2016-10-10 02:19:53

Hi all. I just did this because I was completely bord and I wanted to be random. I just made an ftp account on my home file zilla server for no reason. The idea came to mind because my skype allows random files to be transfered, so it's fun looking in that folder every so often to see what junk people put there. So now, just use any FTP client and connect to ftp://home.samtupy.com with the username of ftpup and no password, and enjoy putting anything you want there, and downloading anything you want that is there. I did it for randomness, so yeah, do what you want. However, keep in mind that these files are not mine, so if you get a virus from running some installer someone puts there, don't blame me. Enjoy, and I hope to see a bunch of random ass shit! big_smile

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2016-10-10 02:33:03

Sam, I see many flaws with this. While there is no issue in making an FTP server, it is rather risky to make a public one.
As you said, this is a very easy way to distribute viruses. They are not your files, so people are constantly running the risk of infection. I believe that this should've been made private, with people who can be trusted. I've nothing else much to say, so I leave you with this: Rethink this, and make any necessary changes if you do indeed decide to change the status of the server.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup

2016-10-10 02:49:18

The way I think of it, if people wish to download random executables and run them, it's really not my fault. It would be like some random person sending me a skype file and me running it.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2016-10-10 03:40:14

all I can say is weeners

2016-10-10 16:21:46

Count me out too. Not being able to know a file's history, or where it came from, is like playing Russian Roulette. Too risky for my blood!

2016-10-10 19:56:45

There's a duxberry crack and a jaws 17 crack 64 bit and 32 bit on that archive. Wonder who uploaded those.

golfing in the kitchen

2016-10-10 20:13:35

Yep, and a windows kms crack up there to.

2016-10-10 21:34:12

Allowing people to upload harmful files and cracks probably isn't the best idea. You can say you're not responsible for what people put there, but I don't think that'd hold up well in court. It's called being an accessory to crime.

2016-10-10 22:13:06

Hi sam, interesting.
To the rest of you, this is just like brousing the darknet.
You don't download anything you don't want to mess with.
For me, I am attracted by the random midis, and other audio.
Though most of that is just nothing much, I am getting some things I would like, the blackbox recordings the bits of funny audio folder and the twidly midis sound like something I'd want.   In pas years when I was a pirate all those cracks would have interested me a lot.
But I have no need for most of them.
All the games I have brought now are the ones I want.
True there are cracks for treasurehunt and tdv which by the way I got but its not worth virusing my system for a game to be honest and one I will probably not play that much.
All the games I have I got with my own cash, and what I didn't buy, is freeware or opensource.
What is left is either to expensive or just not worth it.
I have enough software, and while in the past if I didn't have it I'd pirate it there are enough alternitives now days.
Ie nero, good software, a nice suite, but it aint free.
The only thing that changed with me is that my cd burning and extracting are in 2 sepperate programs.
one free, one that came with my low cost sound solution which uses the same database as nero does so what do you do.
And if push comes to shove, I have a system with itunes which uses gracenote and which will handle for me.
My scanner software did cost me a little.
It is mainstream software and does what I'd like.
Yes k1000 is nice to have, but to be honest its the best and you pay for the best.
The main reason I quit that caper was an os upgrade and the death of my scanner.
Back at school it was a different thing.
I am not the same guy I was before.
I do however like random audio, at least to listen to.

2016-10-11 00:15:30

Guys, guys. I just have a server ware you can upload random files. Feel free to not run any executables that are put there, hell, i'm not either aside from on a VM. Theres getting to be more random audio up there and text files etc etc. This is something I did for fun, because I think it's awesome browsing folders full of random shit. big_smile anyway, just don't run any executables. It's for fun, not for being a chrime accessory... Heh. It is really not my fault if someone downloads and runs a program from an unknown location. Either way guys, enjoy the randomness, and contribute if possible!

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2016-10-11 09:36:21 (edited by sightlessHorseman 2016-10-11 09:36:44)

Hmm, sounds quite need to waste some time on there, i still have a crappy old laptop flying arounnd, so if I want to test executable files, well, they just go over to that machine, I don't care if it's going down anyway.
Just one question, what is the best and most accessible FTP client for windows?

