2014-10-04 22:51:00 (edited by pitermach 2019-09-07 19:03:27)

For those of you who are new, Talon and myself have been recording various let's plays together. In fact, we've been doing this for over 6 years now and we started on audioboo with a multipart let's playy of Papa Sangre, which got very popular. Then we followed that up with nightjar, and eventually started a site. The format now is just like a typical let's play on Youtube, well, without the splitting into parts, with random commentary thrown in. You can find all of our Let's plays on the official PG13 page, which also includes a podcast  feed that's also available in the iTunes podcast directory. Now adays, we stream on YouTube to be able to also capture video and interaction even easier. Usually, the streams happen on a Saturday and I'll try to post here in advance. However the best ways to  find out when streaming is happening is to follow @PG13lp on Twitter, and subscribe and turn on notifications on our YouTube channel. This will also pop up any future streams as part of your youtube subscriptions as well as let you receive notifications on either your phone or Email. With all this being said, feel free to use this space to suggest new games, tell us why we suck, or anything else vaigly related to these Let's plays!

2014-10-05 01:41:56

Hi guys
Well I am a fan, I started this stuff last year listening to all your stuff from 2013 November, and after a few times checking it out,  and it not being updated assumed that it was no more.
Definitely going to follow you guys or at least read the tweats to see when you stream, Saturday us is my sonday so if your stream coinsides with my free time when its round I will jump on and see what is up.
My best playthroughs were papa sangre 1 and 2 and the  night jar as well as radwin island.
my most favourite would be night jar you purposely got your self killed, in all sorts off ways, blown to bits, etc, another good series I listen to is the stuff on accursedfarms.com
which is semi similar to the way you guys play games.
keep rocking on

2014-10-05 14:26:49


This project probably will never stop. Mainly because it's so unbelievably much fun to do.

Our last stream, before Chillingham, was a complete walkthrough/Let's Play type thing of Monkey Business. However, due to computer errors, I was not able to upload it.
Good news is that I finally did manage to upload it. So if you want over 3 hours of laughter and entertainment, head over tp http://pg13.tdrealms.com right now and take a listen!

Wanna play my Games? Listen to my Music? Follow me on Twitter, and say hi~
Code is poetry.

2014-10-18 18:26:16

Coming up in about an hour and a half at 6PM UTC/7PM in the UK, PG13 will be playing through Super Liam by L-works. You can tune in here. This stream is actually always up,a nd when we're not live it's used for Everything gaming which plays random gaming youtube videos. It will automatically change when we start playing SL.

2014-10-18 18:49:43

Hi guys.
oh wow, Gona try to make it to your end, normally I can't because its to fuzzing early but its sunday, no gym, no anything maybe a walk, but its raining zombies right now, and is no fun outside, I will try to listen to your stuff as long as they don't eat my internet, which they seem to like doing, due to something with said rain there is a coms error somewhere and who knows but I will try to come online.
All your streams really rock, I am getting your monkey business recording right now.
what are the ways to contact the stream, I have twitter but to be honest I havn't used it for contacts, I have msn and aim, I have teamtalk, if you have a teamtalk server you guys run on maybe I could join in though obviously you don't want to be overcrouded.
I will listen to you though.
Sadly everyone is sleeping so I can play this through my sb play on my Logitech z200 subs but oh well.
I like it when you just foul up just for kicks.
It also brings me back to when liam had the time to do random streams, and enjoyed it, I think its important to see devs being seen as standard gamers.
To often the user sees a dev as someone they want stuff off, and that they want it now, its good to see them as normal people especially if they are in a group.
It reminds me of swamp chat where people would shoot and chat on the radio

2014-10-18 23:13:15

two things, where can I get mudsplat and where can I get creative alchemy? oh and what about monkeybusiness 1.5? or whatever version you had on the recording?


2014-10-19 01:40:58

pitermach, just wondering what the hell is that voice in the monkey business playthrough? lol whatever it is I want it hahaha

"You know nothing of death... allow me to teach you!" Dreadlich Tamsin
Download the latest version of my Bokura no Daibouken 3 guide here.

2014-10-19 05:15:25

Wow, really nice guys. keep it up man. It's nice to see gameplays hosted an official place.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2014-10-19 15:46:01

I still think the funniest stream was in May at some point, where Ghorthalon was playing Shades of Doom on it's a good day to die.
The part when the player character finds two mutant humans. He runs past one. The other one's still there. He turns to face it, grabs his simmy-automatic bolt gun. Then he runs... and runs... and... oops, he bumps into the monster. Then he bumps into it four or five more times in rapid succession and dies. Seriously, this part made me laugh so much that my ribs were aching, in a good way! Sometimes the best moments are completely unplanned.

2014-10-19 16:39:35

For those who missed the super liam stream, it's now up on the PG13 page (see first post for the link). It has its moments especially in the second half with the max pain mod in level 5 act 2.

@DD it was Voxygen Witch which is available as a systemwide android voice. During the time of the recording I was challenged by Ghorthalon to use it for a day as my main voice, and this let's play sort of extended that. If you don't have an android phone/tablet Voxygen also has an online demo on their homepage, so you can still play with it.

