2017-11-05 23:03:26

I am quite impressed. All of Josephs Posts are so amazingly eloquent. Either he puts way to much time into writing them or he is really a damn good writer by Default. Hopefully it is the latter wink
Nevertheless, I am really looking Forward to Story telling and dialogues in AHC, because as far as I understand it that was mostly his Domain.

Also looking Forward to have a final release date soon. But don't mind me, I can wait. Just do your Thing and be ready with it when you are. Take just enough excitement from me as you Need to build up some constructive Motivation big_smile

2017-11-06 00:52:14

@970 yeah I'm lousy at it. And yeah I definitely get it, I'm just a bit antsy for the release, that's all.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2017-11-06 03:19:05

We all are. But it frustrates me when people in this community get so uptight over an estimate that was tentative at best. In fact it's probably that attitude even more than my general mathematical ineptitude that's held back my own coding efforts over the years.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2017-11-06 05:00:51

up tight? I know its an estimate, hence, the word estimate. I'm just stating the fact I'm ready for the game to come out and am a little impatient, I don't see why that opens the playing field for a tirade against me.

People here need to grow up and not throw personal attacks, or generalist blanket statements around.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2017-11-06 12:11:14

Well we are discussing it in text, so sometimes what people say can come across as uptight whether they mean it to or not. I'm also impatient for the game to come out, especially now that the soundtrack is available and I have my own copy. I've been waiting impatiently for just this sort of game to hit our market for about fourteen years. With luck we'll have a release date soon, which will paradoxically make the wait both harder and easier if you get my drift LOL. You can be sure that when the game does come out Homer Simpson will probably be able to hear my impersonation of his excited woo-hoo! LOL.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2017-11-06 14:35:15

I'm also excited too, I feel like a mixture of Bryan and Ironcross, but I am also very happy to wait because I really do feel like this game is going to be polished to be the ebst that it can be, so I'm basically thinking, ok, we're five months past the estimate, but it's only an estimate, and I will be happy to wait even until 2018 if necessary.

2017-11-06 16:56:26

Yeah. If he'd come on here and said the game would be out by June no questions asked and we were still waiting five months later, then I would be more upset. Too many devs have done just that in the past, and while I'm certain that some of them may have thought they would be able to meet that self-imposed deadline it hasn't helped the community's trust when it comes to new folks. I personally am expecting a 2018 release which in any case isn't necessarily all that far off, but we'll see. And 2018 would actually be more convenient for me since I'll be done paying off my extra expenses and will be able to shell out a little more for interesting new games and perhaps even help fund Kickstarter projects for others. I just wish I had something even close to Steven's talent for composition. I may not be able to program worth beans but if I could compose I could still contribute in a meaningful way.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2017-11-06 19:02:00

I wouldn't say I'm upset, just antsy. Yeah I mean if its gotta be 2018 please please early early early 2018 lol. Here's one thing though, as a player of mainstream games, devs think they can button up evreything, get to every possible contingency, then have a smooth launch, well it like, hardly ever works out that way, plenty of games have bad launches where many patches have to come out before its playable, now, true enough, a lot of those are multiplayer games, but yeah. You can also try to have a wide variety of hardware on your beta team, but that also doesn't guarantee that some weird configuration won't happen when the game hits the market and someone with an XP machine thinks they can play modern games. It's not such a bad thing with consoles, but it still is a thing.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2017-11-06 21:04:55

Well we all know what happens if we are to eager to get off the ground.
Remember the james north saga.
For all that are new here, setting a release date waaaaay before you are able to release and being to confident about it spells trouble.
Life is a hard master, and so is time and well, stuff happens.
But you have a date to do.
Suddenly you are going over that date never mind you aunt died or you had to go to hospital for a couple years and suddenly you are overdue like a tax return or a library book overdue and getting flamed or fined for it as the case may be.
Eventually you loose what reputation you have or cash taking the other thing and suddenly you are nothing.
Its happened a bit to often where stuff was going to go out and well never happened on time.
Look at breakerbox, good games, but all those preorders some I did, stuff not on time now breakerbox seems off the net completely.
I think keeping tight about a release till there is actually one or you know there is one is a good idea.
I had the same issue with some music and such and some other computer stuff I was ordering.
The stuff said in a week, then it was 2 then 3 then 4 and eventually after a couple months I asked the seller, and they said there were issues getting it.
6 months later I asked again and they admitted things just didn't pan out for that particular product or supply and I got my cash back.
Sadly in most of the blindy preorders of games and such your cash is pritty much gone.
So lesson is if you are going to have something, make sure you have something out and make sure it is.
As for this game well it aint out yet, but we have a soundtrack at least and a few videos.
Even if the game takes a bit longer now at least we have the music for it.

2017-11-07 03:30:20

True Ironcross. I'm a fan of the Lufia series of RPG's which in Japan was called Estpolis. Well the first two games were released for the Super Nintendo. Five years after the second a third game was announced for the Game Boy Color. In mid development the story idea was scrapped in favor of a completely new one. That game suffered countless setbacks and was delayed by more than a year from its original projection. So it definitely happens even for Tripple-A developers. And even with all those delays the game, while fun, was still full of typos and bugs.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2017-11-09 00:13:31

You wrote, "We just want to be sure all our ducks are in a row."
Ah a hint to what is in the game. So what are these rows of ducks going to do?
Will the ducks attack you?
Or fly over your head and poop on you?
I hope you include a duck roasting spell just for them.

