2016-10-17 18:18:55

Hi. Is the following statement true? I keep seeing it on my friend's posts.

NOTE: Facebook is now a public entity. All members must post a note like this. If you do not publish a statement at least once, it will be tacitly understood that you are allowing the use of your photos, as well as the information contained in your profile status updates. I HEREBY STATE THAT I DO NOT GIVE MY PERMISSION.
If you prefer, you can copy and paste.
I've seen this over the last little while and was wondering if it is true, though I think it's just a scam.

proud to be a patreon of liam erven. Become a patreon today at patreon.com/liamerven

2016-10-17 19:39:42

I'm 99.99999999% sure it's fake. It looks like the usual kind of bullshit that gets passed around every now and then...
I don't use FaceBook anyway, so what do I know...Try googling it though, I bet it's been circulating before.

To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour.
William Blake - Auguries of Innocence, line 1 to 4

2016-10-17 19:54:01

I have already seen something like this when facebook updated their license agreement and users started posting messages which you should put on your wal to tell facebook that you are not willing to comply with them.
But hey, facebook doesnt give a damb, and these messages exist for people which think that they have done something good when they post stuff like this and get on everyones nerves in the end.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2016-10-17 20:01:28

I had thought this was a hoax, because it's been going around for the last several months, but if it is true i'm not happy about it.

proud to be a patreon of liam erven. Become a patreon today at patreon.com/liamerven

2016-10-17 20:21:28

Something like this pops about once a year, maybe once every other year. I assume though that sites like that already use my info for third partys it sucks but a lot of sites do. Even if this is true a statement on your wall won't do any difference.

Kingdom of Loathing name JB77

2016-10-17 20:53:33 (edited by afrim 2016-10-22 19:05:26)

It's a, scam!
It's been more than 1 year since this dam post has been copied and pasted and shared and reposted and reposted over and over again.
Point is, how will the facebook read the content of your writing? They have people who control like robots? No way!
If it was so, many posts containing harassments, offences or public threats would be eliminated in minutes, but they get so when someone clicks the button report and then after a number of people click "Report" too, they go away and you can't see them anymore.
This is the truth!

2016-10-17 21:44:49

I mean...If you really didn't want FaceBook to use your Pictures and what not...There's always the option of just not using FaceBook...
It's just sad that society seems to expect you to have it these days, but oh well...

To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour.
William Blake - Auguries of Innocence, line 1 to 4

2016-10-17 23:05:05

Actually, long before facebook went public and released its first stock offering, their terms and conditions of use, which you agreed to when you set up your facebook account, was updated to include the declaration that anything and everything you post to your facebook account becomes the property of facebook, and that they can freely use what you posted in any way they see fit, without notifying you of, or compensating you for, that use.

While posting that message about not agreeing isn't a scam in that nobody loses any money because of it, it is just you voicing that you don't agree with facebooks terms and conditions, but that is a moot point as long as you continue to use facebook.

It goes even deeper in that it became known that when you delete content from your account, it is only flagged as deleted. Facebook will still have access to it and can freely use it.

Even going so far as to delete your facebook account does nothing to remove your content from their hands.

All of this is just one reason why I don't do facebook, twitter, or any other type of social networking, other than internet forums like this one.

2016-10-17 23:55:49

I own your posts! :d
nah, in all seriousness, I don't remember precisely when it was I stopped using twitter but for receiving news and the occasional advertisement, and I honestly don't miss it.  FB says I have more friends than I can imagine, twitter says they miss me, and I still don't care.  Oh, and just in case my above humor was not clear, I don't own your posts, I can't own your posts, and even if I could own your posts, I would not want to own your posts.  I mean, there's that one company out there that has offered me tons of money, and its purposes are nefarious, and I've been sorely tempted...

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2016-10-18 00:15:50

What do they want with your content anyways, unless they would take a copyrighted song you made and use it for their logo, which I really hope is not the case, then I don't see what they're trying to do.

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).

