2015-07-23 10:00:07

They're kinda like cornbread, only chewier, with a slightly different flavor due to what it's cooked with (beer batter seems most common), rolled into a golfball-sized mass and fried.

I think I have heard of a type of shoe called Hushpuppies, though. I have no idea where they're from or what's unique about them, but it sounds familiar.

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

2015-07-23 10:50:11

I definitely have heard of a type of American shoe called hush puppies. I don't know if they were a brand around at an earlier time or what, but that's really the only context I've seen the phrase "hush puppies" used, in England the only person you'd expect to be saying "hush puppies" would be a dog trainer big_smile.

Likewise, I don't think the sweet sort of cornbread is something we have over here either, indeed a friend of mine who regularly visits america complains about how sweet the bread is and how weerd he finds it, especially when having a savory sandwich.

As for cultural differences, well it reminds me of what Professor Henry Higgins says in My fare lady when he's complaining about why the English can't speak English properly

"There are even places where English completely disappears, ---- in America they haven't used it for years!"

Well yesterday I met up with my brother for more grub and anime. Future diary is proving interesting. not exactly the hight of really disturbing, but just good fun with a highly unique plot.
I also finished another of the choiceofgames and continued my relisten through the companion chronicles. It's odd, I'm finding some stuff more fun the second time around, and others less. Even though i knew the big twist "home truths"  was more fun, indeed I was surprised how good it was given the amount of hype I've seen about it, but the darkening eye was less. Still in a lot of ways the cc's are doctor who's most experimental range so it's not surprising some experiments fall very much flatter than others.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-07-23 16:34:05

@Dark, well, I have done some looking around and it turns out you are correct. There is a brand of footwear called Hush Puppies. Odd I have never heard of them before but they seem to make both casual and dress boots, shoes, and sandals. So I suspect they might be slightly more popular over in the UK since this is the first I have heard of a shoe with that brand name, but all the same they do exist.

As far as corn bread being sweet it usually is. However, I have never considered hush puppies to be particularly sweet. Of course, a lot there depends on the ingredients. All hush puppies are made up of eggs and corn meal, but some hush puppies have onions etc in them which obviously isn't sweet. Although, I suppose there can be some hush puppies out there that are sweet depending on how they are made and the ingredients used.

Thomas Ward
USA Games Interactive

2015-07-23 18:25:09

@Tom,  I must have put that wrongly. There are no boots or shoes called hushpuppies in Britain at all, indeed as I said nobody would use the phrase over here.
Up until you mentioned these fried corn things, the only context I've ever heard the phrase "hushpuppies" used in is by american authors using it to describe people's shoes, I think Steven king does on occasion but it's not something I ever paid attention to sinse they're not shoes we have over here. As to why if this is an American make of shoes you haven't come across them, goodness knows, maybe they're sold in a different part of the us or maybe they're not a firm that's around anymore?

Either way, I'll have to make a point to try these fried things if I ever visit somewhere in the states that would do them, sinse they don't really sound much like anything else, only in Jamaican type cooking have I seen anything vaguely similar, and from your description it doesn't sound that similar.

Well played lots of choiceofgames titles today, plus am getting the train back. It's actually amusing, I started two games with the idea of beginning and then finishing on the train, but wound up finishing both early, albeit that in one I believe I got one of the briefer endings so will need to replay, anyway I have discussed that elsewhere so shal not repeat myself.

I will say it's great to have something to play on my Iphone. Yesterday i was stuck waiting for my brother sinse his bus was late, and while I probably wouldn't have wanted to put on my earbuds in the street and listen to an audio book or something, obviously there are better things to do than stand around and do nothing, and just holding my Iphone up to my earhole and playing a few chapters of one of the cog games with voiceover was fine, (of course nobody passing on the street noticed).

hurrah for portability, indeed I've just bought myself a spare Iphone lead to keep at my parents so I no longer have to carry mine around so much.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-07-29 20:16:21

Well, to be honest, I am burning up in this damn house, it feals like 100 in here, and I can't wait till we move back in our actual house, that has an AC. I can't stand this heat. That's all I'm doing.

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).