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2016-10-11 22:19:33

I like FileZilla myself. FTP Explorer is also accessible.

2016-10-12 01:00:07

Is it just me or is the server really slow today? It worked fine until last night.

2016-10-12 03:52:58

I had to limit it a little, but I will fluctuate that limit. If I have the limit too low, the servers to slow and too high, no net at all. So depending on what's going on, it'll be slow/fast.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2016-10-13 08:13:20

Wow, some great tools in there. Thanks to it, ... I found that sapi5 is broken, and delooserlex didn't fix it... Um, I hope I can find other tools.

Devin Prater
My Blog
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2016-10-13 08:47:05

Okay y'all, forget this server. I think one of the "smart assistant" apps I ran has deleted my user folder. All my downloads, documents, and NVDA addons are gone. Any way of getting them back?

Devin Prater
My Blog
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2016-10-13 14:00:55

Because you ran some exe file, we should forget the server, well, as Sam stated above, he isn't responsible for the things uploaded on to the server, so it's your responsibility.
BTW, what kind of program is ducksburry?

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2016-10-13 14:36:42

Can't he at least keep the server free of viruses and such? Ah well. Whatever. System restore made most things come back.

Devin Prater
My Blog
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2016-10-13 14:38:48

Having studied FTp servers for a while now and considered the risks of them, I am in agreement with most of the people here.
FTP servers are a BAD idea.
Here are why:
1. An executable file does not necessarily have to be downloaded to be a virus. Any good hacker would be able to send you instructions on how to jump an ftp server.
2. FTP servers are reliably unsecure.
3. FTP servers are the responcibility of their respective owners, in the UK at least, you can be held responsible in a court of law for those files. This is particularly a problem for people like yourself, who are not an LTD company and thus are directly responsible for your companies actions.
4. FTP servers are very slow if not managed correctly and, if managed in correctly, have been known to cause files to become corrupted.
5. Last, but not least, with the right tools, a seasoned hacker could, in fact not even a seasoned hacker, an every day hacker could use the ftp to access anything else on the server, including any websites, online games, or anything like that. They could:
5.1: delete them
5.2: release them publically in terms of sourcecode
5.3: Upload other files that could cause the hole server to overload, eventually crashing the hole thing or stopping anything from running due to the lack of space.

In summary ftp servers are, in short, extremely bad and risky.
I should know this, having done the research into this about 6 or so months ago. Furthermore, I run my own servers, not ftp thankfully, and also private, and have had to face these issues.

Trust me when I say I know exactly how damaging hackers can be.
If a person can gain source code from a game without even having your information to get that code, you can be sure an FTP server is like handing it to them on a plate.

My advice is, if you want something like this, do it through dropbox if you really must, but FTP is the quickest way to a major business crash.
Just my two pence worth

Nathan Smith
Managing Director of Nathan Tech
It's not disability
It's ability!

2016-10-13 16:52:29

1. An executable file can be a virus, sure. However, nothing will happen until it is executed.
2. There are extensions to FTP to fix this.
3. I don't know UK law, so can't comment. This depends on where you are.
4. This can apply to anything.
FTP does create a new connection for every file transferred, so it might not be the best solution for transferring a lot of files.
5. False. In order for this to happen, you would need a vulnerable or misconfigured FTP server.
5.2. Can be done with anything that gives you access.
5.3. You could run the server out of space, unless you had quotas. This can be done with anything which allows uploads.

2016-10-14 00:22:02

I agree for the most part, and based on that ftp servers, especiall public ones, is handing it to people on a plate and so thus... I rest my case

Nathan Smith
Managing Director of Nathan Tech
It's not disability
It's ability!

2016-10-14 10:12:10

Hi all.
Well you can view this ftp site is being your introduction on the deep net if you will.
Assume all the programs especially all those cracks are viruses/ransomware /malware.
For me, its just a nice place to look and see what is put up.
For me what attracted me was initially all the junk audio, however for me right now and which I have not as yet listened to is the 61mb worth of midis and other junk.
Text mp3 files and such which there are a lot of are good to.
I wouldn't touch any addon or executable program thats on  there though.
Even sam says he wouldn't either.
Saying that, a lot of stuff not all of it but a lot of stuff that was up yesterday was killed.
This server is a nice random place to have if one is bored.
You just have to be sensible about what you want.
for example nsstudios does have some of these assistants I forget where some of them came from but I have a clean version of some of them.
On the other hand, any registory entry should be safe, and any data file for music or audio as well as text should be safe to I mean there  is always a chance.

