2017-01-05 15:44:28

Guys...we're at 50% and it's not even been 24 hours. You're all amazing. I'm as shocked as you are, Simba...

Also, anyone wanting to reach out by email can send inquiries to [email protected] - thanks!

SLJ - I didn't even think about the fact that we hadn't said anything about the on-demand translation. We'll have to confer about whether we want to advertise that or not since it's far from a perfect system, but it's a really good point. Thanks!

wlomas: I'm not actually sure what the minimum system requirements are at the moment - but I will try to find out and get back to you.

nuno69: We are still deliberating whether or not we'll offer a playable demo but for now all that is available through the Kickstarter itself is a preorder of the game. Regarding your mechanics question - yes you can preview the stats of items when looking at them in containers or shop inventories by using the number keys.

Grryfindore: The game price was an intentional decision to make the game more marketable to sighted players. The fact is that, compared to most indie games, games by and for the blind are grossly overpriced - you rarely see an indie game selling for more than $10-$15. So we decided to stay in that range because if we price it any higher, it's going to drive away a lot of potential buyers from the sighted community. And hopefully the low price point will remove any obstacle preventing blind gamers from enjoying it as well!

Regarding your two comments:
1. Agreed, and that's actually something our sound designer has been messing with. The difficulty is that the farther away a sound is, the quieter it is - otherwise you don't have a sense of distance; but this leads to the problem you noticed, that impact sounds on enemies feel far less punchy than they do when they're on you. We're not quite sure how to get around that at the moment.
2. You have a good ear. Way back when Ian first started this project, Kai was kind enough to let him use the footstep sounds library from Swamp. I agree that it would be great to revamp the footstep sounds, and one of the main things on my "stretch goals" list would be to do just that. I especially like the idea of the sound changing depending on what type of gear you have equipped.

And considering the fact we're already 50% of the way there, I think it's perfectly reasonable to expect that we'll exceed our funding goal. Here's hoping!

2017-01-05 16:10:47

The only word I can say now is Amazing. Really, I wasn't so excited in my game career. Two more questions: 1. Is there a quest journal to remind me what I was doing?
2. Why on outofsightgames.com there's only one audio demo?

If you want to contact me, do not use the forum PM. I respond once a year or two, when I need to write a PM myself. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Telegram: Nuno69a
E-Mail: nuno69a (at) gmail (dot) com

2017-01-05 16:21:27

1. Yep, there is a quest log with all of your active quests and entries to tell you what the next step is. Probably should've highlighted that in the demo.
2. It seems we've only uploaded the quest demo for our website but there are definitely a few others which I've posted on the Introducing: Out of Sight Games thread. I've just emailed our sound designer about uploading those demos to the website as well. Thanks for noticing.

2017-01-05 16:36:40

Hi there
What I can say now that it's really, really amazing and impressive as it seems, I'm very excited to play it. Just a question: those directions beacons annoy me, so if there's a possibility for it to be turned off, this would be good. I don't know if it's a main direction system that should be depended on, or the navigating system will be easy whether if we used those beacons or not.
Continue this great project, and we're surely ready to support.

Kind regards!

Add me on battle.net and let's have fun, region is Europe, my BattleTag is: Hajjar#21470
By reading my post, you agree to my terms and conditions :P

2017-01-05 16:37:02

How the skill sytem works?
Is it like in the witcher where I have skill represented as a tree in which I have: SOrcery, magic ETC in this category I have orher subcategories ETC or you've done it in other way?

If you want to contact me, do not use the forum PM. I respond once a year or two, when I need to write a PM myself. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Telegram: Nuno69a
E-Mail: nuno69a (at) gmail (dot) com

2017-01-05 16:56:00

Ahoy there.

50% is quite awesome! but but its not a surprise that is, once you have a look at or listen to this trailer

I simply have no words..

and if this doesn't blow your mind away, you need help. lol
I actually had just heard the quest playthrough before, and stumbled upon this just now,  suffice to say, these 6 months will be the longest 6 months ever..

