2015-11-14 03:19:42

By choice I do not have Adobe's Flash player installed. The reason is because I've run across a number of web pages that automatically start a Flash video, and you can't do anything on the page until the video finishes, and the flash player control are inaccessible.

Now I run across a number of web pages that hang the browser, and other web sites where Internet Explorer reports that a script is slowing down the browser and asks if I want to continue running it.

Would not having Flash installed cause web pages that expect it to behave that way?

If so is ther a way to have Internet Explorer simply ignore anything Flash?

On about half the sites where I'm having these problems, using Firefox instead doesn't eliminate the hanging.

2015-11-14 04:31:33

Hi Gene,
I think the website is cause your IE to be slow down. I'm having flash installed on my computer, but sometimes, the problem just appeared without a reason. The only way that I know of, just avoid using IE, and use another browser when the page is stuck.

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2015-11-15 02:53:07 (edited by Figment 2015-11-15 02:59:22)

This is the web site I'm trying to access, it's a customisable TV guide. It hangs both my Internet Explorer and Firefox browsers.


One of the other sites I have problems with is Book Share's home page, it always produces a message from Internet Explorer that the page is running a script that is slowing down the browser, and that allowing the script to run could make the browser and my system unstable, and then asks if I want to keep running the script.

2015-11-15 03:23:18

I tried to visit the page, and it seems that I don't have any problems with it. I'm using IE 11 on windows 10.

Follow me on Mastodon.

2015-11-15 13:00:15

I also had no problem loading your mentioned website in Internet Explorer.
I have Internet Explorer 10 and Windows 7 32 bit with flash player installed.
Maybe problem relates to somewhere else!

All the best,
Adel, Akbari.

2015-11-15 14:33:14

Hello, No problems for me either using firefox. You might try uninstalling Java. If you didn't install it yourself for a good reason, you probably don't need it either. It causes browser instability and is awfully insecure. I'm not sure if that fixes your problem, but if it doesn't check your extensions in firefox/ie.

golfing in the kitchen

2015-11-15 23:56:08

I have also went to the page you linked to, and it worked perfectly fine with Firefox and NVDA on Windows 7. I ran it first with adblock, and then I turned it off because ads are very script heavy these days. That caused NVDA to lag while moving, but not enough to freeze anything or to cause Firefox to give me an unresponsive script warning.
It could be that something has installed an ad-on that injects its own scripts which could be causing this. Try running your browsers in safe mode and go to this site again (in Firefox, you choose "restart with ad-ons disabled" in the help menu, I'm not sure how you do this in IE). Then just go to your ad-ons in both browsers and see if you hav anything that probably shouldn't be there (toolbars and that sort of thing)

<Insert passage from "The Book Of Chrome" here>