2017-11-30 05:49:59


Does anyone know of such a game? I've tried many games like Atorian, Ogame and the like, but they either reset or noone's around. Astro Empires looked promising, but paying accounts have a tremendous advantage over free accounts.

Customizable ships, deep research trees or something that differentiates it from other games of the genre would be a plus.

2017-11-30 07:12:43

Trust me, I wish there was such a game, preferably one that didn’t try to shove micro transactions down your throat. Core exiles sort of has such an aspect with planetary settlements and the like, but its not the same.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2017-11-30 13:55:23

@connor142 yeah, just spent a few hours searching, but no luck so far.

2017-11-30 14:28:42

You know what's wrong with core exiles
I literally get Tendonitis when playing.

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2017-11-30 16:08:35

Core exiles is the closest we have though it's not exactly empire building although there are many different activities, installations etc (I really ought to get back to the game actually). but I'd love something single player myself where you explore a generated universe and aren't quite as based on bashing other players.

Echo quadrant is a great try at something like this, though I am not sure how far it is able to go as yet, still we'll see, maybe wastelander could create an sf version of warsim next big_smile.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2017-12-01 00:51:09

I'd love wastelander to create a civ type game with research and such, Warsim is ok but it's set in that one time period and doesn't seem to have the tech research/wonders building.

2017-12-01 06:12:20

I think wayfar1444 was the closest, but that ship has sailed.

Prier practice and preparation prevents piss poor performance!

2017-12-01 13:26:25

yeah well and truly that was brilliant.

2017-12-05 14:17:16

Warring Factions and AD2460 look really interesting, but do reset. Once every couple of years (depending on which faction is winning) for warring factions, every 3 months for AD2460.

Besides Astro Empires, the rest of the games out there seem to be OGame-derivitives.

2017-12-06 13:20:56

ad2460?it might a little harder to access

2017-12-06 14:43:56

Yeah I didn't bother signing up when I saw that it resets every 3 months.

2017-12-06 19:00:38

I never had much luck with warring factions owing to how damnably complex the interface is, and I do recall someone mentioning that when they'd change their galaxy viewer to graphical the game's accessibility had suffered a giant drop.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2017-12-06 19:41:51

there's a text view of the galaxy in warring faction which I beta tested years ago now. as far as I know it's still there.

2017-12-12 03:19:28

check out www.taustation.space its not out yet, but will be brilliant when it is (even though the game focus is somewhat different...)

2017-12-12 10:05:29

well like I said, people will be all over something like this if you bother to do it then I think you won't need to worry about whether there will be an interest or not I think that personally that's a given.

2017-12-16 15:58:40 (edited by snow 2017-12-16 15:59:40)

AE,accessable,but free player can not get the most powerful ship death planet,and only can get 9 base.
most important is defense weapon cost extra base space.i play it just because it have chinese language website

AD2460,reset is one,if someone don't mind,but,i don't think it's  fully accessable.
ogame,heh,it block by china govenment,but i heard donator have large amount extra feature too.
something call war infatction,i don't know why i can not get an account,so don't know about it.also i know atorian already unsupported

2017-12-16 17:55:23

I generally don't play ad2460 because of the resets. The reason I don't really do much with OGame is that most of the things you do are simply the same actions just dressed up a bit different. Hey look, we have so so many buildings, researches and units for you to build! Sure, only that all of the buildings you just hit upgrade and either you wait, or there's of course always that dark matter button, come on... you know wyou want to press it... oh what's that, you don't have any dark matter left? No problem, we'll just put this very convenient button here that lets you purchase dm with just one click! Also, we have all these cool ships, which all do the exact same things with a few minor differences and all are built the same. OH, but you surely haven't found out about the great and amazing battles you can fight with your enemies buy clicking on the attack button, selecting what ships to send and then getting a battle report with no flavor text what soever?

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.