2017-10-15 07:45:50 (edited by keyIsFull 2017-10-15 09:05:43)

It is with regret that I am discontinuing work on the empiremud soundpack. This is because of a conversation I had with the lead administrator Khufu about declaring war against other empires, which is legal to do within the game. He actively stopped the war that I had legitimately declared and forced me off my land, and told me that I was not allowed to declare war with a certain empire, Knashteran, because its members were "afraid to log in".

The background: Declaring war on an empire can only work when at least one of its members is online. When you declare war, you can reclaim open tiles that belong to that empire and destroy its buildings until one of the empires has no online members, and for an hour after that. When i was looking for a place to start up my empire, I did not realize that my desired location was very close to some extended roads from Knashteran, and my city ended up being built with its roads going through it. I tried to negotiate with Knashteran to remove the roads for a sizeable payment, but they said no, and told me that they would retain the roads if those roads would persuade me to pick up and leave. That clued me in that they were only keeping the roads to antagonize me, as they could have easily shifted location slightly, retained all their empire inventory, and stayed out of our way. So I declared war against them to take those roads back. After I told Knashteran that I would declare war on them if they logged on, they complained to the admins about it.

Khufu also told me that I could move, and even showed me to a large plot of land that would suit just well, but the mud is about power, and we were obviously the more poewrful empire. If knashteran were afraid of us they could have either done what we wanted, or moved. That is the way that PK muds like this work. Look at lords and knights. There is no one on there complaining that players rae too powerful and are bullying them off their land and destroying their stuff. They fight back or they retreat. On empire it should be the same.

Here is a log of a conversation I had with the game administrator, Khufu, about this:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/j9eu2idmqspjp … n.txt?dl=1

After building my empire for a month, working many hours per day, preparing to war, and then being stopped because some weak-minded players complained to the admins, I am saying that the fun has come to an end. My empire mates and I deleted their characters from the game. We will not  be making new ones, because it is obviously a stance that Khufu takes very seriously and will not change no matter how many good reasons we give. I will continue to have a link to the Empire Mud soundpack but it won't be updated anymore.

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2017-10-15 20:57:22

ouch, that's ridiculous, I'll no longer be playing if that's how things are going to be.

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2017-10-15 23:06:48

Scratch this one off my radar; I just recently heard about it, too.  Shame shame.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2017-10-16 00:02:41

Hmm. I wonder if he doesn't have experience with running a game with PVP or something. It seems perfectly reasonable to go to war over land. In agame like that, it should be expected. Curious about their side of the story too.

2017-10-16 00:11:30

This is so ridiculous.
In a game where you're building an empire, wars should be expected. How do you think empires acquired territory throughout human history?
Their own website even says, right here:

• Forge alliances with other players, or go to war.

Quite misleading, if there is going to be such blatant favoritism from the admin.
I wonder if it would have ended differently had the targeted empire not been led by someone who also held a builder character...

2017-10-16 00:33:26

I wonder if it would have ended differently if the other empire's leader hadn't been such a cry baby.

It is non sense just like this that's the reason I prefer single player games.

2017-10-16 01:10:37

It's shame,
maybe he's not experienced?
he should know,  this mud  won't fun without empire wars

2017-10-16 01:12:14

If you look at the log of this conversation, it doesn't in any way back up what the OP said. The admin simply asked OP to not bully people, and it seems (and was admitted by OP himself) that there was a past of bullying...

2017-10-16 02:23:45

I'm probably going to get minimal backlash for what I'm about to say, but I'll say it anyways. I believe there are a lot of games that have admins like this, (especially in Muds), because they're so power hungry that they look for any excuse in the book to abuse said powers whenever they feel it's necessary. When I was 12 years old, I used to play a Mud called Valhalla, based on some medieval viking story or something to that extent. Because I was a child, I got on a lot of player's nerves. An admin found out about it and told me that I wasn't old enough to play the game, even though it clearly stated in the newbie section that this was a family oriented game and children would be playing it. I ended up getting banned mainly on that argument. This is just 1 of many examples that are probably out there for admins completely abusing their powers and bending rules to their liking because they feel like it. If an admin is like that, just stop playing, that's what I did.

