2015-10-23 10:23:29

Hello Everyone,
First of all a short introduction about myself and goals.

My name as stated is Xsense.
I am an advanced programmer who became blind a year ago .
Since then i have been looking for something to give to others in the same situation that enjoy gaming.
I have been looking at games all around the web, and found that most audio game based are survival horror and such.
There are a few different ones but they are in my opinnion limited.

I am developing one of those games in 3d binoral sound myself based of my own story with a horror twist.
However this project is not on a high priority and will be done whenever i feel like programming for it smile.

Now for the main topic as my title states, i am buildina MMO game called Tradian.
This game is a online Trading / Farming / Building simulation game.

The background story:
You have entered into the medieval
town of Tradian.
You only have a few bronze coins.
And a piece of bread and a bottle of water.
It might not seem much you think.
However you have a great brain with great ideas and a plan.
What if i would buy a rod for fishing so i can catch and sell fish or better yet eat it!
Or what if i would buy a necklace and  sell it in another town?.
I have so many ideas to create my own future.
I just need to do it!

About the game:
The game is in constant development.
And will be online soon.
This is not a web based game but a windows game.
It will require you to install .net framework 4.5.
I am programming this game in c# with a 3d audio game engine that i have build from the ground up.
Please see features below for information on the alpha release.

- Interact with other players through  chat / messages).
- Trade with other players.
- Buy and sell land.
- Build homes
- Trade itesm or sell and buy them on the Market.
- Walk through the city and discover new places.
- Play mini games to find treasures.
- Mine for coins and other valuable items.
- Learn and upgrade skills (Example: Farming, Mining, Fishing, Thiefing etc).

+ A lot more features.

What to expect?
Well i wanna build a world where all blind gamers can come and enjoy an immersive world where they can be what they choose to be.
And at the same time enjoy playing with friends.

Development status:
Currently this is an internal alpha stage.
Which means me and close personal friends are able to join the server.
At the moment i am programming a party system where you can create a party or join one to farm for precious metals.
And also i am still working out bugs in the 3d audio system.
Like i said its a constant development project.
But so far it is looking really nice, and i hope people will be able to enjoy it soon.

Shortly i will post an audio trailer regarding the game and gameplay.
So you can have a first glance at what is to come.

Suggestions are always welcome.
Ideas, Crietc.
Just note that right now i cannot take requests for additional content / features.
Since the main game itself is still in development.
However i would still like to hear them for future reference.

The homepage will be online shortly as i am putting all the free time at the moment into programming the game.
Which of course is most important .

Anyways the homepage is nightrealm.org and will be online as soon as alpha begins.

I will keep this topic updated with news and updates regarding the game.
Just a note in case you are wondering about the binoral audio system. Yes it is an audio game only few parts will be text and they will have a proper tts engine to speak the content with a natural voice.

Kind Regards,

Ps sorry for my english as it is not my native language.tisism

Put your coding where your mouth is.

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2015-10-23 11:31:10

Sounds fun!  Welcome to the forum Xsense.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

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2015-10-23 13:49:08

Indeed! I can't wait to try it out! And as Aprone said, welcome aboard. big_smile
Best regards, Haramir.

The true blind is the one who refuses to see.

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2015-10-23 23:54:13

Xsense, sorry that this is a bit off topic, but it goes along with the "welcome to the forum" from above.

I saw from your other post that you used to run Silkroad online.  Years back I remember playing that game!  I wanted to ask you how long it has been since you lost your vision, if you are still working on the Silk road game, and if you just recently discovered this audio games community.  Every now and then someone shows up that had never been aware of audio games before they stumbled upon this site.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

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2015-10-24 20:25:46

Hello Again,
First of all thank you for the welcome appriciate that.

It has been 10months now since i became blind, at new years night.
I lost one complete eye which could not be fixed anymore, and the other was put back together however is heavily damaged to the point where i only have a bit of light when the sun is shining or big lights are on.
So i am waiting for my surgeon ok when they are ready for regenerative therapy.
(Stemcel injection).

I wont write the whole thing here since its probably boring for most people , and not really the point either smile.

As for silkroad online i havent programmed for it since a while i suppose around 2/3 years ago was the last time.
I was looking into re-programming the emulator but i would require a sighted person for sniffing packets, doing actions and so on so not really a thing to do at the moment.

I disovered this website when things settled down a bit after all the surgery's.
First i only read trough the website and not the forum .
Which i desided do dive into just recently since i noticed the lack of mmo for blind people.

Not just that but me and a small team are developing a new tablet and custom android mod which has a feel screen as we call it.

Basically people can open the camera and just point the device at any point in front of them and they can feel shapes of objects in front of them so bumping into things and feeling everything would be in the past.

Its a long project but in the end pretty cool.

Aside from that like i said i noticed when i wanted to play games most games are not compatible for visual imperred people.
And most games are based on horror or similair things like a story where you make choices along the story.
Nothing really that stood out and said like ok this is awesome id love to play this.

The only game i found compatible online was lords and knights and one handfull of such games.
However those are pretty boring as well , not to be a downer but thats how i felt when playing them.

The other thing that stood out to me on this forum instantly was,
How helpful people here are and how friendly they are.
They want to really get together and get things done, and have fun while doing so it seems smile.

