2017-05-24 21:37:12

It seems like a lot of people are having trouble downloading the game or keeping track of links.
if you're interested, I'd be happy to set you up with a folder on my website and keep files there rather than using dropbox.
This could also let you run a sort of intro or changelog page if you wanted, and offer more options than just using forums as your homepage.
Let me know if you want to give this a try, and I can set you up with an ftp account.


2017-05-25 05:33:43 (edited by defender 2017-05-26 13:26:37)

You can just search for "Warsim Reddit" on google, click on the first result and the download is the first link under the second heading there.

By the way, I noticed another couple of bugs. when you try to make an alliance with the third small goblin clan, it always acts as if you just broke an alliance you already had with them, even though you didn't, and never lets you actually make one.
Also the loot player in the musicians guild doesn't make any sound.

There is a pretty bad sentence repeat when you leave the demonic kingdom that ruins the mood a bit.

I'm working out something with Orcs invading from the north right now, do you use Skype? I know your very busy with work, but this might be easier that way, if not, it's okay and I'll just be more general about my ideas, but having your input on what's possible and what's not would be nice.

PS. Love the songwood graveyard, "died by death" "died by snoo snoo" RIP "The Wastes" RIP "My self worth" lol.

2017-05-26 02:08:27 (edited by Lucas1 2017-05-26 02:10:09)

Hey Wastelander,
Would it be possible to make an option that, instead of telling you of every single death in a battle, would just carry the battle out then tell you of the death counts? Because with a screen reader, when you're fighting 45000 against 45000... yeah it's kinda not pretty.
Also, the demon cap doesn't seem to be in effect, cause I made this spammer thing that would keep spamming 0 and then enter so I could see what shit would happen.
Group Name : The Demon Horde
Leader     : Unknown Demon
Total Men  : 95581
Total Gold : N/A
Total Lands: Infinite
Faction Relation : -100
I also managed to get my public opinion down to about -12000 this way with pillaging, walking tax, breathing tax, all the shit.
Edit: it's been about 2000 years since I started this game, so I have to conclude this king is immortal.

2017-05-26 11:02:42

@Defender, glad you like the debug mode and independent stuff, I like the idea of the settings being saved cause that sounds annoying as hell, but to be honest I don't know how I can do it without somekind of installer, unless I had the game generate the settings files if there aren't any there by default and then it would only create default settings if you didn't already have your preset text file settings there, this would work provided you dragged and dropped the install to the same directory and overwrote the previous game

@Diegogaribay, Well can't have too many new players, hope you're enjoying the game! there is a download link in the button that says website below my name, in regards to the ascii and animations you just disable them in the main menu at the start of the game smile

@John, I've got the current live download link as my website, it used to be in the signature but for some reason those have been disabled now, thanks for the offer though, and the forums aren't my homepage, my homepage is either reddit or my official website, I just post here smile thanks very much for the offer though!

@Defender, Thank you very much for bringing these to my attention, I've just fixed the goblin clan bug, but in regards to the demonic kingdom bug I'm not sure, do you mean when you've beaten the demon overlord and are leaving the demonic realm or do you mean when you meet a kingdom of demons randomly generated? And nope I don't use skype but keep the messages coming! I'm often on audiogames so I'll definitely see it, other than that the only chat system I use is steam smile and in regards to possibiliy, I know it's cliche but pretty much anything is possible, I like ideas that may seem hard or impossible because they will make the game even more unique, I want to do things never done before smile

And glad you like the graveyard, 'My sex life' is also one of those, but in my defense, I was going through a dry patch haha.

@Lucas1853, Very good suggestion, I will look into having that as an option because I just had a battle of over 2 million units fighting eachother and it took a good 30 minutes to stop, and that's ridiculous! in regards to the demon thing... fuck, I'll have to look into that further, and finally in regards to the skipping turns thing, there is a cheat called 331 that allows you to do just that, you enter the number of years you want to skip and you can time travel them just seeing the turn reports of each year smile

And yeah for now kings are immortal as hell! smile but it will change at some point!

Last Free Version of Warsim ( - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ewnm4cehswu6m … m.zip?dl=1
Steam version of Warsim (0.7) - http://store.steampowered.com/app/65954 … na/?beta=0
Itch.io Version of Warsim (0.7) - https://huw2k8.itch.io/warsim

2017-05-26 12:00:11

FWIW the website link doesn't show up if not logeged in. Just a heads up

Warning: Grumpy post above
Also on Linux natively

Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2017-05-26 12:53:40

A lost of shit apparently doesn't work when you're not logged in. You can't view profiles either.

