2017-05-18 20:48:06

I have confidence in NRS though. They implemented sound cues into the game, which yes, they have done before, but it means they're thinking of us at least. So maybe they will go the extra mile. Let's be optimistic, not pessimistic!

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup
RPG Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QQcHS3Gk

2017-05-18 20:56:02

Cautious optomism is always best... lol. Sound cues are relatively easy to implement and don't evolve all that much. this gear system will probably change over time as more gear is discovered, or they start milking customers with gear sets released as DLC like Capcom did with street Fighter X Tekken and gems. and realistically, if NRS does go the extra mile, it'll take them a while... but anything is possible.

Discord: clemchowder633

2017-05-18 21:01:13

But remember: That narrator driver for XBOX One to read game menus. This is questionable though, because then PSBLED users would be left behind.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup
RPG Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QQcHS3Gk

2017-05-18 21:49:25

@Assault_freak: Thanks so much for making a demo of the game. This is really great.
Currently, I won't buy the game, because it seems too much similar to the previous game. But your demo is really great...

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2017-05-18 22:11:31

Well, now the hype is over, I'm starting to remember why I was so hesitant to buy this game... there is no way to find out what the daily challenges are. I'm working my way through the first multiverse, omega, which is Darkseid's feature multiverse seems like, but have only been able to complete the first tower so far... I haven't levelled up enough for the second one, it seems. And I have no idea whether there are any audio cues for levelling up or not. that, combined with the inability to know what challenges are available for all the multiverses plus the global and guild challenges, makes this very annoying to just play through blindly, so to speak.

Discord: clemchowder633

2017-05-18 22:31:23

Sorry for the double post, but does anyone know how to actually choose the character you want to play as in story mode? I'm at the first branch, where you can either pick Green Arrow or Black Canary, but while I can move back and forth between them, I always seem to wind up back with Black Canary, pressing x doesn't seem to change that. Thoughts?

Discord: clemchowder633

2017-05-19 00:03:23

Hmm... I'm not certain, have you tried the start button?

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup
RPG Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QQcHS3Gk

2017-05-19 00:14:37

Never tried that, but may do so since I don't see any other options... also as a note of interest, character choices will be timed, so if you don't pick one, the default will be selected for you.

Discord: clemchowder633

2017-05-19 00:22:06

That I knew. I do like how you don't have to worry about amillion extra special moves based on gear, I think gear only messes with what the moves actually do.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup
RPG Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QQcHS3Gk

2017-05-19 00:51:45

Not according to NRS... the advanced gear sets and higher level gear do actually give you new moves and abilities, not just stat boosts.

Discord: clemchowder633

2017-05-19 00:59:10

Yeah, this gear system won't last.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup
RPG Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QQcHS3Gk

2017-05-19 01:02:38

What makes you say it won't last?

Discord: clemchowder633

2017-05-19 01:16:11

I'm hearing things from even sighted players who say it's not the best. I don't see it catching on.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup
RPG Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QQcHS3Gk

2017-05-19 01:19:26

Well, it doesn't have to... it'll last as long as the game lasts. And the sighted players who don't like it are by far a minority... the majority of gamers are eating it up, because it gives them the ability to customize chracters' appearances and gameplay styles at the same time. I don't like it either... but this system is here to stay as long as Injustice 2 is still a thing, because it's such a vital part of the game.

Discord: clemchowder633

2017-05-19 05:32:18

Not from what I've seen, to be honest.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup
RPG Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QQcHS3Gk

2017-05-19 09:47:07

Well, wherever you read, you'll get different opinions. I don't like it, but there are definitely people who do. The gear system isn't going to disappear... it's part of the package. lol NRS won't do anything like remove it. But you're right, though, many people will probably just stick to playing the game regularly... and those who don't approve of the system will speak with their wallets by not buying any dlc gear.

Discord: clemchowder633

2017-05-19 12:08:42

I think Ed Boon has said there is no gear that you have to buy with RL money, unless you count the stuff that comes packaged with DLC characters. There are those crystal things for changing gear stats though, I think that's what they did.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup
RPG Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QQcHS3Gk

2017-05-19 13:12:54

Also, have you figured out which button you're supposed to click to choose a character?

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup
RPG Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QQcHS3Gk

2017-05-19 15:02:34

here is a more in depth version of the move list, includes combos, character bios and all


can i get a peace double harmony burger? no chaos

2017-05-19 15:18:40

@Smoovgunner thanks for the movelist. I too would like to know about picking characters in story mode.

2017-05-19 15:28:07

for players looking for more advanced combos, subscribe to dingo on youtube, he is one of very few you tubers which make combo videos, that actually breaks them down verbily, and actually says the buttons he is pressing, and the names of the specific moves and combos. plus the combo vids are no more than like 4minutes. click on his playlist, and look for combos that fit your character. if you are using chars for injustice1, he also has old combo vids from that version that will also work on this version. lastly, you don't have to do his combos exact, just take bits and pieces from what he teaches you and customize your own, at least that's what I do. here is a link to his channel and a combo vid from the first injustice game

can i get a peace double harmony burger? no chaos

2017-05-19 15:29:35

when picking chars in story mode, the cut scene will pause for a second and you have to move left or right, you only have a limited time before it picks for you

can i get a peace double harmony burger? no chaos

2017-05-19 16:37:51

It sort of looks to me as if gear cstay unused, but the levelling system is weird. Again, we'll see how things pan out, and given that I only live about 3 hours from NRS headquarters, I have considered seeing if I could somehow go speak to someone directly. I doubt it but hey, we can still see!

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup
RPG Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QQcHS3Gk

2017-05-19 17:46:58

Moving left or right doesn't change anything for me, though. I end up on Black Canary every time. There is no button you are supposed to press?

Gear can definitely be unused if you don't want to... but without gear, this game basically turns into Injustice 1 with faster walking speeds, and you're locking yourself out from a lot of the extra abilities afforded by gold gear and epic gear.

Discord: clemchowder633

2017-05-19 18:22:06

I do have a question about these character premier skins. Are those gear sets or is there a costume select menu somewhere?

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup
RPG Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QQcHS3Gk