2017-10-30 12:58:16

In my post I have not written anything similar to what you said, big gun. All what I said is a small opinion, that it was the point I stopped on

2017-10-30 13:00:19

I think this game has a theory similar to Sam Tupi's TROS so I think will be amazing!

73 Wj3u

2017-10-30 23:51:58

this thing is addictive. I do think the extreme mode is a little too extreme though, the domino never stops until I turn it off. And rofl the roflcopter. I don't think this thing should have saving, because where's the fun in that. I think it should have a pitch difference for behind, and I'm confused about some of the sounds being played while dominos are going on. Overall, great game! Keep it up! When I get some time to myself without homework I'll put together some objects like computers, vehicles, and bombs!

An anomaly in the matrix. An error in existence. A being who cannot get inside the goddamn box! A.K.A. Me.

2017-10-31 01:33:12

Oh, terminating the game and just restarting it make's me go from scratch again.
If can you implement auto save?
to get all to the previous level and don't get flipping and flipping to get those 2 cheats.

73 Wj3u

2017-10-31 04:45:10


This game is awesome!

If I had the knowledge to program and the patience to sit down and learn how to make a game, (I don't,) this is the kind of game I'd code.

I can think of Two things/ modes that I think might improve this game.

1. bouncy ball mode.

You have afew/ a lot of different places to be in and challenges to complete. Throw the ball and make it hit as many wind chimes as you can, power up your ball with diffirent abilitys. spinning, ,fire, ring of sharp metal around the ball that would kut things  even smaller and in doing so give you more debris.

2. from on high. you're flying somehow and able to throw/drop things that destroy everything. Perhaps you could have small robots that have different functions. One might pick up things for you, while another will just break everything.

I'm gone for real :)

2017-10-31 07:48:13

A hard suggestion that I have already told my bro Omar about. It is just hard but I hope it is doable. And it is, when you kill an object, the object will have a beep on its tile where it fell, you must run to it before it disappears and pick it with space bar. Then the object surrendered for you so you have the object like a soldier, you can press L key to view a list of the caught objects/soldiers and press enter on one of them to fight with you, so as to say, that object can hit other objects.

2017-10-31 10:06:10

Here comes a funny thing. Pretending that someone was playing Rockabye, the good song on piano and another person tried to collaborate with drums, then you come and flip the piano and break it into pieces. Once the page loads up, press down arrow until you here rockabye.rar and press enter. The download will begin. https://fv20.failiem.lv/down.php?i=5xss … 6jp3qm46a2

2017-10-31 10:46:26

just got an idea. Someone all reddy suggest to have a AI like thing. Well, I think that there should be a mode where there is a AI who's gol is practicly the same. Flip all other objects and try to beet you in that, but, he will try to flip you, to. I thought of that to stop those AFK superheroes to just put on the e key cheet, then go somewhere, and when they return they have over 1000 level. And, hell yeah you should be able to have your own helpers! I love that.and coco, well, I thought that I may start a scoreboard for this game so. big_smile

If life gives you communism, become a communist dictator.

2017-11-01 00:08:09

I have created a repo on a server I have been provided to host objects for this game! Each object is in it's own zip file, and a folder containing the object will be inside it. The current objects are videogame, a nice mario thing, and bomb, an explosive that for some reason doesn't send out loads of debris but is still fun to hear in a chain. If you want your own objects in this repo, email me and attach the zip file. Make the subject ttf object and then your name, or names separated by commas if you send me multiple files. Must be all in individual zips. Enjoy! Link is right here!
click here for object repo!

An anomaly in the matrix. An error in existence. A being who cannot get inside the goddamn box! A.K.A. Me.

2017-11-01 13:05:56

Oh my patria, I'm still adicted to the game. keep it up man!

73 Wj3u

2017-11-01 13:29:34

I've been playing this game, and I have one idea. Certain objects, chosen randomly at time of creation, have powerups inside them. If you flip such an object enough to destroy it, it breaks into a bazillion pieces and you automatically get the powerup that was inside it. If such an object is smashed to bits as part of a chain reaction, the powerup lands on the ground, and you have only a short amount of time to collect it before it evaporates/crumbles to dust/etc. This time limit gets shorter the higher your level is. Powerups on the ground make a specific sound. Possible powerups:

Temporary walking/flipping speed increase, temporary power increase, temporary throwing range increase, experience, points, level up, you name it.