2017-05-26 13:23:55 (edited by defender 2017-05-26 13:26:06)

Like I said, just search the words "warsim" "reddit" on google, the first result is the correct one. You'll find the download in the links under the second heading of the warsim reddit page.

Also, yes, I meant the demon realm, not the independents, it's right as you leave after pressing 0.

2017-05-26 14:27:34

Hey hey Wastelander!
HAHA, I think our Sex lifes are neighbors on that special graveyard.:-)

A little sugestion came to my mind when you were talking about the skipping-cheat. What about bringing in somekind of special Kingpower or a special building you can build where the king can rest in some kind of Vampiric sleep to skip some years where you dont want to interact with anything? This could be maybe usefull in case of waiting for a special ammount of money or something like that.

Another question: I think some of us could show up on steam. Would you be interested in some closer chattings with us? Maybe it would speed up some of our comunications a little.

2017-05-28 23:28:16 (edited by hadi.gsf 2017-05-28 23:29:44)

I love the game! It is  brilliant. If this was on steam and payed, I would  buy this for myself and for lots of my friends as well. I really do hope that after the game is done (at some point), It gets  on the steam platform. I see that there's a steam greenlight page for it, but apparently steam does not  put games on their platform  based on greenlight votes.

about the game, I really like the fact that it's semi randomly generated. It has a pretty nice structure to it. That is why I would like to play it over and over, Because I want to play it differently each time.  Games that are entirely based on procedural generation are boring for me, They do not have that sorta charm I expect from a game.
If you're looking for complex ideas to get them implemented, here  are mine:
1. A huge change to the combat system and  introducing  more units with different weapons (Like swordsmen, spearmen, archers, hoursemen, heavy cavalry).
Here's what I imagine the new system to be: When a battle starts, the two opposing armies get placed in a distance from each other. the distance stages would be like: Very far, far, medium range, short range, engaged. at each stage, you could order your army to do an action. actions like: firing arrows, preparing firy arrows or a special weapon, changing formations. (Formation as in which units go in first and which support or go after), performing an ability (Like doing a battlecry for a boost to troops' morale,  things like setting traps and spikes, or giving an order for your troops to rush faster to interupt the enemy's abilities or surprise them (with more casualties to your own side)
After the armies clash (engaged  stage), I think that the war should be  stopped every while and then, showing you the casualties (each unit type seperated) and you get to have to  do actions based on your location (whether you're an attacker or defender). you could give the order to  attack more ferociously (Both armies could do), have a more defensive stance (Both sides could do), retreat (Offending side) and anything else that would make sense stat wise since everything is about numbers anyway.
I think that also would get boring since you'll have to  do a lot of battles in the game but i thought  having more choices in combat would make sense in a war simulator specially if you've got different unit types, It would be fun raining arrows upon your enemies soldiers and workers and getting smashed  by their fast moving cavalry smile. Maybe there should be an option to  have all of these things automatically done for you by a general (like how it is currently)

2. Fortification: Kingdoms should be able to build fortifications that would boost their defending units. such as watch towers, walls, guardtowers, traps, and such. these would be destroiable as they get invaded.

3. An ability to create specialized kingdoms with custom behaviors.  I'd like to create empires  inspired by Persians and Greeks, focusing on  superior their archers and horsemen. or some viscious assassins  hidden in mountains with lots of defensive boosts to their kingdom land.

4. A more complex economy, where there are  trade routes. You could  focus each of your  lands on producing something (like wood or iron or  stone or  spears and swords and pikes  and such...) and find kingdoms that are in need of them, so you could sell them your products  with more price.

I hope my ideas  are great and you've found them inspiring for your game.
Keep up the good work <3

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2017-05-29 00:49:45

How do I lower the music volume?

2017-05-31 13:05:47

@Defender, no worries, I found the bug and have fixed it, thank you for raising the point! also cheers for the subreddit mention

@firefly82, Haha I have my moments, just been so busy with work and my online selling lately that I've not gone out much haha, in regards to the sleep, wouldn't that be just another way to explain the time-travel cheat 331 which allows you to skip as many turns as you want? And yeah if anyone wanted to Add me on steam my steam profile is Huw2k8, I would be happy to chat to anyone one there smile

@hadi.gsf, thank you very much, I'm glad you like the game, I have been pushing for it to get on steam greenlight (even paid £70 fee) but no luck yet haha, your support means a lot though so thank you!

