2016-07-25 21:05:26 (edited by gamesmaster 2016-08-03 07:34:57)

Hi, has anyone tried JailBreaking IOS 9.3.3? The latest version of pangu is in Chinese. Could anyone post a guide on how to do this?

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2016-07-26 01:26:54

you don't have to use the tool for windows. If you recall jailbreakMe from earlier versions, there's one you use with just safari, and no, no, computer. Take a look on youtube, everythingapplepro posted a video showing how to do this. Let me know if you have any issues, and most of all, ask google.

2016-07-26 01:31:35

yes, I saw that video. However, I don't know what he means by "click in the circle". Do you have any experience with that?

Pics or it didn’t happen

2016-07-26 07:42:28

The only reason I jalebreak my iphone is to be able to download music and import it directly to my music library.
Bridge as far as I know doesn't work with ios9.3.3 yet and I don't think there are any other tweeks similar to bridge?

I was on 8.4 until  a month or so ago,when my Iphone just ended up with 0kbps space on it so I had to restore and have been stuck without bridge since then.

Idownload blog also has a guide plus Iphonehacks etc on how to jalebreak ios9.3.3 and 3.2 just using safari on your ios device.

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, ‘It might have been.
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2016-07-26 22:32:17

Hi all,
I would be interested in jailbreaking exactly this version, too. So it were cool if someone could post how to do it? I tried it with pangu but with no luck.

Thanks for helping!

2016-07-27 03:44:30

Yes, that would be helpful

Pics or it didn’t happen

2016-07-27 04:19:12

I'll probably post a guide or recording later on, but the button your looking for inside the PP app is the only one that isn't dimmed, and voiceover actually says button.

2016-07-27 15:55:53

Only reason I'd Jailbreak is for unlimtones. But it's inaccessible now so...

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup

2016-07-28 06:32:21

so I just got informed that it is no longer possible to jailbreak using the saffari method. Has anyone tried with the pangu program on windows?

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2016-07-28 08:10:43

It's only impossible if it's been taken down in the last two days... because that was when and how I did it. I haven't read about that method not working anymore, so I'm assuming it does until I hear differently.

Discord: clemchowder633

2016-07-28 13:53:12 (edited by gamesmaster 2016-07-30 00:39:32)

So I guess that jailbreaking is currently inaccessible

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2016-07-31 08:04:18

did anyone succeed in using the cidiaimpactor method?

Pics or it didn’t happen

2016-07-31 09:45:10

If you mean the method without needing a computer, I tried it and get an error while trying to open the given url.

Thanks for helping!

2016-07-31 15:41:05

the method without the computer stopped working. There is the version with English pangu. Go to cidiaimpactor.com. Download it. Then download the ipa file. I haven't found a way to JB it yet

Pics or it didn’t happen

2016-08-01 07:02:48

Still curious about unlimtones...

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup

2016-08-01 10:38:31

Hmm, the given page cidiaimpactor.com doesn't exist or is spelled wrong.

Thanks for helping!

2016-08-01 18:54:05

Hi all,
I got cydia impactor and the neede ipa-file. But everything I try I get the following error:

I don't know what this means.

Thanks for helping!

2016-08-01 19:53:45

Are you doing it on a 64-bit device?

If a helicopter falls in the field and no one's around, it doesn't make a sound.

2016-08-01 21:07:25

Right, it's a 64-bit device.

Thanks for helping!

2016-08-02 03:30:27

great news!!! the method without the need of the computer is working again. Note that if apple decides to revoke the certificate, you will no longer be able to use this method and will need to use the computer method with cidia impactor.
1. go to jailbreakme9.com
2. click download now.
3. Click install.
4. once the pp app turns from loading to the istall message, go into control center and turn airplane mode.
4. Once the install is done, turn airplane mode off.
5. double tap on the pangu ape.
6. wait about 20 seconds, then flick to the left.
7. Double tap and after five seconds lock your device. There will be a notification in Chinese. Don't worry, your device will reboot and you will see the cidia icon on your homescreen.
note that this is a semiteathered jailbreak, which means that after you reboot your device, you will need to go into the pp app, flick to the left, lock your device, and you should be good.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Once again, if apple revokes the certificate, you will need to use the computer method

Pics or it didn’t happen

2016-08-02 10:31:09

I tried to jailbreak it now but for me it says that the app is temporarily not available.

Thanks for helping!

2016-08-03 01:43:21 (edited by gamesmaster 2016-08-03 07:36:19)

did you turn airplane mode on after the app switched from loading to installing? tell me what exactly you did. I also forgot to mention to allow notifications in the app.

Pics or it didn’t happen

2016-08-03 07:33:28

@grryfindore bridge works with 9.3.3.  I tested it on iPhone 6

Pics or it didn’t happen

2016-08-03 08:26:06

Ahoy there,
@gamesmaster, thanks!
guess who's going and jalebreaking again?
If only I could figure out what the fuck was taking up this extra 2gb of space on this tiny iphone in the firstplace, I'd be much easier installing the jalebreak.
Anyhow, sinse bridge is working, I guess I'll go ahead and get it.

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, ‘It might have been.
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2016-08-03 10:38:42

@gamesmaster: I don't come to the point where airplane mode has to be turned off because it already says that the app temporarily csan't be loaded. It already has problems with loading the app, not installing.

Thanks for helping!