2017-11-09 21:42:03

Congratulations on setting a release date.
Would it be possible to order the game as a Christmas present before December 25?
I think lots of parents would like to buy the game before the holidays and give a coupon to their child promising the game on December 29.

2017-11-09 21:45:51

Good question, Phil—I was wondering when someone was going to ask. We haven't made a definite decision about whether or not to do pre-orders, though we're actually leaning toward "no" at the moment. If there's enough public clamor for pre-orders, that might change our minds—but we don't really see there being enough benefit to justify the additional work it will involve, however minimal that work may be.

2017-11-09 22:02:02

Orko, I am not surprised. big_smile You prooved you're hating everything including Steam and couple other things and I am hapy there are only few people like you. smile
Instead of supporting ambitious projects and great developers you decided to jump only to criticise everything without any logic.

It's so fantastic the release date was set! congratulations guys! smile

Add me on Steam
Discord: lirintheblindguy
BattleTAG: Lirin#21759

2017-11-09 22:10:36

I actually lean toward no preorders myself. That way if for any reason you can't meet the projected date exactly you don't have a bunch of disappointed customers. Obviously hoping for the best.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2017-11-09 22:13:37

Yey! Waiting to 29th! this is a really good news

2017-11-09 22:26:25

BryanP, something tells me that if for some reason we were unable to release on the 29th, we'd have a bunch of disappointed customers whether we do preorders or not...

2017-11-09 22:56:25

That's certainly true. But I've noticed over the years that it's generally worse when preorders are involved.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2017-11-09 23:26:21

I just watched some gameplay clips on your website and now i want to play on my own.
Release day is always a sweaty day - fingers crossed smile

2017-11-09 23:33:30

We're probably going to have to replace those clips with actual gameplay footage once we release, as the game has undergone some serious sonic facelifting since then—so, suffice to say, if people think those sounded good, I think they'll be pleased with the finished product...

2017-11-09 23:48:34

Just out of curiosity, would it be at all possible to make a new demo of game play for people to check out the new sounds and things as a new teaser in preparation for the release date? If not, i completely understand. Again, just a curiosity thought and a person very very excided to play the game.

2017-11-10 00:00:59

I am very very excited to release the game: I can not wait: I can not wait: I can not wait: Yes: I can not wait

2017-11-10 00:01:53 (edited by JLove 2017-11-10 00:03:42)

I am extremely pleased by this announcement.  I've been watching the Hero's Call thread and waiting.  I must admit, given the amount of time and effort that went into the development of this, I am very much surprised (pleasantly so) at the low purchase price.  I expected a number at least double to what was presented.  I'm definitely looking forward to the release. 
I must say that I have to agree with Lirin in his earlier post.  Orko, as I read various threads, I find that many of your posts tend to lean toward negativity.  Obviously, I have not read every single post you have ever written, and I suspect that you have written positive ones.  Having said that, I have to wonder if they would be difficult to find.    While I am not always in agreement on things that are posted, I do my best to be fair to both sides, and I try to state my opinions and observations articulately and without disrespect. I am baffled in this case by the fact that you are so staunchly taking exception over a difference of $5.  Really?  The developers of this game have spent an inordinate amount of time in their lives to provide something of quality.  As such, they have every right to offer whatever rewards and incentives to those persons who support, enhance, and further their goals that they so choose.  You had the same choice that everyone else did, to donate, thereby qualifying to redeem a reward for your support, or to wait, and forego said reward.  You chose to wait.  It's that simple.

2017-11-10 00:02:43

No promises—I do hope to get something of that nature done between now and then. But the impending release does mean there will be a pretty frantic work pace for all of us until the end of December, so we'll see.

2017-11-10 00:04:58

JLove—you are reaping the benefits of the fact that we hope to sell this game on the indie market at large once we incorporate graphics. Anything higher than our selling point is pretty unheard of for a normal indie game, so if we were to sell it for any more we could pretty much say goodbye to any hope of releasing a true crossover game. I guess that's a good thing for the audio-gaming community!

2017-11-10 00:15:45

Yeah considering a lot of audio games run thirty bucks or more. Granted I don't mind paying that for a good quality product but if I can get one cheaper I won't pass up the opportunity. That being said that doesn't include piracy. That's one road I absolutely refuse to take. As for a new audio demo that would be cool, but if you can't then you can't. If it has to wait till after the release then that's the way it goes.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2017-11-10 02:18:30

Just my two cents on the hate. I somehow missed seeing anything about this game until a month ago, so I missed the opportunity to get any bonus items. I think it would be cool to be able to buy them as an extra, but that's mostly because I'm wunnerfitzich and would love to know what they are. But you know what? I am totally buying this game when it comes out, because it sounds absolutely amazing. Oh boo hoo hoo, I can't get extra stuff. So what? It sounds like the game will offer plenty of playability, and replayability if I understand it correctly.

Freaking out over bonus items is, IMO, dumbness. I hope you can buy it as a gift too, because I'll also be buying it for a friend who probably hasn't even heard of it yet. But I know he'll dig it. No wait! I'll only do that if you give me a rainbow sword of unicorn summoning because I've always wanted a game with a rainbow sword of unicorn summoning, plus five, but no game has ever had one! Give me my plus five rainbow sword of unicorn summoning or else! I will throw a tantrum like a three year-old and refuse to have anything to do with anybody!

That there's called mockery, and that's about what the stance of not buying the game because somebody else got bonus thingies as a reward and you didn't deserves. I can't wait for the game to be out and like I said, I only heard about it like a month ago. But from what I've seen, as I've mentioned, you've got two definite sales from me. I hope your game does really well, in both markets. It certainly sounds like it deserves to.

"rabbid dog  aggressive  attitude" since 3035. THE SYSTEM IS TRAP!

2017-11-10 03:54:44

Super pumped about this. I'm really pleased about the price point as well. Great work guys, look forward to playing this on the 29th!

2017-11-10 04:29:12

Hey Khomus, thanks for the vote of confidence, and for sharing your perspective. I do want to reign in the aggression toward Orko though; it's possible there's some sort of breakdown in communication, and I'm still not sure that we're understanding what his objection is, so I don't want to let that get out of hand.

But you can keep saying how excited you are about the release...that, we won't complain about.

2017-11-10 05:03:15

It might generate many more sales if you took pre-orders, on December 22, and maybe gave those who ordered early a special item that they could use in the game. Maybe a plus 1 to your hit points, experience, or health.

2017-11-10 05:25:38

I've been silently following this game's thread since like last March, and I am really excited for the release date.  Congradulations on getting this far, and I can't wait to play with the finished product!

Hey, if you guys don't feel you have the time to record a demo of the game to use as a teaser, I'm sure some members of the community would just looove to do that for you!  *points at self*  no?  ah well.  I didn't think so. sad

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2017-11-10 05:26:31

Wow, can't wait till the 29th Decembre! This is just awesome! I'm definitely gonna purchase this game! big_smile

Feel free to follow me on Twitter @thecoolgamer4 and subscribe to my Youtube channel

2017-11-10 05:31:04

Lets see I have the soundtrack, gona get the game.
And if the extra packs and expantions are released to, getting all those to why not.
Even if all those are 30 bucks for all of those or whatever, can't pay to much over 50 bucks though but still.
Looking forward to play this one, just in time for new years day, no one does anything that day.

2017-11-10 05:41:37

hi ooo this is awesome news
joseph when game release
i can buy items pack or not?

2017-11-10 05:52:27

To post 50. The game will be released on the 29th of December. The Items pack isn't really beeing set as something extra buyers of the game can get, at least for now. It was only set as a reward for certain pledges of the KickStarter campaign.

2017-11-10 05:53:16


This is excellent! I can't wait to play the game on my YouTube channel. Do you have any system requirements? I'll be playing this on a MacBook Air so I initially worried about the graphics demand. Fortunately, it sounds like this game won't include graphics in the initial version. I also assume this is a standard Windows application that runs on Windows 7 and higher?

Grab my Adventure at C: stages Right here.