I agree, procedurally generation gone wild becomes too random, there definitely needs to be structure, my plan is to replace the more preset things with multiple variations, keeping things random but not completely random and having other things within being procedural, for example when I add magic to the game, each game it could choose from a pool of 10 different kinds of magic system, one could be that magic is harvested from blood, another that magic trees create it (wands and staffs) another that it is kept in ancient words ect, each game would define how magic worked and your world would react accordingly, so in a world where magic comes from blood, you'd have blood magic cults, some societies would openly accept it and some would declare it evil, but maybe in another game you have a system where magic is found in trees, so you have lots of a wands and staffs and perhaps a great giant tree, these wouldn't be randomly generated, but they would be randomly played making the game very random, I like the idea of this, like in the wastes when vials could be good or bad but it would change around each game so you could never get used to it.

The battle system is 100% going to be rewritten at some point, there are so so many things that can and need to be improved with it, I want people taken prisoner, different kinds of kills, sound effects for death, upranking soldiers who do well, different classes of units that fight in a somewhat rock paper scissors situation, special events in combat like a wild group of goblins charging in and fighting, multiple enemy combat ie 3 factions all fighting against eachother, commanders in battle, multiple battles being fought simulaneously, the king being able to fight in the battle, multiple battles being able to be had in one turn, ie the king sending off 20 armies to attack each major faction (if you can do it, why not, why should a massive empire spend an entire year skrimishing with a tiny little bandit faction) weapon advantages based on resources of the kingdom, fleeing soldiers, heroes being made in battle, mercenary companies helping you in battle, less organised deaths ie all your soldiers then all your peasants, instead it will be a a mix of all units in the battle, archers and seige weapons, ability to have long drawn out seiges, special tactical opportunities, enemies flee, ability for mid battle reinforcements from friendly factions... and so on.

Love the ideas though, the economy is another thing I plan to add but I don't want to waffle on for too long, I love the specialised kingdoms idea too, to be honest I'm disappointed with the independent kingdoms situation at the moment, I wanted them to all feel different but they don't, they feel quite samey, I'm looking for more ways to make each combination unique as possible, ie orcish kingdoms have orcish grunters ect.

Good ideas though, so thank you! smile

@Diegogaribay, hi, there is no way in game to lower the music volume but you should be able to do it on your pc

Last Free Version of Warsim ( - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ewnm4cehswu6m … m.zip?dl=1
Steam version of Warsim (0.7) - http://store.steampowered.com/app/65954 … na/?beta=0
Itch.io Version of Warsim (0.7) - https://huw2k8.itch.io/warsim

2017-05-31 14:38:51 (edited by defender 2017-05-31 14:46:57)

That magic system sounds really awesome.
Reminds me of a book I read where their were multiple dimensions, and one extremely earthlike planet had rune magic, so if you painted things in the right way or doodled and crossed the wrong lines, some crazy shit could happen, or some pretty mundane stuff, you could never know, so those without the knowledge were forbidden from painting or writing.

Well what ever you need with sound effects, I have some sound editing knowledge and a decent audio editor, as well as a good idea of where to find free CC licensed sounds and a pretty good library of them already, along with music, and as I believe in this project and enjoy playing the game, I'd be happy to devote some of my time to it.
you should email me at [email protected] if you need anything, just give a description of what you want with an example if you can, from a movie/gaming clip on youtube or something with timestamp, or what ever works.

here's a couple examples of my previous work, though some of them are far more complicated than what I imagine warsim would need, and they aren't in the same Genre, but I can adapt pretty well I think, having played a fare amount of medieval type games.  Magic is the hardest because of the limited free resources available for convincing energy and powerful fire/water type sounds, but you can do allot with layering and some base boost, LOL and I love trying new things.


https://www.dropbox.com/s/govr69hhmr8kn … d.mp3?dl=1

https://www.dropbox.com/s/y8yoxh5194uf0 … k.mp3?dl=1

https://www.dropbox.com/s/yq824v9fjbp3z … d.wav?dl=1

https://www.dropbox.com/s/zqtgd51pgznn7 … d.mp3?dl=1

https://www.dropbox.com/s/86hvd2a4zeylj … e.mp3?dl=1

Either way I'd be happy to give you the uncut samples that I've collected over the last few years, though you'd have to do the editing your self, but at least you wouldn't have to go searching for it, cause trust me, it's not as easy as it may seem to find high quality stuff.

