2015-04-28 14:23:41

Well, looking through some old messages, I have realized that comparisons between JAWS and NVDA have become far outdated. They go far back to 2011, I think. Anyways, I want to hear people's recent opinion of NVDA over JAWS, JAWS over NVDA or whatever. Keep in mind that NVDA is free, and that JAWS has 20 years under its belt. Soon to come in NVDA? Chart support in Excel, a long-time request. Share your thoughts.

2015-04-28 23:18:24

I am a jaws user and don't think I'd go for NVDA. The reason, is not only that one everybody used to mention, "I'm used to use jaws and I'm not willing to change", but I find it working faster than NVDA and with some good features. Especially Jaws 16, has an improved speed in comparison to previous version. Indeed the speed of navigating was only one of the changes I could notice since my first time of use. I think that both screen readers should be more powerful and responsive. For example, when a program crashes on your system and it takes up a lot of memory, it might prevent them from working. This occurs in Jaws and NVDA, certainly NVDA, makes the worst offence when the synthesizer keeps speeking without ever thinking to stop until you force close it.

2015-04-29 00:48:59

I'm all for NVDA, the only thing is that it takes them a while to get support in for certain things. It is workable on systems which do not have decent specs to run the behemoth JAWS. I also like NVDA's object / document / screen review modes far over JAWS' different cursors, although I cannot speak about the touch cursor as the latest version of Jaws I've used is 14, however, some people say they get the metro apps working with the touch cursor which is cool and which is also a weakness of NVDA, piss poor accessibility with the metro apps, which doesn't bother me because I don't use them. I feel that FS has really been off their game, well, for a good long time and just is not keeping up with the times, although, there is the arguement of well, what do you want the screenreaders to do.

I'm on NVDA and would not use jaws if given to me or if i had like enough money to buy it without sweating the cost, I'd donate to NVDA because I think they deserve it more.

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2015-04-29 07:47:07

NVDA has this annoying thing where it doesn't always speak when there's an error.

Whenever flash decides to crash, there goes your speech.

Even narrator speaks on that screen in windows 7.

2015-04-29 13:38:19

God I have NVDA installed, and I like it! with eloquence, DECtalk, rh voice, eSpeak and all in my school! so JAWS dosn't exist when I use NVDA!

2015-04-29 13:58:04

@arabic Three Thousand
If you have already a screen reader installed on your computer, why would you need a second one? smile

2015-04-29 17:28:50

I have been using NVDA full time for the last three years, and I personally see no reason to switch back to Jaws or Window-Eyes. I find NVDA  is adequate for everything I do from reading e-mail, to browsing the web, to working on office documents, to programming so really can't see myself paying hundreds on Jaws when NVDA does the same for less.

Of course, the cost is probably NVDA's best selling point. I suspect most blind computer users doesn't really have the money to spend on a new Jaws upgrade every time they release one. Especially, since over the last few years I have seen very little benefit in upgrading Jaws because most of the new features or updates never were that important to me. I was just spending money for features and updates I didn't need. When I need a particular upgrade I got hit with penalties for not keeping my SMA up to date so had to pay for versions I hadn't used or planned on purchasing.

The other thing I particularly like about NVDA is that it is written in Python, an off the shelf programming language, and all modules/scripts are written in same. Freedom Scientific expects people to pay for their training materials to script Jaws where NVDA's scripting is again free. So if someone really wants the full power of their screen reader NVDA offers an off the shelf scripting language which can be learned for little to nothing compared to Jaws's proprietary and expensive scripting capabilities.

As far as performance goes I find NVDA works well enough. I have three laptops with different specifications and NVDA works on all three without lag or issue. Jaws always seemed to lag or slow down the machines which is another reason why I don't use it. I am absolutely unhappy with Jaws's performance on my machines and don't like the way it lags and slows down the system. NVDA doesn't seem to do that so that is what I have been using.

Last of all no security. Maybe this doesn't bother some Jaws users but I absolutely hate Jaws's anti-piracy protection. Regardless if we are talking their old security keys, dongles, or online activation it always, always, always seemed to get in my way and cause me problems. I understand why Freedom Scientific institutes such draconian measures to protect their product but all the same they have been problems from day one.

For example, several years ago when I was in college I had to reformat and reinstall Windows 98 on my desktop. Finally came the part where I had to reinstall Jaws. To my utter dismay the floppy disc containing my Jaws keys was bad and I could not install my keys on the desktop. It was my misfortunate that this was the weekend and I was effectively without a computer until Freedom Scientific sent me a new floppy with product keys on it. Even worse I had reports to write and no computer. All because of Jaws's crappy anti-piracy measures.