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).

2017-10-16 02:43:58

I completely agree with your points. Especially the statement about admins becoming power hungry. While it does have a tendency to occur in muds, other types of games aren't immune to this either. We've seen our fair share of this situation happening within audio games as well. This situation can drain all of the entertainment out of the game. No one wants to have to fight and argue to use features included in the game the way they should be used. People just want to play the game. I think this happens as a result of someone not being ready to handle the responsibility of adminship. The less experience someone has as an admin, the more likely they are to act this way. Honestly, I think the OP made the right decision to stop playing the game. Even though this conflict only took place with one admin, there’s no telling what they could have passed on to other admins of the game.  Even if the admin meant well and honestly thought they were doing the right thing, then they weren't very familiar with the game and how it works.

Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company. - Mark Twain

2017-10-16 02:52:23

sorressean wrote:

If you look at the log of this conversation, it doesn't in any way back up what the OP said. The admin simply asked OP to not bully people, and it seems (and was admitted by OP himself) that there was a past of bullying...

That's why I'm curious about their side of the story. There's PVP, and there's bullying. PVP is always hard to balance because you'll always have players who bully and ruin things for everyone. In a game like EmpireMUD, it's even harder to balance if you're supposed to war over territory when negotiation fails.

2017-10-16 02:54:42

ah. another "admin upset me so I'm gonna sulk" thread? or did I miss something.

Who's that trip trapping over My bridge? Come find out.

2017-10-16 04:32:06

@Post12 Easy now, this topic doesn't seem to be out of bounds. As far as I can tell only 2 people disagree with the post so far, and they're not screaming at the topic creator. If the dog isn't biting, don't fight it.

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).

2017-10-16 05:34:55

Here's the issue I have with this log. It looks to have been heavily edited... There are certain gaps in the conversation that feel weird to me, the dev asks him to stop the conversation on channels, for example and that's left in there but you don't know any of what he said on channels. You see some random lines that just don't make sense.

The OP admits that he had at some point bullied the people of that empire and caused them issues, and a dev stepping in to prevent harassment is not a problem. I've been playing for a while and I find the admins and the main dev himself helpful and have yet to see anything of this power hunger that the OP wants us to see. Basically this stinks of someone throwing a fit because they were asked to do something, the dev says he wants to flesh out the war stuff and makes a request until that is done, and that is somehow a problem. It's also worth note that this game is beta and in pretty constant development; you can follow all kinds of topics on the dev channel. This dev, as far as I can tell is engaged with his game base (having discussions with players on how things should work), for example.

2017-10-16 05:58:59

@Post14 We'll have to agree to disagree I suppose. This game looks like an empire game, and the admin is trying to stop war. He maybe an admin, but as long as this game is called empire mud, he is under no authority to do that and needs to back off a bit.

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).

2017-10-16 06:08:25

How exactly do you know he's under no authority? Have you read the rules, and the logs, or did you just agree with the OP and move along?

2017-10-16 06:27:37

@keyIsFull,sorry to say,but gotta agree with sorressean here.
Whilst pvp is the main thiem of such games,and dominenance over those that are less stronger than you are is most aim at, the admin has the right stance imo which is most likely to make me want to play,rather than yours.
There is pvp,and then there is bullying/harressment, which you were clearly upto,and the admin was well within his rights to stop you from doing so.
Yes, people including you would not feel so bad if a mechanic was in place that would stop players like you or others from bullying,but such as the admin stated does not exist yet,and in such a case its quite natural that the admin takes care of it.

And lol thank you for the soundpack man,but seriously? threatening the admin that he should fold or follow your way else lose players is a good move, not.

Just to make it clear, I dont play the game,but probably will,dont know the admin or anything. just read the log you posted,and writing out my thoughts as I see things,as it were.
perhaps after the OP has a chance to cool down he may see things differently.
Either way,Thanks for the sp,mate.

