2017-11-14 20:01:51

Wow! I am so excited. I'll always check til the new version is release. This is just a great game. Keep it up developer.

2017-11-14 21:53:13

chrisfaelnar wrote:

Wow! I am so excited. I'll always check til the new version is release. This is just a great game. Keep it up developer.

In that case, I only hope to live up to your expectations!  big_smile

2017-11-14 22:00:26

Socheat wrote:

The game sounds interesting. Accept it doesn't work on my Mac

One of the people who helps me with coding sent me this:

http://twinery.org/questions/1914/probl … -safari-11

They suggested that is a possible cause of your problem. 

I'll be making an effort to update my program in the near future and hopefully that will resolve the issue for the next build.

2017-11-16 14:22:34

I can't wait for more updates.

Out of curiosity, are you going to be able to do anything with Eve?

You have sex with Anna in the intro after all, or is Eve sort of counted as a minor, even though she is 18, your character thought she was 12.

I think, judging by some of her dialogs, at least in the intro so far, I'd sey her mental state is around 9.

Not saying I have a thing for little girls, this is a game after all.

There was a mud quite a few years back that let you do all sorts of things that you would never, ever do in real life.

This is why we have games.

Any one here remember hellmu?

I probably spelled it wrong, but you know the one I mean.

I wonder if that got taken down because they went too far.

I didn't play it myself, I don't like muds much, mainly because of the whole memorising commands.

I like being able to pick from a menu, plus you don't need to worry about how to phrase what you're trying to do.

2017-11-16 17:30:52 (edited by ashaman 2017-11-16 17:32:29)

Glad you are looking forward to updates!

Yes, you will be able to fool around with Eve eventually, I just want to do two things first.  1. I want to establish one girl at a time, which means enough content for Anna that she feels playable in-game (I'll be adding more content for Eve along the way as well, but the focus will be on Anna for a while.) and 2. I want to clearly define Eve as being of legal age before letting the player take advantage of her in that way, plus create the means for the player to reverse her state of artificial youth if they want to.

Very true.  There is a big difference between fantasy and reality.  I think that's one of the appeals of games is that you can do all kinds of things that you couldn't do in real life.  They allow us to explore our fantasies in a healthy way (I"m thinking of Fallout 4, and how you can force your settlers to fight to the death in cage fights.  Or the Grand Theft Auto series of games and almost everything you can do in those.)

In this, you'll be able to romance both girls, sweep them off their feet and make them fall in love with you.  Alternately, you'll be able to treat them every bit as poorly as the great uncle once did.  Or for that matter, you can build a good relationship with one girl, then use her to manipulate/lure the other to your bed as well.  The eventual goal will be to create content that can cater to most everyone's play style.  Or for that matter, you will be able able to treat one well while treating the other poorly if that's what you want (Though that will have the potential to hurt the good relationship on the grounds that they are both fond of their sister and don't want to see their sibling hurt.)

PS:  Should have a new build of this out either late tonight or some time tomorrow.

2017-11-17 03:18:51

New build is up for those who are interested.  Enjoy!


A2 CHEAT Build (Requires a $5 Pledge):

A2 Patreon Build (Requires a $1 Pledge)

A1b (Free Version):

2017-11-17 07:28:42

It looks like I just found a bug in the latest public release.

When you're in the library, it says you can see Eve from the window mowing the lawn, the funny thing is, I know she's in the ballroom because I summoned her there.

So unless this game has time travel, there is no way she can be in two places at once.

Unless she has a twin we don't yet know about.

2017-11-17 07:40:21

kool_turk wrote:

It looks like I just found a bug in the latest public release.

When you're in the library, it says you can see Eve from the window mowing the lawn, the funny thing is, I know she's in the ballroom because I summoned her there.

So unless this game has time travel, there is no way she can be in two places at once.

Unless she has a twin we don't yet know about.

