2016-08-27 15:50:24 (edited by nyanchan 2016-08-27 15:54:30)

Name : Nyanchan, ID 201
Physical description : Nyanchan is a bipedal walking cat. It's wearing clothes which protect its body from extreme temperature. It has no tail.
Manapedia entry : Using their sophisticated front paws, Nyanchan can perform most of the tasks that humans can do. The manamon's love for sound and music are enormous; especially impact and explosion sounds are equal as god for them. Scientists believe that they are capable of composing their own songs.
Nyanchan weights 45 KG and 1.68 meters tall.
Elements : Sound and Fighting
Abilities : Advanced Legs -- Any attack performed by the owner of this ability has 15% more critical rate. The same rate boost is applied for every attack the owner receives as a con.
Craw swipe (1)
Cute eyes (1)
Rookie kick(6)
Meow (11)
Sharpen (17)
Shread (23)
Sonic missile(30)
Focus (36)
Volume level(45)
Blind rush(55)
Audio blast (70)

I don't speak as good as I write, and I don't listen as good as I speak.

2016-08-27 21:17:44

Name : Darkrenix, ID 202
Physical description: Darkrenix is a dragon like bird slightly smaller than the average human. It's scales shine a gleaming black and dark energy radiates as it flies.
Manapedia entry : Darkrenix nests in the less accessible hights of old buildings such as towers and churches. Though they produce dark energy, it's affects are benign accept on thieves and evil doers. It's song is of an astounding beauty, powerful enough it is said to wake the dead. Though usually impossible to catch, it's said that one Darkrenix has been known to become the life long companion of a pure and noble lady.
Dark Renix stands roughly 1M 20 Cm tall and ways close to 50 Kg.

Elements : Dragon and Shaodw.
Abilities :Dark resurrection, when it dies a wave of dark energy restores one dead Manamon to one third health.
Bight (1)
Sing (5)
Black bight (6)
Devine protection (15)
Volume level (20),
Dragon Slash (25),

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2016-08-28 04:24:22

Name : Aracornus, ID 203
Physical Description : Aracornus resembles a black spider. It walks on six hairy legs, and uses its front legs in battle. Its eyes change shape and color, and researchers have found a correlation between this and the manamon's mood.

Manapedia entry : Aracornus chooses its home in dark thickets, or in densely packed forests. However; it is not a nocturnal Manamon and is seen often in the day. It spins a thick web in a surprisingly short time, however, the webs are not sticky as one might think. Instead, it uses some sort of magic, which isn't well understood to compel, and even slow the thoughts of its foes. The web does not seem to affect humans. The web is also used to transport the manamon from tree to tree. Aracornus can also glide for short distances, which can greatly assist travel, especially if a wind carries it along.
Aracornus is about 1.1 meters tall and weighs roughly 40kg.

Elements : Shadow, Poison, Magic

Abilities : Entrap -- The tamer cannot switch out because their Manamon is trapped.
Imbibe -- If the Aracornus defeats a manamon, it has a high chance of being able to mimic the move of its fallen foe, as long as that move is of the Shadow, poison, or magic type.
Venom Injection (30)
Webspin (n/a)
Murderous Gaze (spd -2, atk -1, def -2)
Energy Cannon (30, 33% slp, 5% conf, 2% parlyz)
Prepare for death (N'A -- Manamon injects foe with pre-digestive juices, preparing the foe for death, then dinner.)

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2016-08-28 04:35:50

It would be super cool if Aaron would actually implement one or more of these as special gifts or campaigns.

Raylingo, ID 204
Physical description : Raylingo looks like a warrior holding a spear made of ice. Its face cannot be seen because of the hood it's always wearing.
Manapedia Entry : Raylingo use physical and magical power accordingly to fight against enemies. It is said that anything pierced by their white spear is frozen before noticing the fact of the attack. Not only that, Raylingo can launch powerful magic spells from the top of their altimate weapon.
Raylingo is 67 kg and 1.71 meters tall
Abilities : Ice spear -- The opponent may freeze when attacked by the owner of this ability.
Ice cutter (1)
Shadow craw (7)
Dark gift(12)
Bubble birst (20)
Tri beam (25)
Slash (32)
Manatize (40)
Thunderstorm (53)
Ice tempest(60)
Black mana(75)

I don't speak as good as I write, and I don't listen as good as I speak.

