2017-01-17 21:22:13

Hello. I am taking it upon myself to start this thread, a thread, I believe, sorely needs to be made. Today, the trailer for the story mode of Injustice 2 has been released, and the characters revealed in it are:
Poison Ivy
and, my favorite, Darkseid.
Other information we have is that there will be 9 DLC characters and instead of waiting a few months for an Ultimate Edition, you can preorder it now at
The roster is 31 characters large, I'm not sure if that includes or does not include DLC. Darkseid is DLC, keep that in mind, so the chances of him being the main villain are minimal at best. My one nerve about this game, however, is the gear system. Unless the game systems incorporate narrator/TTS support into these games, that will require lots and lots of sighted assistance. I am unsure if maybe NetherRealm will be incorporating a deeper, more innovative accessibility mode as well. What are your thoughts? Oh, one more thing I forgot to add: This game will not, I repeat, NOT be available for PC at the current time. The release date is May 16th for consoles only.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup

2017-01-20 13:12:13

Just so everyone knows, you can now register for the beta at
I'm not sure when the beta goes live, but it's still cool to register!

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup

2017-01-20 17:55:40

Yup. Already registered.

Follow my Youtube channel for high level MK 11 gameplay. https://www.youtube.com/user/Chvasquez86

Follow me on twitch for live streaming. https://www.twitch.tv/obsrattlehead

2017-01-20 18:28:04

Registered for the beta, hope I did the picking of the system right, guess we'll see.

2017-01-20 19:56:18

Registered for the beta as well.

2017-01-20 22:24:12

Curious to know when this will go live.. I registered as well. My automatic reaction to most NRS games tend to be skepticism every time I see a new title, but I go in with an open mind every time.. we'll see what this offering has, hopefully soon. Hopefuly will not be disappointed. The gear system will definitely make things complicated, though. Whether that's good or bad remains to be seen.

Discord: clemchowder633

2017-01-20 22:32:35

I have heard that this beta will be multiplayer only. I'm not sure if I like that but we'll see. Playable characters for the beta are Batman, Supergirl, Superman, and Atrocitus.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup

2017-01-20 23:38:42

Yes. Multiplayer only. They are testing the new GGPO netcode they began using in MKX.

Stop being a Capcom fanboy. tongue

Follow my Youtube channel for high level MK 11 gameplay. https://www.youtube.com/user/Chvasquez86

Follow me on twitch for live streaming. https://www.twitch.tv/obsrattlehead

2017-01-20 23:42:40

Hahaha. Definitely no capcom fanboy... I love my Namco, Arc System Works, and SNK too. And let's not forget Killer Instinct. tongue I don't have or not have interest in games based on who makes them. lol

Discord: clemchowder633

2017-01-20 23:43:35

At dragomier, i have to correct you on one thing, that game will be available on steam, I already pre ordered it some days back.
Apart from that, I am curious what will await us in this edition of the game and what they will do with the storie mode, it was already good in the last rendition of injustice.
Greetings Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2017-01-21 01:02:42

So, DeathRattlehead, I've got a question. I figure you'd know this most, so I'm going to ask you. I've asked Ed Boon and Tyler Lansdown on Twitter several times about gear system accessibility. Given NetherRealm's past few games having accessibility features, do you at all know if there will be some form of narrator support on XBOX and Playstation or if they'll somehow make it possible to tell what gear does what?

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup

2017-01-21 01:49:28

@Simba: Injustice 2 on steam? Didn't find it there. And the only Thing I read on the web is that it will be released for the next gen Consoles only.



2017-01-21 10:56:46

Wait, what, not on steam? But I have sseen it there about 2 weeks ago. Let me check again, this is strange indeed.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2017-01-21 15:31:35