@Speeder, maybe we'll start a downloads page for things like Alchemy, Legacy or mudsplat which are very difficult if not impossible to find now. As for Monkey Business 1.5, I can't share it. It's not very different from the version you have now, apart from the fact that the only protection it contains is that you need to keep the CD inserted to play. So even if you didn't buy the game this would give you access to the full version and that's going into sharing cracks territory. The only reason we used this version was just because I already happened to have it so it took the least time to set up... but you know how that ended. smile

2014-10-19 17:31:51

@pitermach oh, thanks
no way to use it on the computer though I'm assuming? I mean with a screen reader for everything, just to see how long people could take it rofl

"You know nothing of death... allow me to teach you!" Dreadlich Tamsin
Download the latest version of my Bokura no Daibouken 3 guide here.

2014-10-19 18:38:06

Pitermach, have you guys considered doing a lets-play for Alter Aeon?  It would be interesting to see how having two people playing it at the same time would work.

2014-10-19 23:42:47

Hi guys.
When is the time adventures LP coming up?

Follow me on twitter.

2014-11-16 19:39:56

Hi all,
We have branched off slightly for this next one. It's a slight tradition that we played through all somethin' else games, but since audio defence doesn't really have much of a story to it we decided to do something a bit different, so we recorded a scripted review
It's also the first time we reviewed something that we got a promoccode for as SE was very happy to supply us with one. PG13 now has an audiobooma ccount and you'll want to follow it as well if you use the service, if not, all new audioboom posts (it'll probably only be used for reviews and maybe highlights) are tweeted. It's very likely the site will be eventually rewritten and switched over to being powered by wordpress aws it will let us post booms there as well as well as possibly give a better podcast experience (some people are experiencing issues with half corrupted files while downloading, so expect that at some point.

2014-11-17 01:20:34

I can't find this thing on the rss yet, so I'll just have a listen to it from here for now.
edit: oh nice, it's an audioboom. That's rather cool.

2015-01-24 01:11:18


Want to chat with us or others about PG13 or other topics?

Look no further! IRC server running on tdrealms.com, port 6667, in the #pg13 channel.
For more information, audio tutorials, and other stuff, click Here!

Wanna play my Games? Listen to my Music? Follow me on Twitter, and say hi~
Code is poetry.

2015-01-25 03:10:29

@petermach&@gorthalon: Would it be possible for you guys to do a lp for battle zone?

2015-01-25 12:57:39

Well I've now added links to past episodes to the pages of the db that have games, so everyone can partake of the insanitification!

Really, you two are loopy!

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-01-26 13:52:59

PG13 has moved!

PG13 has moved to www.pg13.tk - this domain should be a lot easier to remember.
We also changed our podcasting sollution to Wordpress. This makes things a lot, lot easier for us.

Wanna play my Games? Listen to my Music? Follow me on Twitter, and say hi~
Code is poetry.

2015-01-26 13:54:25

Dark, isn't that all the fun? We never try to insult anyone. We just want to make people laugh. And holy damn it's fun to do.
Hacker: Sure thing, we can do that!

Wanna play my Games? Listen to my Music? Follow me on Twitter, and say hi~
Code is poetry.

2015-01-26 14:02:33

Well you don't try to insult anyone but as soon as I say "I've added links to the db" you go and change hosts and podcasting solutions so buggering up all the addresses? Hmmmm, If I were a paranoid person I'd assume this was personal!
I'm not paranoid of course, I know! everyone's against me, and I don't think your particularly wrong for doing this, ---- your just one of them! yes them! but they'll learn, one day they will! learne'em I will! I will have re wengi! big_smile.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-01-26 15:05:19

Actually, the URL's are a lot more friendly now. They don't contain nasty question marks and .php extensions. I only read the post that you did add them after I had already moved them... Ask Peter, my reaction was something to the effect of "Noooooo!". So I'm sorry about that. However, url's are a lot shorter now, and the ones that we used before used to give partial or incomplete downloads for some reason. This doesn't happen anymore, so things definitely changed for the better!

Wanna play my Games? Listen to my Music? Follow me on Twitter, and say hi~
Code is poetry.

2015-01-26 17:33:12

Loll Gorthalen, I was joking, it just struck me as a particular irony given I spent some time yesterday updating a bunch of db pages with the links, I don't doubt what you say about network timeouts etc is true (indeed that was probably the reason when listening I found that the streaming broke of in the middle and I needed to download the files instead, though with my connection speed that really makes little difference).

At the moment adding new entries to the db is a bit dicy, but modifying the old ones works okay, though I'll probably not get to fix them again until later this week.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-01-26 18:27:43

That's fine. The links aren't broken as bad as I thought. They don't link to the individual podcasts anymore, but instead sends you to a redirect to the new podcast page. People should be able to find it from there. Was surprised myself that it would work out that well. But yeah I'm glad we did the move.

Wanna play my Games? Listen to my Music? Follow me on Twitter, and say hi~
Code is poetry.

2015-01-26 19:41:52

Actually that's not as bad as I thought either. I initially posted the links to each individual entry on the basis that then people could either use the flash popup to stream in their browser, download the file or whatever as they wanted, rather than streight off going to the file download as I used to when posting similar things.

I'll probably just leave as is.

My only concern is what happens when the podcast feed goes to multiple pages?

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)