2014-07-17 19:51:15

Hello guys,
I'm Thiago from SoundRTS Chat.
This is the first forum that I register to.
So if I did something wrong, please tell me.
Luta is a fighting audiogame.
It's in the early development.
I've posted it here to get some feedback about the game, what to
improve, etc.
It includes translations in 3 languages: English, Spanich and Brazilian
Portuguese (in fact the name of the game comes from "luta", fight in
The link is:
The code is GPL but the sounds are all free, I think.
I think that I removed all the copyrighted sounds, if you think that I
used a sound with copyright, please tell me and I will try to find a
Ps: If you do any changes in the code and if you want, please send the
changes to me that I can include in the original game.
The manual is in doc/manual-*language*.txt
The game can also run in Mac Os X (untested) and GNU/Linux, copying the
Python source files from src to the game's main folder.

2014-07-17 23:32:28

I'm looking forward to the screen reader support being added.
At the moment, the game seems a little hard, but at least it runs.
It's not in stereo yet, or so it seems, but I couldn't be sure as the AI came at me very fast.
However, this is a fun project that I will be following with interest.

2014-07-17 23:45:18

It would seem at the moment the AI is way to fast and impossible to beat.
But this is a fun game. It would be so awesome if you could make this into a side scroller thing with a side scroller game and a arcade fiding game, so two in one? Like in some MK games. In the side scroller you'd have to smash objects beat up bad guys and get fatalities oh and maybe collect things to.

I will be followingthis game also since it's quite awesome.

I'm gone for real :)

2014-07-17 23:46:03

downloading it now.

be a hero and stop Coppa now!
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Dkm … DkWZ8/edit
-id software, 1995

2014-07-17 23:49:13

Yes, the game has basic stereo positioning.
Some AIs flee and you'll notice it at left or right.
I'm thinking in adding multiplayer mode, but the game is very simple at
this time.

2014-07-18 00:31:41

downloading now

no matter what you do, alwais, ghosts will be there. Demonic spirits waiting for you. Charlie Charlie are you here? suddenly, charlie appears with a knife. He killed me! charlie charlie are you here? tell me if it's yes. Are you gonna persew me or you're leaving me in peaze? oh my gosh charlie is indeed here! he's about to kill me!

2014-07-18 00:47:19

The AI isn't too fast to beat. Just match it's speed, spamming attacks in games is often the solution.

Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic.

2014-07-18 03:05:58

I've updated the game.
The changes are:
Slowed now a bit the AI (can be reverted in a configuration file if you want), added
a side scrolling phase, added the possibility to hold the arrow keys to
move, fixed some small bugs in the AI and added a manual for creating characters.
The link is the same.
Next I'll try to add traps that you can throw the enemy in.

2014-07-18 04:02:49


Downloading now.
And anyways, welcome to this awesome forum!

Follow me on Mastodon.

2014-07-18 04:43:29

wow, this game is really cool, similar to an MK games.
can you add more characters and a story mode too?

going in to the wilds, collecting pokedex, and capturing them are my kind of thing,
training them, making them evolve, and generally making them stronger is my ultimate goal,
fighting other manamon tamers, winning the tournament, and fighting octoros are what these manamons like to do,
and ultimately, I become the master of mana!

2014-07-18 07:37:58

This is a great game.
But when I said side scrolling I didn't mean in the fighting. I ment like a storie moad where you go around smashing objects picking up powerups and other things like that.
I know it might be hard to put it in but it would be awesome if you could smile

I'm gone for real :)

2014-07-18 14:31:57

How does the start batch file work?
Why does it have the word start in it, rather than luta at the beginning of the line?
I'm just thinking of a way to make a start file for a sound package I'd like to make.

2014-07-18 15:45:37

I think that start is for cmd close its window when the game runs.
I'll try to add the arcade mode but I think that I'll do in 2d because a
side scroller will require changing much code.

2014-07-18 19:21:12

The start-language.bat files just send a parameter to the luta.exe determining the language to use on startup. Luta by default seems to use spanish.

Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic.

2014-07-18 20:52:45

I got the epic soundpack working with new announcer/menu voices. It's not my best acting though.
I did this in the non-updated version, so side scroller phase hasn't been recorded yet.
The rest should be fair gain though, so I'm looking for feedback on this early version:
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/177 … nouncer.7z

2014-07-18 23:35:58

Hey aaron, I liked the soundpack.
Even if I don't understand very well spoken english the soundpack was
Something I noticed is that some sounds where recorded in a low volume
(not sure if this word is correct).

2014-07-19 13:30:12

Hi, when I run this under windows xp, the start en batch file says it can't find luta, and when I try the luta.exe file, it says ---------------------------
\\vmware-host\Shared Folders\Documents\Downloads\luta29\luta29\luta.exe
\\vmware-host\Shared Folders\Documents\Downloads\luta29\luta29\luta.exe

This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.


Devin Prater
My Blog
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2014-07-19 21:22:36

in my XP machine the game works fine, but I think that in your machine
the game is using the wrong C++ runtime library.
Try copying these files from the NVDA screen reader folder to the game folder and tell
me if it worked.
These files are from the newer Visual Studio that I think that Python

2014-07-20 17:34:40

Another update to the game.
In this update I've added traps and I think that I fixed the XP bug.
The link is the same.
Note: The example trap is only available in the side scrolling phase.

2014-07-21 15:18:02

hi, how to throw the enemy to the trap?

going in to the wilds, collecting pokedex, and capturing them are my kind of thing,
training them, making them evolve, and generally making them stronger is my ultimate goal,
fighting other manamon tamers, winning the tournament, and fighting octoros are what these manamons like to do,
and ultimately, I become the master of mana!

2014-07-21 15:55:30

You must find the trap and make the enemy go where you are.
Then, press Q to throw him on the trap.

2014-07-22 21:33:40

Just thinking of posting some news of the game, so here it is.
The arcade mode (side scroller) is almost complete.
It's a simple version.
I need to add only some things and will be ready for release.
I've done in side scroller because in 2D the objects will be harder to
find and some time playing Adventure at C: and dying to the My
Downloads' boss but this is another story.
I have a simpler version of Luta that can be played online with other
people but it needs some testing.
When I finish testing it I'll post it here.
And finally I'm making a more intelligent AI for SoundRTS and CrazyMod
(this I think will take some time for release).
Note: The fights against AI players remains in 2D.

2014-07-22 23:05:17

wow, great News. It sounds cool, especially the additions you make to the ofline Version and the fast updates. Great work, Keep it up.

2014-07-23 02:13:10

I've updated the game.
In this update the side scroller is implemented and I fixed some bugs.
Please tell any bugs you find.
The link is the same.

2014-07-23 08:16:03

I m pres arcade mode
but nothing happens