2016-08-28 07:15:52

Name: Wolfgarr ID 205
Physical description: Wolfgarr is a large wolf. It stands on it's hind legs and wields a hammer of fire in it's right paw and a hammer of ice in it's left. It has a bony protrusion from the back of it's neck which covers the top of it's head, resembling a helmet of sorts. It's teeth spark with electricity and it's eyes are intelligent.
Manapedia Entry: Wolfgarr is a rather elusive species of manamon. It is unclear how they have the twin hammers incorporated, but it is believed to be illusory  magic. In reality, they are able to heat and cool their blood at will and secrete it from holes in the paws. The bony protrusion is there from birth.
Elements: Fire, ice, electricity.
Abilities: None
Bite, 1
Tail wag, 1
Cute eyes, 5
Glare, 8
Roar, 15
Charge tackle, 25
Powerfang, 35
Torch, 45
Ice tempest, 60
Blaze Rampage, 70

I realize how sloppy this one is but I thought it would be intriguing.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup

2016-08-28 23:44:07

Name: Bluejayde
Description: This is a small birdlike manamon which appears to be made from crystal. It prefers to fly rather than walk wherever it can, and its wingbeats appear stilted. Its beak is overlong and needle-sharp, and its avian head is characterized by a pair of bright, cerulean eyes.
Manapedia: No one is sure where and how Bluejayde first appeared. Legends say a simple bird was struck by lightning and crystallized in mid-flight, while others hint at some darker and more involved story. Bluejayde are vain, greatly enjoying the awe they get from those who see the created spectacle when their crystalline bodies refract light during flight.
Type: stone, air, magic
Height: 0 feet 11 inches
Weight: 7 pounds

1: Peck
1: Cute Eyes
6: Energy Burst
10: Crystal Shards (special stone move, 20 power, 90 accuracy, hits 2-6 times)
13: Sing
16: Manatize
22: Wind Force
28: Rev Up
33: Dazzle (special magic move, 70 power, 95 accuracy, moderate chance to lower accuracy by 1 stage)
38: Gravity Blast (special stone-magic move, 100 power, 100 accuracy, will lower the speed stat of an air-type manamon by 2 stages if it hits)
45: Mystic Guard
54: Aerial Vision
67: Magic Gale (special air and magic move, 85 power, 75 accuracy, will raise the user's special attack by 1 stage every time it hits)
Ability: Crystalline (takes 10% extra damage from physical attacks, but is 30% more resistant to special attacks
Ability: Photonic (Bluejayde will heal between 20 and 40% of its max HP every time it is withdrawn from battle

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-08-29 05:29:17

Name: Maricold
Description: A bluish, frosty-looking stem with a little face at the top made from flower petals; the stem has thorny little hands, and the tops of its rootlike feet protrude above ground.
Manapedia: This small plant shuffles awkwardly on its roots looking for the coolest places it can find. The water it takes in with its roots often turns to frost on its leaves, and it is capable of expelling spores laced with tiny shards of ice when it feels threatened. It is beautiful, but dangerous.
Type: ice, plant
Height: 1 feet, 10 inches
Weight: 14 pounds
01: Sucker Root
01: Implant
07: Demanatize
12: Snowfall (special ice move, 50 power, 100 accuracy, 5% chance to freeze the foe, 20% chance to lower foe's speed by 1 stage)
18: Slam
24: Dissonant Chime
27: Alphadrain
33: Sleep Spray/Toxic Spray/Stun Spray
39: Sleetstorm (special ice move, 100 power, 100 accuracy, 10% chance to freeze the foe)
45: Gammadrain
55: Frostspore (special plant and ice move, 130 power, 90 accuracy, 10% chance to cause either sleep/paralysis/poison/freeze)

