2017-03-01 21:46:43

@Megadimensao I love your game, it's awesome, has very many areas to explore. I really enjoy it! Now, because of all this drama, are you continueing this game anyway? I love it sooo much. It's my first life simulator that I have ever played in my life!
Keep up the great work, you're awesome! I love to see more things being added!
Keep it up!

Feel free to follow me on Twitter @thecoolgamer4 and subscribe to my Youtube channel

2017-03-01 21:49:37

To me, this doesn't really look like a clone. Yes, there are similar features in the game than ultrapower, but imo that does not make it a 100 percent clone.

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2017-03-01 21:53:31

Hello. Me as an ultrapower player, and as someone that has the sourcecode of ultrapower, and at last, as someone that played this game, want to say this is taken from the ultrapower's code. Moderators may try as soon as server come back. Map system, menus, some of the options. Tile sounds, and some otherthings are yelling that it is taken from ultrapowers sourcecode. Originally ultrapower sourcecode, but it is actually taken from BTB's sourcecode I think.
If the rules were against BTB and other ultrapower versions, Now the rules should not be broke on this one.

Co-founder of Sonorous Arts.
Check out Sonorous Arts on github: https://github.com/sonorous-arts/
my Discord: kianoosh.shakeri2#2988

2017-03-01 21:54:11

well.ok hi ivan and aprone. cool swamp creator smile i no that tournament contains various stuff from games but i only new about that when i was sent the game. alterpower isn't something i haven't tried out for i haven't got it and the server might be still down but what i can do is i can try and put my account up on the game and try my email address. i no that things have reachd a complete and utter climax from the start but various people just seem to no how to bring an area to at the major war section. although from what i did heer while i was trying to sort something out the game did give some little sounds like a thunder bolt and a few sounds of people beeing killed that reminded of red spot but so far i no things aren't working out but whatever people try i can kind of go along with them but i've played few muds but not side scroller ones where you have player interaction. it's great to be able to have voice controll.

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2017-03-01 21:54:14

People need to keep in mind that the term "clone" is being used, but we are not referring to one game seeming a lot like another game.  The only issue anyone should be concerned about is whether or not a game is using code stolen by mason, that the moderators here have previously stated will not be allowed on this forum.  2 games can seem very very similar and not share the same code, but also 2 games can seem completely different even though they are using the same original code.  People seem to be confusing this and trying to claim that differences between this game and Ultrapower are evidence that this is not using the stolen code.  Please be aware of what the real issue is.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

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2017-03-01 21:56:12

I believe the game will be continued.. It has a large player base here on Brasil so the people who liked it don't have nothing to worry about..

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2017-03-01 21:59:23

Hope the english manual for this game will come out soon. Hope the server will be up in a few minutes. I really wanna play this game now.

Feel free to follow me on Twitter @thecoolgamer4 and subscribe to my Youtube channel

2017-03-01 22:13:09

yeah i wan't to play it. the server's still down and i get that odd message that a few people got. lol i don't no what it is for i can't coppy it to my clipboard. but i so want this game working. i no i get a few weird stuff on entry but i want to play the game without any problems. whenever the server's up i so want to no for i seriously have the setup file on my hard-drive and i can always re-download it if there's updates.

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2017-03-01 22:15:19

The developer seems to be updating the server. Just be patient people.

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2017-03-01 22:23:07

This will be most likely my only post in this thread because I don't like to get into toxic flame wars to this scale. But I can't help thinking that even if this game was a clone of Ultrapower it sure as hel isn't one now because the developers have added a lot of additional features to the game. It looks to me like quite a few hours have been put in to expand the maps and add more things to do and weapons to kill with, there's a few quests, etc. I can't help thinking to an extent that some people here, including blink wizard, might want this topic deleted and the game closed simply because the other UP clones we've seen had far fewer changes done to them other than add an item or 2 and give it a new name, where as here I think there's a clear case of perhaps using some code as a base for something much bigger. The developers are also being quite responsive and I know for a fact Ghorth has been in contact with them in regards to changing the net code to help with the lag and avoid some bottlenecks of BGT.

