2017-01-22 18:47:03

there are also options to make the gear completely cosmetic, meaning there will be no bonuses in play.

2017-01-23 09:15:30

Thanks for clearing that up regarding to the single player... smile

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2017-01-23 19:15:05

There is a Watchtower Cast tomorrow, Tuesday, January 24th, at 2 PM CDT. If you are unable to watch it, once some of my favorite Youtubers upload it I'll post a link here.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup

2017-01-23 21:00:51

Lol yeah I just poke around and just say random things sometimes. In the end, we all have our preferences. Hell, I even acknowledged on my twitter feed that while I do not like Skullgirls as a Franchise, I went ahead and bought it because it supports full on accessibility. It's awesome they went with it all the way.

As far as Injustice2 and accessibility, unfortunately, my direct contact at NRS left the studios, so it's been difficult to find another one who is willing to bring it up as WB keeps an eye on everything they do or say. There is another developer who left the studio not to long ago as well. He was responsible for adding the sound cue in Injustice 1. He mentioned that he had plans to bring in more accessible options in future games. Sadly he left. Basically WB has very strict guidelines and it's hard to get in contact with the guys at NRS. The only way is to go to events like tournaments and stuff. I plan to go to Evo2017 this time around and hopefully I get a chance to speak to the devs.

Follow my Youtube channel for high level MK 11 gameplay. https://www.youtube.com/user/Chvasquez86

Follow me on twitch for live streaming. https://www.twitch.tv/obsrattlehead

2017-01-23 21:51:02

Yeah.. here's hoping something comes of that. Good luck at EVO! And don't worry, I didn't take any offense at your ribbing... I definitely prefer Japanese fighting games over the majority of American ones, that's a well known fact. lol But I still enjoy them to an extent.
I hear you about how strict WB appears to be... I'm having the same problem with a lot of music gear. Here's hoping we can at least get the same cues in, if not more for this game.

Discord: clemchowder633

2017-01-24 00:21:47

Lol nah I figured you didn't. And thanks bro! Here's hoping adulting doesn't get on the way of me going like last year.

Follow my Youtube channel for high level MK 11 gameplay. https://www.youtube.com/user/Chvasquez86

Follow me on twitch for live streaming. https://www.twitch.tv/obsrattlehead

2017-01-24 01:04:16

@death_rattlehead: I promise you I have no hard feelings, even I joke around sometimes, we all have to.
Things also got quite interesting too, as Injustice 2 is shaping up to be the first new fighting game releasing this year, but not the actual first, because ultimate marvel vs capcom 3 is coming to the next-gen consoles and pc in March, and then from there, it'll be Injustice 2 in May, then Tekken 7 is releasing in June.
I have to say Injustice 2 kind of looks slightly slower than mkx gameplay wise, but we'll see. I'm not really sure which character I'm looking forward to at the moment though. Honestly, I'm more interested in story mode right now. But maybe once the gameplay character reveals start coming in, which should be tomorrow, we'll have a better idea.

2017-01-24 10:48:38

UMVC 3 is already available for next gen consoles right now, at least for ps4. lol And I haven't watched the stream yet... looking forward to seeing what's in there, or at least bits of it. Tekken 7 is taking all my attention right now.

Discord: clemchowder633

2017-01-24 11:36:51

I thought Tekken might take all your attention.

The stream hasn't happened yet, it happens today - 1/24/17.

I'm not sure whether I want to preorder Injustice 2 or not, especially considering the issues I had with the MKX preorders when they happened (not getting Goro even though he was, supposedly, preorder DLC, was quite the frustrating turn of events).

The gameplay of this installment actually looks like what I'd hoped the first game would've been and wasn't.  Let's hope the story's improved by an order of magnitude and that the voice acting doesn't sound so forced as it did in a fair amount of the footage I've looked back on.

Sightless Kombat.
***If you wish to refer to me in @replies, use Sightless***

2017-01-24 16:13:03


Yeah this year is going to be interesting. And naturally Injustice2 is going to be slower than MKX due to the lack of the run mechanic. Problem a lot of us tourney players had with MKX is that it favored offensive/rushdown game too much. They toned down the run meter a bit, but it was still difficult for defensive players to get in. There's more to it like run  cancels and all that, but that's a whole other topic. I'm interested in the gameplay this time more so because Injustice2 will introduce a meter dash that allows your character to dash roll from full screen at the cost of a bar. Reason why Injustice2 looks slower right now is because it's not being played at the highest level yet. Wait till tournament players get their hands on it, the game will look different.

I'm actually looking forward to Tekken7. The last Tekken games I played were 4 and 6.

Follow my Youtube channel for high level MK 11 gameplay. https://www.youtube.com/user/Chvasquez86

Follow me on twitch for live streaming. https://www.twitch.tv/obsrattlehead

2017-01-24 18:18:14

If you want a sick looking story mode, check out that footage from the e3 tekken 7 trailer. Absolutely fantastic stuff with great gameplay, and the QTE's sound like they'll be the same throughout and not screw us over. I'll be curious to find out how different the gameplay is for injustice 2 than the first one. I'm definitely hoping for improved story and hopefully better written dialog... MK X had me cringing so many times during the story and character intros. Probably not a big deal to most people, but I nitpick over things like that... can you say cliche lines? lol

Discord: clemchowder633

2017-01-24 22:11:47 (edited by death_rattlehead 2017-01-24 22:12:51)

I stopped following storymodes for fighting games once I got into the tournament scene. I'm more about gameplay mechanics now. Frame data is where it's at for me.

