2016-07-21 04:52:32

Hello Jayde,
I'd obviously have to know the exact circumstances surrounding what aspect of the battle system you say doesn't work the way I said.
I've never seen it act differently and I've played it a lot.
There's probably a logical explanation.
I have paid a lot of attention to balancing, and none of the Manamon who know Aerial Vision learn incredibly inaccurate moves.
Well, I can think of one, but it doesn't have a lot of use cases.
Granted Soul Split is really nice, but Pandourbit is a little difficult to use sometimes, especially early on.
But he does have decent stats.
"Is there anywhere in game that tells you exactly how status effects work? While paralyzed."
Not really, a few are mentioned by NPCs and whatnot.
But Paralysis doesn't affect your speed.
Best regards,
Aaron Baker

2016-07-21 05:20:51

Yeah I agree its another clone.
If it was just that I wouldn't buy it its about 60 dollars new zealand quite expensive for a game.
Now pca, to be honest no disrespect to tyler, I never got used to the interface and or the emulater or anything.
I progressed through it but couldn't even get things running.
Yeah nice, not exactly finnished and not exactly stable I didn't get used to the interface.
This game, lets see I  have brought it like this morning and I am really struggling not to play it, in fact bar breaking at 12 pm to train and have lunch I have been playing it all morning.
I used to watch the japanese animay stuff in my younger days.
There have been so many clones another one is hardly to bad.
With an interface and soundscape similar to shaddowline its really good.
Right I have got to the first stadium but it aint  open.
There is something about a stolen bell, and I assume its a quest, I have battled a few monsters, traded one for one other, battled all that came against me and beat them.
I have leveled up ground my way to having a couple of strong transformed units, however I havn't got further than that.
One thing I have found is a trail outside of anica on the east side I think  but I havn't exactly managed to hmmm get access to that well rather I have but nothing is round I may not have explored it all.
So this game handles all the japanese stuff I used to watch.
You know I never completed paladon or even own it, never finnished aac.
I brought but really didn't care for psycho strike and I have never completed the gate at all.
I am going to try to finnish this world if I can.
Its good we have tried to hit the japanese influenced games, crazy party is actually like that to.
One thing I'd like is the ability to teleport from one town to another if you say need to like jump back for something quickly.
I know some may may get it as taking the fun, but I'd like to know I could jump back home or to where ever without grinding my way back ofcause unless I want to which I may if I need to like select something or level up one of my party.
On an interesting note, why did you put singlecore requirements into the requirements?
Simply put win7 really needs a dule core or higher to run, xp needed singles but even then hmmm.
I do think its good to bring the mainstream world into our world.
I could see myself playing some of these and these games make you think.
I especially like the intro and music sequences.
This game reminds me of what I was before I had the net so thanks for that.

2016-07-21 05:35:33

At Jade, with all due respect, I think the point that Jeff was getting at is that this is a pretty steep price tag for a game whose legality is questionable. I can't really say much more than that, seeing as I've never been much of a Pokemon fan, and wouldn't even know where to begin with drawing comparisons between this game and the real thing. However, the name of the game is pretty close to Pokemon. Even if I hadn't clicked on this topic, or read the similar thread on the Audyssey list, I immediately thought Pokemon when I saw the title, and it turns out I was right.

I think your reaction was a little over the top. I saw wariness expressed, not an entitlement complex. I don't think I'll play this game, either, because this kind of game really isn't my style. But equally, I couldn't just sit by and allow such comments to go unnoticed. While i've seen more than my fair share of whining and moaning about blind people wanting everything for free, or complaining about unrealistic features that they believe should be added to a game that don't even make sense in the context of said game, I don't believe that this is what happened in this particular case.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2016-07-21 05:57:52

I read a lot of sarcasm in the post to which I responded strongly, thus why I bothered.

I have no problem if you just don't care for the genre, or the fact it's essentially a clone with slightly different mechanics and stuff. To each their own.

I do have a problem when I ssee something like that Harry Notter and the Moldemort's Slate or whatever. That's just snide.

Legally speaking, Aaron is safe here. Digimon came after pokemon and did much of the same thing. Wheel of Time came after Lord of the Rings but in the beginning did the same thing. In point of fact, many well-respected works are derivative as hell. The only difference here is that Manamon is not trying to hide it, not a bit. That derivative nature does not mean Aaron should make the game freeware. It does not mean Aaron is lazy or unimaginative. It means, pure and simple, that he wanted to provide a pokemon-like experience, but on his own terms. And he did it. Not much more to say.