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-08-31 23:06:51

Name: Blackdaw
Description: A stout bird with black feathers, a grey plume on its head, and huge, hypnotic eyes. Its bill is hooked and very, very sharp, and its talons are well-pronounced.
Manapedia: It is said that if you are caught beneath the shadow of a flying Blackdaw, you will experience bad luck for the rest of the day. This bird rarely cries, but it is said to cause terror in the hearts of all who hear it when it does. Its shadow is much larger than it ought to be while its wings are spread.
Type: air and shadow
01: Peck
01: Fear Feed
08: Feather Down
14: Battlecry
20: Shadow Claw
24: Swoop
32: Darken (increases the effectiveness of shadow moves for 5 turns)
38: Oblivion Slash
44: Suicide Dive
52: Death Cry
58: Chilling Scream (150-power 85-accuracy special shadow move, has a 20% chance to cause Horrify on all targets, hits all targets on the field)

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-09-01 09:35:06

Name: Vesper
Description: A peculiar manamon which looks like a large wasp that glows a bright white. They are individually sort of difficult to see because of the light which always collects around them; their wingbeats, instead of producing the drone of normal wasps, produces eerie but tuneful wordless singing.
Manapedia: Vespers congregate in both urban and rural settings, and wherever they gather is said to be a holy site. Their strange singing brings a sense of the divine to any who listen. Getting close to a swarm of Vesper, though, is dangerous; if only one member of the swarm sees you as a threat or an intruder, it may incite the entire horde to attack you in a holy fury.
Type: insect and holy
Height: 8 inches
Weight: 0.08 pounds
01: Venom Shot
01: Bugbite
04: Condemn
11: Exorcise
14: Holy Water
20: Divine Barrier/Divine Protection
27: Stinging Fury (physical insect move, 20 power, 95 accuracy, hits 2-6 times, has a high critical hit ratio and a 20% chance to poison)
34: White Lance
42: Daring Comeback
50: Onslaught (physical insect move, 140 power, 100 accuracy, causes the user to rest after use)
59: Suicide Dive

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-09-01 12:45:55

Oh, the type conbinations are what we haven't seen in the game. Cool.

I don't speak as good as I write, and I don't listen as good as I speak.

2016-09-01 13:39:57

Isn't a vesper a type of scooter/motorbike?

Prehistoric terror.
My github.

2016-09-01 22:21:16

@11 yeah, it is... lol

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2016-09-02 09:55:20

I think you're thinking of a Vespa, which is a type of scooter.

Vesper is a double play actually. Vesp is the German word for "wasp", and "vespers" refers to a particular traditional Catholic mass. I figure if we can do things like pokemon, and then have things like Myaneko and Tenshaino and Ninjarkin and the like, then Vesper referencing both real-world German and real-world Catholicism would work. I thought it was sort of clever honestly. lol

Here's another one, while I'm here.

Name: Clambrian
Description: A large bivalve with rock encrusted on its shell and a single muscular clawed foot sticking out the bottom. It is brown and gray, shaped vaguely like half a hemisphere, but prefers burying itself in sand or existing underwater.
Manapedia: Clambrian is an ancient manamon said to have remained essentially unchanged for millions of years. Although slow, it is known for the tremendous crushing power in its shell, and for the valuable gemstones sometimes found when it is harvested.
Type: water and stone
01: Tidal Wave
01: Stone Throw
05: Guard Up
10: Suffocate
14: Bite
19: Dissonant Chime
25: Pressure Jet (physical water move, 80 power, 100 accuracy, may lower foe's defense by 1 stage if it hits)
33: Mud Ball
39: Rock Barrage
46: Mystic Guard
55: Hydrofang
65: Stone Spike (physical stone move, 110 power, 95 accuracy, has a high critical hit ratio)
Height: 4 feet 11 inches
Weight: 405 pounds

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-09-03 20:07:31 (edited by Muhammad Hajjar 2019-11-25 14:36:00)