2017-05-31 15:13:37

I imagine If the sounds get implemented and you have sounds for weapons, deaths, Magic and maybe Food steps and some Background and other stuff, the game in General but specifically the battles will Sound amazing I think. Maybe even the Units could talk to each other as well. That could be optionally, but I think it can improve the athmosphere if they can say something and make comments.

2017-06-01 00:52:21

@Defender, wow those sound awesome! and I like the rune idea, my plan is for there to be several things that work the way the magic system will, where there will be combinations of different kinds of games with different kinds of effects layered on them.

In regards to the music and sounds stuff, If you can think of a new kind of musician/bard for the game, it doesn't have to be human, get me at least 10 short 1-3 second long sounds of that type and I'll make it a new bard type! smile

@Niklas, I love that idea, the procedural battle sounds layered over eachother will be immense, I want them to be race specific too, so orcs will make their screeches and shouts, men will cry and shout and beg, gnomes will cry their little voices, giants will roar ect, so a battle with a mix of several races would sound horrificly violent, that with the sound of arrows, sword clashes ect!

Last Free Version of Warsim ( - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ewnm4cehswu6m … m.zip?dl=1
Steam version of Warsim (0.7) - http://store.steampowered.com/app/65954 … na/?beta=0
Itch.io Version of Warsim (0.7) - https://huw2k8.itch.io/warsim

2017-06-01 00:54:37

Mainly fixes and some new little throne room editions, mostly housekeeping and making sure everything has multiple outcomes and variations to keep things fresh, also the filesize has been reduced quite a bit as there were a few complaints, 3x smaller now!


* Compressed all warsim music files reduced warsim filesize from 161mb to 47mb
* Added Gibbering monk three forheads
* Added gibbering monk shrunken head


* Added paid advice throne room encounter
* Added two coins stuck togeather throne room encounter
* Added painted stone throne room encounter
* Added moulded dung throne room encounter
* Added starving 12 children throne room encounter
* Added family eating their dog throne room encounter
* Added dynamic witches curses (deserters, gold, rebels, bandits)
* Added knight and damsel throne room
* Added knight offers 100 gold throne room
* Added non-fighting knight throne room
* Added mini chance of coin landing on side in coin flip throne room encounter


* Fixed Goblin clan alliance bug (Credit Defender from Audiogames.net)
* Fixed duplicate line issue in blockaded music guild
* Fixed Repeated leaving sentence in demon realm (Credit Defender from Audiogames.net)
* Fixed rebel plotter throne room encounter (8x rarer now)
* Fixed road robber throne room encounter (2x rarer now)
* Fixed throw goblin out of court throne room duplicate bug
* Fixed abomination music rabble bug
* Fixed sleeping with skeletons no prisoner bug
* Fixed you the gold text bug
* Fixed disgraced 'heros' text bug
* Fixed goblin coin giver wrong action tag
* Fixed goblin coin giver text from old encounter bug


* Modified throne room child coin encounter relation odds
* Allowed void visitors to bypass rabble
* Added new suffixes 'the drizzler and the pecker'
* Added 5 new flag parts
* Added 5 new advices
* Made coin flip 1% more likely to be tails (51/49)
* Made it more likely to lose public opinion for jailing wedding man
* Made it more likely to lose public opinion for condemning wedding man
* Made coin of fate reward scale with the players (10k per land)

Last Free Version of Warsim ( - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ewnm4cehswu6m … m.zip?dl=1
Steam version of Warsim (0.7) - http://store.steampowered.com/app/65954 … na/?beta=0
Itch.io Version of Warsim (0.7) - https://huw2k8.itch.io/warsim

2017-06-01 07:57:19

First thank you for the Update. Cool, your plans for the sounds and such were exactly what I imagined as well. I am very excited right now about this. Keep up the amazing work.

2017-06-01 18:54:23

Working on lizzardfolk hiss sounds for a bard.

2017-06-01 22:28:45

@Niklas, thanks! gonna be looking into doing a bigger sound update at some point soon

@Defender, I am very excited for this!

Last Free Version of Warsim ( - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ewnm4cehswu6m … m.zip?dl=1
Steam version of Warsim (0.7) - http://store.steampowered.com/app/65954 … na/?beta=0
Itch.io Version of Warsim (0.7) - https://huw2k8.itch.io/warsim

2017-06-02 07:35:59

cool, i look Forward to that. But I would suggest making the sounds optional and making both Sound and text at the same Level. This has an Major Advantage: Those who can't or don't want to use the sounds can rely on the text and enjoy the game at the same Level without loosing anything. This would be great esspecially if there are Hearing impaired persons playing. That's why I think synchronizing both could be great for more than just one disability.

