2015-03-23 09:23:39

Also, I must agree with Burak's idea about game pause.

Ja volim samo kafu sa Rakijom.

2015-03-24 15:47:24

wow! that's awesome!

Follow me on Mastodon.

2015-03-24 20:18:21 (edited by potterspotter13 2015-03-24 20:20:33)

This is a good game, but it nees to be a bit harder though, i beet it on my first try, iether that, or i'm just to good at audio games!

But sometimes the world is better without sight...
Because You can see the world how it really is...

2015-03-24 22:01:03 (edited by defender 2015-03-24 22:13:00)

I'm really liking the game so far!

Here are some suggestions.

Try to use more unique sounds and phrases that don't remind people of Judgement Day and World of War, such as the machine gun, new level sound, health regeneration, new missile, and new grenade phrases, and the wording slash theme for some of the trophies.

Get more music in the game if possible, for the trophy case and difficulty level selection sub menu.

Add a speaker test, score boards if at all possible, and learn game sounds menu if you feel like it's worth your time to do so.

Add a pause feature, allow the use of the right control key for firing, move check level to L instead of E, consider adding a quick speaker test command for when in actual game play for those with IEMs and earbuds, and possibly work on adding controller support, as time permits, of course.

Increase volume of helicopter hit sounds, reduce stereo field width of drones, add sound for helicopters actually touching the ground after coming in to land so that it's easier to here them, possibly move walky talky to middle and reverse channels for behind player effect, or replace with descriptive sounds for reloading.

Make drones fall a bit faster on easier levels, add less ships based on difficulty and instead focus more on ship strength, damage, and speed, possibly add ability for health values with decimals in the tenths place, reduce speed of laser firing for laser ships on easier levels, and increase damage of laser based on level, but start at a lower damage rating than it is right now, such as 2.5HP per 1.5S on easy, 3.0HP per 1.0S on medium, and 3.5HP per 0.5S on hard.
Slightly scale back ship drop rate for hard difficulty, slightly reduce rate of health regeneration and item generation based on difficulty, and start at a lower rate for easy than the current one.

Add more uniqueness to the game by slowing the rate of fire of the machine gun down to between 150RPM and 300RPM depending on the weapon, and calling it an anti aircraft gun, auto cannon, or 50 calibur M|G or HMG, increase damage and range, and change sound accordingly, change name of rapid machine gun to Minigun or Gatling gun and keep or increase current rate of fire as you see fit, lower range and damage, and possibly add electric background motor sound, remove grenades and replace with Surface to Air Missiles or airburst mortor shells, also add a bit more blast radius and add possibility for multiple target penetration, possibly with decreasing damage based on range from initial launch point , remove missiles and use destroy all ships item only, either remove item catcher and possibly replace with chance to obtain extra munitions via certain amount of downed ships, score value increments, or randomly when being resupplied, or use a more net like sound in conjunction with airdrops from cargo planes.
Have movement rate be based on current weapon, and possibly add quiet sound for weapon movement, possibly also based on weapon, add sounds that are unique to each weapon for switching between them.

Any help with sounds that you need...  Just ask!

2015-03-26 01:49:06

soundworks, please add a learn game sounds menu.
I repeat, add a learn game sounds menu.

2015-03-27 11:38:11

I downloaded this game and... finally beaten the easy mode. Phew...
Its really really fun, but the boss...wow. Managed to build my shield up and beat him with two shield charges and escaping those grenades on time but... wow...
And for the learn game sounds menu... I don't know but I don't think we will need it.
The drowns will just hum, so is some of the other ships. Those lazer sound+the siren-like noise is the space jet, the sparking and zapping sounds are the base being shot by lazers. The beep beep beep is the missiles the boss launches... and the bug sounds like a mosquito flying about, though obviously louder. The grenade sounds like something rolling around. The long series of explosions and all that is the sound of the boss being defeated. The beep beep beep, the fast and lowre pitched one is one of the enemies. When it fall it will break as though its glass... though that's far from the truth of course, it does damage to the base still. The others yo ucould figure them out yourself... though its understandable why you want it, though.

Team rocket's blasting off again!

2015-03-27 14:34:46

No, from what i understand, the glass breaking Thing is no enemy, it's an item you can catch.

2015-03-27 16:31:26

Hmm, I don't know. I could shoot the beep no problem with my gun though which shouldn't be the case right? and I remember the base being repaired right after it landed... that might just be another ship landing out of my earshot or something, though. Oh well. Regardless I don't think learn game sounds is needed, though to each their own opinions.

