2017-05-01 08:04:52

Hello guys. Anyone know of any mainstream racing game that is playable?

2017-05-01 08:10:56

I don't think so, unfortunately there is no mainstream racing games that is playable

going in to the wilds, collecting pokedex, and capturing them are my kind of thing,
training them, making them evolve, and generally making them stronger is my ultimate goal,
fighting other manamon tamers, winning the tournament, and fighting octoros are what these manamons like to do,
and ultimately, I become the master of mana!

2017-05-03 04:26:12

No I'm sorry to say there are no mainstream racing games. This is because you have to see everything to drive and get around properly. The closest you can get are the topspeed games mach1 racing, and km2000 although I have no idea where you would find that one.

What has been created in the laws of nature holds true in the laws of magic as well. Where there is light, there is darkness,  and where there is life, there is also death.
Aerodyne: first of the wizard order

2017-05-03 07:33:44


Most* gMotor engine games (rFactor 1, 2, Automobelista and so forth) are perfectly accessible once you're behind the wheel.

NASCAR 2003 is once you learn the menus and crank up the steering assist. I regularly run the plate tracks (Daytona/Talladega) with solely the spotter guiding me. NASCAR 2003 is actually fairly accessible since it has a very, very good physics engine and detailed sound and force feedback, for instance when you're pitting you always first get told limit's 45 keep it at 4500,  or the pit speed limit then if you get close to it you'll get told hey, watch that speed, then you'll be told once you get to your pit you're too far forward/right/l.eft/backwards/etc, and the spotter will tell you if there's cars around you.

Not that it helps. I've had the AI dive inside of me on ovals and wreck me for the simple fact I had just pitted and got destroyed...but...that happens in the real sport too.

FWIW ,you will prrobably have to pirate NR2003 honestly since it selsl for...and I am not making this up, $250+ on eBay.

Also, track down a copy of the Grand Prix 2/3 games, those on keyboard are accessible with auto braking/gears/etc and auto steering for keyboard players (at least I always thought that)

Lastly, the drag racing games are accessible, it's been said real drag racers don't watch the lights, they go by instinct. Plus it's simply a straight line from A to B.

So, yes, there are games out there that are accessible. Shoot me a PM and I can guide oyu through NR2003 and getting it configured, and setting up the rFactor engined stuff also, I can pretty much do rF1 from memory given I' put hours into it.

Oh, one more title....Try a few of the mainstream rally games, they are accessible by the sheer nature of having a co driver who reads out pace notes. Just don't start with Dirt Rally if you want to not hate the genre...

Also, the old on PC Indycar Series game from 2002 and its PS2 sequel have a spotter and crew chief, fully narrated intros by the now retired Bob Jenkins, and fully narrated grids and such. Plus they are oddly fun to play too if you got a PS2 or emulator laying around.

So that should get you started.

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Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2017-05-03 07:50:07

Guitarman wrote:

No I'm sorry to say there are no mainstream racing games. This is because you have to see everything to drive and get around properly. The closest you can get are the topspeed games mach1 racing, and km2000 although I have no idea where you would find that one.

Actually as I said in post #6, that's not true.

Digging through my collection I found the following:

1. CART Precision Racing has assists that either keep you on track, or on the specific racing line. Which can in fact cause you to spin out and wreck if you're overtaking another car and the assist snaps you back to the line.

2. Nascar Racing 2003 has a similar assist but that more just keeps you turning into the corners, fom then on it's all up to you to actually not hit the wall but the tracks are wide enough to the point where you can learn them quickly.

3. Factor 1/2, Automobelista, GSC and GSC 2013/Xtreme/whatever else Reiza are calling their games all have an auto steering mode you get by going into the game, and setting the steering assist to high, that sters the car for you a la Cart Precision Racing. The difference here is it's actually done very well in that you can steer and pull out to pass people and it won't snap you into them.

4. Various dag racing sims have sorted the problem by the fact that drag racing uses a consistent tree and drag cars are loud, and it's a straight line so if you can get the reactions down, you're set. I know of at least one legally blind driver in real life who holds an NHRA competition license. I also know from a former friend a legally blind driver can in certain regions gain an SCCA and NHRA license by proving they are safe, competent drivers. Yes, I was amazed by that too but I looked into it and it's actually accurate. More reasons to sart liking drag racing again....