There are a small number of scenes like that.  Since there is currently no "outside" I have simply left the scenes in place as filler for the time being.  Once the grounds are added to the game, I plan to go back and recode the scene in such a way that it (And the others like it.  I want to say there are six in total that involve her outside, but I don't remember for sure without digging around to find out.) will only appear when she is assigned to working in the grounds.

Once the grounds are added to the game, the plan is to have Anna assigned to the house and Eve to the grounds, but for the sake of testing Eve is currently assigned to the house until she can be assigned to her default location.

Thank you for taking the time to report the inconsistency.  In this particular case, it is something we already knew about, but as often as not we don't know about little things like that unless someone takes the time to point it out to us.  Thank you, it is very appreciated.

2017-11-17 13:52:46

Hi Ashaman: First I want to thank you for this very interesting game. Second: I noticed that something is wrong with showing weekdays. The first two days it is tuesday, on the third day it is monday, I did not play longer than that. Also i happen to see both Anna and Eve in the lounge almost the whole morning, but run into Anna every so often in other parts of the house where she is just standing there or on the ladder... I guess I haven't seen the whole content yet. Keep on with this very good work.

The Answer to the question about life, the universe and everything is?

2017-11-17 16:19:15

Rico wrote:

Hi Ashaman: First I want to thank you for this very interesting game. Second: I noticed that something is wrong with showing weekdays. The first two days it is tuesday, on the third day it is monday, I did not play longer than that. Also i happen to see both Anna and Eve in the lounge almost the whole morning, but run into Anna every so often in other parts of the house where she is just standing there or on the ladder... I guess I haven't seen the whole content yet. Keep on with this very good work.

Glad you are enjoying the game so far.

Thank you for the bug reports.  I'll get the day issue added to our fix-it list.

The fact that the girls do not yet wander around the house doing their chores is something we know about.  That particular function has yet to be added to the game.  Eventually the girls will move from room to room on their own, cleaning as they go, once all of their jobs in one room are complete, they will move to the next.  However at the moment, the only way to move them is through either triggering events that move them or by summoning them to a new location.

There's quite a bit of new content in the game, though some of it can be a little hard to find.  I actually wrote up a little piece on it last night that might make it easier to find all of the game's content.

The information about the new content is in the second segment:

2017-11-17 19:24:52

Thank you, I already read it when I posted and found some content already. - Ah, there is one more thing: I noticed that the player is sometimes referred in first and sometimes in second person during the game, sometimes both in the same sentence. I think these things are difficult to find in a growing mass of code, so I hope I am not too late with this.

The Answer to the question about life, the universe and everything is?

2017-11-17 21:30:53

Rico wrote:

Thank you, I already read it when I posted and found some content already. - Ah, there is one more thing: I noticed that the player is sometimes referred in first and sometimes in second person during the game, sometimes both in the same sentence. I think these things are difficult to find in a growing mass of code, so I hope I am not too late with this.

When I originally started writing content for the game about a year ago, I was in the first person.  Not long after that, I opted to change it to second person.  I've been trying to catch all of the inconsistencies, but its still a WIP.  If you know of any specific instances, feel free to report them and I'll get to fixing them as soon as I am able.

In other news:
Working on a bug fix that should be out this evening.  One of our coders was able to locate the bug reported by Rico here on this site and fix the clock.  Also went through and increased the frequency of some of the interactive scenes so that they should be a little easier to trigger.  Expect the fix to be up in about 8 hours from the time of this post (Gives a little more time for anyone to report something if they see something.

2017-11-18 04:03:26

I've noticed a particular scene a couple of times where Anna stops working and is thinking about something.

After asking if she is allright, your character basicly snubs her and tells her to make sure she gets her work done.

I don't know about anyone else, but if I am asking if someone is ok, I'm not going to be a jerk to them in the next sentence.

2017-11-18 04:20:33

Updated Inheritance with a couple of small fixes.  (These only affect the Patreon only versions of the game.)  This should fix the Clock issue with the wrong day of the week appearing.  Also increased the likelihood of most interactive scenes to trigger to make them easier to find.