Name, Lumba
Physical Description: Lumba is a lamp. It's like any other lamp, a small and spherical shape lamp. In any case, lumba always prefers to stay in the air, mostly in constant height, do nothing but revolving places until it finds something interesting. It releases light, heat and electricity around its body, which they already surround it. It has no visible face, nor even legs or arms, just like any normal lamp, glass is what its body is made of, and a small nail centers its base.
Manapedia Entry, Lumba often stands in the air vertically, prepared for anything. Lumba defends itself strongly, it's more than prepared for battles. Lumba species often found in closed areas, such as caves and abandoned buildings. They're too easy to find do to their clear lights and loud buzzes, but they're hostile against anyone who disturbs them. They can be heard talking, and their voices are cute low pitch voices, but their words are incomprehensible and can be considered their own language.
Lumba weighs 0.21 KG and is 0.4 meters tall.
Elements, Air and electric
If it has been attacked by a physical move, there's a 35% chance for the foe to become paralyzed.
Electric Shock
Stun Volt
Power Surge
fly, it uses its magical power to fly.
Light Shot, Electric, Special, effect points 50, U P remaining 15, 80 accuracy. The user shoots a very fast shot of light like arrow. in addition to dealing a damage, it also decreases the foe's speed by a stage.
Light Wave, Electric, U P remaining 12, 55 accuracy. The user releases a wave of light towards the foe's eyes, decreasing the foe's accuracy by 2 stages.
Magic Lights
Battle Cry

big_smile I've came out with this idea because I always name one of my friends (talking lamp) and I always tell him that it's the first time in my life I see a lamp has the ability to talk and act like any other being. Lol, doesn't it remind you of bk3's lamps? big_smile big_smile

Kind regards!

Add me on battle.net and let's have fun, region is Europe, my BattleTag is: Hajjar#21470
By reading my post, you agree to my terms and conditions :P

2016-09-04 03:00:39 (edited by keyIsFull 2016-09-04 03:01:44)

Name: Geigraxe
physical description: Geigraxe's most notable quality is a rhythmic clicking sound coming from its diminutive top that speeds up the closer it gets to you. Stubbly mechanical arms, an axe in each, swing at its sides, servo motors audible over the clicking. It has a reddish tint to its mechanical eyes.
manapedia entry: Geigraxe was developed in the Sancott Factory to test the effectiveness of automated policing. The clicking comes from a metal proximity sensor. Before manamon taming became popular, Tangerian citizens used weapons such as guns and knives to fight, which could easily be detected by the sensor. Now though, with the prevalence of manamon tamers, Geigraxe havebeen rendered mostly obsolete.
Type: Sound and Fighting
Ability: Vigilance: The Manamon cannot be put to sleep
Ability: Impotent venom: Cannot be poisoned
01: headbutt
01: sneer
04: Guard Up
10: rookie punch
14: sonic boom
19: Sharpen
25: power punch
28: Volume Level
33: Metal Fist
40: Battle Cry
44: Power Kick
50: Sparking Tail
54: Iron Guard
60: Decapitation Duo: uses both its axes against its foe. 60 physical power points, 90% accuracy, 10 UP, hits twice
65: Audioblast

Height: 55 cm
Weight: 13 kg

I like to sleep, Sleep is good,
This is how I do it: Lie on a nice warm cozy bed, and dream dreams about how to rule the world!
Follow @TheGreatAthlon5 on twitter for humorous facts and game updates!
If you like my posts, thumb me up!

2016-09-04 17:50:17

Here's a whole pile of them I thought up while on the plane. The numbers aren't balanced - not enough electrics, maybe too many insects, maybe too many shadow types? - but yeah. This is just names. I don't have a description of each, though I could easily make one if called upon to do so.

I'm honestly curious what you guys think. Are they stupid? Are they funny? Are they clever? Do they seem too silly?

Okay, here goes.

