2005-04-02 13:59:27 (edited by [email protected] 2005-04-02 14:03:12)

hi all,
back again in the audio forum, i am or

rather was striker but decided for purposes of ease to use my freedom chat

name instead.
after so many attempts to get in the forum i have

note, i have just today sent in an e-mail containing two monkey

business walkthroughs.
one of the wild west level with easy to read

instructions and a few tips on that level.
i also after completing the game

two days ago submitted a doctor wobble's laboritory walkthrough as well,

also containing my own personal tips.
Also i like i did with the acid level

walkthrough submitted a list of tips 'n' trix that i have picked up while

playing the game.
some can be really helpful and i hope they work

correctely on your versions as one inparticular can help you out on the wall

of vines level.
best regards.