2017-11-01 15:29:28

Wow, I'm glad to see you guys are enjoying this thing!
AT the current moment, I'm making (slow) progress on the game. Right now all I have added are missiles and some adjustments to excitement mode.
@36. Wow, why did I not think of that! This will fit perfectly with how you obtain missiles!
I'm glad to see there are people coming up with objects for this silly thing. Rofl, the video game one is particularly amusing.
@post33. I really want to add this, however I can't really think of any good sounds for you, the player, being flipped, hahaha!
@post 30: Thanks to jBird, robots will now have something to pick up for you. I will of course make them have other purposes as well, like destroy things.
@post 28: Can you explain what you mean by sounds playing while dominoes are happening? The only sounds I can think of are the mass destruction booster sounds.
Keep the suggestions coming!

2017-11-01 16:08:45

I think a mode that would fit for the game is this: A mode where you are fully powered up and given five minutes to destroy as much as you can for a score. I think that this game could go from a silly game to a silly arcade style game.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup

2017-11-01 16:10:12

We need game stats like damage per second, to see who can do the most damage per second, since you can go up to infinite points theoretically. But what a fun game!

I like to sleep, Sleep is good,
This is how I do it: Lie on a nice warm cozy bed, and dream dreams about how to rule the world!
Follow @TheGreatAthlon5 on twitter for humorous facts and game updates!
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2017-11-02 00:48:00

Hey guys,
New update. This one is big, and I hope you guys like it.
This update adds 5 minute rush mode, missiles, a store, items for the new mode, and of course the original mode is still preserved.
You can get it from the same link as always. If you don't want to go through all the trouble of finding it, it's here
Let me know what you think, and of course, any bugs, suggestions, comments, slender and I are listening.
Final note before I sign off for now, I'll be adding more of the suggestions you guys suggested here, however I was really excited working on this update, I couldn't hold back any longer. Lol!

2017-11-02 03:38:21

Just out of curiosity, even though this is just a simple destructive game, how would you feel about adding an update system to it? That way we don't have to keep downloading it each time a new release is made. Just a thought.

2017-11-02 05:38:01

It's not worth an auto updater, it would be laggy and it is not hard to come to the forum or check phantomcrafting.com to download it. But really good work guys, especially Omar but not to differentiate, he seems to be coding a lot already, keep up the work both

2017-11-02 06:03:13

I would really like to see a variable spawn frequency added, to make the more powerful items spawn less.
You could do it 1 of 2 ways:
1. Add a value to the parser and just let the player change it like normal via the object info. Gives more control to the player, but could also cause imbalance.
2. Make a hard coded spawn frequency value which gets less frequent the more debris pieces an object has. Adds more balance, but takes away some control.
On one hand, who cares, if you don't like an item you can always change it, on the other hand, I'd guess that at least half of the people downloading additional objects won't want to mess around with values anyway.
If you want to hard code it though, then you should probably also do the same for number of flips; that way people can't just make something that takes 1 flip and has 9 debris pieces.
But again it's not like you can't play the game without just the basic objects so...

2017-11-02 09:14:16

hey, I do love this rush mode. and owe yeah the windows mode... rooooooooooooooooooofl I have died of laphing. So, when is this windows mode going to be available? Maybe a rood question but cureous.

If life gives you communism, become a communist dictator.

2017-11-02 10:12:07

After I pass level 40, how do I get to the store?
Thanks, great game! lol

"I've learned that this life's not just a game, just a line, between the pleasures and the pain." - Aaron Lewis

2017-11-02 10:22:29

To get to the store, press left alt+s. I would have made the right alt register but it's not exactly something I envisioned most players pressing.
i'm really glad you guys like the update! Btw, this was released, one day before my upgrade day. AKA my birthday. I might see if I can get in some work to this thing today.

2017-11-02 12:06:03

I don't know, but it seems that I can hardly hit my own object. I don't know is my coordination crappy or what but how ever I am neer the object it doesn't do anything, then I have to move some space goodness knows where to actually hitting it. I think that increasing the size in properties helped but I am not shure. any tips?

If life gives you communism, become a communist dictator.

2017-11-02 13:46:48

Hey guys,
So I know I said I was going to take a rest from developing the game for a bit, though there was  a bug I just had to fix, as it was kind of annoying.
You can now play rush attack normally I hope, without being runtimed out. Grab the game from the same link as always.

2017-11-02 14:31:50

hi, a Suggestion: maybe an object downloader as ingame Option? So, we could download the object from within the game directly without having to go to a Website.

2017-11-02 15:22:54

Exelent idea, niclas. Exelent idea! I'm just clapping no matter what I'm dooing...
But this game is so adicting.

73 Wj3u