New Manamon

Fawntain - water
Raindeer - water-magic
Lachrymoose - water-magic
Seedark - plant-shadow
Nightstalk - plant-shadow
Frightbush - plant-shadow
Wrash - flame
Lavanger - flame-holy
Magmaloth - flame-holy
Achill - ice-poison
Chillera - ice-poison
Chillirium - ice-poison
Beaknik - sound
Humbug - insect-sound
Mumblebee - insect-sound
Trippit - earth
Trappit - earth-ghost
Fiendasm - earth-ghost-undead
Reedeep - water-plant
Possumo - fighting
Dwarfin - water
Sicklick - poison
Dragnox - poison-dragon
Akanga - fighting
Kingaroo - fighting
Marsuplex - fighting
Terrabull - earth
Scalderra - flame
Swampere - water-electric
Draftree - plant-air
Wintree - plant-air-ice
Maricold - plant-ice
Vesper - insect-holy
Bluejayde - magic-stone-air
Clambrian - water-stone
Blackdaw - air-shadow
Graboon - fighting
Squelk - water
Squaldra - water-dragon
Typhorn - water-dragon-air
Wingrave - air-undead
Spellican - air-magic
Scrappling - standard-plant
Dreadwood - plant-undead
Dreadfall - plant-undead
Voldrake - electric-dragon
Apeshift - magic-fighting
Frostrich - ice-fighting
Archidna - electric
Wombeat - fighting-sound
Flara - flame-plant
Lavactus - flame-plant
Volcanid - flame
Wolfire - flame
Santinel - earth-holy
Aurium - steel-magic
Goldra - steel-dragon
Silvagon - steel-dragon
Rustick - insect-steel
Gastropede - insect-poison
Shatterpillar - insect-earth
Minilith - stone
Monocliff - stone
Geodrake - stone-dragon
Rataplash - standard-water
Dreccho - sound-dragon
Timpony - sound
Velocelot - standard-electric
Dreamon - holy-shadow
Redemon - holy-shadow
Sparcat - standard-electric
Broozer - poison-fighting
Bisond - sound
Boiver - water
Boilake - water-flame
Castorid - water-magic
Grittle - stone
Pebabble - stone-sound
Trubble - earth-shadow
Trumble - earth-shadow
Flinchet - air
Panikeet - air
Braven - air
Skrewt - steel
Sonnail - steel-sound
Heliorb - flame
Traptor - air
Rogoat - standard-steel
Freemu - magic
Gleemu - magic
Doomedary - undead
Chizzle - steel-flame
Fearwig - insect-shadow
Mantice - insect-ice
Telemite - insect-magic
Shylent - ghost-sound
Whismerize - ghost-sound
Shriegaunt - ghost-sound
Malcitrine - stone-shadow
Sacrystal - stone-holy
Shrubbish - plant-poison
Polluvine - plant-poison
Scorchion - insect-flame
Spyder - shadow

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-09-05 02:37:41 (edited by nyanchan 2016-09-05 02:37:58)

@16 : just wow! May be Enough for Manamon 2 with them! lol

I don't speak as good as I write, and I don't listen as good as I speak.

2016-09-06 21:32:49

Probably not quite enough, but I could probably come up with another 40-60 in not too much time, tweak the few I've got here that seem a bit out of whack, and then there'd be enough for Manamon 2. This is the sort of game design stuff I excel at.

I don't know if Aaron is interested too much in a second Manamon game, but all that would need to be done, if he went with many or all of these, is to generate sounds, stats and movelists for each (I could help with the stats and movelists). Then make a story (again, this could be done in under two weeks). All the basic stuff is done. The "manamon engine" is solid. The only other stumbling blocks would be teachable moves (also fairly easy) and an online system for trading and battling (not quite so easy). Do that, and I bet you manamon 2 could be done in under a year.

