2017-02-11 20:40:20


Well  the machine is working, and supernova is doing fine with things thus far, ---- accept one thing which I'llabout on Monday since I might be missing something here.
However the windows services, settings and random stuff like weather is actually working well.
I've  decided to install some games and have run into two major things thus far.

First, where do I put said games? Installing is okay, but I'm short on where to put icons, particularly for things like Crazy party that don't have full installations.
I suppose I can  cover the desktop with folders, but it's going to get fairly full.

The second question is about sapi.
Narrator has a really nice voice, George. When I finally found the sapi control options (and they were rather well hidden), it seems that the mobile voices, of which George is one can't be used as standard tts, or doI have this wrong?

if not that is fine, I do have other things I can install, but I did rather like George as far as things went, and since I now want to relax and play some games, a good sapi voice might be very helpful.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2017-02-11 22:28:40 (edited by Chris 2017-02-11 22:32:21)

You can put self-contained games into places such as your documents folder and create a desktop icon. You could also pin the .exe file to the task bar and launch it with Windows 1 through 0. This means you can alunch up to 10 applications using hot keys. You could also install Classic Shell and pin programs to the classic start menu. I never liked the start screen or the supposedly new and improved start menu in Windows 10.

As for using SAPI mobile voices, I believe you can tweak the registry to enable them to be used with the main SAPI engine. I'm not sure what those are at the moment. Someone more knowledgeable than me will have to help you.

I hope this information helps. I haven't really been a Windows user since I switched to a Mac in 2013. However, Microsoft is peaking my interest with their new commitment to accessibility.

Grab my Adventure at C: stages Right here.

2017-02-12 00:24:36

Hi Chris.

Thanks for t letting me know. I love the stupidity of a "start" menu that doesn't let you put the things you want to  "start" on it, really clever! 
Since I however will definitely have more than 10 games, I don't thin think the pinning will help much, so it's going to be lots of nested folders of shortcuts created by me, ---- so much for usability.

I also however have one other question. How exactly do I install 32 bit sapi voices on this thing? If I can't have the mobile voices, I might as well have the ones I'm familiar with, but when I tried an install it  didn't work.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2017-02-12 00:43:46

You may be able to pin items to the start list by opening the context menu and choosing pin to start. Still, I'd recommend using Classic Shell. I don't like how the menu is arranged as a hybrid start menu/start screen.

Are you serious about 32 bit SAPI voices not working? Does it give you an error and fail to install? If you can't select the voice as your default voice, you need to access the 32 bit speech control panel. In the run dialogue, type "c:\windows\syswow64\speech\speechux\sapi.cpl" without the quotes. This should launch the speech settings where you can select the default voice. If I didn't get that syntax exactly correct, you can navigate to that folder using File Explorer and launch the sapi.cpl file manually. You may have to reboot after saving your changes. I know this works in Windows 7. If Microsoft completely did away with that supportin 64 bit versions of 10, that is truly sad.

Grab my Adventure at C: stages Right here.

2017-02-12 01:23:16

Hi Chris.

Well as far as the 32 bit control panel goes, I could only find one sapi control panel, the one you g get with windows x x, and even when I'd installed a 32 bit sapi voice it didn't show up in the selection there, just the default ones.

As to the start menu, the pinning thing might work, accept the only way it seems to access the pinned items from what I can gather is when you set the start menu to full screen which stops you getting access to anything else anyway.
Again I'll  talk to  dolphin about this.

Edit: Okay I'm a fool!
It seems you can get to two useful areas of the menu by just hitting tab, namely the pin   group, and the navigation menu.
Which if either will be more useful for games and shortcuts to  stuff I don't know, but it  does seem the menu will behave with supernova and be customized.

Now just to solve the sapi problem so I can have some decent sounding games to play big_smile.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2017-02-12 01:37:08

That path which was posted which takes you to the 32 bit Sappi control panel does indeed work in Windows 10. I just used it myself a few days ago to switch my default voice to Eloquence.

As for creating icons on your desktop so that you can access games and such, that's definitely possible. Extract the folder of the game, such as Crazy Party, wherever you like. It really doesn't matter where you put the folder, as long as you don't move it once your shortcut has been created. Once the files have been extracted, highlight the executable file for the game, then hit your applications key, or shift f10 if you're on a laptop or otherwise weird keyboard that doesn't contain an applications key. Scroll through the menu until you see the send to submenu, then open that and go ddown to desktop (create shortcut.) Hit enter on that, and you've got a perfectly functioning shortcut, just like in previous versions of Windows. I think what might be tripping you up there is that you were unsure how to access the send to menu using the ribbon, which, in my opinion, is the stupidest invention Microsoft has come up with. I have it disabled, but luckily, many essential functions are available right from your context menu, so you shouldn't need to mess with the ribbon much. Of course, there are also many ways to add things to the context menu to make it more useful, and the ribbon can be disabled too, but that's way beyond the scope of your question, so I'll stop there.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2017-02-12 01:59:04

Hi Turtlepower.
I just found the desktop icon thing by accident, since it seems the desktop in windows 10  has to be a make your own start menu, I do see that one as useful, though I wonder what happens when you get programs like vipmud  with actual installers? particularly when you want to say go and read the manuals or check out eh website.
I'll try sapi and see how it works, though I have had some success with bits of the start menu, namely the quick access bit which you can get to with shift tab, and searching aps by letter, although I've just had to create a direct shortcut on my desktop to my favourites, since it seems there's no way in hell of gettingit onto the start menu.