2016-10-18 03:16:03

It's actually amazing what people will pay for nowadays.  More specifically, I should say that it's amazing what companies and corporations will pay for.  Google yourself by name and you might be surprised by how much information you come across, and then, you'll be even more surprised by how much you may have to pay to get a complete profile of yourself, but more than likely it exists online.  Have you registered a phone number under your name?  Paid a bill?  made a visit to a doctor's office?  gotten fingerprinted?  Received a document of some sort that identifies you as a citizen of somewhere?  Birth certificate?  Social security number?  Certification for graduating from somewhere or something and qualifying you for somewhere or something else?  it's available... Somewhere on the internet.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2016-10-18 03:18:46

Facebook doesn't own any of your media posts etc.


Kingdom of Loathing name JB77

2016-10-18 03:22:15

And I presume there is a very good reason why your personal info is posted on the internet where any identity thief could find and mimic it, right. Sorry for asking about these things, I'm only 16 so I don't know as much as I probably could, then again there's many things I should know about that I don't... sadly...

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).

2016-10-18 03:46:46

Oh yeah! Snopes is a reliable and reputable source of factual and truthful information. What a load of bull crap! LOL!

2016-10-18 09:47:37

All your facebook are belong to us! big_smile.

No actually all your posts on this forum belong to me, however I'm not unreasonable, it'll only cost you a thousand pounds per post to buy them back off me, and I won't use them for anything bad at all (pastes picture of nocturnus onto wanted poster), ---- no not at all! big_smile.

To be honest the hole privacy vs copywrite thing has got to be something of a modern obsession, mostly because huge coorporations want to justify themselves in being able to send you lots of advertising crap and use anonymous usage statistics in corporate research, and then claim that if you listen to or watch anything at all ever at all ever they should make money off it because of a huge long train of legal contracts which have long since buried the creator of anything and now just serve to increase the prophets of the bshare holders and publishers by a few more points.

Personally my take on this is simply to keep my bank info off the internet, try to be fare to the creators of the books and music and games I like while sticking two fingers up at all the publishers and middle men and share holders, and keep my bank details off the internet as much as possible :d.

I confess I don't use facebook for rather another reason, simply that when I last checked the interface was so bloody cluttered it took waaaaay too long to find anything useful to read under all the "Bob has had his breakfast" or Jone has brushed her teeth", or "Do you know tom, dick and harry"  sort of messages that I just got frustrated with the damnable thing.
I do know people who use facebook as an over extended chat system, plus there are I think a couple of mmorpgs that run through it , but even finding the chat seemed to be difficult. I've considered trying it on Ios, but again it just doesn't feel like a priority when I hear all about the self agrandisement and public posturing.

I have! actually considered twitter rather seriously. Both for myself in terms of getting news and information, and with respect to audiogames.net, since it'd be really nice to be able to let people know when somethig had been done on the site, eg, a new game release posted in new releases, a miner update to the db etc. Something a little less time consuming to write than the news posts. However, I've not quite gotten around to actually researching and sorting this out as yet, mostly because of the hole getting married thing and because the quitter client I was looking at which had very good compatibility with supernova went bye bye.

In december when my doctoral thesis is finished and I get a new windows 10 machine i'll probably look into twitter, and maybe even facebook as well, though that is possibly less likely.

I suppose in general the problem is that social media is meant to appeal to extraverts and to encourage people to share pretty much all the details of their lives, ---- and frankly when I'm not on stage performing I'm an intravert who likes his own space and would rather settle in with a good book or a good game than care about what other people are doing or whether other people care about what I'm! doing.