I'd still like feedback on any of the ones I've listed, for fun if nothing else. Are there any that stand out? Any you'd like descriptions of so you have an idea of what I was on about? Any you're particularly fond of or think are particularly bad? I love feedback, and I know this might feel like useless chatter, but I'm curious. Indulge me, if you would.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-09-24 10:29:56

Hmm, descriptions for fiendasm, aurium, redemon, and chizzle?
And I guess while I'm here:

name: arctit
type: ice-flying
A small bird with white feathers and solid blue eyes. It has a translucent beak, and its small crest appears to be made entirely of ice. An arctit's talons are said to be extremely sharp; these talons crack and fall away during the spring, only to grow back sharper for the winter. One can tell an arctit's age by the sharpness of their claws, and the nearness of a snowstorm by the glow of its eyes.
evolves into
Although large for a bird, falctics are known as some of the fastest flying types of all manamon. Far larger in their evolved form, a falctic's crest is composed of bright green and blue feathers, a contrast to the white of its body. A pattern of interlinked snowflake-like crystals wraps around the bird's slender neck, and branches to cover the exterior of each wing. Falctic's are sometimes called king's of the north, for their pride, speed, and strength. Often found flying in snowstorms, the crest of a wild falctic is usually the only thing one will see.

name: Athage
type: magic-steel
Athage appears as a double-edged dagger, with a silver blade and a black handle. Grooves run down both faces of the blade, beginning at the guard, and leveling off just before the manamon's point. Where these channels originate are located eyes, a mote of green light on either side of the manamon. The strange glyph etched into the pommel of an athage's body is said to be unique, describing their true name. The only way to unlock an athage's true potential is to decipher this rune.
evolves into
name: vorpana
type: steel-magic-ghost
The manamon's silver and black coloration has not changed, but where its previous incarnation was a dagger, vorpana is a single-edged sword, three feet of curved razor-sharp metal. Vorpana has no pommel, the hilt being hollow, and ringed in sharp, teeth-like spikes. Instead of a tang, an eye is located deep in the recess, glowing a brilliant green. This hollowed out hilt is said to symbolize the manamon's true friendship with a companion, the spirit once bound within a dagger now released, and alive of its own free will.

type: steel-undead-dragon
Revnent appears as the skeleton of a massive drake -- a four-legged wingless dragon. Accept where its legs should be are instead wheels, gleaming discs of steel. Similarly its eye sockets have been plugged with reflective pools of silver, and the glint of metal is visible in the darkness of its skeletal maw.

attack ideas:
undead-electric type special attack, powerful, somewhat inaccurate, with the ability to nastily poison or paralyze. Visually, it appears as an arc of green lightning, jumping from the target to the victim.

phantom slash
some kind of physical attack, strikes multiple times in a single use, with a high critical hit chance. The user moves through a higher dimension, teleporting all around the target and attacking from many directions at once with a blade, claws, or similar slashing appendages.

plasma blast
fire-electric type special attack, with a round of cooldown. High damage, with a chance of burning. Visually, it appears as a blast of crackling bluish energy.

Go, balloons. I don't see anything happening. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Stand by, confetti. Keep coming, balloons. More balloons. Bring them. Balloons, balloons, balloons! More balloons. Tons of them. Bring them down. Let them all come. No confetti. No confetti yet. No confetti. All right. Go, balloons.

2016-09-25 00:01:47 (edited by Soul Keeper 2016-09-25 00:05:06)

type: undead-electric
Zrone is a head-sized globular mass of greyed skin and decaying tissue, marked with the black lines of what appears to be a painted on cartoon smiley face. From its base extends a tail of knotted fiber optic cabling, which disappears into the manamon through a ring of grey metal. A silver marble is embedded into the top of the creature's body. Zrone can use their tails to control and create electromagnetic fields, and they use this to levitate and attack. Zrone hunger for the flesh of living manamon and people, and they can digest food by touching it with the silver marble located on the top of their heads; whatever is touched by it dissolves and becomes part of the sphere.
evolves into
type: undead-electric
Once a shapeless blob of flesh, a zot's head is now humanoid in appearance, although black steel orbs replace organic eyes, cracked grey skin still replaces normal flesh, and it has no mouth or nose. Wires crisscross all along its surface, and the cabling has untangled itself, and lengthened considerably. Instead of hair, the top of a  zot's head is covered in a cap of riggling grey sludge. Zots can use their tails to deliver nasty shocks to enemies, and the grey sludge on their heads is used to digest their food.
evolves into
type: steel-undead-electric
Zoid is a bloated humanoid corpse, covered entirely in sparking wires, which are bolted to its skin with metal spikes. A pair of black steel orbs are in place of its eyes. Instead of a lower jaw, two pieces of sharpened metal form a segmented insectoid mandible, and its bare scalp is patched with irregularly shaped pieces of reflective metal. Two long tentacles of intricately braided wire sprout from either side of its neck, just above the shoulders. These tentacles are said to have good enough control over electricity to create lightning bolts from thin air. Almost invisible, a faint grey mist churns around zoid's form, a deadly aura of decay which it uses to dissolve its pray, making it edible.

