2015-10-15 23:05:35 (edited by Aaron Baker 2015-12-05 20:22:23)

Greetings gamers!
Just in time for the Halloween season, VGStorm is proud to present a new adventure sidescroller, The Gate!
In a time when people were being killed for parcels of land, decorations, titles,
wealth, honor and power, a small village was suffering from something much more mysterious.
Many people were dying, mostly through strange bouts or sequences of illness, sometimes
even from unknown causes. In the end, with no possible alternative explanation, it
was officially declared a plague. For Patrick, a simple trip to the Physician's house
to try and save his dying mother goes horribly wrong when he is knocked from his
horse by an unknown entity, and awakes to find himself imprisoned in a hellish dungeon.
You must guide him to safety so that he can return home safely and report his findings.
Ten levels with over 30 enemies and 5 bosses, providing hours of gameplay.
High quality sound effects and adaptive music.
Fully voiced by professional actors.
Plenty of in-game help.
Five difficulties and two modes of gameplay.
Demo limitations
The demo allows you to complete the three shortest levels in the game, as well as battle the first boss. Save files from the demo are 100 percent compatible with the registered copy, so you can resume right where you left off after purchasing.
The game costs $29.95 to purchase.
Getting the game
You can get the game at this link:
You can buy the game at this link:
Version 1.0.1 October 18 2015
This version fixes some bugs and extends the demo to the first four levels.
It also makes some small tweaks to easy mode bosses in order to balance them more efficiently.

I hope you enjoy The Gate!

2015-10-15 23:29:35

sounds great. Thank you very much for the good work.

sorry my english, is not my native language.

2015-10-16 00:59:54

Wooooooooow, will try it, I mean play it for sure.

Kind regards!

Add me on battle.net and let's have fun, region is Europe, my BattleTag is: Hajjar#21470
By reading my post, you agree to my terms and conditions :P

2015-10-16 01:02:37

I definitely think I'll be buying this one at some point...If I can ever manage to beat the Gray Lady! LOL.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2015-10-16 01:15:13

I really enjoy this one.
@4, Just jump around and shoot her with your bow, but don't get too far from her otherwise she'll teleport. Personally, I think that guy was sorta dumb when it came to her, lol. I mean, he could've just like, promised to help her and avoided that hole thing but, such is not to be when it comes to game heros, haha. The next level's pretty hard, you've got slimes and pits and bloodthirsty dogs and all sorts of good things.

2015-10-16 01:43:08

I daresay that boss fight is borderline unfair since everything kills you instantly. Just my opinion though. It would help if the game remembered what weapon you had selected last when it saved.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2015-10-16 02:12:51

Thirty dollars, for a ten level sidescroller. Enough said.

2015-10-16 02:19:14

ross wrote:

Thirty dollars, for a ten level sidescroller. Enough said.

Totally agree.

I attack with the savagery of a thousand piranhas.

2015-10-16 02:20:05 (edited by keyIsFull 2015-10-16 02:23:00)

Nah, it's not unfair, you just have to be really watchul. I still feel like the game is just super liam, butw ith harder enemies and professional voice acting. And you have to button mash to kill these enemies. THe difficulty levels just seem to make the enemies require more hits to kill and how much damage they do, but don't really change much else about the game. It's sort of shallow really. The gameplay itself isn't what's worth $30, but the sounds and music. I gues that the sounds and music matter a lot in this game genre to convey atmosphere, but if that's all there is, it's not really scary enough. The game isn't scary to me because the gameplay itself is a beat 'em up game. There's no scare factor in the gameplay. It's definitely not worth $30. Even if there were 100 levels, if the gameplay were perpetually like this, it wouldn't be worth it to me. I can play bk3 to beat up on enemies with all kinds of weapons, not just 4, and if I want to hear horror music I'll turn on my dragon quest horror disk, and if I want to hear good voice acting I'll watch a movie.

I like to sleep, Sleep is good,
This is how I do it: Lie on a nice warm cozy bed, and dream dreams about how to rule the world!
Follow @TheGreatAthlon5 on twitter for humorous facts and game updates!
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2015-10-16 02:26:38 (edited by Aaron Baker 2015-10-16 02:27:46)

ross wrote:

Thirty dollars, for a ten level sidescroller. Enough said.

Though The Gate has only 10 primary levels, the later ones are longer and split up into many sub-areas. As a result, it is longer than one might think.

2015-10-16 02:26:56

I still say borderline unfair. LOL. But I can see where you're coming from about the price.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2015-10-16 03:07:42 (edited by Muhammad Hajjar 2018-06-22 02:28:30)

Man, the gray lady is too hard to beat. Can you make it more easier? The game is really awesome.

Kind regards!

Add me on battle.net and let's have fun, region is Europe, my BattleTag is: Hajjar#21470
By reading my post, you agree to my terms and conditions :P

2015-10-16 03:17:41

You just have to track her carefully. When she isn't screaming in pain, she's always moving, so wait till she's almost on top of you to jump or you'll end up jumping too early and landing right on her. I still use the bow to get her because you can't hit her while jumping, so you have to hit her from far away. Also use the bow against the goes that appear. It's too hard to switch back and forth. YOu can run past her while she's screaming in pain, but really it's just easier to jump because you can hold the movement key to move, so just jump.

I like to sleep, Sleep is good,
This is how I do it: Lie on a nice warm cozy bed, and dream dreams about how to rule the world!
Follow @TheGreatAthlon5 on twitter for humorous facts and game updates!
If you like my posts, thumb me up!

2015-10-16 03:17:55

I tend to agree about the Gray Lady. She's insanely difficult for a first boss.