CHEAT Build ($5 Version):

Patreon Build ($1 Version):

Free version is the same.

2017-11-18 04:21:33

kool_turk wrote:

I've noticed a particular scene a couple of times where Anna stops working and is thinking about something.

After asking if she is allright, your character basicly snubs her and tells her to make sure she gets her work done.

I don't know about anyone else, but if I am asking if someone is ok, I'm not going to be a jerk to them in the next sentence.

I know which scene you are talking about.  I'll take a look at it and see about smoothing the scene out a bit so kind characters come off a bit more compassionately.

2017-11-18 05:39:57

Hello there,

Thanks for the solution. Hoping to see the next version come out. Can't wait to play it!

Follow me on Mastodon.

2017-11-18 06:18:31

Socheat wrote:

Hello there,

Thanks for the solution. Hoping to see the next version come out. Can't wait to play it!

I got my program updated before releasing the new build, so hopefully this latest version will be playable for you when you get around to playing it. 

Sent you a PM in the hopes we can find a solution that allows you to enjoy the game.

2017-11-18 13:03:03

Hello ashaman.
I really enjoy playing your game and looking forward to play the next release.
I've got a question:
is the final release of the game going to be endless or it will have a story and the player can finish the storyline?
by endless, I mean that you are in the house and can do whatever you wish with the slaves and there is no final goal, or you can go through the story and reach to the end of the game?
sorry if my english is not good.

All the best,
Adel, Akbari.

2017-11-18 13:51:17

I hope it's endless, but how that can be possible with a text game I don't know.

Eventually dialogs will repeat.

2017-11-18 16:36:43

Adel wrote:

Hello ashaman.
I really enjoy playing your game and looking forward to play the next release.
I've got a question:
is the final release of the game going to be endless or it will have a story and the player can finish the storyline?
by endless, I mean that you are in the house and can do whatever you wish with the slaves and there is no final goal, or you can go through the story and reach to the end of the game?
sorry if my english is not good.

Your English is fine.  You convey what you want to say just fine.

As for endless vs storyline:  The idea is to create a setting that can be played endless, but to include stories within that setting that you can explore if you want to.  If that makes sense?

2017-11-19 06:04:02 (edited by Socheat 2017-11-19 06:05:22)

@Ashaman, I have sent you a Pm.

I can be your optional tester. lol

Follow me on Mastodon.

2017-11-19 23:31:40

Socheat wrote:

@Ashaman, I have sent you a Pm.

I can be your optional tester. lol

Was gone most of the weekend.  Replying now.

2017-11-20 03:11:24

This game is really cool.
It reminds me of some podcasts I listen to with a main arc and then side stories.
Keep going.
Cash wize, I'm not sure, I spend to much as it is.
I have lots of time though, if you guys need testers or other work, let me know.
I have a lot more time than I do cash so whatever.
I usually don't touch adult games but even so this is a good one

2017-11-20 03:51:57

  I have not been playing very long, but I have noticed some spelling and gramatical mistakes. I come to you with a proposition: I will edit the game for you, if you have need of it. I know it is a far reaching proposition, but I am a writer myself and am more than willing to do this.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup

2017-11-20 03:55:14

crashmaster wrote:

This game is really cool.
It reminds me of some podcasts I listen to with a main arc and then side stories.
Keep going.
Cash wize, I'm not sure, I spend to much as it is.
I have lots of time though, if you guys need testers or other work, let me know.
I have a lot more time than I do cash so whatever.
I usually don't touch adult games but even so this is a good one

Glad to hear that you are enjoying the game.

Interested in contributing?  Do you write?  I'd love to find a few writers to help generate content for the game.  wink

I completely understand the cash thing.  For several years I was trying to support a family of four on a very minimal budget, so I understand having the limited budget for things like this.  That's one of the reasons I make sure to have a free version of all my projects, I want to make sure everyone has a chance to enjoy my work.  big_smile