Go, balloons. I don't see anything happening. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Stand by, confetti. Keep coming, balloons. More balloons. Bring them. Balloons, balloons, balloons! More balloons. Tons of them. Bring them down. Let them all come. No confetti. No confetti yet. No confetti. All right. Go, balloons.

2016-09-25 16:25:19

Although this one isn't technically my own, I'd like to suggest an evolution for Sluggug.
Name: Magmot
Type: Flame, insect
Description: Magmot is a fire worm. It is roughly 25 feet long with multiple antennae on it's head. It has one bulbous red eye, a flat nose and huge teeth. It is sheathed in a bony carapce with it's back exposed. It's back is superheated and can melt titanium.
I appologize for the shortness of this but the idea just happened.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup

2016-09-25 19:19:13 (edited by Soul Keeper 2016-09-25 19:32:33)

type: fire
A ball of red fire, which moves by  rapidly spinning through space. It has two small eyes, pinpricks of darkness in the otherwise bright manamon body.
Diameter: 9 inches
evolves (at level 35) into
type: magic-fire
Torchant is shaped like an up-side-down candelabra, with a white body and a thick green ring around each of its three limbs. Its central limb produces a ball of powerful blue fire,, and it uses heatwaves from this ever-burning flame to levitate itself around. Its arms, the other two extremities of the candelabra, are each tipped in red fire, and it uses these magical flames to burn attacks directed at it.
height: 2ft
weight: 5lbs
evolves (only during the day, at level 60) into
type: fire-magic
A small winged humanoid figure, entirely made of azure flame. Lampaura's head is a featureless sphere of the same blue fire, on which is a large, lampshade-shaped black sombrero. Lampaura caries with it an obsidian colored scepter, topped with a sphere of red fire, and pointed on the opposite end. This rod is as dark as its body is bright, save for the rings of green light that rotate near its base. According to myth, Lampaura is able to grant wishes, at the cost of its own life; every time one of the three fiery green rings that rotate around its scepter is extinguished, a wish has been granted. When the rings are all gone, it will burn itself out, and die, leaving nothing but a small lamp. In three hundred years, one can rub the lamp by the light of the Summer Solstice sun to summon it once again, as a wispit.
height: 4ft,2in
requires: some item
torchant also evolves (at night, level 60) into
type: fire-ghost
A small winged demonic figure, entirely made of brilliant red flame. Horns of white fire curve forwards from the top of its head, and two eyes, pinpricks of darkness in the otherwise bright and featureless face, stare unblinkingly. Its hands are empty, but shrouded in the same white fire as its horns. Legend says diaburns will, in the moment of greatest weakness, offer to grant you three wishes, in return for your soul; the fire they use to harm their enemies is formed from the essence of burned spirits. If they ran out of souls to burn, a diaburn would die, becoming an unlit candle. in three hundred years, lighting this candle on Winter Solstice night would supposedly revive the diaburn, as a wispit.
height: 4ft,8in
requires: some item
type: steel-shadow
Chaint is a long chain of shimmering black steel. Its head, attached to one end of the chain, is a small ball of mist-filled glass, while a long, needle-like spike extends from the opposite end of the manamon's body. Each of its many links is said to represent a different facet of suffering. Snake-like, chaint has the ability to slither through the air surprisingly fast, and can worm its way through the secret spaces between shadows.

Go, balloons. I don't see anything happening. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Stand by, confetti. Keep coming, balloons. More balloons. Bring them. Balloons, balloons, balloons! More balloons. Tons of them. Bring them down. Let them all come. No confetti. No confetti yet. No confetti. All right. Go, balloons.