2017-06-04 19:26:20

thanks for reading ideas! The ideas you have on the magic system is pretty cool.
Here's an article  I think you should take a look, It's about steam direct. It was posted two days ago by steam:
https://steamcommunity.com/games/593110 … 0652460726

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2017-06-06 21:53:35

A few suggestions: If possible some mine craft like elements could be implemented to build own new weapons, create new food or drinks wich could result in different behaviours of your units and the like. You could create these things from materials you can find in the world or in some areas. You could possibly build places to sleep if you are on a long trip. No houses but camps and such.

2017-06-07 13:44:49

Jesus guys, this is a war simulation game, not a universe simulation game. We might as well ask for weather patterns, fully implemented solar system (randomly generated, of course), randomly generated religions for every faction, randomly generated plants and mountains and terrains and oceans,, randomly generated waste products for different races, a full list of every rock and ore in the universe for mining, an ore-to-metal refinement system, ultra intelligent AI that will contact your toaster from within the warsim application and make you toast to your exact specifications (with, of course, a randomly generated option), fully immersive virtual reality for combat scenes, oh, and I guess fully implemented physics engine, too. tongue
I'll admit I haven't downloaded the latest warsim in a couple months, but I'll snatch it next update and check out all the cool new changes; I saw some cool things and nice bug fixes scrolling through the changelog posts.
Keep it up Wastelander, you're probably one of the most active developers that sticks around these forums. smile

Go, balloons. I don't see anything happening. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Stand by, confetti. Keep coming, balloons. More balloons. Bring them. Balloons, balloons, balloons! More balloons. Tons of them. Bring them down. Let them all come. No confetti. No confetti yet. No confetti. All right. Go, balloons.

2017-06-07 14:59:20

First, a war Simulator can be fairly complex, since nearly everything is involved, even in times of a war. Secondly, from I understood, it should become a mix between RPG and strategy, so These suggestions are fully okay and just ideas. If wastelander likes them and he wants to implement them or not, is his decision. Nobody is laughing about your ideas and ideas are what makes warsim even better. If you don't like all suggestions, fine but let other People make theier suggestions. I don't think that my ideas are as unrealistic as you think. And yes, weather conditions are also important in war situations. I made this Suggestion earlier and from what I read, wastelander liked it. Ideas are not forbidden, they are welcome.

2017-06-07 17:50:51

....I mean if you wanted to take the first half of that post as seriously I guess you could have.
Wasn't the intention though.
Sorry if you saw it as a personal offense.
I was messing around with champions in armies, and I noticed there skill score doesn't seem to equal their battle score. I'm using a somewhat older version, so I'm not sure if maybe this got fixed in a later update. Is there a formula for this? Or are all champions sent to war given a fixed battle score (because I agree,,, managing to hire an unknown with 999 battle score or whatever the max for that title is would be kind of overpowered, but I'm not sure a one-legged, or one-handed crippled human should have the same battle score as an ogre).
Somewhat but not entirely related, I wonder if signatures will ever be returned to us? i miss my balloon army. sad

Go, balloons. I don't see anything happening. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Stand by, confetti. Keep coming, balloons. More balloons. Bring them. Balloons, balloons, balloons! More balloons. Tons of them. Bring them down. Let them all come. No confetti. No confetti yet. No confetti. All right. Go, balloons.

2017-06-07 20:27:03

I think what Soulkeeper is trying to say here is that we have to remember this is a simulator. Yes, suggestions and ideas are great, but we also have to keep in mind that as it stands, this isn't an open world kind of thing. I have no doubt Wastelander is capable of doing something like that if he so chose, but there will be some things that can't be implemented for the sake of keeping true to the game itself. We also have to remember that we are the kings of our respective realms, and as such there will be things we really don't give two figs about. Like what Farmer Bob all the way in the southern province of the kingdom thinks about his apples or whatever. The same would probably go for your average soldier, seeing as there are so damned many. That would be better suited for champions and your other npc helpers like your council, since there are fewer of them and they are more present in your every day life.
On another note, when the combat system gets better fleshed out, it'd be awesome to be able to organize our armies. For instance, you have an army that numbers in the 20 thousands, including knights, bandits, goblins, soldiers etc. What if we could take those and group them into legions, centuries, and so on for foot and alae and turmae for the horse. Or if you feel a bit more Napoleonic, regiments, squadrons, and all that. Each group would depend on how many soldiers you have. If you have 2400 soldiers, you can create two regiments of three battalions each and so on.