I'm not apt to be apologetic when I see a developer treated with sarcasm or his product shown scorn that is not deserved. If Aaron had come around saying how innovative and original his game concept was? Then okay yeah, have on, because we all know that's not true. But he didn't do that.

Just did the math. Forty bucks in US funds is something like fifty in Canadian funds, which is actually more than you pay for even a well-made and replay-heavy 3DS game. Not picking at this point, I've had my say and I'm done with it, but it's even more reason I can't justify buying the thing, even though I wish I could. Unless someone wants to make my July? lol
I kid, I kid. Now back to training I go. Maybe if I'm diligent I can win this fight you're supposed to lose.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-07-21 05:58:59

Oh, and if you're stuck getting into the first stadium...


Did you check out the hotel in that city? There's someone there who wants to talk to you. Maybe something will open up if you give him what he wants.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-07-21 06:22:28 (edited by Jeffb 2016-07-21 06:22:52)

This will be my last comment on this. @Jayde
It was to make a point a bit of sarcasm might of been a bit much however I stand by what I said. That renaming something and selling as your own isn't cool. I also was annoyed with Digimon cause I thought it was a rip off of pokemon although I don't know enough about Digimon to discuss it. You may say someone is safe here and yes it is a blind community but this is also the internet. There are laws and licensing against this sort of thing. The song Down Under by Men at Work was sued for using a tune in that song close enough to Kookaburra. It was a slight difference but it wasn't enough of a difference and they were ordered to pay 5% of their earnings. I think audio game developers would do well to exercise a bit of caution.

Kingdom of Loathing name JB77

2016-07-21 06:25:20

Wondered about that myself. Problem is I've got a few monsters that are four and five levels behind some of my others and quite frankly their HP is crap.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2016-07-21 06:56:25

Alright... can someone tell me how to get past that stupid stadium leader? My opponent thinks it's cool to use totally overpowered attacks and instantly kill my monsters.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup

2016-07-21 06:56:47

Have a question for any of you who have gotten past the potentially optional-to-win boss fight.


So I've been able to kill all but the level 28 Recobrah, which just owns all over everything and doesn't die in less than three hits. Also found out that Berserk is a status effect, though I don't know what it does.
Tell me the truth. Is there any good reason to win this fight? I know you're expected to lose, given the levels and the fact that the foe has a full team of six whose lowest level is 24...but still.
I'm actually using Chingle to use Sing on the first mon, then switching to Vulpine and setting up Sharpen four times (or as much as I can). Lets me two-shot everything except the later three, who I three-shot (or would have, had I lived). Learned Berserk Branch during the fight and am not sure if I actually want it. This grass type is a pain in the neck.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-07-21 06:57:15

Ahoy there
I haven't tried it yet but just wanted to say,even though its just like pokemon, for me that's a plus!
Moreover online battles if improved upon(because the description states experimental) is another major thing I for one will be looking out for.
Downloading the demo now,am just too excited to  let it be without writing my thoughts out. :d

as to the screenreader vs sapi,Most people don't really have good sapi voices but if they are playing your games they are more often than not using a screen reader, Espeak really can't be used for anything that's ment to be fun,so lets just not include in things one can play games with, or at least I couldn't even if I had no other voice available.
This would require a user to purchase another sapi5 voice which would ,make them think twice about playing games that are only sapi because of additional cost on top of that of the game if any, so yes it makes better sense to include such a feature than not, unless there's some specific feature being used that makes implementation of a screenreader impossible or complex. A game that comes to mind is the rpg being worked on by the out of sightgames? not really sure of the name which includes using the sapi voice to indicate the position of your enemies.
Anyhow, sounds like an interesting game and keep it up!

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, ‘It might have been.
Follow me on twitter

2016-07-21 06:58:49 (edited by keyIsFull 2016-07-21 07:00:20)

Train them up in the forest.
Btw aaron I was impressed with the crowd reactions in the stadium leader battle, like when a pokemon gets hit for more than 50% damage the crowd is wowed and when a pokemon dies they go wild. I'm not sure who they're rooting for, or if they just like the carnage like in a gladiator fight, but the attention to detail is admirable and good.
To the person hating on eSpeak, I've gotten used to it and really like it for its efficiency even when you use the sapi version which doesn't have the option of rate boost. I use en-us+m3 as my voice when playing most games. I would like the NDA support though. Just my opinion, as I know a lot of people hate eSpeak.

