weapons, not a mix of weapons and unarmed combat. lol In Mortal Kombat 4, weapons combat wasn't central to the game, it was a gimic. It's like asking how you can juggle someone in the air using punches and kicks.. the truth of the matter is, you can't. But it's a video game, so as long as the combat is exciting and fun, realism doesn't enter the picture. big_smile

Discord: clemchowder633

2017-12-15 07:57:25

I never even bothered with weapon combat in mk4 unless it was spamming liu Kang's quick sword swings by pressing 1 lol. Worked like a charm against goro like 40% of the time. Of course I was just a kid when I last  played that game, so maybe I'd do things differently now and give it more of a chance.
Anyway, that's off topic, soul calibur 6! Let's talk about it some more haha. I've heard that the game speed is going to be most similar to SC2, which is good IMO as I think SC2 was the best game in the series. A lot of people speak highly of SC3, but believe it or not I never even gave that game 20 minuts of my time for whatever reason. Who would you all like to see as guest characters in 6? Maybe a KI char for the xbox 1 port, that'd be pretty cool.

2017-12-15 08:06:01

Not even going to think about guest characters until I know the base character list. Too many fighting games are wasting character slots with guest characters... looking at NRS titles. I'm also happy t hear this game's speed is going to be similar to SC 2 and 5. SC 3 was praised mainly for its content... not so much its gameplay and especially balance. lol

Discord: clemchowder633