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2017-10-16 07:24:31 (edited by keyIsFull 2017-10-16 07:37:41)

@sorressean, the log contains the tell conversation between mea and Khufu. I did not remove any tells from it, but that is all it is. You also say I "bullied the people of that other empire". If you consider what I did to be bullying, you shouldn't be playing a mud called Empire Mud.
@griffindor, if you read the log carefully I did not threaten Khufu. I simply told him that by losing me, he would lose a lot of potential players, and if you read this topic, you will see that that's the truth.
Also, to everyone, I am not concerned that the dev is power-hungry. I do consider him to be quite reasonable in most cases, and we have had a lot of good conversations about the game. But he developed a game where the mechanics allowed us to do something. Then he forced us to not do it. He could have not enabled that mechanic until it had been thoroughly fleshed out on a test server. Instead, he turned it on when he admitted that it needed work, and then decided to stop me from using it in the way it was coded.
As I said in the topic title, the dev is "misguided" in his sense of fair play and niceness. Empires are, inherently, not nice. Empires are about taking land and assimilating it into the empire. Without the ability to take other people's land, the mud is not really Empire Mud anymore, it's more like City Building Mud. If the mud were marketed as "City building Mud" from the start, with involuntary PVP disabled, I would have had no issue. But it was not. I was playing the game in the way that it was coded, and I was punished for it in order to appease a few players who had already played through the vast majority of the game's content. and it doesn't make sense.

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2017-10-16 07:44:19

Looking at this post, I don't see that he lost players apart from you and your friends. Interestingly enough, he got 4 new players last night, so it seems to have balanced things out. I see a lot of sycophants, who are unwilling or unable to read the log fully and who just say I'll never play there, who don't already play there. Whatever helps you sleep better I suppose.

2017-10-16 08:02:00 (edited by Victorious 2017-10-16 08:06:05)

I would agree this is bullying if he was warring against some helpless newbie, but Knashteran is the second most powerful empire.

Since this game is called Empire Mud, it would be foolish not to expect war and territorial disputes. I wouldn't want to play if admins actively interfered in legitimate and fairly routine disagreements like this.

2017-10-16 08:37:19

Yeah, it'd be like playing a game called Mortal Kombat and expecting not to die.  The general idea here is that empires, by virtue of what they are, can be exceptionally tyranical; look through history to find what we are saying is true.  You can argue that there are nice kingdoms and dynasties, but if you're going to make a game, do at least tell the players what your aim in the game actualy is rather than expecting them to simply know, then throwing the book at them because they don't. Yes, as a game owner I suppose you have the right to do that, but that doesn't make it inherently and ethically right, particularly if it appears on the surface you're favoring another group of people, one of them being a team member who's helping you build the thing.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2017-10-16 08:45:04

I agree. What a shame, I was going to return to the game, but I guess that's no longer the case.
Tell the romans they were bullies, tell the mongolians that they were bullies. Tell any empire that they were bullies, because in order to be an empire, you have to be a bully. You have to lie, and to manipulate, and to conqour and enslave.
The worst case of bullying Key_is_full did was to force Nashtaron into negotiations even if they didn't want to. And I'm sure Nashtaron have done similar things over the years, else how would they have gotten so powerful?

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2017-10-16 15:50:24

In case anybody didn't know, the sizeable payment that was mentioned in post 1 was to be made in AlterAeon gold. Sure empires conquered territory by force if necessary, but trying to buy off somebody with currency that literally has no impact on the game whatsoever is rather underhanded. If you are going to offer payment, at least do it to where it matters in game. Pay them in imperium or necternium. Hell, there is gold and silver to use or trophies from adventure zones.

2017-10-16 16:24:47


If they can't handle high end pvp then  they should stop advertizing their game as one.
I think they just wanted to get rid of KeyIsFull. He probably was hurting their poor playerbase lol

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2017-10-16 18:02:29

I don't have any experience as a game admin, but simple common sense tells me that the admins roll should involve maintenance and removing cheaters and hackers and other problem players, his role should definitely not include interfering with game play that the game's code allows.

If the admin doesn't like a certain aspect of the game, like declaring war, and he has the ability, he should then change the game's code to eliminate what he doesn't like, after he announces his intention.