Are you sure you didn't see injustice gods among us ultimate edition and might be mistaking it?
Also @Dragomier I don't know if DeathRattlehead knows anything. He's admitted himself, that the accessibility thing happened by a chance meeting. I don't think he works for never realm.
Also, @rattlehead lately I've heard some stories about you being less appreciative of some of us who might not spend all of our time with nether realm games. I understand it is in good jest and more of a jokey manour though, but, even so, please be a bit careful especially here because the audiogames forum isn't too familiar with the jokey tactics found on more mainstream environments. Some of us are more casual than others, some of us have spent years hoaning our skills in other games, for the practice of improving our gameplay overall in all fighting games. For me, it truly started with Skullgirls. I put theories from that into mkx, and I did better than my mk9 days. From there I'm currently playing Killer Instinct, which has held me over these last couple of years. I'll be buying Tekken 7, Injustice 2 and Marvel vs capcom infinite. I do not know how many of them I will take online though. Tekken could be tricky as it's in mono, Injustice might be likely depending on the gear system, and marvel infinite well we'll just have to see how the system goes. I kind of stopped playing mk x though after kombat pack 2, as there wasn't really much other content coming out for it.
I find games like Skullgirls and Killer Instinct have a slightly more flowing combo system, mk you get to a point where you can do maybe two or three hit combos and unless you really know how to set up from there, you get a bit stuck.
I don't use this feature, but even Killer Instinct's combo assist mode requires the player to think. In mvc3, in beginner mode you just tapped square and it did a massive combo. In Killer Instinct, the assist mode actually requires the person to know what kind of moves they want to perform first. Just mashing a button will not be enough to win, so I commend Iron Galaxy for actually thinking about that and not making it braindead. As for me, I like to learn what I'm doing properly, moves and all just as it's slightly more complex, but combo assist does not dumb the game down as much as you might think. It's still, for all intents and purposes, a six button fighter. As I say though, I turned mine off. I prefer doing the moves.

2017-01-21 18:57:00

I don't see what there is about joking around about games, doesnt this keep a forum alive too?
And no, I didnt see injustice, ultimate edition on steam, I already have this one sitting in my library, next to mortal kombat X.
I will look into it, I am wondering what I pre ordered then xD.
Greetings Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2017-01-21 20:56:50

Aaron, I don't think joking is the problem... I haven't heard stories, but quite frankly, this is the internet... I don't think it has anything to do with being casual or not. I am definitely not a casual player... I simply don't spend a lot of time with NRS games. The reasons why I prefer Japanese games are ones I've talked about many times already... but to sum it up, gameplay over content. I don't care if a game is in mono or stereo, I grew up playing games in mono... this isn't that different. Since MK 9, many NRS games have had simply the same combo system with a fresh paint job and a few new gimics to add into the mix. So while Death Rattlehead's comment towards me may have sounded a little off te mark, it's very much on par with mainstream people who think that anything that doesn't come out from Capcom is garbage. I, fortunately, don't spend all my time with Street Fighter V... I simply don't play other fighting games online because at the moment, SF V and Killer Instinct are the only two fighting games I enjoy to that extent. and Killer Instinct, is most definitely not from Capcom. And as for NRS and me being skeptical, I think after three times of being a little disappointed, I'm allowed to wonder a little. lol But I'm most certainly definitely willing to try this, which is why I'm registered for the beta.

Discord: clemchowder633

2017-01-21 21:41:41

@assault and simber: thanks, that actually makes sense and I agree about the jokes keeping game discussions alive, now that I think about it, the are as important as serious discussion, as they add lighthearted flare to the mix.

2017-01-21 22:07:59

Oh shit, I am so freaking stupid, kill me everyone. I thought I pre ordered injustice 2, but it was marvel VS capcom infinits, argh, epic fail xD.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2017-01-22 03:38:50

Hay, that might not be such a bad thing. Infinite is going to also have a cinematic story mode and probably won't be as crazy as marvel vs capcom 3.

2017-01-22 03:47:29

Just curious to kknow what gives you the idea that infinite will be less crazy than mvc3? lol Two on two instead of three on three may still mean the game will be very, very fast. lol

Discord: clemchowder633

2017-01-22 08:44:14

I am not sure if I will like the fact that the battles get slimmed down to to on 2 battles, I liked the way they did it in MVC 3 with 3 heroes per team.
Someone correct me if I am wrong, but didnt MVC 2 also just had to players per team?
Greetings Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2017-01-22 09:30:17

Honestly, if you aren't a pro player, you won't notice much of the difference... going from three on three to two on two doesn't change much, just taking one character out of the equation, not a big deal to non tournament players. MVC 2 had 3 on 3 as well, but they are the only two to have it. Every game before MVC 2 only had two on two battles. but we're getting off topic here... let's just say that MVC infinite going back to two on two isn't doing anything that hasn't been done before. lol That, in fact, is how it started.

Discord: clemchowder633

2017-01-22 10:12:12

Great stuff that people can sign up for a beta. If Injustice 2 is going to be multiplayer only, then I'll stay away from this. I might be excited if they are going to add more accessibility into the game, which will be the reason for I'll get the game. Well, we'll see. I look forward to hear more about the game though.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2017-01-22 17:16:33

@slj: the full game will have single player, the beta will probably be multiplayer only. IT's designed to test netcode before release. However the full game will ave story mode and stuff.

2017-01-22 17:53:26

Right, SLJ, what Aaron said. The full game will also have offline play, the beta is the thing that's multiplayer only.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup