2014-12-13 14:54:56

Hi, I asked this question in another topic but I want to ask it again because I didn't get any responses there. Is there an accessible android emulator that I can use that has talkback preconfigured? I looked at an older topic from march 2-13 where they had a link to an accessible android emulator with talkback preconfigured, because people were trying to play Droid flip. I followed the link but the site had apparently been taken down. Also, do I need any extra software for the emulator to work? A lot of people mentioned virtual box. If there is software I ened, I would also like to know.

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2014-12-14 04:12:25

I would like to have it too. please, could anyone share it?

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2014-12-14 13:08:31

There aren't any emulators, but you can install android directly on your PC

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2014-12-14 14:05:40

I did find this article, but I"m not quite sure how relevant it is. I know that it is quite outdated, but I found it in a hurry and decided that it was better than nothing. I didn't have much time, but I did have difficulty following the instructions, but maybe someone else can get things working. I didn't have a lot of time to sit down and clearly think through things:
Start of Article:
> I've been playing with AVD's lately and with some help from Ken got it
> working finally big_smile. For anyone else out there who'd like to have a go at
> this, I wrote up a little guide on it.
> Here it is, just let me know what you think or what I should change/improve.
> Florian
> --------------------
> Accessifying android virtual device (AVD)
> 1. Grab the android SDK off the android website. Quite easy just click the
> 32-bit or 64-bit version, depending on your platform. I am using a mac for
> this one.
> 2. Extract the folder you got somewhere thats easy to find, you'll have to
> cd into it later.
> 3. On windows, run the manager executable in the root folder. Unix systems,
> run the android script located in /tools. Path relative from sdk root
> folder.
> 4. This launches and and sdk manager. First, download the appropriate sdk's.
> This should be self-explanatory just check what you want and uncheck what
> you don't want. I recommend getting android 2.2, 2.3 and 3.0. The latest,
> 3.1, i really don't recommend right now.
> 5. When this is all done, switch to the and tab and create a new avd.
> 6. This is pretty self-explanatory, fill in a reasonable size for sd card
> and name .shouldn't be too much trouble. When you get to the hardware part,
> click the New button to add a new property. I recommend adding audio
> playback support, keyboard support and d-pad support. These all default to
> Yes, so that is no problem. We're done here, click Create.
> 7. Now we have to do some manual editing of the config.ini file because the
> default ram size, 256 mess, is a bit low. These values can be changed from
> the and manager as well, but its a pain to do in windows and impossible on a
> mac when it comes to accessibility.
> So, navigate to your users/username/.android directory. Windows should have
> a similar path. Do keep in mind that this is a hidden directory so it might
> not show up in explorer.
> Open the and folder, and then open the xyz.avd folder. Xyz being the name
> you gave your avd.
> 8. Open the config.ini and ctrl+f for ram size. Change the value to 512,
> this is sufficient. Save and exit.
> 9. Now we need to grab some apk's. They can be found on the eyes-free google
> code page. A quick google should get you there. Click downloads and navigate
> to the table to find the packages you need:
> - talkback
> - tts extended
> - com.svox.langpack.install (or something to that extent)
> These are the required packages. You can of course grab others like the
> eyes-free shell too if you like.
> 10. Time to get our hands dirty. If you close the sdk and and manager,
> reopen it. Launch the and you created by selecting it in the list and
> clicking the start button followed by the launch button.
> Wait a few minutes. While you wait, open a command prompt or terminal window
> and move to:
> your-androoid-sdk-root/platform-tools
> After a few minutes, run the command:
> ./adb shell
> If this returns a root prompt, type exit to get out of it. If this returns
> an error: device offline or error: device not found, wait another minute. If
> the problem persists close the emulator and relaunch. This happens
> sometimes.
> 11. Ok, i am assuming you got the root prompt and have exited out of it. The
> dab command is used to mess with your AVD from the command line and it also
> allows you to install .apk files onto the device. The command is:
> ./adb install path-to-apk
> Note: i am adding the ./ because i have not added the platform-tools to the
> path variable. It is of course not necessary to add it if you have done so.
> If you have added to the path variable, i think you have figured out by now
> that it was not necessary to move to platform-tools. In that case move to
> the directory where you stored the app files.
> 12. Now, what I did at this point was copy the app files to the
> platform-tools for easy access. The install command supports wildcards, so
> when the apk's are in the current working directory, run:
> ./adb install  Talk* (mind the capital T)
> ./adb install tts*
> ./adb install com*
> And any other packages you may have downloaded.
> 13. Almost done, run the following commands without any variation to turn on
> the accessibility services:
> ./adb shell sqlite3
> /data/data/com.android.providers.settings/databases/settings.db "insert into
> secure values (null, 'accessibility_enabled', '1');"
> ./adb shell sqlite3
> /data/data/com.android.providers.settings/databases/settings.db "insert into
> secure values (null, 'enabled_accessibility_services',
> 'com.google.android.marvin.talkback/com.google.android.marvin.talkback.TalkB
> ackService:');"
> If you are observant you might have seen that this process can easily be
> written up in a batch file or shell script. DO so if you like but don't
> change the above commands. Entering the sqlite3 environment directly can
> result in an unresponsive command prompt for some reason. This is fool-proof
> to my knowledge.
> 14. That's it. Close the emulator and relaunch. It should speak to you now.
> If not, bash the f2 key in a few minutes to unlock. Enjoy!
> __________
End of article

Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company. - Mark Twain

2014-12-16 10:53:36

well, I don't know about emulaters with talkback preconfigured, but I got bluestacks app player up and running with talkback. you'll require a lil sighted help for that, however.

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2014-12-16 14:47:30 (edited by Socheat 2014-12-16 14:47:57)

Bluestacks is a pain emulater one though. smile

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2018-09-13 11:42:21

since Android emulators were mentioned in
another topic
here on the forum, I got curious. An emulated Android device might be a solution to a different problem, that I am trying to solve at the moment.
I did some research on the matter, and found out, that the best way for emulating an android device seems to be, to use a program called Virtualbox. It might also work with VMware. But I am not sure, if there are Isos for the newer Android versions.
But before I start playing with this, I have a question. Will such an emulated Android device behave like a rooted device? In other words, will I have access to every single folder, even stuff, that I wouldn't normally see on an unrooted device?

2018-09-13 12:14:23

there's an iso rom for android 4.4.4 i have that you can install on a vm or  another drive  but you have to get someone to   get talkback for you running it already has talkback installed   on it

2018-09-13 13:27:48

That wouldn't be a problem. Have you ever tried to access the folders of the emulated system? Outside of the VM, I mean. For example, have you ever tried to get access to content, that you downloaded through an app, inside the VM?