2016-12-17 12:06:13

Hello there! I am Rai from Philippines. I am a duelist of Yugioh card game even before I got blind. I noticed this favorite game of mine listed in audiogames.net before, but it wasn't working when I tried it up. Now, it was removed from the list.

After getting amused by the Battle Mode of Crazy Party, I guess, Yugioh is possible to be made to audio game. Unfortunately, I don't have any knowledge about computer programming specifically on game development. If there's a developer who wants to make a yugioh audio game, I can work with you by providing informations about the game like card infos, rules, possible storyboards, concepts and more.

You can reach me on my email [email protected]. Thanks folks!

2016-12-17 15:36:31

hello fellow duelist. I have great news for you, there is currently an assessable yugioh card game that myself and a few other players play on a daily. the player base is up and down but at certain times of the day you can catch a couple people on. the game currently has a collection of 316 cards, and follows the rules of the original vanilla version of yugioh. myself and a couple more players tried to get in contact with the developer of the game, but he has disappeared throughout the months, so we just make do with the game for what it is and have fun. I have made countless posts begging devs such as aprone, sam, mason, whoever to make card trading battling games such as yugioh, magic the gathering, and hearthstone, but it is not a big demand for that type of game, so no one really wants to invest that much time into something that won't really get played by the audio game community which is understandable. anyway enough rambling, there is a link to the post where you can download the game, and if you want the audio version to it, scroll down to post 25, and you can also download that add on to it. you have any questions on the game feel free to ask. hopefully see you soon on the battle field

link to yugioh game

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2016-12-17 18:02:40

The problem that I see is the huge amount of cards to add for a yu gi oh game
The theme of the gameplay is the easier thing to do, or at least that impression I have.
greetings and thanks.

sorry my english, is not my native language.

2016-12-17 20:18:32

well the main problem here is that I don't think any of the current devs are interested that much in ugio type games. I can't really see sam or mason making one, not too sure about aprone you might be able to convince him to give it a shot if you get the interest of enough people. I personally would love a ugio type game just because I never got to play a real ugio game, so I'd like to know how exactly its done, basically all I know about it is that its played with cards, and this is what I've figured out from playing cp's battle mode. The fact that the blind community has never seen any game that actually tries to be like ugio probably contributes to devs not wanting to make a game and then noone playing it, and not many people playing it in the first place as they have little experience with ugio type games.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2016-12-17 20:29:10

Cards aren't hard to add, it's simply a matter of finding the people who are willing to enter the text and code the gameplay results. I would love to see a card trading game that becomes competetive. Competetive gaming has been in the esports community for years. But I would definitely love to see this happen.

Discord: clemchowder633

2016-12-17 21:09:22

again the demand for this type of game is just not high enough.....people barely play the yugioh game that we already have, and only myself and a couple more VI players played fallen worlds when it was up and running. I don't even know how to grab the interest of new players to give yugioh a try, I have been trying for almost 2years now lol.....but hey maybe we can butter up aprone to make a competitive card trading game, or the other dev I think his name is agomas, but he mainly makes arcade style audio games, so this may be beyond his range or  even interest

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2016-12-17 23:01:27

Maybe it would be easier to add screen reader support to an existing system like
ygopro. Assuming that is done I'm not actualy sure whether it actually includes its own cards, so assuming they help us out we'd then need to talk to someone like the people responsible for a project like this one.

2016-12-17 23:05:14

Yea I agree with pitermach, It is easier to talk to game developers by browser of this topic and ask them if they can add the support for screen reader
I have tried several yu gi oh games per browser, and none were accessible.
greetings and thanks.

sorry my english, is not my native language.

2016-12-18 00:06:39

I for one am willing to create a game with this theme, The only problem I have is not having access to any of the cards, or rules.  If anyone has this information, I would happily write the game.