5. Another one I found digging through my box of older games...why is it older games....the Monster Truck Madness series by Microsoft circa mid 90s, was actually the prdecessor to CPR up there in #1 and had the same assists.

6. Geoff Crammond's fantastic Grand Prix series, all the way from 1-4 has a ton of assists built in. I'll list them here.

Auto brakes, auto gears, self correcting spins, no damage, racing line, suggested gear, traction control and launch control.

Okay the last two were only ever in GP4, but the biggest one is that on keyboard, the games all have a subtle steering assist for you to factor in. I grew up playing F1GP/GP2/3 and GP4 and those are some of the best sims around for accessible racing for F1. Forget the current Codies ones, they are awful for racing anyhow.

So, Guitarman, those are merely some examples, there are accessible racing sims out there if you know what to search for, it's easy to find accessible racing sims. I personally still, with barely any sight here, run NR2003 on a semi regular basis and I have rF1 installed on my other PC with a PS3 pad to run laps in and race the AI. Same with GP2/3/4 on my laptop in DOSBox and WINE here, they all are accessible. You just gotta learn the menus and memorize them. Each of the games I've mentioned here is fully playable once you learn the quirks of each game and you can still buy most of them.

rF1 has a free trial, CPR/MTM 1 and 2 have fee trials, GP1 and 2 are abandonware, 3 is sold for about $5, 4 is easy to get a hold of on sale, the drag racing games are harder to find but worth it if you're into a fun series of games, NR2003 is one you absolutely have to pirate sadly unless you want to spend upwards of $350 on eBay for a copy then get people insisting you sell it them.

FWIW I've been a lifelong sim racer for 29 years and I know for a fact racing sims are accessible, you just need to think outside the box and do not listen to the hardcore crowd.

@OP: Start with the ones I mention here, see if you like any of those games and if you do, most of them are actually decently good to play.

Oh, one more and it's an older game, but as I said in post #6: Grab the Indycar Series game from demo on PC and give that a go too  I forgot that had a  demo until I wrote this post, I remembered it thinking what games have demos.

So, yeah, there are a ton of racing games that are accessible if you set them up right. rF1 you just go into the race or session and hit F1 three times, F3 three times then you're set with auto steerigng and braking. Problem, solved. Works the same for Reizaj's games. The only issue is the menus, you'll have to get help to get on track but once you do that, it's a case of remember where you clicked, then click there and get on track.

Okay this post went on longer than I anticipated.

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Also on Linux natively

Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2017-05-03 14:37:00

You should try a little game I made, Drive your car:

Wanna chat? Hit me up on Telegram – it's the best way! Discord works too if you catch me there (StormProductions), and Elten (StormProductions) works too. If all else fails, just drop me an email at [email protected]. You’ve got options!

2017-05-03 16:18:08

To add to my posts 6 and 7...

Cart Precision Racing also has auto accelerate and brake features.

The ISI sims 9rFactor 1/2, Automobelista by Reiza) all have auto steer and brake built in as standard.

F1 2000 and F1 Championship Season 200 have, if you enable all the driving assists, effective auto driving.

I found several slot car racing games that are accessible on Steam. I mean, it's a slot car racing game and as long as you know the shape of the track, they are insanely easy to pick up and play.

Drag racing, I acutally researched  it and discovered that the real sport is actually accessible, essentially the NHRA changed the lights system so now it makes a noise when a light comes on, so when the cars are staging it's a tone, then the lights come on, it's a tone. IIRC that's mandated in the NHRRA rulebook but I'm gonna go back to my mid 90s rulebooks too I got from TNN (yeah, I'm THAT guy) and see if there was anything there. The games themselves are very easy to pick up and play with only minimal steering involved, you just hit the gas and hang on, the ones I played (the Valusoft NHRA  Drag Racing 2 titles) actually had a crew chief tell you when to move forward and when to shut the car off and so forth, IIRC the PS2 games do the same thing but I can't verify that.

Also, the NR2003 title is actually very accessible due to the spotter/crew  chief system they got in place, the spotter will, like in a real race, tell you what's going on and where the other cars are around you,, plus the sound system is good enough to work out where they are just by sound.