A couple of years later Freedom Scientific were switching over to dongles. I thought that might be a good idea so purchased one. Big mistake half the time when it was plugged into my computer Jaws didn't recognize it, and rather than replacing the damn thing for free Freedom Scientific wanted me to buy a new one when the thing was defective from day one. So I feel I personally got screwed buying a piece of junk dongle and them not honoring that purchase by at least trying to send one to me that worked.

With NVDA I don't have to worry about any of that crap. No dongls, no product security keys, no online activation. I just install it and it works. For me that is worth its weight in gold since I rely exclusively on my screen reader to speak to me and absolutely hate fooling with the anti-piracy garbage when trying to get something done. I gave up on Jaws years ago simply because their security was a hassle and nowadays NVDA is a better alternative for me without the headaches.

Thomas Ward
USA Games Interactive

2015-04-29 17:58:39

jaws could even be more secured. If you take a look carefully, you will find out that many blind users around the world use a cracked jaws. In my country, I don't see anyone buying any copy of jaws. They could prompt you for a serial number for the installation to begin and that would be the peak of the iceberg. I promise the number of jaws users worldwide would be dramatically halved.

2015-04-29 23:16:03

@4 yes it does and that's annoying

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
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2015-04-30 01:11:21

The only thing i hate about the NVDA is that, I can't go to the first line of a browser. For example,  on facebook. My heading is at news feed, what i want is to press ctrl+home to go to the line were the curser says facebook. Also in microsoft word, when you write a text and you want to go to the first letter on that Curser by pressing the home key. And i can say that jaws is good in that thing. But i currently use NVDA because I have no problems of using it.

2015-04-30 04:59:18

really? I have no problem with either of those things using NVDA, and I use both a school and home computer

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2015-04-30 08:57:25

Hi Chriss
I'm not a Keen NVDA user, but I can say that it is a problem, I'd say it's a shortcut you have to go through, rather than an annoying thing. Anyway, still the most hectic feature of NVDA is that it doesn't provide any option to refresh the screen like we used to do on Jaws. Sometimes when an internet website is overcrowded the cursor might be lost through the headings and there is not any way to fix it, apart from pressing alt+tab to go to another view and back again alt+tab to go to where you were previously.

2015-04-30 10:42:42

You press NVDA and f-5 to refresh the nvda review. As for the cracked jaws notonce ddid I ever pay for Jaws its just too much money.

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2015-05-03 20:34:36

hi guys, alright, time for me to say what i did say before about jaws and NVDA, i said it else ware, but i wil say all this here again.
there was a time, when jaws was king, remember that nice jaws rap song that some one made and released? it was a kool song, it stated that jaws had you covered, its the king  of the block.
there was a time by,
just mensioning the name jaws for windows. it was regarded as the best screen reader hands down.
but sadly that times has changed,
my reasons in a nut shell as to why i permanently use nvda now. is the following.
1. size, jaws for windows is dramatically huge, and unnededly so? do you no why? its not cause its packed full of features. no no. its because of its stupid vidio intersept driver, oops. ah, sorry, hush hush, now, its new name is, mirror display driver. supposed to work much better in windows seven. uh hem, coff coff coff.
that is to say if it does not crash due to a baldy installed graffics driver, wicked grin.
one up for nvda cause nvda goes right on working, ware jaws cursers, and all else fails.
most of jaws huge size today is devoted due to its need to install that vidio intersept driver, i had a close look at the setup file for jfw. because in my cuntry bandwith costs money.
so i got utterly disgusted with it.
anty piracy.
while every single business has a right, and a obligation to protect its products. it has no right to treet its customers like sheeps, nor like pyrets  if they did nothing wrong.
i have seen this countless times.
cost. due to its expensive cost. and pointless updates, and due to the fact that FS only lissens to the V I P cliants, or the chairmen of this or that, or the counceler for who knows what. features that could have been in jaws long ago. only makes it in if its really rrocking the boat.
in other words. what they done now in jaws sixteen they could have done in 14 already, they purpusfully holding back, causing us to waste money on needless and pointless S M ays.
reason 4. lag.
jaws is laggy,
there is no 2 ways about this. it just is, it lags, if a machines slow, or it lags even if another ap is miss behaving, thumbs up for nvda because in most caces, nvda is lag free, even on slower machines with single core pc's.
and yes, they stil very much around.
the last reason in this summery of a reply is this.
usability/portability/ease of use/ and quick get up and no fuss, just works, featchers  of NVDA.
nvda is the smallest screen reader around. is portable. and is far easier to run, and work with, then jaws, why? o sure u mite get a portable version of jaws. but guess what? there's a catch.
for deeper and tighter integrated functions ists recommended to in stall the? here we go again. vidio intersept driver. also known as, mirror display driver.
so by by portability.
basically if jaws is helping you. and u feel it works, i am happy for you.
sure i wil always use and test it. and i also happily agree that on some areas its defenatly more aksessable then nvda, sure, and i even use it at my work, for limmited areas. agreed,  but guys, nvda is closing the gap fast. very soon in time, FS is going to be left on the road side.
because nvda is gonna pass them buy.
FS  rely on there past successes, and government and schools funding, but in time when the crunch gets tighter, and people starts to look for alternative cost effectave selutions. u tell me? who they gonna choose. jfw? or nvda. i no wich one many business in my cuntry would choose.

There's a place for me in this universe.

2015-05-04 00:06:11

Definitely NVDA all the way here. I have noticed jaws lagging, but the thing that's amazing with NVDA is a: the amount of voices, b: instant translate addon, and c: portability.

2015-05-04 07:22:03

I have both and different purposes.
I am using JAWS
well I also use NVDA when I have to play battle zome.
first thing which I like JAWS is that it has many powerful features like touch cursor OCR and text analyser
secondly I like is that FS had various webinars which are free and covers many features of JAWS.
NVDA I use with eloquence.
but in brouzing I like JAWS not NVDA
yes NVDA is portable but how you use mouse with NVDA?
How you download videos with the help of NVDA?
If you use accessible version of youtube with idman then the thing is that you have to use jaws cursor to switch on the download button but in NVDA you cannot.
in most audio games you have to shut down your JAWS but NVDA will not disturb you.
the question of mirror display driver is frustrating but if you have KMDF and FS admin tool everything will go fine.
this is for win 7 but in win 8 no problem is going on in my lappy.
I think both have their own abilities and draw backs
same will voice over and talk back.

life's battle do not always go to the stronger and faster man,
But sooner or later who win the one who thinks he can!

2015-05-10 04:54:24 (edited by Socheat 2015-05-10 04:55:25)

Well, I think NVDA is a lot better than jaws. speaking about jaws, say, if you go to an internet café, you have to authorized jaws to get it working. but for NVDA, you don't need to authorize anything. just plugged your USB flash drive, open your NVDA, and there you go, you'll have NVDA running beautifully.
no need to authorized!

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2015-05-10 15:20:56

Well, time to share those NVDA tutorials Joseph's made I think:
As for youtube,
, more folks need to hit that "questionmark" key while playing vids back. At least if you are wanting help...

2015-05-12 02:53:44

Hello, everyone,

I have a few comments about NVDA, then I'll ask some questions please:
1. One of the most odd and annoying things I found with the JAWS program is when I hit the windows log on screen in Windows 7 at school, I heard this:
Windows Logonreed. Reedpassword edit.
When I would type the shift key it said shift, if I pressed control it said control, etc. When I typed my password it worked, but the most annoying part about this is that when the computer asked me to hit alt+ctrl+del to unlock it, it didn't even read me that screen. That made me sad.
2. Eloquence: This is really small, but I don't like the Eloquence that ships with JAWS. In NVDA I use IBM's ViaVoice from 1999, a real old synthesizer, well for now I do, since it's over  13 years old and it was just a straight zip file I found awhile back.
Sure, the thing's got a few weird glitches like, well, it's got this weird crash where when you write the words part of on their own, it kind of crashes hard just like the famous eloquence crash words you all know and love.
Its speed control is weird but oh well. It sounds good and I've got my main languages all there under sapi4.
Funny thing? It doesn't crash on any modern eloquence crashes! smile
3. Windows OS: I have to be honest I really don't like the way JAWS makes you restart. I think that also the different things it needs on different windows is just weird. For example, windows vista, anything above JAWS 13 produced a Freedom Scientific mirror display driver error. sad
4. I feel like with all the settings areas in JAWS I just get so confused. There doesn't seem to be good documentation on all of the little things in the settings center window. In NVDA the user guide is really, really helpful in explaining what I want to figure out.
5. Internet: JAWS, last time I saw it, with 14 or 15, had problems with Firefox where it would kind of either not tell me the page loaded, or it froze on a large page. NVDA works so well with Firefox.
6. Math content! NVDA's math content actually supports word and powerpoint, and you can read the stuff in braille! JAWS can't use braille displays for reading math content! sad sad I haven't tested it in NVDA but it looks really cool. (Hint: Run master snapshots and download Math Player 4 if you want to see this in action).
7. Feedback: If I have an NVDA question I email one of the people who helps with the project and they are very good about getting back to me and I always have less crashes with NVDA than JAWS.
8. Metro, or windows store apps: In windows 10 previews, NVDA is real good about supporting the apps that come with it like alarms and clock, I love that thing with NVDA. You have to learn object navigation,

1. People who I talk to about college later on and getting a job later tell me that businesses choose JAWS because they feel that NVDA has security risks or something like that. Can you please provide some information this?
2. Other languages: I have the insert symbols add-on where I can insert some special symbols like a acute, but is there a more officient way to do this? It conflicts with one of the Skype conversation shortcut keys. Also it doesn't have the U acute.
I will post back if I have further comments.
And for those of you who love JAWS, that's awesome! smile And for those of you who like NVDA, that's really awesome as well! smile

Have a great day.