If I can install a good sapi voice, then I  can get on with muds and fun games and actually maybe see some good in this thing (It was would be nice to play manamon without having to pester my wife).

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2017-02-12 02:07:30

Well, you could technically create a shortcut to a manual or whatever you want on the desktop using the same method I outlined above. Most installers do give you the oppurtunity to create a desktop shortcut for the program itself, but not the readme, in fact the Spoonbill games are the only ones I've ever seen that automatically dump their manuals on your desktop. I personally find this disconcerting, and delete them as soon as possible, but I can see how it would be convenient.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2017-02-12 02:27:28

The 32-bit SAPI thing is, like was mentioned above, similar in windows 7 and windows 10. What might be tripping you up there Dark is that in Windows XP, you really only had 32-bit stuff and 64-bit stuff wasn't really a thing.
The 32-bit SAPI 5 voices are a bit tricky to reach because its legacy tech, but its definitely possible if you follow the instructions in post 4. Not sure if you are aware how to get to the run dialogue, you do this by pressing windows+r smile
The desktop , again similar to Windows 7, pretty much starts you off with an empty slate. You can put icons on it by using the method discussed in post 6, or by installing programs that have a 'create a desktop icon' option. In the case of crazy party, which doesn't have an installer, you could put this wherever you like and make a shortcut in the method discussed in post 6.
As for not being able to find stuff in the start menu quickly, what you can try is the search functionality. I honestly barely ever bother with the start screen itself, thing is that I'm not sure if Supernova supports this, give it a try. To use:
- Press your windows key.
- Type the name of a game, say, manamon
- Results should come up. use up and down to select between them, enter to select.

Hope that helps smile

2017-02-12 03:07:51

@Chris, thanks again, the sapi thing has worked fine and I've now got my voice back, hurrah!

@turtlepower, I wouldn't want the manuals on the desktop either, but if this stupid convention of windows continues with annoying start menus, maybe developers should start doing that more often to save people having to traul the program folders themselves.
I have had experience of the desktop on windows 7, since I setup my lady's machine to use it, but again it just seems a rather clunky way around as compared to say the way on Xp I could just install say vipmud, then have a gma games\vipmud folder with all the right shortcuts in it, and the desktop icon just as a quick way of running the program itself.

@Zersiax, Yes I've got the run dialgoue working and have used it for finding windows components like wordpad that aren't particularly obvious, but I'll confess it's not my favourite way of accessing things, especially  games since I tend to be a demon for subfolders, heck, even on Ios I try to keep one page per set of things and use folders per developer, though I do wish Ios supported multilple nested folders for it's aps, though that's another debate.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2017-02-12 03:13:22

Ok ...have you tried the start menu search? The subfolders in the start menu you are referring to actually still exist, they are kind of well hidden though. I tend to use search for almost everything and at that point it really doesn't matter WHERE stuff is. just windows key, type what you want, enter. Rince and repeat, it becomes a habit quite quickly smile

2017-02-12 03:45:07

Hmmm, well we'll see what happens when I have several different things installed, I can always mess about later.

For a more pratical question, I'm having issues with winamp. Winamp itself installs fine, but when I  install game music plugins, it goes wonkey and refuses to load  correctly for some reason.
I like winamp for being a clean interface,  where I can just turn it on and play things, however I have a huge collection of music from snesmusic.org, and the old zophar's domain site in lots of whacky formats.
any suggestions appreciated.

At least now I hav Daniel installed I can go on with mudding big_smile.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2017-02-12 03:45:20

It's possible to customize the all apps list as well. If you wanted to group programs into folders like games for all your games, media for all your media players, etc, you can add shortcuts and folders to "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs" which ads it to all users on the system. As I've said, you can also install Classic Shell and get rid of all that garbage. You'll get a nice start menu with easy first letter navigation. You can pin icons to the menu or look through the programs submenu. It also conveniently separates the modern apps from legacy/standard Windows apps. Using the above folder should let you customize that program list. Now that I think about it, I'm finding plenty of ways to make newer versions of Windows function similarly enough to XP. I'm definitely going for the Creator update coming in March or April.

Grab my Adventure at C: stages Right here.

2017-02-12 03:47:24

Hmm ...can you be a bit more specific? Do you get error messages or some such?
I tend to use VLC for whacky formats, but not sure if you would like its interface much ...ever played with foobar? A lot of people seem to like it ...

2017-02-12 04:02:18

I agree with post 14. Foobar or VLC is probably better seeing as how Winamp is no longer under developement. I prefer VLC on Mac compared to Windows. The UI is a lot better with VoiceOver. If you get Foobar and configure it correctly, it can be really awesome.