CART Precision Racing/MTM 1 and 2, I'm going through the help files for each on  Win98 VM and it says this for the steering help

It either keeps you on the track, or the desired line. Side note: This does actually break hthe game at one track that MS never fixed sadly, but...it actually steers your car away from the track boundaries, the lines or walls, or on an oval stops you going off the tarmac. Which is insanely useful...

the rFactor games as said above do have auto steering and by default, auto pit lane stff.

Indycar Series and ICS 2003 have a spotter and crew chief too and it's similar tracks to NR2003, but the game is easier to pick up and play given both were originally PS2, plus the sound engine is strangely more detailed, i.e. you can hear when cars are coming up on you or you are fighting side by side with somebody.
So yep, a ton of decent racing games out there to try out.

Far as demos, try the last post by me for info, I don't have links but rF1 and Indycar Series do have demos, CPR and MTM 1 and 2 have demos or trials as they are called, I can't remember offhand if rFactor 2 has a demo, but Automobelista unfortuately does not as far as I know.

That being said, all of those games are accessible once you set them up right. I can personally attest to each being fully playable once you learn the menus and ins and outs of each game. I tend to leave them on one track and car selection so I can just get back into the race without messing with settings. There you go Diego, hope that helps any. Like I said, lifelong sim racer here.

I'm crossing GP3/4 off the list because they don't play nice under Win10, and GP3 for some reason loves to crash on my system so I can't test how accessible it is....but if I get it working I will add it back on the list. From what I recall running it a few years ago, it was very, VERY playabl with barely any sight, you had to focus on what you were hearing though. GP4 changed that up however.

Actually, I'd love an audio only rFactor 1/2 then. Now if only Tim Wheately would see value in such a title.....

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Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2017-05-03 21:52:53

Hi Draco.
Wow this is incredible I had no idea. Thanks for setting me straight. I remember trying to play games like Mario Cart and hot wheels turbo racing, and I never had much luck. I just figured all mainstream racing games were like that.

What has been created in the laws of nature holds true in the laws of magic as well. Where there is light, there is darkness,  and where there is life, there is also death.
Aerodyne: first of the wizard order

2017-05-04 00:14:04

@Guitarman: It's a case of finding out what engine a given game uses.

rF1 and 2 and Automobelista I own (and rF2 is kind of a regretted purchase for various reasons), but all three are accessible and then some, all three are certainly playable with little or no sight with the assists cranked up.

If you are going to do that though, turn off traction control, anti lock brakes and grab a pad that rumbles or vibrates, it'll let you know when your car is about ready to do something you're not wanting it to. Keep auto gears on, and have fun with the games.

NR2003 isn't strictly auto steer, it's sort of a gentle nudge to kee keep you going into a corner, but here's the brilliance of it. It won't auto brake for you. It won't stop you spinning out and wrecking a bunch of cars if you make a mistake. Say I'm running at a plate track where the whole field is one big cluster and I dive to the inside of somebody, the steering won't suddenly snap me back tothe outside, instead if I don't ease up on the steering I'll go off the track and then the car physics will do things to the car that'll cause it to take a hard right back up the track, the tires will lose grip and I'll back it into the fence, just like a real 003 stock car would in that situation. And quite probably take out 10 or 12 cars in the process.

There's some more examples from both games, I know both are playable on Win10 by the way and both can be grabbed for fee or in rF/AMS case, cheap. Rf2 though....eh....not so cheap.

Either way, they are worth it even if the starting content in rFactor 1 is awful, boring, slow road cars that you upgrade to GT1 spec machinery via racing to earn credits (or cheating to get a ton of cash due to cheats the devs put in lol)

The drag racing games? They are accessible too, I will illustrate with NHRA 2 Main Event since that's my drag game of choice....you start off in the Arcade mode ready to go and ou just need to pull forward a tiny amount, then hold the brake and once you hear the other car go, hammert the gas, or if you can get good enough to count down the timing in your head I(it's .400 tree, i.e.. after staging, the lights come on 4/10 of a second after both cars are staged)) you'll get scarily good at it. Back in the online days, there were fully blind guys who showed up in a lobby and absolutely smoked the sighted competition in terms of reaction time...and that is half the fight in d rag race, real or virtual, whoever has a better reaction time nearly always wins.

For NHGRA2: ME you'll have to run it under a WinXP VM but it's absolutely playable if you use an OCR addon to get around the simple menus.

@Guitarman (again):

Give the games a whirl, see if you get OCR to work with those games, I hesitantly crossed Inycar Series and ICS2003 of the list as they won't work. on my laptop or emulator here.

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Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2017-05-04 09:15:09

try burnout paradise......I use to play it years ago and found it quite fun

can i get a peace double harmony burger? no chaos

2017-05-04 13:38:47

Unless something changed in a patch Burnout Paradise's menus were not easily accessible, and the font they used, I mean, I liked the look of it on PS3 but as far as OCR goes.....yeesh, horrifically bad for OCR. Still, crazily fun game though but hey DJ Atomica got old, faaaaaaast.

I fired up IndyCar Series last night for a quick run and will give my thoughts below:

1. It IS playable since you can gauge things by ear. For instance: Your car has a rev limiter that cuts in at the top of the RPM range and efffectively makes the car bounce off the rev limiter, letting you know you're losing power and all important speeeeeeeed. You also have a spotter that lets you know what and where and when cars are around you, even if it butchers driver names. Jyafonni, (That is how it pronounces Giaffone. It's pronounced Jia-foe-knee by the way). Still, the spotter is actually very very good in that it's accurate and will tell you when the race is going green, there's a caution flag out and so forth. What I didn't test, was if it told you to pit. Then again, you usually pit every caution anyway in a longer race unless you're doing some crazy strategy run.

2. Track modeling:

This is one of the game's hidden strengths. Mainstream publications and sites trashed the game for how it looked, it is after all a PS2 era game, but in terms of the feel of the tracks, you can hear the car bottoming out on the track and going over the bumps, and once you know which track is which, and you've got a few pointers about tracks....yeah, you'll get a feel for how far you can push a track or where you need to back off nand so forth. Each track is about 90% accurate to the 2002 IRL season. Personal grudges against that series aside, the tracks are 90% acccurate in terms of width and signage (though that's not really important), it is really?), but the area where they screwed ups ie every single pit lane is the same animation for a pit stop.
Track and car slection:

Each track has its own unique video that plays in the background of the menu system with its own distinct audio track that plays, so you can easily work out which one you picked. The tracks follow the 2002 IRL calendar from Homestead (the old layout) to Texas and all the stops in between.

Car wise, you have two full rosters, the 2002 regular season cars and a second roster that I'll explain in a minute.....

Oh and if you either use the code that unlocks all the cards, or do a specific thing that unlocks a certain card you get to make your own team and driver.


There's quick race, single race, championship  Indy 500 (more on that in a moment and driving school.

Quick race: This throws you into a random race with a random driver.

Single Race: You get to customize everything, who you drive as, damage, fuel usage, track, number of opponents and so forth

Indy 500: You get an entire mode dedicated to the Indianapolis 500 and this is the last game aside from the sequel, to go and put an entire mode in that simulates the procedures with the Indy 500. 2002 Indy 500 controversy aside (read up on the finish of that race if you wawnna know more), you get a full field of 33 includeing the main guys, they guys who were slower and the guys who crashed out on lap 1. You get to go through the entire Indy 500 schedule.

Driving School: Eddie Cheever, formerly of ABC/ESPN guides you through the arts of driving a 2002 spec IRL car. Everything from simply getting around the track safely to complex things are covered here.

Final thoughts:

Is the game worth it?

Well.....personal grudges against the US auto racing scene in particular aside.....I'd say try the demo first off, it gives you two cars  to play as and Texas to race around and get the hang of it. The game's not perfect but it is an officiaially licensed Indycar game, and those are few and far between. Plus it is stupidly accessible even by accident.

Also it's actually fun running side by side at places like Fontana and inching ahead to take the lead. I may personally dislike the IRL's pack racing mentality as far as the real series went but it makes for an awesome feeling in a game.


For whatever reason the cars have no mirrors. You heard it right. The developers for whatever reason never put mirrors on the cars. Also, the physics are completely broken in other situations, you make contact and you're essentially going into orbit.

Like I said give the demo a whirl, and see if you like the demo at least and if you do track down a copy of the full game, it's absolutely worth playing if you can get used to the demo. Bonus points if you manage to pull off the impossible and dominate with a horribly bad car and engine combo.

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Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2017-05-04 13:51:35

Hey Draco. Ok, you have my interest with all the info you provided. Could you simply give a list of games and what platform they are for? Thanks.

2017-05-04 14:31:21


NASCAR Racing 2003 Season: PC

rFactor 1/2/Automobelista: PC

IndyCar Series: PC, PS2

IndyCar Series 2005: PS2

NHRA Drag Racing 2 Man Event: PC

NHRA Drag Racing COuntdown to the Championship: PS

CART Precision Racing: PC (Win 95/98/XP, will not run on modern systems easily)

IHRA Drag Racing: PC, PS2 (another drag game made by the guys who do Skyrim)

Since it got mentioned up there....

Burnout Paradise: PC, X360, PS3

F1GP (or World Circuit)/Grand Prix 2/3/3 Season 2000/4: PC

Colin McRae Rally: PC/ PS1  (it is actually accessible due to the co driver, oddly enough, get the original and not the HD version)

That's the ones I can think of off the top of my head right now.

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Also on Linux natively

Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2017-05-04 14:43:28

Thanks, will look in to these.

2017-05-04 15:11:04 (edited by pulseman45 2017-05-04 15:15:33)

Back when I was a kid, I played good old Sega Rally Championship on the Saturn. But I also had no luck. However, the biggest problem was that I didn't speak English back in the day.
Now I wonder how accessible it is. I mean, OK there is a co driver, but since it is an arcade game and not really a sim, I have doubts.
Well, at least I believe this game also had a PC Release, I'll have to search for it.
Also, thanks for the list, Draco.

2017-05-05 15:52:13

wow, thanks a bunch for the list of racing games that are playable.

going in to the wilds, collecting pokedex, and capturing them are my kind of thing,
training them, making them evolve, and generally making them stronger is my ultimate goal,
fighting other manamon tamers, winning the tournament, and fighting octoros are what these manamons like to do,
and ultimately, I become the master of mana!

2017-05-05 17:18:17 (edited by burak 2017-05-05 17:18:45)

I have done stuff with need for speed that you can look at
You can't complete the story mode on those games, but once you get a full save easy to find, you can have fun.

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2017-05-05 18:07:05

If you're gonna go get complete saves for NFS though....Go for Underground 2 and the original Most Wanted, those two games are the best in the series I feel.

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Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2017-05-05 18:17:53

Absulutly. I recommend need for speed hot pursuit too, but you cannot play this if you don't have a cooler under your laptop. With hot pursuit you can just feel you're driving. Keep in mind you can get wrcked in that game. The cop pursuits are wierd though. 1 or 2 minutes into the pursuit, the cops will disappear and they will wait until you crash and crash and die.

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2017-09-10 10:52:34

bringing back the topic, are there any NFS or burnout series that we can play? not needed to be fully playable, just for fun stuff.

going in to the wilds, collecting pokedex, and capturing them are my kind of thing,
training them, making them evolve, and generally making them stronger is my ultimate goal,
fighting other manamon tamers, winning the tournament, and fighting octoros are what these manamons like to do,
and ultimately, I become the master of mana!

2017-09-10 12:04:40

Need for speed: most wanted is the most playable one, also considered as the best game of the franchise.

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2017-09-10 13:16:08

how about the 2015 reboot of need for speed? is it also playable like most wanted and the others?

going in to the wilds, collecting pokedex, and capturing them are my kind of thing,
training them, making them evolve, and generally making them stronger is my ultimate goal,
fighting other manamon tamers, winning the tournament, and fighting octoros are what these manamons like to do,
and ultimately, I become the master of mana!

2017-09-10 13:36:30 (edited by burak 2017-09-10 13:36:55)

Nfs 2015 requires a constant internet connection so they cannot hack the game. It is not even possible to pause the game. I don't know how playable it is I didn't get it. It is not like very much.

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2017-09-10 16:16:37

can i get nfs most wanted for xbox 1?

2017-09-10 17:26:17

I think you can, but I don't know how because I don't have one.

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I usually post game recordings to anyaudio. Click here to visit my anyaudio page