2016-07-21 10:41:30

hi all i have  strange  problem wile installing the game i have windows  10  i faceing error wile installing the  game    Error  dialog  C:\Program Files (x86)\VGStorm.com\Manamon\data.dat

An error occurred while trying to copy a file:
The source file is corrupted.

Click Retry to try again, Ignore to skip this file (not recommended), or Abort to cancel installation.

2016-07-21 10:45:07

anyone do a recording to hear this game in action? thanks

2016-07-21 10:49:37

I personally have dectalk installed, so I'm quite fine as far as the sapi voices go. Still, screen reader support would be nice, though not necessary.I just played for quite some time, captured some manamons, got them to level 10 or so, then alt tabbed to something else just for a moment. Soon, the computer restarted for no reason at all.
Ah well, lesson learned. Save more often. Though it would be nice if we could have autosaves, like it was in paladin where it saved the progress when you went to bed. I allways forget to save and then my computer makes me pay for it.

Yes, I definitely left the forum. Mhm. Why would you have any doubt?
Code 7 tips: https://forum.audiogames.net/topic/4010 … or-code-7/
Don't forget to be awesome!

2016-07-21 10:49:47

Okay. So I went back and did a side-quest, got some item I have no idea how to use, that's all right. I've officially exhausted the demo unless I want to go catch all mons, and I don't. I'm not a collector, I'm a battler.

And I'm more convinced than ever that I want to buy the game. Problem is, I literally don't have the cash. Just went and checked, and I'm at least twenty bucks short. I'm just glad I'm well-stocked on food and that my bills are paid. Haha.

Guess I'll have to live vicariously through the rest of you guys. Haha.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-07-21 10:51:23

You can save at any time you want except while in combat, and this is how I prefer it, honestly. Paladin had save points, but it didn't have forced saves. The problem with a forced save is that if you put it in the wrong place, you may put the player in an unwinnable scenario or might get them to trigger it without realizing. Maybe they want to go back and try something different, but with auto-save now they can't. So I like this method, honestly. I think it makes sense.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-07-21 10:59:50

where can i buy the dectalk sapi voices? that'll suit me fine

2016-07-21 11:04:08

There was one a few pages back if memory serves.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2016-07-21 11:07:56 (edited by grryfindore 2016-07-21 11:13:03)

Ahoy there
So I was able to download this and take it on a test run. the test run sort of turned into ehh, a long drive through the highways to take this analogy and drop it on its arse. tongue

Really excellent game, everything from music to crys to attack sounds is done well, although I do have suggestions that you might want to have a look upon.

First concerns the leveling up and health. Usually in almost every rpg or at least the ones I have been able to play which isn't many to be honest, but whenever a party member,creature,pokemon or what you will levels up it gets a few increase in health points which the creatures in here do too,but its current health doesn't max out to full,which is what would really be nice to have and happens in every other rpg. I.E if my creature had 5 out of 15 health and it levels up,its max health goes up to 17,but its current health remains the same that's 5.

Next deals with the peadia and creature types,even when you have encountered a creature you don't get much about it in the peadia other than its description and name. at least list the type because the peadia is actually scanning the creature or ought to when we encounter a new one,instead of us having to catch em all just to know what type they are.

Oh and, screenreader support would be really nice if you can work it in.

At the person praising Espeak, aye there are people around that can and do use Espeak,and some even prefer it over other synths,but most people me included can't just stand it. I can use it if I must if a work needs it and nothing else is available,but I certainly wouldn't use it where I wanted to enjoy something I.E books or games or game story,even.

In conclusion, its a really great game with additional fun of hours and hours with the online battles as a icing on the cake to play with your friends, great music and sound design with a pricetag that might seem slightly high, but according to me its reasonable for the quality and the play time you get out of it.
plus, $40 or so is usual for your average audiogames. I.E 3d velocity and so on.