I didn't mind the story in MKX only because I read the commics. Same with Injustice. I haven't played SFV storymode, but I will once I get a chance.

Follow my Youtube channel for high level MK 11 gameplay. https://www.youtube.com/user/Chvasquez86

Follow me on twitch for live streaming. https://www.twitch.tv/obsrattlehead

2017-01-25 00:18:53

To whoever said the Injustice 1 story mode acting sounding forced, you might have gotten it confused with MK VS DC cause that game was just downright campy. I cringe at it now. I loved Injustice 1's story mode. It felt like an actual DC animated feature, they had all the voice actors and everything. I have the soundtrack on my phone and LOVE IT! I'm going to watch the stream now.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup

2017-01-25 00:31:27

The stream was ok today. Just a warm up really, but with a couple of announcements, I'll put them in spoilers below just in case people want to wait for a YOuTube link instead.
They announced Robin as a playable character and showed a trailer, including them having a technical difficulty where the stream cut out for a couple of minutes before the trailer started.
They claim that this will be the largest story mode, someone asked about length, and Ed Boon might... have let something slip by mistake. He said, "depending on character" and stopped. So we'll have to wait and see there.
Beta codes, first wave should be rolling out as of now. More waves to follow. For beta version, gear will be offered to winners and losers.
please don't stop your screen reader just yet when I say about this next point, because you might miss... something interesting.
They showed off the gear system and for the first time I'm now excited about it. First off, you can have multiple loadouts. SO for us this will be more doable because we can get sighted help to select the gear we want, then save it as a loadout and come back to it in the future. You can have five loadouts per character. The gear will change gameplay stats, and you have two ability slots. IN these slots you can equip moves, which may change your move inputs, so Batman can equip more batterang moves to replace the scatter bombs, or, and this is the big one... characters now have multiple variations on traits, so Batman's bats can either fly around him, or can be attached to the opponent directly and blow up after a few seconds, reminds me a bit of sticky grenades from a certain other character in another fighting game.
Finally, some of the stronger moves will take up both ability slots, and they actually full blown came out and said that this will include new super moves they didn't say if that was for every character though.
Lastly, anyone remember a couple of the devs doing belt battles in the kombat kasts? Well they're back this time, as lantern battles and the first one was quite amusing. One guy was throwing out buttons trying to impress the other one, who was having none of it. Oh, and the showed off some combos that were over 10 hits, including enhanced moves adding even more just when you thought the first flurry of eight hits or so was enough. I don't remember any of that stuff in the kombat casts.
So, there you have it.

2017-01-25 02:22:42

I'm still nervous about this gear system. I suppose I'm able to play without gear, but I suppose, with the loadout system, it'll be just like MKXL but instead of 3 variations, there would be 5.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup

2017-01-25 06:52:37

Death Rattlehead, I can definitely see where your focus is on frame data. Even I tend to be into more mechanics and story... but I give every fighting game a chance when they first came out, at least one playthrough. SF V's story is very campy too, but it's more thwan enough for a game that is supposed to have a priority on multiplayer.

Thanks for all the info dragomier. We'll continue to see how this pans out, I suppose. SF X Tekken also tried something like this with the gem system... and this wasn't very popular with the tournament scene. That game in general suffered a bit because of various other issues... but I personally enjoyed it. lol. Sounds are ripped out of MK X, I'm betting. But I'll give it a watch soon if I can find it!

Also, about the story, Injustice 1's story was ok, but nothing to write home about imho... the plot was interesting, but they tried too hard to be clever with wordplay and it did end up with a lot of very cheesy dialog for what was supposed to be a blockbuster type experience. lol But MK X was still the worst experience for me. But everyone has their preferences... these are just my personal thoughts. tongue I would play Injustice's story mode again, though.

Discord: clemchowder633

2017-01-25 08:23:50

Wow, thanks for the great information Aaron.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2017-01-25 15:03:22

@assault: the impact sounds seem to be slightly different to mk x, seemingly even more hard hitting especially for characters like gorilla grod.

2017-01-25 16:43:08

Watched the stream and it was pretty interesting. I'm still not convinced about the gear system... but I'm still open to the idea. And the game very much still sounds like injustice... though there may be better audio if they had a better audio quality stream. tongue Killer instinct still has the best sound design this gen for fighting games, inmho.

Discord: clemchowder633

2017-01-26 00:05:13

Has anyone gotten their codes?

2017-01-26 02:32:49

Not yet, I haven't.

Discord: clemchowder633

2017-01-26 04:57:53

neither have I or any of the sfv and mkx players that signed up have gotten a code, but hopefully we will be in the second wave of codes. remember gamers check your spam folder as well to see if the code went there.

can i get a peace double harmony burger? no chaos

2017-01-28 18:50:56

The second wave of Beta codes went out last night. Check your E-Mails!

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup

2017-01-28 19:44:32 (edited by death_rattlehead 2017-01-28 19:48:35)

I got my code. Unfortunately, I won't be home this weekend, but I will be streaming it on Monday evening  via my twitch channel.

Follow my Youtube channel for high level MK 11 gameplay. https://www.youtube.com/user/Chvasquez86

Follow me on twitch for live streaming. https://www.twitch.tv/obsrattlehead

2017-01-29 02:22:17

Still haven't gotten mine.

Discord: clemchowder633