Grab my Adventure at C: stages Right here.

2017-02-12 04:03:44

Hmmm, nothing specific, winamp literally just fails to start when I hit the desktop icon o or attempt to play stuff with it.
Vlc I am actually going to install anyway, since  even on my Xp machine I was using it to play dvds, I didn't know it played weerd format s.

I'll have to see how it represents now playing information, at least it misses off all that library    recommendedcrap.

Btw, I also had a quick poke at the Alexa ap, and yes, it's %100 fine with Supernova. A shame really they did such a bad job on Ios, still now  at least I've found oe good thing the ecco can do, ---- pretend to be the sorting hat from Harry Potter I didn't have  a particularly extensive look at the skills I admit, that one just stood out to me for some reason big_smile.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2017-02-12 12:28:15

I usually go with foobar, the interface is great. I like to use it when I need to tune in to the streams over the internet.

Follow me on Mastodon.

2017-02-12 12:55:40 (edited by Slender 2017-02-12 12:59:59)

@Dark Yes, you can use Microsoft George with 32 bit apps, though it requires a few registry edits. First, go in to the 32 bit registry by accessing the run dialog and typing "c:\windows\syswow64\regedit.exe" without the quotes yes, the 32 and 64 bit registries are different. Then, import this registry file in to the 32 bit registry to get George working.

Oh no! Somebody released the h key! Everybody run and hide!

2017-02-12 13:00:21

Well I'm a bit wary of messing with the registry at this point in time or importing files, though it does seem rather silly that  Microsoft  would create voices and not let them be used.

Still I have  my decent 32 bit voice working, even if I did need to run the process again after I restarted my computer.I wonder if running Aprone's  checkup  helped with that?

Either way, still lots of stuff to install.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2017-02-12 14:25:46

Well my first suggestion would be to replace the native windows 10 start menu with classic shell as it is the equivalent of windows 7's start menu, fairly simple, and it is not sluggish like the start menu in windows 10. What's more, start menu in win 10 is very complicated for a beginner as most of us are used to a traditional start menu where you access items by pressing up/down and left/right arrows, whereas in windows 10 you should in addition press tab to move to another category.
The other suggestion is to change from Winamp to any other media player, including windows media player, VLC, foobar 2000, or media player classic. All these that I'm mentioning here are very accessible with the most popular screen readers, including Narrator. I started using Foobar 2000, but the reason I stopped using it is because it doesn't have based shortcuts for playback control. I created all the shortcuts I needed for that purpose, but some of them interfered with JAWS, so I went with Windows media player. Some of you might laugh at my choice, but I find it a quite good media player. It opens up quite fast and has a lot of options.

2017-02-12 14:43:13

Well I've not experienced anything too sluggish in the start menu so far, though finding actual folders and stuff I want is a different matter, indeed at the moment I'm sticking lots of nested shortcuts on the desktop, and only really using Cortana in the start menu to access things like program manuals.
It's not ideal but I can live with it.

With media player it's a bit more specific, since what I'm essentially looking  for is something that won't give me a massively cluttered interface, won't have a grabby system of "add to library" or playlist when I just want to play some files or folders from windows explorer, and is able to play whacky formats without  too much trouble.
I don't like what you say about Foobar not having decent shortcut keys, indeed that was one thing I noticed in vlc, that  it didn't come with much by way of default keyboard shortcuts and the manager to set them up seemed a bit screwy.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2017-02-12 15:04:36

VLC has built-in shortcuts and you don't need to set them up yourself.

2017-02-12 15:46:43

The only keyboard shortcuts I know for vlc are p to play, s to stop and spacebar to pause, and I found those by accident.
There isn't a list in the menu, indeed this is why I've only ever used it for dvds, since I do like the ability to go to next  title and chapter and such, but have never used it for media playback, since if I can't say wind forward and back through a track or get to the next track in a folder when I play the hole folder, it's  not going to be too helpful.

If I've missed something feel free to let me know.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2017-02-12 16:41:13

There are actually more, for example, M to mute, N to go to the next track, P to go to the previous track, ctrl+right arrow/left arrow to skip forward/backward, same as alt+right or left arrow and Shift+left/right arrow.
Also, left bracket to decrease the spead of the track, and right bracket to increase it. Press equals to normalise the spead of the track currently playing. What's more, the volume can be changed by pressing ctrl+up/down arrow.

2017-02-12 20:27:56

VLC does indeed have many more keyboard shortcuts than you were probably aware of. check out this link.


I recently switched to using VLC myself, after many years of using Winamp, and I'm extremely happy with my choice. The one thing that can be a bit screwy is setting up the equalizer to get it the way you like it, but it is doable. The preferences dialog is also kind of a pain, because it reads HTML elements for some reason each time you tab through the options. But there again, once you have it set up and working the way you want, you shouldn't need to do too much messing around, unless you need to do things like constantly switch playback devices.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.