2016-10-15 23:46:23

Name: Elblazdark
type: magic flame shadow
description: It looks like a fox, but it has no fur. It's skin always has a soft glow, and it's body is always warm to the touch. It has a few black patches on it's body and it's tail is pure black, allowing it to blend into the shadows and be somewhat hard to see.
Manapedia Entry: It is said that when a Elvond, a Blazend, and a Duscond were trained as much as possible, they could be combined into a single Manamon, Elblazdark. When it gets angry, it gets very hot and it can radiate extreeme heat while it sleeps to scorch enemies that try to sneak up on it.
Duel Brain: Being joined from three Manamon means it's brain is more powerfull then normal, powerfull enough to remember ten attacks.

head but 01
sneer 01
Lava Lick 08
Fear Feed 12
Tri-Beem 16
smoke and mirrors 22
regeneration 27, The user concentrates, causing themselves to regenerate and heal every round.
Magic type, 15 up
Nightstick 33
torch 38
Meteor Rush 44
Flame Blizard 48
Oblivian slash 53
Eternal vortex 57
desowl 61
Dewel strike 64
Magic type, 5 up.
The user uses an attacking move twice, the user must rest for a round after using this attack.
wild confusion 68
Shadow, 100 accurisy, 8 up, The user attacks the foe's mind, causing them to turn on themselves or there allies and use it's moves on them.
Rev up 72

2016-10-17 22:51:50

Name: Sherfintank
Typing: steel/water
Physical description: Sherfin is a full-grown shark made of strong metallic pieces. Its dorossal fin juts out to a wickedly-shaped metallic turret that can fire projectiles at enemies. Powerful servo-motored lenses fill the eye sockets, while the rest of the body is protected by armored metal.
Manapedia entry: Sherfintank were another specialty of Manolith Factory. Sherfintank are able to use the fin-shaped turret on their back to fire explosive projectiles at airborne enemies. Though they are slow and bulky, Sherfin can still maneuver with deceptive speed in deep water.
Height: 1.2 m
Weight: 328 kg
ability: Steel armor
Move list
1 pounce
1 glare
3 evil eyes
6 laser arm
13 iron guard
17 Waterbomb
22 slash
33 drench
42 quicken
50 ram, steel, physical, 125 effect points, 80 accuracy, 5 usage points
62 alphadrain
79 explosive missile, physical, fire and steel, 90 effect points, 25 usage points, 100 accuracy, hits all  opponents

I like to sleep, Sleep is good,
This is how I do it: Lie on a nice warm cozy bed, and dream dreams about how to rule the world!
Follow @TheGreatAthlon5 on twitter for humorous facts and game updates!
If you like my posts, thumb me up!

2016-10-18 02:45:16 (edited by Dan Gero 2016-10-18 02:46:57)

Type: Steal, Sound, poison
Physical description: Garanchula is a spider with 10 mechanical legs, 2 claws, 5 venomous fangs, and a long thick tale. Its upper body is covered with a thick blue fur coat over its otherwise metallic skin. Its tale is capable of whipping its pray and entangling it in webs. It's head is shaped like a dogs head with 2 human-like ears, a spiders mouth, and a long huge beak. Its beak is capable of emitting loud, ear splitting noises, which can leave it's pray dazed and confused as an after effect, but is not capable of pecking.
Manapedia Entry: Garanchula tend to make their nests in caves or in dense forests. It typically  feeds off of Murkit and other larger animals. Garanchula have been known to often take on a full sized adult bear. It attracts its pray by singing a seductive call that depends on the animal it's hunting. It's venomous fangs could typically kill a human adult in 30 minutes, and a child in 5 minutes.
Garanchula is 9.07 kg and 0.91 meters tall
Abilities: hunger, the animal will randomly get extremely hungry, boosting its attack by 2 but lowering its defense by 2.
Bug bite (1)
Claw Swipe (2)
Power Fang (7)
Web (9)
Growl (13)
Sonic Boom (17)
sing (20)
Venom Shot (23)

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).