2015-05-12 06:24:43

hi, btman16,
let me address some of your questions.
first off. the mirror display driver errors u are getting, is exactly what i was refering to in my post. you see the issue is that its a very complex piece of software on its own. and granted, screen readers by them selves are very very complex things. the main big issue with jaws here, is that u have code on top of code. that does certen things. and in time, it has become bloated. unneded code that is. if FS really wanted to, they could very easily trim down the size of jfw. and do a host of things, i'll not go in to here. so for the sake to keep the conversation simplified. i'll answer you in this way. the fact you are getting this error has to do with the graffics driver on your pc. how ever, it may also have to do with secuirity settings in use on the pc, or, left over files from previous versions of jaws. or, simply other files on windows itself. it may even be a failed install in the past. of jfw, triggering this error.  without asking you more spisiffic questions. i cant pin point the exact issue to help you. but no that this is 1 of the main reasons this  screen reader is a pain to get installed. on some computers. o, and lack of admin rights, may also prevent you. ah and uff corse, if the pc tech there mest around with groop policy settings? he may have in advertantly added a setting or changed something that messes with the propper install of the jaws display driver. 
now on to your next question.
for businesses that clames that nvda is a secuirity risk, sadly the person who manages there computer department, is a idiot. sadly, he nose nothing about screen readers and ware and how they store there files.
for him to clame that nvda is a security risk is faulse. infact freedom scientific poses a grater risk, if you asked me. i wil leave u with the following questions to ponder.  on that topic.
because one. we do not no what info they collect about the computer you install jaws on. when info is send to there servers, you cannot verify exactly what is being send. this meens some confodensial business info may be sent. but to explain this to the guy who manages a business computer department is a chor.
sadly if the computer guy advises the boss. that is, the guy who pays for jaws to be installed on the computers, that nvda is a security risk, the boss wil have to take his word for it, as he or she may not be tec  savvi.
its sad to see how much money they'd waste,  installing that screen reader if, the job can be done by a free screen reader. then again, perhaps they have a stigma that any free software is a secuirity risk, in wich cace, i'd run as far as i can from that guy who manages there software installs, :d 
how ever. if your job requires the explisit use of jaws ware access is not available. meening, if nvda does not support a spisiffic ap you are using, then its all fine and dandy.
how ever claming that nvda is a risk? is sadly a very huge understatement, and, i as a pc tech, would love to speek to the guy who made that asesment in that cumpony.
:d :d
i hope i answered a few of your questions.
have a wonderful fluffy day.

There's a place for me in this universe.

2015-05-12 17:28:55

I'm sorry Btman16 or Brandon
Regarding help for settings centre, jaws provides a help menu and a training menu which covers everything in details.
Then about Eloquence, I'm afraid you're wrong. Eloquence, in my opinion is one of the synthesizers which is really inclusive. It reads and pronounces the words and punctuations very good and if you take a look among blind users, you'll find out that most of them, especially those from non-English speaking countries use eloquence. About a year ago, I came across one of the guys from my old special school, and he had trouble installing jaws. In this way, he had no other choice, so I suggested him to install NVDA. He found it almost impossible to use it until I gave him the add-on eloquence for NVDA.
The reason I sometimes don't use Eloquence is that I love British English, so I swich to Daniel, Amy or Briant or the Microsoft Hazel. But in daily basis, I don't think I would use another synthesizer apart from Eloquence.

2015-05-12 19:08:52

hi, afrim, the via voice, packet he was refering to, sounds exactly like eloquence, but, insted iof it sounding muffled, the eloquence voice is crisp and clear. it does not sound as if its speeking over a fone. i am exagerating a bit. but u no what i meen. those who uses via voice. its voice is exactly like the reed voice, nothings changed. but its sample rate is higher, and o man its a joy. it pauses between  sentences, and yes it has some interesting kwirks and glitches.  but it works. and its beautiful to here.

There's a place for me in this universe.

2015-05-13 00:15:54


Actually it is not 100 percent the same.

Here's a quick recording I made. It's real slow because I didn't take the time to write the stuff to speed it up in my software, but here you go.
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/782 … xample.wav

Sure, the actual eloquence is all  right but I don't know.
I kind of prefer this for now.




2015-05-13 04:29:55

Well, if you're a jaws user, you will see via voice in the old version of jaws. below 7.0...

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2015-05-13 08:41:39


Could you upload via voice?

It actually sounds quite nice, and pauses nicely too. I'm using eliquence but this sounds a bit more like what I'd like eliquence to sound like.

I'm gone for real :)