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, ‘It might have been.
Follow me on twitter

2016-07-21 11:17:26

Just a quick heads-up, for those who don't know:

Some games do indeed heal you a little (or to full) when you level. Many don't. Pokemon is one such game that does not do so, and Aaron's mostly modelling the game after that franchise I think.
As far as the Manapedia goes? Actually it makes sense that you get more complete info once you actually catch the thing. If you want its type, attack it and find out what's effective/not very effective/super-effective, and work from there. This is how you find out that Awlaw is air-sound, for instance, and Granate is earth-stone. It's a little bewildering at the start especially, but for me at least, that's half the fun of it.
I was actually ready to come on here and take the same issue, at least right at the start, until I realized that frankly, playing pokemon in the past, I've been spoiled. I either 1. had a sighted person to help a little, 2. could use the internet to find out cries/moves/type effectiveness, or 3. had seen the anime. There was all kinds of reference. But in this game, there is no such reference. Some things - such as that water is good against flame - are self-explanatory. But I don't think I've even seen a shadow type yet, even though I've seen equipment that only a shadow manamon can use. There is a handy text file which explains type effectiveness though, which is good.

On that note thought, it would be nice if the manual covered status conditions and what they did. Does scorch cut your attack? I know paralysis doesn't cut your speed, and if scorch doesn't cut attack then it's really just another damage-over-time counter. Can you stack status conditions? What the hell is berserk? Stuff like that.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-07-21 11:23:00

@Jaid, thanks for answer my question.

Follow me on Mastodon.

2016-07-21 12:35:55 (edited by kratos 2016-07-21 12:37:27)

Wow wow. very good game. great work. I will buy it when I will get my bank account online.

2016-07-21 12:45:05

At first glance, the game seams quite funny to me, I think even more funny than Paladin. However, I'll have to wait until I earn some more money to buy it.

2016-07-21 13:52:33

I carefully read all messages before my posting.
About cloning, its ok for me, because video games have nothing to do with audio games, and we will never be able to play it.
The game sounds interesting to me and price tag is ok, even I am buying games so rare do the my bad financial situation.
But I understand developers and hard work.
I hope that this game have the end?
I dont like games like psycho strike, which you could play without final target.
I like to see final stage, battel  or whatever.
Aaron, screen reader support is something that comercial games with that price must have.
Nothing against you, but if Yukio did that in BK3, surely its not too hard to implement.
I am using eloquence 16 years already, and its so expensive for sapi 5.
I need to pay more then 100 dollars for eloq and your sapi based game.
Finally, this game is not working for me, at my work place computer.
Its too buggy.
I am running windows 10, 64bit.
Installation went fine. But After initial game speaking and introducing myself to the system, game said that adventure will begin, I encountering the folowing error:
The tamer requested does not exist. Lad - howard
And game exits.
After I turned on autoupdate feature, I found a new bug.
After game loaded, coming bunch of errors that wav files cannot be found and I need to terminate game process.
When autoupdate is turned off, no problem.
Reinstalled the game, but still cannot play.
Will try to run at my home.

2016-07-21 13:57:46

Seams to me like a computer issue. I'm running the game on Windows 10 X64 with no problems. It's even insider build. Yes, I agree with screen reader support, although I do have SAPI5 Eloquence, but anyway.

2016-07-21 14:29:21

i have tried the game but find sapi tedious so will be purchasing it if screenreader support if possible, in my case jaws, can be added. i only have microsoft anna voice at the moment. also how many stadiums are in the full game? finally when the mainu menu comes up only new game is available not options. i do like the soundwork though but would like if possible jaws support.

2016-07-21 14:29:52

An audio demo in action would be great.

Follow me on Mastodon.

2016-07-21 14:32:10

One thing I've found really helpful is to talk to everyone, especially the trainers after battling them.   sometimes they can give useful hints.

2016-07-21 15:06:48

there's 7 masters, pluss a few extra dungens and stuff

2016-07-21 15:06:48

Hello all,
The difficulty of adding screen reader support is minimal. I can largely recycle the implementation from Paladin of the Sky.
But after adding it to Paladin, I really felt it detracted from the experience significantly.
Screen readers are not designed for gaming. As a programmer, I need to have as much control over the user's experience as possible, and unfortunately screen readers do not offer the abilities required.
Everyone likes Screen Reader support because they can get good voices, but there are just some issues with it, especially on bigger games.
I've seen many games which only support screen readers which I personally find unplayable.
I also remember somewhere in this thread, someone said the Jaws Keyhook wouldn't be an issue since Manamon doesn't have timed attacks like Paladin.
Actually, the keyhook causes more problems than just a slight delay. Sometimes I will hold down a key, then release it, and the game lags so much that it will continue walking a few steps before stopping.
That in itself wouldn't be enough to stop me from adding screen reader support, because that's an issue only in JAWs.
The other issues, namely having no control, are present in all screen readers.
All the best,

2016-07-21 15:08:38

oh, and i think the game's grate. i beeten first leader and going to buy it as soon as i beet the demmo. the prise is a bit too high IMO, but still. nothing i can do about it, so i'll just deel with it.

2016-07-21 15:17:58

I'm curious to know exactly what screen reader support would not give in terms of control that sapi does in this game. All the other big rpgs I've played namely shadow line and all of Morokuma's text rpgs use screen reader support, at the very least, clipboard support, which works just fine. If the difference really is minimal, then coding support for NVDA shouldn't be so hard and seeing as how requested of a feature it is, I think you should seriously consider it. I think one of the issues mentioned was that screen reader support doesn't take into account when a line of dialog may end which may cause interrupts... I think most peoples' screen readers are set with their speech rate fast enough to where that won't be a problem. Other than that, a vast majority of games developed these days have screen reader support in one form or another.

Discord: clemchowder633

2016-07-21 15:23:37

Hay Aaron Baker, I found a bug in Manamon.
When you are fighting more than one manamon, and you use a mananet to attempt capture, the game then asks what manamon you want to use the net on.
If you press escape at this point to cansle and go back to the previous menu, the following is generated.

Call stack size: 14

Function: bool item_actions_menu(item@, character@ = null, bool = false)

Function: bool collect_actions_menu(collect@, character@ = null)

Function: collect@ inventory_menu(bool = true, bool = true, bool = false)

Function: void battle::control_character()

Function: void battle::start()

Function: void map::encounter_enemy()

Function: void map::queary_encounters()

Function: void moved_to_tile()

Function: bool walk(int)

Function: void map_loop()

Function: void map::loop()

Function: void map::play()

Function: void play_game(bool = false)

Function: void main()

With regards to screen reader suppert, the game works fine without it.
The game has an auto advance feature so you can listen to lines of text without having to press enter every five seconds or so.
I think it would be hard to code screen reader support to allow for this.
Not to mention, I think this game is built with BGT, and I don't think that platform allows for screen reader support.

2016-07-21 15:34:19

threeblacknoises, Shadow Rine also has this auto-advanced feature, and it works wonderfully with NVDA. It even lets you control how fast you want it to scroll so in case your speech is set to a slower rate, it doesn't cut off bits of the dialog when it advances.

Discord: clemchowder633

2016-07-21 15:39:09

Hello 3blacknoises,
the reported issue will be resolved in the next update.
And to everyone else,
BGT does support screen readers.
The main issue with screen readers is the inability to check whether or not it is speaking, which is actually very important.
Imagine, for example, not being able to check when a sound finishes playing? No game would be playable if that were the case. Thankfully screen readers aren't quite that bad, but it does make the game feel unpolished for sure. I cannot simply rely on the fact that most people will have their speech rate quick enough.
I have to take the 5 percent, 20 percent, 30 percent into consideration who have their screen readers at slow rates, so unfortunately that doesn't really work.
I did think long and hard about the screen reader issue, believe me.
Best regards,

2016-07-21 16:06:36

hey all
i'm stuck at this. I've beaten the master on the belltower f 5 and then, what? I don't know what to do

"Words can light fires in the minds of men. Words can wring tears from the hardest hearts. There are seven words that will make a person love you. There are ten words that will break a strong man's will. But a word is nothing but a painting of a fire. A name is the fire itself."