Which made me sign up and post my personal projects smile

Thanks again for the welcome.

Put your coding where your mouth is.

Thumbs up +1

2015-10-24 21:45:28

This game really does look interesting and I sure Will try it out when it is done.

Yes, I definitely left the forum. Mhm. Why would you have any doubt?
Code 7 tips: https://forum.audiogames.net/topic/4010 … or-code-7/
Don't forget to be awesome!

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2015-10-25 03:14:10

Hey Sense. I would love too see a game as rich as Silk Road for the blind comunity. You can keep all the features you stated earlier, plus the rpg aspect like leveling your character and gathering new vegetables and taming wild animals to pet on the farm. I'd like to see you thoughts about this possibility.
Best regards, Haramir.

The true blind is the one who refuses to see.

Thumbs up

2015-10-25 06:25:12

heya XSense.
I don't know if you accept voice actors at the moment on this awesome game, I can't imagine how it will rock when it comes up.
I would really appreciate me being a voice of the game. If you wanna hear me, you could surely hit me up in the head, point me with a pistol and treaten me to act for you. For doing this, you could add me at skype, it's sbskype90.
I will be more than happy to be a voice actor for it. If you don't really want any voices for texts, actions, pressed letters and or menus it's OK, we could still have contact however.
kind regards, Mike.

no matter what you do, alwais, ghosts will be there. Demonic spirits waiting for you. Charlie Charlie are you here? suddenly, charlie appears with a knife. He killed me! charlie charlie are you here? tell me if it's yes. Are you gonna persew me or you're leaving me in peaze? oh my gosh charlie is indeed here! he's about to kill me!

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2015-10-25 09:56:01

wow, this would be fun! can't wait to try it!

Follow me on Mastodon.

2015-10-25 20:11:05

Tanks for all the feedback so far.
i find it hard to quote everyone by post but here is my reply however i will post the answers below you know who its ment for smile.

leveling aspect is already in the system.
you level your character and unlock certain parts of the game when leveling.
More details will come about this.

yes i would like more voice actors that can either speak native english or sound good as my own accent will sound dutch to everyone.

To contact me on skype my id: xsense29

the main part i  would like a  voice for instead of an internal tts enginem would be for the tutorials and certain parts of ingame text example: you have received a new message please press M  to open your inbox.

Things like this would be great with voice acting as it would bring more realism to it.
please ontact me on skype so we can have a chat.

Regards Xsense.

Put your coding where your mouth is.

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2015-10-26 01:50:18

Xsense, I've added you on skype. Didn't know you were in need of sound acting, I can give a help with that, and some testing, if needed.
Best regards, Haramir.

The true blind is the one who refuses to see.

Thumbs up

2015-10-27 10:15:12

Hello i have accepted you on skype.
However i would still like voice acting but that would be for my other new topic in this forum.

I know this might sound sudden, and i did put alot of work in the framework of this game.
After considering gameplay, it would be a lot greater to build a complete mmorpg based on one of my all time favorite games called Silkroad Online.

For this game i can re-use my framework of Tradian, but make it a lot more fun.
For moderators could you please delete of close this topic.

I will create a new topic with details on my plan and status so far.
As i have already began work on Silkroad Online.

I am pretty sure Silkroad will be a great value game for all the blind players.
Please read the new topic for details.

Kind Regards,

Put your coding where your mouth is.

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2015-10-27 11:33:54

Xsense I think I might have misunderstood an earlier post.  I thought maybe you used to work for Joymax and were part of the development of Silk road online.  Was that the case or did you mean that you used to run your own emulated server for that game, just as a fan of the game?

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

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2015-10-27 12:12:11

No i did not work for joymax.
However i fully emulated their server, including all functions and mathmetics.
As in object collision map entry's.
From login upto guild managment and so on.

And since your a fan like me,
I think you will also enjoy my accssible version of this game.
Its not hard to program it just time is what it takes wink.

Anyways, if you could close this topic that would be nice.
I will continue in my silkroad topic as in my oppinnion its way better its a great game so why not make it work for all of us right?


Put your coding where your mouth is.

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2015-10-27 12:14:17

I hope you do continue work on this game at some point, because I would love a farming game!  I would be so excited to play it.

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2015-10-27 14:27:11

Well i am saving it in a backup smile.
So the future will tell, its pretty far allready so its just adding features and optimizing not major work just time consuming.

However probably id continue it at some point.
And if others are still interested as well who knows i might combine the time programming silkroad as well as tradian .

I agree that a farming game is great , but out of personal experience its faster to make silkroad.
On tradian i have to think up how mechanics would go along with other mechanics meaning that id have to think up all of the features and how they work.
And with silkroad i already know all of it so its litterally blind programming.
Because for programming it i dont really have to think to much its like a second language which helps greatly.

But still its great to hear that this concept is liked by you and others.
This means that i was right on the point of what is wanted and needed smile.

Otherwise just keep spamming me about it lol tongue
Spammers have a influence on me its a weak point haha smile.


Put your coding where your mouth is.

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2015-10-27 17:05:06

Xsense, I'll close this topic for you then.  Good luck on the silk road, accessible version, and hopefully some time in the future we will see this farming game also.  smile

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

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