2016-10-14 10:50:22

A shame my MIDI device sucks. I really miss how the ones from 1999 or around that time sounded. I haven't been able to find a way to reproduce that without either messing with hardware or setting up some sort of VM. Really old ones that I downloaded 16 or so years ago just don't sound the  same.

2016-10-15 01:20:49

To be honest you  don't need much.
You need something called coolsoft virtual midi synth and  a  soundfont.
You  can search one on synthfont  or personalcopy.net and just look round for xg and gm sound fonts.
I have about 2gb of stuff just hunt round, synthfont has a lot of older ones, I have a lot of ones the arachno font is good and there is others.
For those that don't know, a soundfont is basically a set of instruments for a use on keyboard or midi sequencer software and while not as good as actual soundcards should be good.
Bassmidi is another good synth though I found coolsoft a bit better.
One thing to note, you do need admin access and you do need to install the midi synth into the system where it will install and modify some critical system files so it can work right.
Once the emulator is installed you can upload up to 10 fonts into it, usually 1 general or xg bank is all you need.
There will be some delays on playing fonts but its generally what I use.
I have pulled a lot of things, old adlib cards like the sb16, the gameboy, the nokia midi device, the gravis ultrasound, and others.
From my grandpa's old xp system I have the fonts which make up the data core of the basic soundblaster live card as well as true yamaha opl2 and 3 fm midi emulaters.
I also have my friend's gaming grade cmedia 5.1 midi synth font file.
Other tools you will need which will be linked to on some pages are sfarc and older sfpack archiver programs for fonts to be extracted.
The only real file you need is the .sf2 file.
The ftp directory seems to be down, but if people want you can get my stuff though to be honest 99.99999% of it I pulled off the net so just do that.
The first place apart from personalcopy.net which has some really cool ones is synthfont who have links to just about every font there is.
A lot of the older smaller rubbish came from lisater I think it is a sweedish ftp with a lot of older and crappy emulation units from the 500kb to several older 8mb sound cards pre 90s stuff.
I even have the snes and standard nes and sega varients.
The only fonts I am missing right now are the c64, atari, bbc, amiga all of them and apple fonts and acorn fonts which I would like but heck I have at least2-4gb of files and most of the time I stick with the high quality ones.
One thing to note, if you don't use at least an i5 duelcore 4gb ram unit with win732 bit at least you can forget it or at least forget anything high spec.
Even my system is close to breaking with a high speced font.
Not all fonts have all the instruments either so can sound weird.
Lower soundfonts are crappier or may not have the right quality but a good one is the personalcopy lite from personalcopy.net which doesn't have one of their grand pianos but basically everything else.
Foobar can aparently play emulated stuff in whatever you want to but I have not bothered.
with winamp, I forget the site, but you need to find someone called mark hendric or search for the winamp 2 midi plugin.
Thats because v2 supports fonts and all versions over v2 have issues with volume not being at max when you play.
Its also more stable.
You may need another reader or sighted help to configure things right.
Also some updates may delete from the media list the vertial emulator.
If that happens install it again or update it to the latest version, the latest is 1.17 and has been that way for some time.
If you do use xp and under, you can get cracked ofcause since its not sold, the roland vertual sound canvas which I found a bit to bright or the yamaha 50 syxg which is cool and has a few things to install.
However its off 4shared and may contain some malware or so which you will have to kill afterwards.
The cleaner and safer option is coolsoft by far but you need the guts to handle that.
One thing to note that if your fonts are big enough a 4gb ram duel i5 should be able to play at least via software a black note midi without any crashes at all.

2016-10-15 08:17:54

I tried to add this to file explorer in windows 10 but I could not get it to work. I used filezilla and it worked but it would be nice to have it on win 10 explorer.