And even when I'm on stage performing, ---- well it's called acting daaaarling big_smile.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2016-10-18 11:21:28

yeah, I'm with Dark.  I'm not really interested in how much you've eaten today, how much you drank today, where you were and who you were with and what you were talking about and when the only word in your vocabulary you seemed to care about was vagina.  I honestly believe that if you have something interesting and important for me to know that isn't breaking news I can get from a media source ready to pump it out, you'll probably call me on my phone, my skype, drop me a PM out here, send me an email, write me a letter, bring up a smoke signal, even though I probably won't see it, and or you'll hire one of those media outlets I was discussing above to make sure I do receive that important and urgent message.  Otherwise, I probably don't know you and you don't know me, and while I'm not at all opposed to meeting and knowing you on a more personal level, I'm not going to follow you and wait for you to follow me back on twitter, friend you on facebook, find you on snapchat or instagram or whatever the new hype happens to be.  I'm here, and I'm as public as I need to be until I either start working for you or you start working for me or we start working with each other.  Besides, methinks the days of social media are coming to a close, anyway.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2016-10-18 12:20:14

Hmmm, Nocturnus, why do you think social media is coming to a close?
I do agree the hype and the shine is rubbing off, mostly I think because the cyber generation are growing up, however social media is unfortunately still being used semi legitimately by various people for reasonable or interesting things, hence what I said about twitter above and unfortunately there will always be idiots, going back through mailing list, forum and bbs trolls and drama magnates (all of which still exist). Even in pre internet days there were those idiots who posted chain letters or wrote to the agony columns of news papers. Ultimately, ever since homo sapiens has had the ability to speak, homo sapiens (or rather homo who doesn't sapiens half as much as they should do), has had the ability to spill out a lot of aural, written or other communicated bull bobo. Heck, I bet there were a couple of native americans a thousand years ago saying "hay look at that smoke sygnal, ---- oh Dam! big chief running mouth over there wants to tell everyone how big the buffalo he caught yesterday is! really! that guy doesn't half waste a lot of wood" big_smile.

Unfortunately, multiply the ability to communicate, and in particular the ability to communicate publically and you multiply the potential for the spreading of bovine waste byproducts, and as usual how much a medium appeals is how good the filters on said bovine waste product disipation are.

Believe it or not, I know people who do actually sane things with facebook, or at least use it as a way for say everyone doing one particular project or in a particular group or whatever to keep in touch, group chat  and get updates, though as I said the interface and presentation puts me off facebook rather since it seems the filters for said ungulant eflouvia don't seem quite as good on facebook as opposed to other communicative methods, and I don't know if that has improved since I last tried it a few years ago, ---- probably not from what I've gathered.

Still it probably is something I'll investigate later this year, albeit twitter is likely a higher priority as I said.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2016-10-18 17:27:44

Dark sounds a lot like me. I have my things like these forums where I try to be sociable. Other than that, I'm pretty much, very introverted in that I much prefer to entertain myself with something to listen to such as an audio book, or an audio described movie or TV show, or to play games on the computer, rather than going out somewhere. I've been that way my whole life, not just after I lost my vision.

Those are two other reasons why I quit social media. I don't care what you are eating or that you are waiting for hubby to come home or how highly you think of yourself over others. Yes, tell me about interesting or special events in your life, but please spare me the running commentary on your day to day life and all its boring drivel.

And then there's my sister and her husband, back in 2012 they were working for Mitt Romney's campaign and all their posts on facebook were political advertisements. I logged on to facebook to get away from that crap, that was the last straw for me, I deactivated my facebook account and never looked back.

And from what I can remember when I did try social media before I lost my vision, even for a sighted user, their user interfaces where very cluttered and confusing. You could improve things a little by using their mobile sites, but not by much.

My opinion of them now is that they are not much more than a convenient way to waste time, and if I want to waste some time, I'll take a nap or turn on the TV.

2016-10-19 11:50:25

It is actually just a scams. I saw posted this awhile ago, as well. but I don't care with it.

Follow me on Mastodon.

2016-10-19 15:28:12

The only way this is a scam is that despite any claim to the contrary, it doesn't do anything except allow you to voice your displeasure at facebook's terms and conditions, which you could do without somebody telling you to.

