2014-11-19 03:49:49 (edited by queenslight 2014-11-20 10:36:08)

Feel free to discuss anything that's happening with the Window-Eyes 9.0 beta 1 postings that AI Squared has posted up on the Official Window-Eyes Beta Page
, and beyond once the "official" public beta comes out.

Episode 1

In the first episode, the new "Web Support" reveals itself for the first time. Head on over here to listen!

2014-11-19 07:04:54

About time. Its amuzing how much they try to promote their enhanced web support, because its basically trying to play catch-up with other screen readers at this point.

2014-11-19 11:32:00 (edited by queenslight 2014-11-19 11:37:04)

This is gonna sound very annoying to some, but here's a key quote from the Web Support guess What show:

The all-new web support doesn't stop there.  Window-Eyes now includes intelligent web support to make sure you get the best possible access to websites.  What does this mean to you?  Unlike other free alternatives, Window-Eyes is smart and tries to make web content more usable to the end user.  Web browsers like Internet Explorer provide screen readers with information to speak, but sometimes that information can be faulty.  Window-Eyes uses intelligent web support to make sure that you always get the best web experience.  This can make buttons speak properly, field names speak properly, and other items that you may encounter when browsing the web.  Assuming the web page has been made in an accessible design is always a concern for any screen reader, but with the new Window-Eyes intelligent web support, you can browse the web with ease. 

AI Squared is purely going after NVDA here... Because web support via Narrator is actually quite good! Even on Windows Phone demos I heard.

Could Dolphin in the UK make a "free" screen reader to combat AI Squared? They could, I doubt they ever will.
Hmmm. I swear I said that line somewhere else before...
Oh! forgot to mention Chromevox as well, least if using it in that Metro mode, where chromevox does talk.

2014-11-19 15:42:11

Well, how great this "intelligent web support" actually is in practice remains to be seen.

2014-11-19 18:02:04

a very basic questian: is there something in Wineyes that both JAWS 15 and NVDA 2014.2 don't have?

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2014-11-19 19:08:28 (edited by queenslight 2014-11-19 19:10:05)

Truly, as of this first episode, no.
However, this Guess What series still has a ways to go, as the last one usually is when they announce when the public beta's released. I'll post again here when a new episode shows up.
By the way, I do not see Window-Eyes working with Chrome anytime soon, but as I said, we shall see over the next few days.

2014-11-20 10:33:05

Episode 2

In this episode, a demonstration of "All-New" mouse and table support within Internet Explorer and Firefox. Head on over Here to listen.
Ya may want to compare how NVDA's table support compares to WE's on the recording.
Ah, forgot to mention, they are comparing to Chromevox here, as NVDA does not have a "table" mode.
I forget if Narrator does...

PS. A link to the 1st Guess What, will be up in the 1st post.

2014-11-20 10:39:40

Hmm... As a side note, looks like a new home for Window-Eyes is on the way!

2014-11-20 15:34:15

Well, compare to jaws and window-eyes, I think jaws is better. I'm not speaking about NVDA here. big_smile

Follow me on Mastodon.

2014-11-20 16:49:23

Well, we shall see... Its only day 3 of the guess what series, which the third one hasn't been released as of yet. Wil let ya know though...

2014-11-20 19:16:34

Episode 3

In this episode, its all about responsiveness, text selecting, and a sighted person working alongside you on the internet. Head on over here , to take a listen!

2014-11-21 19:05:43

Episode 4

In this episode, "Finally!" Google Docs support, Quickbooks support built-in, and Windows 10 preliminary support. Take a trip on over here , to lend your ear!

2014-11-22 03:08:56

well, as much as I don't like windoweyes, it is the first screen reader to have windows 10 support so far. I am wondering though how it was possible to add windows 10 support when windows 10 isn't even out to the public? As far as I know it's still in technical preview or beta stage, and if AI squared assumes that windows 10 isn't going to change from it's preview stage to the actual release, well then they have another thing going.

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2014-11-22 08:36:54

Bryant, Windows 10 is available for developers which is how A.I. Squared was able to get a copy. Not to mention prior to A.I. Squared and G.W. Micro merging G.W. Micro entered into a Window-Eyes for Office agreement which gave Window-Eyes some additional backing from Microsoft. So I'm sure do to various agreements A.I. Squared was able to obtain a copy of Windows 10 prior to other screen reader developers.

Thomas Ward
USA Games Interactive

2014-11-25 00:51:08

Window-Eyes 9.0 Beta, Now Released!

