2017-07-29 14:09:44

What's the first thought that comes to your mind when you hear "accessible browser game"? Probably something along the lines of games that work purely in text, played by clicking links and filling out the occasional form. However, modern Web Browsers are capable of much, much more. In fact, what if I told you a "browser game" could be just as immersive as a typical audio game written in BGT or VB6? Recently, 2 new games have been released that push the boundary of how an accessible browser game could feel like.

First up is a game that has been around for a while now, Dark Defender (link to forum thread). Based on the 80's arcade classic defender, you must shoot down the alien invaders before they pick up humanoids from the planet you're flying over. If one does get captured, you may still be able to shoot the alien ship out of the sky and rescue the whoever it was carrying. The game can be played using Google Chrome on the web, or downloaded for either Windows and Mac.

And finally, we have Cyclepath from DragonApps. An endless runner style game where you can choose one of many unlock able bikes and drive in several locations avoiding cars, jumping ramps, and picking up coins to unlock more stuff. The game features binaural audio in the style of PapaSangre or a blind legend. It can be downloaded for Windows, Mac and Linux or played on-line on just about any web browser, including on iOS and Android phones.

That's it for Browser news, but it doesn't mean we're out of updates. If you'd rather play something with more text, and more strategy, perhaps the new mud-based Yu-gi-oh! game by tspivey will be up your alley, featuring over 7000 cards from the physical game. You could also take a look at this new Maze Game concept, which also features binaural audio. Perhaps you'd like to go on a great adventure. The famous Bokurano Daiboukenn 3 game's English translation project just hit a major milestone, now the entire game has been translated. So if you've been put off by the language barrier, Now's a good time to try it out!

And as always, we have some more Choice of games that you can check out if you like your games more text heavy.

Be sure to periodically check out the New releases room of our forum to find out about any new and interesting concepts looking for your feedback, or if post there yourself if you have anything cool to share. You never know, you might end up on the front page yourself! big_smile

Happy gaming!

2017-07-29 16:54:17

And there was me thinking a web browser was some horrible half cow, half spider mutant big_smile.

Thanks for picking up all the news there Pitermach, thumbs up from me.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2017-07-31 14:00:22

uhm? i'd stick with muds and audio games. at least you no where you are. web browser games are hard to follow.

2017-07-31 20:37:05

@jericroda What makes these two interesting, is these are basically audiogames in the browser. In fact, when you run dark defender or cyclepath as an exe file windows, you're basically just running a custom version of google chrome using something called the electron engine, which also allows it to be played normally with a web browser.

2017-08-01 23:31:44

First as Aaron said since I do not use Chrome to me there is no difference in using an exe file for cyclepath or dark defender as opposed to any audiogame produced ever that you just run with the exe, which is a good thing since I'm not a big fan of chrome for actual web browsing.

Second, what do you mean browser games (of the conventional links and text variety), are hard to follow?
I actually learned to use supernova playing legend of the green dragon many years ago, and there are many easy to play  games around even now such as Srythh, age of fable  and the gamebooks on the ffproject site.

Even for those that are more complex like core exiles darkor or puppet nightmares, generally it's just a question of finding links and buttons and standard controls which you should really be learning to use anyway since lots of legitimate websites employ them.
That is why as I said for me text browser games were  how I learned to use the internet.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2017-08-02 11:59:15

ah.well mainly games like rsgames is good to play and quentin c's playroom for they seem ok games with mainly sound and the odd bit of textual thing in places but having games online with no sound isn't a good idea for people might not no where they're at if they struggle with games.

2017-08-02 13:04:59 (edited by Mayana 2017-08-02 13:06:07)

@jericroda, both of the games mentioned above have audio, just like audio games you play from a .exe file. I don't get why all games would have to have sounds though, you said you're playing muds and most of those don't have them either, they are just a nice bonus. For text games, you do not need sound to enjoy them, and they're not confusing at all, imo. They might even be less confusing, because you don't have to listen to anything, just read and relax.

Yes, I definitely left the forum. Mhm. Why would you have any doubt?
Code 7 tips: https://forum.audiogames.net/topic/4010 … or-code-7/
Don't forget to be awesome!

2017-08-02 13:53:54

I agree with mayana here, I like sound in games as much as the next person, and of course for action type games like cycle path it's a necessity, but for something like legend of the green dragon or playing gamebooks no sound is needed.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2017-08-02 20:31:50

but the mainly thing you get with audio you can get a good feeling about what's happening. i no that most things that will only require text only but you get less feeling and less entertainment. but if text adventure games are done in a way that can make things entertaining then that's ok but from all i've been told by people just to keep with audio and some various text with it.

2017-08-02 20:42:02

@jericroda, if a story is written well, it is just as fun as a audiogame would be. Who cares what they tell you, it's always fun to experiment and learn things for yourself. There are many web browser games, choose-your-stories, muds, or just normal stories and books. I hope you find something you like.

Yes, I definitely left the forum. Mhm. Why would you have any doubt?
Code 7 tips: https://forum.audiogames.net/topic/4010 … or-code-7/
Don't forget to be awesome!

2017-08-02 22:09:08

last mud i played was alterAeon. oh so cool that is. but yeah so far one thing i've heard about is cyclops. i don't exactly have an internet address for the game but that does sound entertaining and addictive for sure.

2017-08-12 03:36:55

Hopefully this will go through. For whatever reason a few of my replies did not make it on here. I was using the latest build of Safari on my MacBook Air at the time, and I was marked a spammer. But I'm using the latest build of Google Chrome now on the same computer, so we'll see what happens. But anyway, Dark Defender is a great game. I am able to play it in Chrome, and the downloadable Mac version also works well on my end. I tried out CyclePath, only the downloadable version because I can't find where to play online. I wasn't able to set up WebTTS using the downloadable version on my Mac. But it looks like another great game.

2017-08-17 02:32:23

these are grate games.  truth be told, its actually about time that we have browser games with sound.  some say for some that sound isn't needed.  i hardly agree with that statement.  if the sighted world can have sound in almost all of what they play, rather they want it or not, i feel same is true for us.  and if not then atleast put an option in there to have sound on or off.  so i'm proud to see that these online games have sound and they work through crome.  this way people mainly of any platform pc, cromebook, android IOS etc, can play this and have sound in there enjoyment.  i hope this continues cause we could use all the sounds we can get for audio games.

2017-09-07 05:27:36

Hey, wat api javascript is good for work witch audio game?

2017-09-14 13:20:10

this is node.js that they're doing this in. It's js but half serverside so woot woot. Also it has the largest package repository of all programming languages, over 100000 packages ready for you to just grab!

An anomaly in the matrix. An error in existence. A being who cannot get inside the goddamn box! A.K.A. Me.