2017-09-06 04:58:30

hello guys. So, Im searching a good audio editor with multitrack. I like to make a audio storyes, and Im using gold wave for them. But I want know if are a good audio editors accessibles for create audio historyes with multitracks. For control the music, anbiences, dialogs, etc. I can make it with gold wave, but its all on the same track and I have to calculate it super precisely. I tested reaper and audacity but I can't make much with them. I hope someone can helpme.

Sorry for my english

2017-09-06 05:22:00

I'd recommend sound forge if the damn idiots over there at Sony hadn't sold most of their products to Magix, who have now made the product nearly completely unrecognizable. And unable to open certain file types either. So don't by it.

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
My Github

2017-09-12 06:52:49


By unrecognizable do you mean that Sound FOrge is no longer screen reader accessible?

Last version I tried was partially accessible with Jaws, but that may have been a long time ago.

2017-10-10 00:52:17

@3, pretty much. The old version (like SoundForge 10) was at least usable. Ever since Magix baught it it's been a completely different program. It's as if they took the old code and rewrote it from scratch or something.

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
My Github

2017-10-12 03:53:40

Is Cakewalk Sonar any good?

Follow me on Mastodon.

2017-10-12 13:57:44

owe, to bad that something like this has happened to sound forge, it's one of the first audio editors that I have ever used.

If life gives you communism, become a communist dictator.

2017-10-12 18:42:30

@Socheat, I don't think that cakewalk sonar is meant for audio editing. Maybe it is. I don't know -- never used it in the audio engineering field.

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
My Github

2017-10-12 19:50:54

Audacity is a perfectly competent multitrack editor, and it's free so there's no harm in trying it out.and

2017-10-12 20:13:28

In deed. Audacity would be a good editor. Unfortunately though, it's not fully accessible, as far as I know. I never figured out, how to set a marker at a specific time of a file, or how to go to a specific part of a file in general.
As far as I remember, even the help of Audacity doesn't offer a keyboard solution. Or have they changed that in the last few months?

2017-10-12 22:11:11

Noep, I don’t think that audacity or how ever it’s spelled is not the best out there. Maybe I only enjoy gold wave, or have used gold wave for a very long time, so any other editor sucks, I simply don’t like it.
@the_player, there was some kind of keyboard reference, but if you ask me, don’t try it. There are menny others, but I will leave it up to you.
And what’s this this kakewalk sonnar that you are talking about? Want to try it out.

If life gives you communism, become a communist dictator.

2017-10-13 08:03:11

The huge advantage, Audacity has over Goldwave is, its multitrack abilities. And in some cases, that's a must have. Maybe, they will add this to Goldwave some day...

2017-10-14 07:40:59

Left and right brackits are used to mark start and end selections

Pics or it didn’t happen

2017-10-14 14:13:05

Thanks. I didn't know that. Is there also a way of how to jump to a specific time?

2017-10-14 18:34:57

Audacity is good, hovever for some reason it makes crazy things on my computer. For example I select a part of a track, make sure that it is selected properly and when I hit delete, it removes full track. The rest is good, but with this kind of behavior is not possible to make serious audio processing, so I am using Goldwave now, until my demo ends.

Best regards


2017-10-14 19:05:15

To go to a specific time stamp, you should be able to go into the Selection area and edit the "Selection Start" field to whatever time stamp you want the cursor at. I think that's probably the best way to do it, though there may be another.

Rastislav Kiss: I've had that happen on occasion by accident. I think this usually happens if the track isn't stopped. Be sure that you've stopped the track with Space, and not just paused it with P, before you delete. Sometimes weird things seem to happen with the selection and it doesn't actually register the selection, so it defaults to selecting the whole track—I'm sure that's user error on my part, I just don't know what I'm doing to make it do that. If that happens I just hit control + Z (or command + Z on Mac) to undo, and do my selection again. I've also found that  control/command + K instead of delete gives me more consistent results for deleting audio, for some reason.