It's only effective if the facebook staff is watching how many people post the message, and I rather doubt that, they more than likely don't care what you think or say as long as it doesn't break their rules.

So go ahead and post the message! It won't hurt you.

2016-10-20 01:03:49

Regarding post 17, Twitter is not growing fast enough and, while it was announced about a month ago that Google, Apple, and Salesforce all wanted a shot at buying it up to turn it into something, all of these companies have, since then, abandoned ship.  It would still make sense from an outsider or a consumer's perspective at least to some degree for one of the tech giants to buy twitter and integrate it into their other platforms; google and or Apple could just as easily toss it into their iOS devices just as MS swallowed Skype not to long ago.  None of them want it though and are instead opting to pursue projects in virtual and Augmented reality, artificial intelligence, autonomy, and other smart things including glasses and watches and even motorcycles.
In fact, I'll take it a step further and say that I believe we're actually secretly nostalgic over the early days of AOL and MSN to some degree.  Apple just recently released a version of its messaging app that for all intents and purposes is aimed at competing with Facebook and Snapchat, and it reminds me so much of what I came to expect of an IM client, not just for myself but for sighted users.  Font attribute changes like the color and size of your text , hand writing, the ability to draw, a nudge or knock feature called digital touch, and I'm sure I'm missing other stuff as well I just haven't had the need to explore.  I believe google has done something similar with Android but admit that I could be entirely wrong on that front.
and for those who aren't jumping into any of these fields?  Productivity software and systems for collaborative efforts.  Drone and robotic research is taking off, and I'm even seeing developments on the audio front what with Amazon and google building smart speakers, though I'm still skeptical about these devices, not having the money to own any myself.  Just as was the case with PC operating systems years ago when it became clear that MS and Apple would dominate the entirety of the spectrum, and just as it has become clear that Android and iOS have done the same now with smartphones, so too the hype and buzz around social media is collapsing with facebook as the clear winner.  Google failed with four different platforms, MS with two, one of which was intended for the workforce.  Even Apple got its hands messy with a platform called iTunes Ping, which, as you can guess, went absolutely nowhere.  Now, even FB is not impressed with its platforms, following its close competitors into many of these areas, recently reintroducing itself into the consumer market with a shot at Craigslist, running to catch up with MS and google on the VR front, and launching a tool that allows you to view and act upon recommendations on everything from what you should eat to where you should hang out today based on what you and your friends have done before as well as where you are.  If that last bit sounds familiar, it's probably because you've heard of all the other tech giants providing similar extensions in their software and hardware solutions.  it's all about creating a huge pool of families, friends, and financial success among businesses.  With twitter overrun by bullies and morons and every comments page on youtube being the next lair of the triumphant trolls, FB wins, but it doesn't matter to anyone of the tech giants.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2016-10-20 02:05:57

I myself hope that this social media fad dies a quiet little death soon. It seems to turn every little mole hill into an Everest.

2016-10-20 06:52:22

@Nocturnus, i can see your point on fb being the winner in the social media race since these days anyone starting a similar project runs into trouble in growing users, however I don't know if the lack of twitter being bought out by either of the big tech morons is indicative of a lack of users so much as indicative of resources from ms and google being put into other directions as you said, ---- mostly artificial intelligence used as advertising.
It is actually depressing that technology is actually aiding the descent of individuals into raw statistics and units of consumption, though actually that might explain some of the appeal of social media since when society and the major coorporations tell people they have no power, forming a small virtual empire of some checkbox friends is probably the only form of validation left.

Wow the world is depressing!

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2016-10-20 15:04:31

Dark, you're just figuring that out? One of the reasons I stopped listening to the news is because so much of it is just depressing.

2016-10-21 00:12:08

And now the news, on steroids, is right at your fingertips.  As a student of everything, I skim through it on a daily basis, trying to do my best to sort through reality and fallacy because I do believe it is necessary to some degree to be knowledgeable about the world one lives in.  I never trust one media source anymore than I would trust one witness in a court case though.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.