Team rocket's blasting off again!

2015-03-27 19:28:37

a learn game sounds is needed.

2015-03-27 21:20:23

The glass breaking thingy is an item. The unique thing about the items in doomed is that they function as enemies as well. You can shoot them, and they can land and cause damage to your base like normal enemies. I forget what exactly those items do when you catch them, though.

2015-03-28 02:56:31

So how to catch those items then?

Follow me on Mastodon.

2015-03-28 04:21:35

Use the item catcher. Its similar to how yo ucatch bombs. I didn't know the bleeps are items, heh.
@nick, I don't know why you need the learn game sounds option that much. The bleeps and roling sound is items, the sound of swams of insect flying is the bugs, the space jet sounds like periodic lazer shots, when your base get shot you hear sparks, when the bomb came it will have the rolling sound, missiles will act like time bombs, when you caught the item will sound like you caught it (bleh), the rest are all enemies, helicopters, drowns... etc. Any other sound you don't know about?

Team rocket's blasting off again!

2015-03-28 05:38:29

I will need a learn game sounds menu because I want to find out What enemies and items sound like.
without a learn game sounds menu I don't know what each enemy is, nor the items.

2015-03-28 09:16:37

@kenzon, thanks for the help. I didn't know that either. smile

Follow me on Mastodon.

2015-03-28 11:15:41

@socheat you're welcome.
@nick no offence, but why do you need a learn game sounds option for enemies? I mean, you know all of them are enemies, correct? If so just shoot them down. Also, you could just read the readme; it ells you which level a new enemy will appear. When you arrive at that level, beware of new sounds -- that will be the new enemy's sound. So I don't think its needed, as long as you know they're enemies.
@soundworks since there are so many request for learn game sounds option, you might as well add one, though you probably! want to put some soft music in the background while in the menu. I'm aware that some of the sounds aren't free, at least to my knowledge.

Team rocket's blasting off again!

2015-03-28 21:09:29

I do want a learn game sounds menu and there will always be a learn game sounds menu.
the reason Why I want a learn game sounds is because I don't know What the new sounds are especially in the later levels of the game.

2015-03-30 03:25:30

Ignore him, he just, does this, all the time.

2015-03-30 22:52:24

I will not be ignored.
I will have a learn game sounds menu to be added.

2015-03-31 17:49:34

Um. You're more than welcome to *request* or *suggest* that anything be added or changed. But make no mistake about it, it is up to the developer, and *only* the developer, whether such requests or suggestions will be acted upon.

Oh BTW, you will give me the source code to this game. Just kidding!

2015-04-03 02:28:40

Hey dude! If you keep it going, it could be as good as (or better than) judgement day!

“Can we be casual in the work of God — casual when the house is on fire, and people are in danger of being burned?” — Duncan Campbell
“There are four things that we ought to do with the Word of God – admit it as the Word of God, commit it to our hearts and minds, submit to it, and transmit it to the world.” — William Wilberforce

2015-04-03 14:11:17

*sighs*, if he wants to continue asking for learn game sounds I won't mind, but as said, the devs have his rights to add the menu, or not. I just really really hope he'd put in some background, unmutable music, because if he don't, some people might copy the sounds (rather, record them clean out) and use them in other projects or anything. And I'm sure that some sounds in this game, at least, are not free, to my knowledge. Heck, (sorry for the rude language), even the bleeps in the judgement day intro are mixed so you can't separate one from another, and the bleeps to count the amount of numbers you've uessed in the guess the number minigame unlockable in JD had been mixed. I won't deny, however, that some people might have curiosities to satisfy.

Team rocket's blasting off again!

2015-04-03 18:58:59

@nick: it's kind of easy to figure out what sound is what. If you've tired any mainstream games, well, those certainly don't have any learn game sounds menus. From the way I'm seeing things, the community wants more complex and mainstream style games, so this is sort of providing that by giving ranges for weapons and allowing people to figure out enemy patterns and such.

2015-04-08 06:36:58

Wow. I would probably end up writing in a learn sounds menu, but the way that was requested was just obscene. Anyway, the trophy case is there and disabled just as a little hint at what's coming. PSST: we've already got some trophies.

2015-04-08 06:40:54

Hi I like the game
you should continue it's development.

life's battle do not always go to the stronger and faster man,
But sooner or later who win the one who thinks he can!

2015-04-08 07:07:41

Thanks. I've been having nonstop bootcamp problems, so development has really  kind of halted. I seem to always have trouble with bootcamp.