@Joseph, Thank you for your reply and the answers.
I do see what you mean and I hadn't thought of it myself,but perhaps just make the audio directional and not based on distence along with directions? that is, unless the combat system has  a distence system too,where range actually matters for things and you take moves to move close to or further away from your enemy.
or if that's not acceptable, just don't let the sounds travel far out from a set point at which the inpact sound loses its punch (the word I was looking for big_smile )and align the other sounds accordingly.
But then again I am sure you and the sound designer must have already experimented with something along these lines.
2. honestly, its good enough the way it is now, the fact that it uses footstep sounds similar to that of swamp isn't necessarily a point against it, but like you said the rewamped footstep sounds wouldn't hurt and if your walking sound actually changes depending on what you are wearing (Armor like those of knights) it'd make this finominal game even better!

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, ‘It might have been.
Follow me on twitter

2017-01-05 17:04:14

Muhammad: We could test the game without automatic announcement of the cardinal directions and see whether or not players get disoriented. Thanks for the suggestion.

Nuno69: Great question. We've actually recently overhauled the skills system and it may yet undergo some more changes. I've been thinking of doing an audio demo highlighting the skill system and how it works, but for now here's a simple description.

As you level up, you will learn new skills, depending on your level and class. You will also gain expertise points which you can use to upgrade existing skills. Some skills won't be learned automatically, and instead have to be bought with expertise points. Often these skills will also unlock other skills which you will then learn automatically as you level up.

The mage class provides a good example. As a mage you start out with basic fire and ice attacks. As you level up, you will learn more powerful fire and ice spells. You could use your expertise points to upgrade these spells, making them deal more damage, increasing the chance of slowing or freezing enemies with ice skills, and so on. Or you could use expertise to buy other skills that unlock new "branches" on the tree. You might buy the base lightning skill, in which case you will now also learn lightning skills as you level up. Or you might buy the base melee skill, in which case you will learn different skills that combine melee damage with the types of elemental damage you have unlocked.

Every class has their own skill set. Some skills overlap and can be learned by different classes, but other skills - especially the more advanced skills - are limited to a particular class. For example, both Rangers and Thieves can learn the basic Stealth skill, but thieves can upgrade it to a higher level than rangers can, and only thieves can learn some of the more advanced stealth and concealment skills.

Hopefully that gives you a better idea :-)

2017-01-05 17:06:28

Grryfindore: Thanks for the thoughts about combat sound design. Any input is helpful and we'll definitely do what we can to get it as good as possible.

I couldn't agree more about the trailer. When Drew (our sound designer) first sent it to me, I just listened to it over and over again like half a dozen times. I'm so happy with how it came out, and have been so excited about getting to share it with you all.

2017-01-05 17:08:04 (edited by Muhammad Hajjar 2017-01-05 17:19:15)

I agree that it's not necessarily for the damage amount to be spoken where the enemy stands, being it normally in the center is better in my opinion. By the way, why not making the game support screen readers like nvda?

Kind regards!

Add me on battle.net and let's have fun, region is Europe, my BattleTag is: Hajjar#21470
By reading my post, you agree to my terms and conditions :P

2017-01-05 17:17:11

The game does actually support NVDA. Hopefully support for other screen readers is in the future. The only text that can't be spoken by NVDA is text we want to play in 3D space, like the combat damage announcements. So I just used SAPI for the demo to make the experience more consistent - but personally I always use NVDA when I'm playing.

We chose to have the combat announcements play at the enemy's location because we found that having it play centered was a little more disorienting and could sometimes lead to confusion about what unit had been targeted. Having it play at the enemy's location helps to create the sense of immersion in the battle. I envision it being similar to how in some mainstream games, after you deliver an attack a number will appear over the target's head showing the amount of damage you've dealt - we're doing the same thing, just with audio.