I like to sleep, Sleep is good,
This is how I do it: Lie on a nice warm cozy bed, and dream dreams about how to rule the world!
Follow @TheGreatAthlon5 on twitter for humorous facts and game updates!
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2016-07-21 07:15:48

There is literally no benefit to winning that fight, save a few hundred extra gold. The end result is exactly the same.

Take care, it's a desert out there.

2016-07-21 07:21:05

Ah, righto. Thanks kindly. I was hoping there was no epic item or gift I was gonna miss, that's all. Good to know it's only gold, and I've got over 5000 of it.

I did like the crowd cheering thing. That was kinda cool. It doesn't seem to matter who gets the hit, the crowd will applaud if it's big damage and they'll clap more lightly for status conditions and stat-related ups and downs too I think.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-07-21 07:25:32

Theoretically speaking, I think a project like Braillemon would have more to worry about legally than something like this does. Braillemon is a rewrite of a copyrighted game which actually uses resources directly from said game. Manamon clearly takes it's inspiration from Pokémon and games of a similar nature while being careful to avoid using names and such which are actual trademarks. That said, I think there's almost 0 chance that a company such as Nintendo / Gamefreak or the like would find it prudent to go after an audiogame dev for their use of ideas. Even if they pursued it and won (which I'm sure they could do seeing as how copyright laws exist to serve big business) the few thousand bucks they'd be able to milk out of a student wouldn't be worth the reputation it'd cost them. Braillemon and Manamon aren't competing with Pokémon for sales seeing as they target a market which the videogame giants frankly don't give a damn about. That combined with the fact that topics about blind people in gaming seem to make news (hell, I was featured on CNN news for completing Ocarina of Time, not to mention all of the big names in gaming websites which picked up my story) there'd be a public outcry directed at them. It'd be seen as childish, malicious and doing evil just for the sake of it -- and rightfully so.

Official server host for vgstorm.com and developer of the Manamon 2 netplay server.
PSA: sending unsolicited PMs or emails to people you don't know asking them to buy you stuff is disrespectful. You'll just be ignored, so don't waste your time.

2016-07-21 07:41:32

Ok, so I've gotten to Hazeldale and done my business at the hotel, but the stadium's still not open. What next?

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2016-07-21 07:43:24

Try going back to somewhere you couldn't go earlier.

Take care, it's a desert out there.

2016-07-21 08:10:08

I assume it's the belltower? I just wanted to make sure.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2016-07-21 08:33:01

Yep. The guy is gone so you can go inside now.

Take care, it's a desert out there.

2016-07-21 09:16:48

That was a pretty col dungeon. Definitely makes you stock up on status cures. I also managed to beat the stadium leader which was another cool fight. I'm not sure what to do next after making a desperately needed visit to the hotel LOL.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2016-07-21 09:27:35

Sounds like a cool game. Does the maps are huge, and hard to navigate like paladin of the skys?

Follow me on Mastodon.

2016-07-21 09:31:41

Hi Aaron! Thanks for this wonderful game! I've tried it a bit, and I like it. Is there a way to use the nvda voice for text speach of the game? In the options there are only the sapi voices.

2016-07-21 09:35:05

Lol, I hate to say it, but I sort of told you this would happen, aaron. tongue I knew people were going to be wanting screen reader support.

Take care, it's a desert out there.

2016-07-21 09:50:51

For me, Sapi5 is fine for me. I have lots of good voices.

Follow me on Mastodon.

2016-07-21 10:11:59

The maps are kind of big, but there are a lot more landmarks. Changing footsteps from grass to dirt to rock, for instance, or signs, or opened treasure chests. Buildings sound different from regular walls. Ladders and doors sound different from one another. People sound like they did in Paladin. So yes, maps are big, but it's a bit more...realistic, I suppose you'd say.

Just reached the end of the demo. One manamon's cry scared the hell out of me because I was sorta wandering around in a doze. See if you can guess which.

Got a team of Vulpine, Ratsal, Owlaw (when is he going to evolve?), Ferradae, Chingle and Pandourbit. That poor ghost. He just doesn't fend for himself very well.


That boss fight I was talking about a couple of posts back? The one I was trying to find out if you can win? It cheats!
He used Murkit, Zimbat, Tadder, some snake thing that I think is a sound type, then Ratsal, then Recobrah, then some mon who used Psycho Claw to one-shot everything on my team. If he gets seven, why can't I? lol

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-07-21 10:16:15

Hahaha, just wait. Also, yeah I know who you're talking about. He's kind of weak early on but it's a good creature overall.

Take care, it's a desert out there.