2017-09-09 09:59:44 (edited by Riad 2017-09-09 10:39:11)

Hey all!
So yesterday I've decided to make my digital voice, too. I've read the first 30 sentences so far, and the result was so shocking for me, I couldn't imagine someone will be able to imitate my voice with all of its intonations, though it sounded a bit younger than what I normally sound. And while I recorded the whole with a British accent, the system keeps searching for American English sounds and tries to put them instead whenever it finds them, that's what happens with the word water, it keeps putting an "R" at the end that lets me sound like I'm speaking Indian English, though I recorded the same word twice or thrice with a British accent in the script. Here's a link so that you can hear what my TTS voice sounds like in its current state:

2017-09-09 16:34:08

Is there any way that I can make this with iOS? I don't have an extternal microphone and the iPhone microphone sounds better than the laptop microphone.

I post sounds I record to freesound. Click here to visit my freesound page
I usually post game recordings to anyaudio. Click here to visit my anyaudio page

2017-09-09 17:03:42

You need something that supports Web RTC, like you do when using Alexa Sim. You'll most likely have to allow the app to use your microphone.

Ulysses, KJ7ERC

2017-09-09 19:32:34

Or, try to contact developers. Maybe It can helps You.

Ja volim samo kafu sa Rakijom.

2017-09-10 04:34:08

OK, I made a new voice with my new logitech G930. The difference here is that this is a headset mic, with pretty much no bass at all, but good clarity, and unlike the internal laptop mic, it doesn't cut off hard consonants. It actually does pretty good with diction and stuff, and it was created with 100 sentences recorded by me. I'd like to add more, and probably will tomorrow. Here are several samples.

sample 1, sample 2, sample 3], sample 4.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2017-09-10 10:22:08

This is very good voice I think.

Ja volim samo kafu sa Rakijom.

2017-09-10 19:30:11

Don't know if I will create a voice, but I don't know if in the future they support other languages, like spanish.

73 Wj3u

2017-09-10 21:49:02

They might, but let them first work on more variations of English because the website always keeps "americanizing" my accent though I recorded with a British one, but hopefully this started not to be the case anymore as I'm recording more and more sentences (60 sentences until now) and the digital voice even sounds much more similar to my real one. Something I even was impressed about is that it captures my speech rate and tries to simulate it completely, hell even my punctuation! I sometimes do not stop completely on commas, and in the first 30 sentences it might have not detected that while now it acts really like I do. The other day I found that one recorded himself singing the needed sentences then made a TTS voice of that and it sounded so funny how the software was dealing with that. Someone may also consider recording an already made TTS voice and seeing how it will resynthesize it, don't know if I will be doing that but I'm currently working on improving my own.

2017-09-10 22:40:15

I kind of want to hear what the voice sounds like, I'd be interested to see what happens to singing when it's synthesized.

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).

2017-09-11 07:55:14

luiscarlosgm wrote:

Don't know if I will create a voice, but I don't know if in the future they support other languages, like spanish.

I hope Luis, that yes. But, I don't know everything about voices set on Markov model, if there is such options of It. But, It'll be great idea.

Ja volim samo kafu sa Rakijom.

2017-09-13 19:29:23

Here is the voice at 295 recordings. I only got stopped at the API limit the one day and was too lazy to record 5 more recordings. It got better sort of. There is a weirdness in the voice that I can only associate with the G930 mic I used to record it, which really is good for voice chatting, but not really for this application.

I also associate some of it to my bad reading of some of the longer sentences, even though I did 4 and 5 takes of some of them.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2017-09-16 21:21:31

Hello, I heard this tool from my friend Nicușor Untilă, aka Storm Productions.

If you want to get in touch with me, e-mail me at [email protected].
We can also get in touch on Telegram.

2017-09-16 21:44:21 (edited by Riad 2017-09-16 21:46:26)

Hey again. I would like to share another sample of my voice with you, now with 90 sentences. I think the engine now has started to understand that I'm speaking with a British accent, making it ignore the phonemes it used to add so that it tries making my accent American, hopefully I might be able to completely convince it, once I reach enough recordings, to stop searching for or synthesizing American phonemes and only use the ones I provide in my recordings. You can see a noticeable improvement in the voice's quality: people who have heard my real voice can easily notify my accent and articulations.

2017-10-07 22:44:25

This is the most ridiculous thing one can ever make or think off. I won't tell you what that is, just listen to the TTS generated message:

2017-10-08 06:25:23

Hi everyone
Can I use the builtin microphone on the Mac with the site? I wanna try my accent to see what it sounds like.

2017-10-08 09:39:06

Of course you can, but I heard you shouldn't do it using Safari for this case. Quote from post 17: "Try using chrome. I know safari doesn't play nice with scripted sites of this kind. For one, it never worked with facebook audio calls."

2017-10-09 00:24:59

what the futurist eloquence what the techno oh my god! I'm really shock, I hope I make a DECtalkie way.

73 Wj3u

2018-07-02 20:33:55

I can't make an account on this site, can someone help me?

Awesome, you made it to the end!
Hit h to go to the next post.

2018-07-04 06:43:44

I was able to create an account on there just fine.

Ulysses, KJ7ERC

2018-07-04 08:42:51

You can even login with your existing Google/Facebook account just fine

2018-07-04 16:28:07

they should add an option to make a sapi5 voice out of your voice.

be a hero and stop Coppa now!
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Dkm … DkWZ8/edit
-id software, 1995

2018-07-05 10:17:29

damn it, Google403. That’s an error.Your client does not have permission to get URL / from this server. That’s all we know.