2017-01-05 17:31:33 (edited by assault_freak 2017-01-05 17:32:09)

I actually find that a nifty feature, the fact that combat damage is spoken in 3d... definitely something I appreciate, and another step in inovation for audio gaming! The trailer is most certainly a well done piece of work... and I can't wait until I get my greasy fingers all over this game. tongue
Would also like to offer my services as a voice actor. I know you probably have your cast already, but if need ever comes up, I'd be happy to audition for you! I'm not a professional, but I think I would be able to fit into a certain character mold if given one.

Discord: clemchowder633

2017-01-05 17:40:59

Thanks assault :-)

We're less interested in finding professional actors, and more in finding quality actors with a passion for games like this and a need to put their talents on display. As soon as we're fully funded (which is looking more and more likely) we will begin posting calls for auditions. I'll be sure to include that here, probably in its own thread, and would be thrilled to get auditions from anyone in the AG.net community who thinks they have something to contribute.

2017-01-05 17:50:51

Over 50 percent funded!  Nice!  If it keeps going, you might have to put up some stretch goals.

2017-01-05 17:58:33

Already in the works. We thought we'd have a little more time to get them laid out, haha. We definitely have plenty of ideas of what we could use more funding for - after all, what we asked for was the bare minimum just to voice-act the game as-is. That didn't account for any expansion or improvements - so we'll be sharing some ideas for what those expansions and improvements could be. Like I said, we thought we'd have more time to get this part of the campaign lined up - but I guess it's a good "problem" to have, right?

2017-01-05 17:58:52

I found something that should be fixed. In the temple dubbing should be echoed

If you want to contact me, do not use the forum PM. I respond once a year or two, when I need to write a PM myself. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Telegram: Nuno69a
E-Mail: nuno69a (at) gmail (dot) com

2017-01-05 18:00:59

Hey, getting funds faster than you expected is never a bad thing! I will definitely be auditioning as soon as calls go out. smile

Discord: clemchowder633

2017-01-05 18:24:31

Also, @joseph, I just dropped you a PM.

Discord: clemchowder633

2017-01-05 20:31:24

45 dollars has just been donated, and the link to the Kickstarter page has ben shared. I'll share it to even more people when I get the time tomorrow.
What is the "in-game pack?" I get this is something you can unlock in the game, but I don't get what it is. Maybe I've missed the information.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2017-01-05 21:10:22

The item pack is a collection of items in-game that will only be available to those who get it as a Kickstarter perk or with the collector's edition of the game. It will include various unique, powerful items, and some pop culture nods for fun.

So guys...we are over 80% funded. It's honestly a legitimate possibility that we could meet our funding goal within the first 24 hours, if we get a couple more large donations. This is insane, and amazing.

The next step is to get more funding so that we can really invest in making this the best game possible. We'll be sharing more about our stretch goals soon!

2017-01-05 21:41:59

It's so nice to hear that. I've donated as well, keep up your good work.

Kind regards!

Add me on battle.net and let's have fun, region is Europe, my BattleTag is: Hajjar#21470
By reading my post, you agree to my terms and conditions :P

2017-01-05 22:00:12

hi! i am musician,singer and i have  powerfull  bass-bariton voice. i have professional musical equipment. maybe, i could help this project? you can  contact me in skype: igggggoreha3791       best regards!

2017-01-05 22:24:55

Just backed the project as well. It's getting close to being funded. I wish you all the best of luck, and I can't wait to play and stream this game. Haha.

You can add me on Steam.
Here is my Twitch profile page Follow me if you want.
You can also follow me on Twitter.

2017-01-05 22:32:58

I will donate tomorrow when my monthly paycheck is there, but I am happy to see that the game has almost met it's funding goal on the first day, I hope that there will be more money coming in so you can produce good graphics also to get sighted players into the game.
Greetings Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2017-01-05 23:40:00

@Joseph Westhouse Will there be a collector's edition of the game?
Can you know what content you will have and what will be your price?
Sorry if the kickstarter site says, I did not see.
greetings and thanks.

sorry my english, is not my native language.

2017-01-05 23:42:59

Would you mind describing what each beep means or uploading a guide of some sort?

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup