2016-03-01 23:56:35

Hi all. For some days, a friend of mine recomends me a cool game and I decided to share it with you all. The ontoys platform is an online card games like our popular playroom or RS games. The game masters are Russians but there is also an English version of the game. You can download the client and create your account going to www.ontoys.net. When you open  the website, you will see the Russian letters, but no problem. Go to the bottom of the page and you will find English version link, or much simpler, insert F7 if you use jaws, and search with letter E the English version. Have fun and hope to see you here.

2017-03-11 20:20:19

please link on ontoys. link not working

2017-03-11 21:55:43 (edited by Orin 2017-03-11 22:00:51)

Wow, the number of games and types of games they have on here is pretty insane, compared to, say, RS.
Somebody on Twitter is stupid enough to believe that this is made by a Russion hacker. I'm pretty sure this thing is leget. A questionable thing though: They attempt to fool you into giving your address it seems, so don't quote me on that, but it's displayed on your profile. Just don't give them the information.
another thing: Where can I get help on these games? How do I play, say, Age of Heroes?

Edit: The ontoys site only leads to the client download. Tiflo-space is actually what you're signing up for.

2017-03-11 22:45:42

I'm downloading the thing now and using instant translate. Does the Russian version come with the English language files within?

2017-03-12 11:15:34

yes. the games comes with english. I am really amazed by the number of games available and the diversity of them. A thumbs up to the developer from me.

“Get busy living or get busy dying.”
Stephen King

2017-03-12 11:28:09

Link is broken.. Wasn't ale to find the link to the english website..

2017-03-12 12:06:45 (edited by keyIsFull 2017-03-12 12:45:52)

Just got this and it looks really cool. All the games, though, haven't been translated, only the main interface. At least the 4 that I downloaded weren't translated. Any games that are in english yet?
Edit: I managed to find battleship, mile by mile, and gather color, all of which are translated. The rules are not though. so you just have to figure it all out. Cool stuff here though for sure!

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2017-03-12 12:28:51

yeah. you can try age of heroes, the game and the rules are translated into english and it is really cool to play.

“Get busy living or get busy dying.”
Stephen King

2017-03-12 12:57:43

Hello all, i have been thinking about posting about this platform here for quite some time, but wanted to wait a bit until the english translation has been improved, but i'm glad someone else did it. I am working on improving the English translation. The translation was done by the developer himself, and he is not a  native speaker so do not mind some grammar errors. I am not a native speaker, however i am going through all games and translating what doesn't sound really good. The reason there are more games than for example in RS, is because all games are open source, and anyone can be a contributor, however this is also a reason all games aren't translated. So if anyone has constructive translation/spelling/grammar errors to report, feel free to do so and i will be correcting them as soon as possible, just do not report that game x or y isn't translated, i am well aware that some games aren't translated, they will be as soon as possible. I hope you enjoy the platform, and if you need any help just ask here and i'll be glad to help.

2017-03-12 13:04:41

Could someone help me, please? I wasn't able to download the game.

2017-03-12 13:25:00 (edited by mastodont 2017-03-12 13:25:52)

to download the game activate the link in the first post and search for a link with russian text and 32 or 64 bit in the name. the first two links point to an executable file and the second two links point to the portable version, just download the appropriate one for your system.

“Get busy living or get busy dying.”
Stephen King

2017-03-12 14:11:27

Is it pocible to add bots? If yes, whats the command? I've created an account..

2017-03-12 14:21:59

I like what I played so far. I'm also way more likely to recommend these to sighted people than the  Playroom or especially RS because there's actually graphics. There's also some smart design choices here (like in mile by mile which is 1000 miles you can set it up so that everyone has a separate deck. That should make games with many players drag on for a lot less time)

2017-03-12 15:31:59

caio to set a bot, choose the game you want in off line mode, tab over until you hear virtual player, hit enter, create a name for it, then start the game

can i get a peace double harmony burger? no chaos

2017-03-12 15:42:54

I really love the age of heros game, got a nice win today, greatest empire and armies of the future in one game rofl!

“Get busy living or get busy dying.”
Stephen King

2017-03-12 15:56:43

a small question: how do you use the chat system? I've tried pressing alt 2 but it doesn't switch to the chat window. I've also tried to press f11 to enable it but it seems that this key has other purposes because it redirects me to the online quiz.

“Get busy living or get busy dying.”
Stephen King

2017-03-12 17:20:46

wow that age of hero is kindda complex haha

2017-03-12 17:44:45

Still trying to understand that Age of Hero thing. There are like 10 games I really liked, number one being Tennis. Just two questions: how to start that online quiz? And how to play that football game? I really liked the sounds but didn't manage to understand everything.

2017-03-12 18:45:28

age of heros is pretty cool, quick question, I keep seeing the bot im playing making a trade it says something like "offer iron for limestone" and there is a stop button to the left. my question is who is he trading with if its only us two? and how do I also trade resources with these invisible players lol. again game is really cool I manage to obtain 5cities

can i get a peace double harmony burger? no chaos

2017-03-12 18:49:56

Jason blaze from those rules I posted yes it made the game seem very complex, hence why I deleted that post lol, an easier set of the rules is on the toys website which well help you understand the game much better. question for the mods, do you think this topic should be moved to new releases?

can i get a peace double harmony burger? no chaos

2017-03-12 20:07:36

it seems like to chat you have to purchase an advanced title with your stars on there website

can i get a peace double harmony burger? no chaos

2017-03-12 20:30:34

yeah. the bot is offerring you some deals, you can trade some cards with it too. When the exchange round is active hit enter on a card and an exchange menu will open where you can choose what do you want in return for that card.

“Get busy living or get busy dying.”
Stephen King

2017-03-12 22:04:24

Guys how to play the online quiz? And does anyone knows how to play the Football game? It seems too interesting!

2017-03-12 22:32:22

ok I m buy 80 stars
and my question is where I can find chat?

2017-03-12 23:03:13

hi i have problems with registration someone can help please? i fill out all fields but nothing.