But, really, guys? The game hasn't even been out yet for 4 hours! If you don't like side scrollers, so be it. But the title of this topic clearly states what you're getting, so you have no excuse for coming in here and ranting and raving.

I actually don't understand all the hatred towards side scrollers in general, but that's for another topic. For now, either play it or don't. Your choice. But if you do, you honestly have no right to complain or compare it to other games of the same genre.

Side scrollers all feature most of the same elements, at least in audio. So, again, you knew what you were getting, even before you clicked on the topic, the download link, the purchase link, or all three.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2015-10-16 03:21:40

30 dollars is madness. If you choose to buy it that's great, but I think it's madness myself. While I do appreciate the fact you put out games like these, I can't justify the price to myself.

Silly Gohan, animals don't eat people. People eat animals.

2015-10-16 03:32:42

I liked the game. for me it is not an expensive game, you take into account the price of sounds, music and voice acting. None of that is free.
Greetings and thanks.

sorry my english, is not my native language.

2015-10-16 03:32:45

OK, Turtlepower17, we understand your point, but the price is insane for a game like this. Again, it follows a similar pattern to many other games of its genre and what is the difference? Is it the voice acting? If so, that's what you end up paying all that money for. IN fact, Ultrapower has more features than this game does. To add insult to injury, I've played through Death Match: Project Alpha five times now and don't understand how it could be free. That game deserves a fifty dollar price tag for sure. However, here we really don't seem to have anything special. The game play is quite similar to Alex Vs Sam and Battle Zone as far as jumping around and collecting items, but not remotely as immersive as Project Alpha. So, the price isn't really justified in my opinion.

I attack with the savagery of a thousand piranhas.

2015-10-16 03:37:07

Turtlepower is right; complaining about the price won't make the dev lower the price. The only way to have a chance of causing that to happen is to not buy the game.

I like to sleep, Sleep is good,
This is how I do it: Lie on a nice warm cozy bed, and dream dreams about how to rule the world!
Follow @TheGreatAthlon5 on twitter for humorous facts and game updates!
If you like my posts, thumb me up!

2015-10-16 03:47:51

this is a tipical thing of this comunity very recently.
I agree 100% with turtlepower, you don't even know how the entire game looks like, and start ranting for nothing. 10 levels, OK, how big these levels are? music, voice acting, cutscenes, these things doesn't count?.
when someone decides to make a game like this, using resources for voice acting or great music, you start.... oh no, it's a sidescroller, oh no, it is too short, 30 dollars is madness and so on.
It's hard these days, to find someone in this comunity who can apreciate the development efort, it's true that some of you can make free games, but for others, they want to make audiogames something more comercial. if we continue this way, we will lose another developer.

But i'll no longer answer to this kind of messages, i'll buy the game and enjoy.

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2015-10-16 03:57:29

Hile. I'll be sure to keep my opinion to myself from now on. <3

Silly Gohan, animals don't eat people. People eat animals.

2015-10-16 04:03:54

I'll just say this: I've bought the game even without trying the demo. why is that do you ask? because I want to support the development of future
projects. but if you don't have the money to buy it, or don't enjoy the game and want to compare it to bk 3, simple play bk 3 which is a more complex
and much bigger game. I've played bk 3 and know what I'm talking about. but I have to agree 100% with mr.brunete!! keep complaining to every new
release, soon enough we won't get more new games, and that will make you guys happy it seems. oh and excuse me. while you complain I'm off to play
the gates. I'm on level 6 and the game is fucking hard and good imo. there aren't any new concepts, but it's fun as it is. the game is not a button
masher, the enemies follow an attack pattern. if you ask me if there's way to improve, i'd definitely agree. but this attitude of constantly bashing
the dev based on the feature list itself is ridiculous.

contact info
matrheine at gmail . com

2015-10-16 05:13:59

I feel like I'm missing something painfully obvious when it comes to the Gray Lady. I still haven't been able to beat her. The most I can do is get in a couple of hits, but she matches me blow for blow. It seems like as soon as my arrow flies, she attacks me. What am I doing wrong? I try jumping, but that doesn't work.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2015-10-16 05:14:22

Hello everyone.

I'm not hear to complain. Smiles. I did that with another game of this developer and have learned not to do that.

I will not buy the game, yet, since I haven't completed the first level and don't know if this is my kind of thing.

Start of spoilers.

I need to know one thing. How do you jump over wholes? I go to the edge of the first whole; hear the vase and press up arrow then press and hold the right arrow. I always die.

I thought there might be two wholes, so I jumped and held the right arrow a little until the vase was centered and then... Aaaaa... I die. Could someone help please,

End of spoilers.

In my opinion this is a good game. Perhaps some people don't like the price but remember; all these levels are going to be different.

I didn't like psycho strikes levels because to me; they seemed very simple but I should have done what I'm doing now and hold off from buying the game until I have more information in my mind and am 1000% sure that I want what I am paying for.

I'll end this by saying thanks for making an amazing game. I can't wait to see what 2016 or 2017 brings to VGStorm.com.

I'm gone for real :)

2015-10-16 05:34:54

You know what? I rather enjoy this game. It's another game isn't it? It's an immersive audio experience isn't it? Your opinions are your own but listen here: He took all this time to bring you a, quite frankly, kick ass game. Sure the price tag is a tad high, I will agree. But chill out man. Don't like the price? Don't buy the damn thing. And if you can't buy it? Ask for it as a gift or something I don't know.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup

2015-10-16 05:35:21 (edited by Jeffb 2015-10-16 05:38:36)

Wow this game is sweet! Just in time for Halloween love it! The poor horse getting whipped was uncalled for. However this looks like a really fun game. Thanks!

Kingdom of Loathing name JB77