Code gets reused all the time, and yet you don't see sighted people calling games like counter strike, team fortress, portal and left4dead clones of half life? Why? They're reusing the same engine, they're all first person and you can shoot things in them. It's because during development, new elements have been added to those games to make them different. I think that's what happened here. Even if some part of UP has been used as a base, the small closed maps full of nothing but weapons have been replaced with more detailed, bigger areas. Heck you don't even have to take part in PVP if you don't want to.

Thumbs up +1

2017-03-01 22:24:03

come on caio mate keep us all updated. lol i'm with you all the way i'm downloading it now and again trying it hoping it'll work.

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2017-03-01 22:39:45

Pitermach, despite a few people making this mistake, the issue has never been about this game seeming similar to Ultrapower.  The number of differences continues to be used to distract things away from the real issue of code theft or no code theft.  Mainstream games do regularly seem similar and use the same game engines, but those are licensed and paid for, or are using game engines open freely for anyone to use.  None of those things are the same as code being wrongfully stolen from a developer, and used by others.

Thief steals your keys, drives away with your car, and has it repainted.  Police begin questioning witnesses.  First witness says the man didn't steal anything because he has been giving car rides to people in the area, and they've all enjoyed it.  Second witness says the man didn't steal anything because the car now looks different than it did before it was taken.  The third witness says the man didn't steal the car because people buy and sell cars to each other all the time.  All 3 witnesses are clearly insane because none of that has anything to do with the original theft of the car.  The first witness is making excuses because he is benefiting from the fun car rides, the second witness is trying to say that changing something means it is not stolen, and the third witness is trying to say that stealing something is the same as when people legally obtain things.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

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2017-03-01 22:46:42

lol this game is bringing me back to play it something that UP or the other game didn't do. so sureley they are doing something different.
keep at it devs, even if you get ban from here will keep playing it xd.

follow me on
now go away, don't talk to me

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2017-03-01 22:50:02

When will the game be back up?

Power is not the responsibility of freedom, but it is actually the responsibility of being responsible, it's self, because someone who is irresponsible is enslaved by their own weaknesses.

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2017-03-01 22:53:52

it'll be back up later today

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2017-03-01 22:54:02 (edited by Riad 2017-03-01 22:55:02)

If the question is only what Aprone is trying to know, about the first origin of the game, the answer no one can likely deny, is UP and BTB's code. Stolen or not, that's something I don't personally know, but it really has a lot of things to offer and a lot of new content UP didn't have, the code is written in its majority from scratch,, but the starting point is UP, and that shouldn't be done like this since the developers seem to have a very good programming knowledge so why didn't they start their own game rather than an unauthorized to use code? In all cases, stolen or not, clone or not, whenever the server is up again, I hope I'll keep playing it since it brought me a lot of fun UP actually didn't have.

Thumbs up +1

2017-03-01 22:56:05

Hi folks,

I understand your concerns, but flaming each other and arguing over the originality of the code isn't going to get us anywhere. I'm waiting to see the server come up so I can play. If it is an UP clone, go on about your way and play something that's more original in your view. But I'm standing with the project, even if people say it's a clone, because I played ultra power several years back, and I quickly got tired of being shot down numerous times, just like on redspot. I remembered years ago when people of the community were arguing over a MOO that a member had began implementing, and everyone was arguing over the originality of the codebase. Come on folks, please be reasonable. I'm not saying I support code theft, and if someone can show proof of the stolen code, I'm going to stop playing. Until then, there's no proven facts, and I stand fully behind the developers. I'd like to see more from them, including ways to make money, and I'd like to see an English manual, since the commands list isn't in English. Keep up the good work. Until there is cold, hard proof, please stop arguing over this developer's work. If you're for it, go ahead and play, but if you're not, there's plenty of other games to play, but only one game offers protection from PK, and that's this game here. Please, bring the server back up. If someone can give me more info on how the game works, I don't mind writing a manual, or at least a quickstart file, since the manual's not in English.

