2017-11-13 17:08:49


In the demo the kid says, "If you give me a coin, I can help mommy."

Oh and, "Don't let me die too."

This game is going to be awesome once it comes out.

I'm gone for real :)

2017-11-13 19:10:12

Maybe you have answered this in prior posts, but I'll ask it anyway. You say that windows support is coming first and other operating systems are coming soon. My question is, if I buy it when the game is released for windows, will I have to rebuy it for MacOS? and will my saves be compatible between operating systems. e.g., can I put my save file in dropbox and it will work or is that all handled server side?

I don’t believe in fighting unnecessarily.  But if something is worth fighting for, then its always a fight worth winning.
check me out on Twitter and on GitHub

2017-11-13 19:41:22

I wouldn't think saves from different operating systems would be compatible. But then I'm not a programmer so I could be mistaken about that.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2017-11-13 19:54:19

Quick note about the VO you hear in the demo: remember that much of what you're hearing is stand-in sound, meant simply to give a sense of what you'll experience but is only for demo purposes; for example, the little beggar child you heard was from a voice pack and was not customized to the specific scenarios of the game, whereas now we have our own ambient dialogue written specifically for the game.

Regarding support on different platforms, first of all I don't want there to be any misunderstanding: we are not guaranteeing any platforms other than Windows. If we do release for Mac OS or consoles, that release will probably not be "soon" by most standards—it's definitely going to take us some time.

As for the question about saves, I have literally no idea. This is beyond my expertise to comment on, and isn't something we've discussed at all as a team since we aren't anywhere close to implementing the game on other platforms yet. Sorry I can't provide more info.

2017-11-13 20:07:09

cross platform saves while, not impossible, could I think be done. although, if this is in c# and the only cross platform solution is in a wineskin wrapper, I don't think it will be worth it.

I don’t believe in fighting unnecessarily.  But if something is worth fighting for, then its always a fight worth winning.
check me out on Twitter and on GitHub

2017-11-13 22:19:21

Lol, let me comment on the dreams matter. Yes, that happened to me a lot, I've dreamed a lot of playing A Hero's Call, then waking up and realizing that it was just nothing but a dream tongue big_smile

Kind regards!

Add me on battle.net and let's have fun, region is Europe, my BattleTag is: Hajjar#21470
By reading my post, you agree to my terms and conditions :P

2017-11-13 22:29:27

I have been milking every drop I can of what's available online for A Hero's Call. Soundtrack, demos, text. I'm excited, and I do this with all good games.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup

2017-11-13 22:34:43

Well I hope you all can't remember your AHC dreams too clearly, because I don't want you to be disappointed if it doesn't live up to them...you might find out that it's not the game of your dreams. (Ok, sorry, that was a terrible joke...)

2017-11-13 22:40:34

Even if it's not exactly the game of my dreams I have a feeling it's going to be damn close. I recognize quality when I hear it and this is certainly that.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2017-11-14 04:13:24 (edited by brad 2017-11-14 05:46:10)


@Joseph Westhouse.

I understand if you don't want to answer this question, after all, I can find out the answer in the game once I download it.

But from my understanding, you walk using the w s d and a keys, if that is correct; is it possible to change the controls so that you use the arrow keys?

I'm gone for real :)

2017-11-14 05:18:51

So, this may be slightly off topic, but I'd like to point this out: Everyone who is having trouble figuring out the radar, I have a recommendation. I have been studying the video over, and over, and over again, and have discovered that, if you listen to the context, you can get a good idea of what does what. Of course it's rudimentary at best compared to being able to learn it in the game, but what was initially terrifyingly daunting is now seeming far more doable.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup

2017-11-14 10:53:30

I haven't actually even looked at that looking forward to the game, I'm very  excited about it

2017-11-14 12:48:04

Hi, I would also like a way to preorder the game before xmas, so I can actually have it on my wishlist. I am underaged and thus still depend on my parents to buy games and the like online.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2017-11-14 15:30:46

@Brad #136 - I'll go ahead and field this question since it's an important accessibility-related question. Yes, full key remapping will be available. This is a pretty hot-button issue in game accessibility right now since it's a very simple way to open up game access to a whole lot of people who wouldn't otherwise be able to play. So there's really no way for a game to claim to value accessibility and not allow key remapping, so we definitely wanted to be sure this was an option.

To those of you wanting to ask for the game for Christmas: if we don't allow pre-orders, you could always just ask for an IOU and list the price of the game, and have someone promise to buy it for you on the 29th? I know that's not quite as exciting but it's a thought.

2017-11-14 15:55:37

It certainly is. And by the time we get to Christmas I imagine I'll be so crazy with anticipation that they'll be coming to take me away, ha-haaa! Bonus points to anyone who gets that reference LOL.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2017-11-14 16:49:54

I'm already making sure that my schedule is cleared that day. It's right in the middle of wccter vacation... I just hope I have off work that day.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup

2017-11-14 19:21:50


"They're coming to take you away ho-ho hee-hee ha-haaa
To the funny farm
Where life is beautiful all the time
And you'll be happy to see those nice young men
In their clean white coats
And they're coming to take you away ha-haaa?"

- Nate

2017-11-14 20:37:25

To the happy home with trees and flowers and chirping birds and basket weavers who sit and smile and twiddle their thumbs and toes and they're coming to take me away, ha-haaa!

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2017-11-14 21:58:21

A little late to the party, but...
While I have no idea how the game is coded, I can't see why cross platform saves specifically would pose problems except for when big and little endian processors come into play (so perhaps on some game consoles).
You typically parse the save file and populate your in-game objects accordingly. Unless of course they're just dumping structures out to file as raw memory dumps, which I seriously doubt as that would be an extremely bad idea that could blow up just by playing saves on different builds, even on different computers running different versions of windows etc.
As long as the save format stores it's values in a particular endianness regardless of the processor's endianness (probably little endian as that represents the majority of home computers) they'd be portable.

Official server host for vgstorm.com and developer of the Manamon 2 netplay server.
PSA: sending unsolicited PMs or emails to people you don't know asking them to buy you stuff is disrespectful. You'll just be ignored, so don't waste your time.

2017-11-15 11:05:44 (edited by Naruto 2017-11-15 11:07:08)

will it work on windows 7 32 bit?

Blindness isn't a disability, but a diffrent way of seeing things

2017-11-15 14:28:53

We'll have to wait and see I suppose.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2017-11-15 16:17:04

Full system requirements will be posted before the game releases. No use in asking me about them until then because I don't want to accidentally misspeak.

In other news I chatted with Ian some last night and, while we definitely can't commit to anything, his best guess is that if we ever do release on other platforms, saves should work across platforms. That's not a promise, of course, but offhand he doesn't think there'd be any technical reason they wouldn't.

2017-11-15 21:08:33

That makes sense. You want to be sure you're giving accurate information.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2017-11-16 08:41:00


Cant wait!!!!

Hearthstone Tag ID: RobotWizard#1265216

2017-11-16 08:48:36

well thanks anyway. lol, and i understand. would a person be able to by more than one copy? my girlfriend wants to buy me a copy, but i want to support as well. besides, it'd help if i lost one. lol

Blindness isn't a disability, but a diffrent way of seeing things