2017-11-09 00:24:13

LOL or maybe it'll suddenly turn into a Duck Hunt minigame.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2017-11-09 00:40:32

the final boss is just the nes duck hunt. Absolutely no bearing on the rest of the story tongue

2017-11-09 01:21:21

LOL. Or maybe it'll be that damn dog. I always wished you could shoot it. You actually could in the Arcade port.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2017-11-09 04:07:19

Your base starting party member will be the dog. It only has one spell: Laugh. And it provokes your enemy into attacking rashly.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup

2017-11-09 05:19:36

hey joseph, I just shot you an email to your out of sight games address, concerning the voice acting. check it out when you get a chance thanks

can i get a peace double harmony burger? no chaos

2017-11-09 12:23:58

LOL, and the first weapon you'll find will be a pair of those clay pidgeons from the skeet shooting game, complete with sound effects. Or maybe it'll be the light gun.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2017-11-09 14:45:48

hahahahaha, this has provided me with a fun laugh! I think this Duck Hunt thing would fit more in the bk3/whatever series of games as some sort of random minigame, although it would be utterly hilarious if this was put into AHC as some sort of secret, only problem with that is... more programming! Aah well, at least we can dream and have a fun laugh about the idea, even though it'll probably never happen. It's safe to say that phil's back again with the parodies, and we're here talking about it, always a good thing. I always liked your parodies and jokes.

2017-11-09 15:18:56

sow i m ready play this wonderful game
i m buy new head phones
Logitech g430 surround sound gaming headset
i can't wait when game release
and i can try hihihi

2017-11-09 15:59:03 (edited by Sightless Kombat 2017-11-09 16:54:27)

See the actual thread discussing the following announcement
This just appeared on the Kickstarter page as an update, text of the update is pasted below:
update #15: It's time.
In the summer of 2013, two blind game developers came together around a shared dream: to create a game that could be played without sight, but recaptured some of the sense of wonder and discovery they had enjoyed in mainstream titles. Before long, they had started work on a project. The road would be long, but they were confident they could deliver—all they needed was time…
Over the next years, the duo grew into a small team, taking on the name Out of Sight Games. The team had the skills and means to make the quality of game that the founding pair never could have dreamed of making on their own. They were going to do something special for the community of gamers blind and sighted alike—all they needed was time…
This past January, that community rallied around a Kickstarter project in awe-inspiring fashion. Suddenly, Out of Sight Games had the means to expand and develop this passion project more than they’d dared to hope. They finally had all the tools—all they needed was time…
On December 29, 2017, that time will have come.
We’re incredibly excited to announce the official release date for A Hero’s Call. On December 29, anyone who didn’t earn a free copy of the game by supporting our campaign will be able to purchase it directly from OutOfSightGames.com for $19.99 USD.
You can expect more details about release in the coming weeks—but in the meantime, here are a few things to note:
 - This release will be completely non-visual, meaning it will not support graphics of any kind, and will be completely playable through sound. We’re still working towards a full graphics update in the future, but we wanted to ensure that the game’s original target audience got to play the game as soon as possible. Blind gamers get left out often enough in the gaming world—it only seemed fair that, for once, they should be the priority. If you’re interested in playing with graphics when available, but don’t want to wait to purchase, don’t worry—the addition of graphics will not be a separate release; it will be a free update to the game you can purchase starting December 29.
 - The release will only be available for PC, and only for sale at OutOfSightGames.com. While we do hope to release the game through other marketplaces in the future, and are continuing to look into the possibility of publishing for other platforms, none of these hopes are going to become a reality in time for our December 29 release.
 - Not all incentives will be available on release. For those of you who have earned tactile cover art by donating at Level 3 or higher, or the lucky few who scored the collector’s edition, we have to beg your patience a while longer. This is because we want the collector’s edition disc to include the full-graphics version of the game, and will not be ordering our cover art prints until we are getting the physical media as well. All free digital copies will be honored, however, including for those who will be receiving collector’s editions. The bonus item pack will also be available on release for all who donated at the appropriate level.
This has been a moment a long time coming—far longer than our estimate in January, and nearly 4 1/2 years in total. We couldn’t have done it without you, and thanks to your support, this is just the beginning. As for what’s next…time will tell.
~ The Out of Sight Games Team

Sightless Kombat.
***If you wish to refer to me in @replies, use Sightless***

2017-11-09 16:09:07

My day just went from zero to hero, pardon the pun, in seconds. Thank you so much, Joseph and everyone around this game. I literally cannot wait to play! (That might be a bit of an exaggeration, but still.) Birthday, Christmas, and AHC? December will be great!

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup

2017-11-09 17:48:25

Only a little over a month away. I may have to wait a little to purchase it but it's good to know we're coming down to it.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2017-11-10 09:15:37

Wow... I'm so excited. The price is extremely cheep for such game. It's hard to be patient... big_smile

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2017-12-30 16:18:59

hello everyone, I've just purchased a coppy of a hero's call last night, and still haven't gotten the email that's supposed to come with my new account and download link. What's going on?

2017-12-30 18:26:57

Go here.
This will resend the e-mail if you didn't get it when you bought the game.
Also, please remember the password you set on blindgamers.com.
You'll need it to activate your game.