Role-play? Simulation? Strategy? Throw it at me! I'm all ears for the games!

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2017-03-01 23:02:17

i can't seem to get the game working. and when i try and connect this is the message i have error. the server is not working. it should be because: obrigado por efetuar o download do desafio mortal. para que todos comecem juntos, o jogo será aberto às 20 horas. esperamos que todos gostem da versão 2.0. hope that helps for i so want to play it. lol i'll do anything to get on to t i'll check this forum regularaly for further updates.

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2017-03-01 23:16:06

Post 161.  This has nothing to do with the topic, but do the devs of crazy party know that you made an alternate translation of the game?  Just asking as I haven't looked at that topic in a  while.  also what is a redone english translation?

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2017-03-01 23:17:01

I see that too. When I select check for patch, it finds one. I downloaded 3.1.0, took me a few tries because the program kept closing out and setup wouldn't open, and now I'm trying to get 3.1.1. It'll start the download, then claim to be finished within a few seconds, and the setup file doesn't open. I'll try again a few more times, but if this can't get figured out, I'm afraid my adventure is done.

Role-play? Simulation? Strategy? Throw it at me! I'm all ears for the games!

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2017-03-01 23:17:41

from what i've read from the dev's post i got to the conclution that the game got hacked? why would you update for security features then. to whoever did that shit, a big thumms up.  another thing too guys. how about mason, doesn't this stewpid comunity care about someone that really put effourd in to his code to make something fun for ya all, then when he doesn't want it to be distributed you guys make clones? but nah, everyone here is selfish and doesn't think about other people's feelings as long as you get something fun to do. what about if i took aprones code of swamp and aprone said that he didn't want it to be distributed then i maid something new with swamp's code, wouldn't aprone abe pissed? just imagen the feeling for the dev that tried to make something fun for ya all but later get his work stolen and remaid by other people when he clearly said that he didn't want it to be destroyed

Thumbs up +1

2017-03-01 23:19:00

Nice post Riad.  I agree that IF it turns out that this game is using the stolen code, it is a shame that they bothered to do it.  They seem to have the skills to create something on their own, and they could have put forth the extra time and effort to built for theselves what they took from Mason.

I also agree that this game may be a ton of fun to play regardless of what code they used or didn't use.  This forum took a stand against things like game cracks, and developers using stolen code, because they harm audio game developers.  Because of that stance any game that is found guilty of using stolen code can not be advertised here.  It's the same for game cracks, where people can't go around on here advertising ways to get some audio game for free by cracking its license code.

We can't tell people not to play a game, so if you were a fan of any of the old ultra power clones, people are welcome to continue playing them.  The only thing the moderators here care about, is what gets posted on these forums.  There is a difference between playing a game and endorsing/supporting it in a place that has set rules.

If this game has a thousand amazing features that everyone loves, then by all means continue to appreciate the effort its developers put into it.  I hope everyone understands that the stolen verse not stolen code issue comes down to a matter of principle and site rules.  Yes some people have gotten quite heated over the issue, but I would like people on both sides to consider the importance of following the rules of this forum.  I'd like to think of us as a civilized community where code theft, hacking tools, and game cracks are not publicly handed out even if you choose to do any of those things elsewhere.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

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2017-03-01 23:20:34

i'll keep on trying as best as i can but that's the message i always get when i start the game and i'm not aware of any patches or updates. i might be able to work things out but alot of the stuff isn't in english

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2017-03-01 23:23:14

This game isn't an UltraPower Clone! Please, people, stop sying that it is, because it isn't! If it were, a moderator would have banned it already.  Please, guys, stop this nonsince!

Power is not the responsibility of freedom, but it is actually the responsibility of being responsible, it's self, because someone who is irresponsible is enslaved by their own weaknesses.

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2017-03-01 23:24:12 (edited by blindndangerous 2017-03-01 23:40:28)

Um...I have absolutely no idea how post 219 says Carlitos instead of blindndangerous, or why his stats are showing up, but that post is my question to post 161...sent a message to Aprone about that..that was really strange.

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