You know its odd, when you are typing this message, from a GNU/Linux machine... But anyway, Window-Eyes 9.0, (beta 1 in this case,) has arrived!
SMA upgrades have returnned, and although Windows XP support has of course dropped, looks like WE 9 will still work with it. A bit of a shock, but there ya go!
You can get the beta at:
, and have a look at the read me, which is in the help menu of the WE control pannel.
The free version of WE for Office 2010 and later users can be of course found at:

Have fun, everyone!

PS. What a weekend of technology  news and worriness!

2014-11-25 21:42:04


Let me start off by saying I'm an NVDA user and I know I'll contiyu to be one.

Personally I find tables fine, you just use alt control up left rite and down to read. As for all new web support I'm not seeing anything so far that will convince me to change. We have the cube for twitter for example.
I'm not saying this is a terrible screen reader, honestly I can't really since I tried window eyes ages ago and didn't really like it, what I'm saying is all this hipe, not by you guys but by the podcast guy is kind of annoying. It's like he's saying. "We have the best screen reader ever. it's totally new and has never been seen before!" I don't know maybe it's just me, maybe I'm stubborn and sticking to NVDA but four now I'll be that way. Although saying that, I can't wait to see the new improved narator. I like windows eight narator it's nice but windows ten should be better. Has anyone herd the new narator in action?

Sorry for going a little off topic.

I'm gone for real :)

2014-11-26 04:11:48


Having given window eyes a quick spin, I have this to say... in my opinion I'd not use it. It's a lot slower than NVDA, it... cuts... up... things... on... youtube... when... reading... headings... I understand that last part might have been annoying but I wanted to show you how it sounds.


Well we have e speak, and eliquence sapi and a couple others which I feel don't need to be there like, tripple talk? I think it's called. These kind of voices are not usable even if you change the number thing after selecting a voice.

I won't go much into this but I feel they've copied NVDA a little here, of cource screen readers will copy one another, the internet being one thing they do all copy, JAWS, NVDA and WINDOW EYES, all have the h= Heading, b= button, l= list in NVDA and JAWS, in window eyes I think that's the key for links.

Anything positive to say about window eyes? I'm sorry to window eyes fans and those that are excited about the release but no, there's nothing I can say that's positive about window eyes. It crashed on me the first time, didn't lode the set files, cut sentences up which didn't need to be cut up, oh and for those of us who use youtube, well lets just say you're not going to get to your flash object with the O key, I have no idea how you do it but I hope it can be done.

Over all with the little testing I've done. I'd have to give it a 1 out of 5.

I'm gone for real :)

2014-11-26 15:11:39

Hi there,

Firstly, do have a look at the Read Me Though I do not use Window-Eyes anymore, or Windows for that matter, I will share a few points of my own:

1. Firstly, flash objects, have always been part of Browse mode itself. Also, if you're wanting to watch you tube vids, if its not set already, visit: http://youtube.com/html5 to switch to the HTML5 player.
2. Though GW/AI has done a "well needed" update to their Browse Mode and Mouse Pointer updates for WE 9, I still feel that Dophin in the UK, makes the "best!" browse mode and mouse support around. You can read the Quick Reference Guide to look at the keystroekes, here Nothing beats Dolphin on the web in Windows for sure!
2. I don't know how well Jaws and SN work with Skype v6.2.2 and later, but at least with WE I hear, although it works with 6.2.2, GW/AI recomends that you stick with Skype 6.2.1, especially if ya want the best WE support, and if you want to know who's online/offline, etc. Its do to the MS Interface Skype change on Windows.
3. Place marker support will be returnning soon, as its being rebuilt.
4. The normal way of selecting text will return soon, as some don't like how Supernova users have done it for years, though via slightly different keystrokes and slightly different wording. (This pertains to the new "Browse Mode" only.
5. Mozilla products are being worked on.
6. Its aobut time GW/AI got MS Office Online and Google Apps support, and other ARIA apps for that matter!

And that, is all from me.
Take care!

2014-11-26 16:27:02

I think all of this crap is catch-up to all of the other screen readers who can already do that type of stuff. GWmicro, I think it is about time that you release an update to your product. I do think though that a lot of good things have been added to window-eyes, but I also think that it is also catch-up work.

2014-11-27 15:04:44 (edited by Socheat 2014-11-27 15:05:34)

Well, window eyes is lots of crashes. so no thanks. I'll just stick to NVDA and jaws for now. big_smile

Follow me on Mastodon.

2014-11-27 23:31:27

no no GW! you are miserable! I cant try WE because all is crash, not a screen reader, and it is not an access suite!

Luis Carlos Gonzáles Moráles, from Panama!