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2016-12-18 01:42:25

I'm pretty sure you can google things like that.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2016-12-18 18:07:47

nina I can get these cards and rules for you, but for which particular card game? I really think we should make a different assessable game other than yugioh because we already have an assessable version of it, no sense in having two of them. hearthstone, magic the gathering, and elder scrolls are some other trading card games if you want to go with one of those

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2016-12-18 22:04:16

also, if we did do this right, we could always add a card edditor; that way people can add more cards and we could have a DB or somewhere to place them for others to download into their game.

2016-12-19 00:35:41

@smoothgunner You mean the intervox YU GI OH?
That game is very incomplete and does not use the official rules of the actual card game.
greetings and thanks.

sorry my english, is not my native language.

2016-12-19 06:07:20

when you say intervox do you mean the mud? if you are referring to that then yes that is what I am talking about.....it follows the basic rules, and it has over 300 cards. yes I do wish we had much much more cards to fool around with, and more up to date rules, but I can accept that for now while other card games are being developed, because at least we can have a bit of variety instead of being stuck to one type of card game

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2016-12-19 06:16:07

I know magic the gathering a little bit.  I would love to make an accessible engine to play this game.  The only problem I would have is I can not add online capability to my games yet.  I think at the same time I could create a port of a Yugioh game released for the Nintendo Gameboy advanced called "yougioh - eternal duelis soul" if anyone wants to play it.  I can get the list of cards used in that game to start with.  If anyone has a list of the mtg cards and rools for each set, I could make that.

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2016-12-19 08:38:59

yea, I meant that game.
Like a big fan that I am of that franchise, honestly that mud seems to me very incomplete and to my taste it is not worth.
greetings and thanks.

sorry my english, is not my native language.

2016-12-19 15:44:39

nina just curious, why can't you get online capability? and the yugioh port sounds good, a lot of people don't like the yugioh mud that we have now, that's why the fan base is so low, so hopefully the port will pull more players in.....and ill try and get a list of the magic the gathering cards and rules today

can i get a peace double harmony burger? no chaos

2016-12-19 16:45:43

I always wanted to play that game, I had friends who used to play it on the GBA, so a port would be wonderful!

2016-12-19 17:01:03

here is the MTG rules.....seems pretty complex but nothing impossible to figure out
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic:_Th … ring_rules
here is a site that has all the cards of MTG seems like there is over a thousand. you probably can just code half the cards so we can get started playing, then just come out with an update with more cards. if there is any other way I can help please let me know
http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/ … eid=398511

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2016-12-19 21:19:15

The yugio mud we have at the moment is definitely not as good as it could be... I tried it a good few times and unlike the real game, it just didn't suck me in. The game's balance didn't seem all that good to me, and I'm sure there were a couple rules I remember playing with that weren't there... I would love a fully fledged audio version of this, or Magic, preferably with bare bones visuals so sighted and blind people could play together.

Discord: clemchowder633

2016-12-19 21:35:45

AF agreed the yugioh mud can be a lot better, but that's what we have for now, so you should try to dive back in, I can help you make a pretty good powerful deck that may suck you into the gameplay a bit more......matter of fact everyone on this post should try and play it again until nina or another dev makes another card game

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2016-12-20 03:15:26

Nah, think I'll pass at least for now. If appeal has to come in the form of powerful cards.. I'll pass. Shouldn't matter with how strong your cards are, if the game is well balanced, it's strategy that I always appreciated about the anime when watching it. lol

Discord: clemchowder633

2016-12-20 04:58:26

o deck building does come with a lot of strategy don't get me wrong, and with that strategy you will have a powerful deck, the mud is pretty balanced for the most part, but you have already tried it a few times, so I do understand.....well hopefully nina or another dev really develops this project, because man I really love these type of games

can i get a peace double harmony burger? no chaos

2016-12-20 06:11:51

I am not able to add online capability, because I use bgt to code, and I haven't figured out how to add online options to my bgt code.  If anyone who codes in bgt can give me some examples of how the net capability works, I would be grateful.

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2016-12-20 06:24:16

I have looked at both of the sights suggested by smoothgunner.  The project will tek me sometime.  If no one abjects, I will take some time to absorb this information, and will start work on the mgt game after christmas day.

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