2017-11-06 07:38:25

Hi all.

  I've been playing RedPots for about a year now, and I originally loved it.  Apparently though, the developer is a stupid 13 year old kid who can't write code.  My friend shared a log of a conversation he was having with Sammy Tiptoe (the developer of the game) and he's apparently been playing the game and cheating.
It's unbelieveable!  First Mr. Tiptoe practically abandons the project because he has school, whatever that is, but now I discover that he's cheating?  Do you know how long it took for me to stack all of those RedPots when the majority of pots you pick up are green?
Not only that, but I was banned from the game all because I made what was apparently a racist joke.  I was really mad one day because this guy managed to find 5 red pots within about 5 minutes and I accused him of cheating and told him to go smoke some pot.  well he didn't take that well and reported me to Mr. tiptoe and I was banned because I was apparently being racist.
Who do these people think they are?  I have devoted over a year of my life to stacking red pots.  I had a really high score on the scoreboards.  I donated lots of money to the project and then I was banned because of a stupid joke?  Everyone should stop playing RedPots.  It's a stupid game.
Then stupid Tiptoe decided to add cooperative stacking.  Now players can team up to find loads of red pots and stack them and their scores are all shared.  This is just so stupid.  what was once a good game has turned into a piece of crap that noone should ever play.

Just please, stop playing RedPots.  Let's show the developer how little we care about his project and how much we want it to die.  Let's band together and stand up!  We can't allow these developers and mean players to get away with this!  Let's stand up for fun-filled gaming!

Anyway, heading out now.  There's a new game called forest that I've been dying to try.  It has Zmobies and ghuols!

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2017-11-06 09:39:26

I have to agree. Their is way to many pots. Not only that,  you find a yellow pot and think yes I've made it only to have some dick with a purple pot come up and smash his pot right in your face. Then you have another mofo with so many silver pots he can with stand your red pots and your blue pots and even your gold and brown pots. Its all just to much.  It does help that the documentation lacks  enough information for players who don't enough about pots as to which pot is the right pot for them. Should you be going for red pots.   or maybe exploring the world of pink or even grey pots.

Words Are Hard

2017-11-06 09:40:15

What is RedPots? If the game is that bad, you wouldn't have played it for one year... smile

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2017-11-06 11:46:00

He means redspot. Basically, post 3 so far is the only amusement in this topic, otherwise nothing to see here.
So originally I was doing the best I could to stay away from these topics and this game as best as I could, but it's almost unavoidable on the forum.
I would like to gently remind you there are many, many many many more games to pick from. There are more than likely also just as many undiscovered ones out there as well. Can we please move on and stop creating these topics almost daily? Pretty please?

2017-11-06 13:46:25

LOL I'm pretty sure the topic  was intended as a joke.

2017-11-06 14:39:44

wow post 3, I thought that it was a spelling error. Though I musst agree that really a first letter put at the last position is, strange.
1. Sam is 14, even 15 by now, second, that all depends on the maturity and basicly the type of the person. If a 10 year old kid is dedecated to programming and stuf, he can code really good things, while someone who has 20 years but hasn't simply got that kind of idea for programming, even the most expencive sound libraries and loads of packages wouldn't help him.
And, @1
I would suggest you right a mutch better review of redspot, typing everything right, and don't use joke words to show your point. This is just a level below personal attack, and maybe it's even considered as a personal attack by the moderators. And, as the post 5 all reddy said, there are allot more games to be found. I wouldn't suggest anything because 1. it will be off topic. 2. if someone doesn't agree with me, and if they are a very immature person, there would be ever a flamewar even with out your first post. Thanks a bunch

If life gives you communism, become a communist dictator.

2017-11-06 15:11:53

The fact a few of you aren't getting this post is sarcasm over the stupidity over most of these red spot topics are hilarious.

Silly Gohan, animals don't eat people. People eat animals.

2017-11-06 16:51:07

LOL, I have to agree.  I knew it was satirical in nature immediately.  Thanks for the comic relief this early Monday morning.

2017-11-06 16:58:28

But but but aaron... I worked so so so long to get all my golden pots! If you really were so smart you’d just create a pot manufacturing plant with a weird name and throw a pot over yourself to be untrackable, and then buy 20000 red pots and destroy our pot manufacturing plant! I mean, every good redpots would know this, so I’ll call you a noob and decimate you with my golden pots!

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2017-11-06 17:34:10

And right now there's one team who has more red pots than anyone else. And the developer is helping them get these pots. How is this fair?
Only the developers friends and beta members should know about gold pots and how to obtain them. What is this madness? Its all part of a feeling of power, I hope you understand. I'll be forced to smack you in the face with this purple pot here, and possibly break a few, again, power.

2017-11-06 17:48:51

Only White.spot found the white.pot.
No but seriously, this is all just satire. Don't take it too seriously. Take my last sentence seriously though. Other than that none of this is serious. Seriously!

If you have issues with Scramble, please contact support at the link below. I check here at least once a day, so this is the best avenue for submitting your issues and bug reports.

2017-11-06 18:06:12

Why so serious? Lol.

2017-11-06 18:29:06

Lol, I guess I should give myself a bit more time to think properly when I first wake up. How could I have guessed this was about green pots and giant magical blue pots and even larger pink pots with laser equipped horns?
Has anyone obtained the yellow pots with missile launchers yet? Or what about the gold ones? I think somewhere in post 11 describes I have to barge my way into some fortress to get them but my brain has just fried itself.

2017-11-06 18:37:34

Quit being so complicated. They are pots. Where do you find pots? The kitchen of course. Go get a pot from the kitchen, - whatever color you want even though you're probably too blind to see what color you're even grabbing, and hit yourself over the head with it for sitting in the next room and worrying about how to obtain that pot you just got in like 30 seconds. Don't barge into someone else's fortress and steal their golden pot, you color blinded home invading thief. Buy your own for goodness sakes!

If you have issues with Scramble, please contact support at the link below. I check here at least once a day, so this is the best avenue for submitting your issues and bug reports.

2017-11-06 18:51:04

Rofl, thanks to you, I think I need hip corrective surgery. Rofl the people around me thought I was nuts when your message sent me into a serious fit of laughter haha.

2017-11-06 18:58:33

nah, golden pots suck. We need colorless pots witch make you sticked to my sticky laser for 10000000000 hours! it can be only found in my own pot making factory hahahahahahahahahahaha!
And, btw if Sam Tupy doesn't add any pots to the game he will be dooooooooooooooooommed with my sticky laser! hahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Lol haven't never laphed that mutch in my intire life even when a guy gave me 9mm ammo when I run on 5.56mm  ammo. hahahahahahahaha I even now laph when I think about that situation!

If life gives you communism, become a communist dictator.

2017-11-06 19:00:49 (edited by cartertemm 2017-11-06 19:02:36)

that reminds me. Can anyone provide instructions on obtaining the famous pot of gold? No, quite literally. Or maybe that's just a pot of pot
17: I think you mean Tiptoe?

2017-11-06 19:42:23

Hi friends.

I'm no longer angry about my Redpots problems.  Remember at the end of my last post I discussed new games?  Well this fellow who goes by AProneMan just released two accessible games, I already mentioned Forest, but his even better game, cats away blew my mind.  I never knew all of the different ways in which cats could be weaponized.  If this game's developer ever developed the technology featured in the game, he could probably rule the world.
    Anyway, I'm glad you all are still enjoying RedPots, but as for me, I've moved on.
For those of you on the forum complaining about other such games, I'd suggest you all do the same. Better yet, if you have problems with a game, complain less about it and put more work into writing something better.  Use A Prone Man as an example.  He started as just another gamer like us, but he decided to change his lifestyle and wrote amazing games like Forest, cats Away and Towering Warts.

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2017-11-06 20:27:28

@17 Yeah, you meant Sammy Tiptoe. Which, by the way, might I theorize that Sammy Tiptoe's actual title is Samurai Tiptoe, Sammy just being a nickname? Dude. That's Samurai Tiptoe. He's a friggin ninja! His name says it! Now I suggest you quit criticizing him, and quit plotting ways to steal his green and yellow and white and golden and pot filled pots, before he tiptoes upon you unnoticed and kills you with 5 quick strokes of his spastic little ninchaku of death!

If you have issues with Scramble, please contact support at the link below. I check here at least once a day, so this is the best avenue for submitting your issues and bug reports.

2017-11-06 21:30:49

Lol yep, this topic was intended as a joke, with a hidden message in it big_smile I'm sure a lot of people have got the message here big_smile.
Alireza, I simply don't agree with you. haven't seen anything so far from 13-18 years old people. Sorry to say that. All of those great titles you see out there are being handled by old enough devs.

Kind regards!

Add me on battle.net and let's have fun, region is Europe, my BattleTag is: Hajjar#21470
By reading my post, you agree to my terms and conditions :P

2017-11-06 21:34:04

Owe hell yeah? How did I forgot his name I guess it only reminds me to mutch of that childish developer... Wait was he called Ivan or was he nameless or o m g I simply don't know what to do with soooo mutch information!
And, post 20 nah, he's never wielded a sord before Sammy is short for super angry Mario modern! And y was put there for some very unknown reasons only known to those who have absolutely no brains when it comes to abriviations and letters. hahahahaha I got to mutch amuzed! And lol did I say that he was super Mario? lol everything is turning around in my hed now, please leave me with my self and please no pots I almost got crazy because of them! big_smile big_smile big_smile big_smile

If life gives you communism, become a communist dictator.

2017-11-06 21:51:53

What about those really rare platinum pots that cost 8000 potcoins?
And the diamond pots that weren't even released? And the  players with like 800000 stack points, and 6000 shielded pots? Yeah, don't forget about those.

“Can we be casual in the work of God — casual when the house is on fire, and people are in danger of being burned?” — Duncan Campbell
“There are four things that we ought to do with the Word of God – admit it as the Word of God, commit it to our hearts and minds, submit to it, and transmit it to the world.” — William Wilberforce

2017-11-06 22:03:07

cartertemm wrote:

And right now there's one team who has more red pots than anyone else. And the developer is helping them get these pots. How is this fair?
Only the developers friends and beta members should know about gold pots and how to obtain them. What is this madness? Its all part of a feeling of power, I hope you understand. I'll be forced to smack you in the face with this purple pot here, and possibly break a few, again, power.

carter, the dev isn't helpping by his powers, he just played and grabbed   pots around the map

and today  while we were offline someone destroyed our pots storage and we lost all of pots

i had a green   a gold a  black   blue and... a lot of rare pots   why did they  break my pots whyyyyy

2017-11-06 22:06:40

The Dwarfer wrote:

@17 Yeah, you meant Sammy Tiptoe. Which, by the way, might I theorize that Sammy Tiptoe's actual title is Samurai Tiptoe, Sammy just being a nickname? Dude. That's Samurai Tiptoe. He's a friggin ninja! His name says it! Now I suggest you quit criticizing him, and quit plotting ways to steal his green and yellow and white and golden and pot filled pots, before he tiptoes upon you unnoticed and kills you with 5 quick strokes of his spastic little ninchaku of death!

oh, thaught that was samantha  hipto

2017-11-06 22:07:42

Muhammad Hajjar wrote:

Lol yep, this topic was intended as a joke, with a hidden message in it big_smile I'm sure a lot of people have got the message here big_smile.
Alireza, I simply don't agree with you. haven't seen anything so far from 13-18 years old people. Sorry to say that. All of those great titles you see out there are being handled by old enough devs.

sorry i just got the topic wrong, thaught it's another complaining topic