2014-04-06 13:52:47

Whoa, i didn't notice that. I'll throw it in in the next release, turns out I didn't put it in the correct folder. I've been stuck at home for the last 5 days because of a cold, but once I catch up with school, I'm going to start working on this again. Speaking of which, noone has sent any stories! Don't you all want mission mode?

A fight we cannot lose.
An enemy we cannot defeat.
A destiny we cannot escape.

2014-04-06 21:31:19

What sorts of stories do oyu want? Do you want a big story, or are these missions going to be more like tv shows that have seperate tories each week?

2014-04-07 03:25:48

Good point. I am afraid of sending practically a movie when what we need could be actually enough for a serie episody.
Best regards, Haramir.

The true blind is the one who refuses to see.

2014-04-07 09:14:03

Just a small correction to clear up a bit confusion: The 12th of april is not next friday, but next saturday! smile I'm not tallent enough to write a great story. My english isn't simply good enough to do that. Keep up the good work man.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2014-04-07 09:21:55

@SLJ thanks. I am officially a failure at date calculation. In any case, the 11th of April I guess lol.
About the story, I initially planned for a big story, more like a little movie which I could integrate into the game interactively, using the system we got set up now along with non-side scrolling levels. After that, though, the idea of a weekly/monthly campaign episode sems very interesting and worth a try. After the main story is in, we could do that. For now I need a large well-built story that would mostly fit with what we have now.

A fight we cannot lose.
An enemy we cannot defeat.
A destiny we cannot escape.

2014-04-07 15:40:33

Right sir! I'll think about something.
Best regards, Haramir.

The true blind is the one who refuses to see.

2014-04-07 18:37:58

Wow, now you've got me thinking. Some mainstream games unlock shorter story arcs when you beat them that act more like, well, episodes, so that could also work.
I don't really have any ideas myself though, i'm usually ok but I'm not sure where you want the game set.

2014-04-07 19:31:46

Well, what about instead of a context, if we all try to make it. Since it will be the game for this comunity, we can try to do something that includes more than one person's ideas. I do understand that working in teams would be harder though, but if we can form a team choosen by Guilevi himself, we can make something more complete.
Best regards, Haramir.

The true blind is the one who refuses to see.

2014-04-08 08:19:12

@Aaron, this should probably be set in some kind of big town, together with any areas outside of it that might come into the story for any reason so I can diversify environments and stuff. I seriously don't know what the character should be like. I guess it could be something like danger city and make him a police officer, if I remember correctly that's what the main character in DC's job was.
@Haramir, the only problem I see with that is how to carry out the task, being a group of people trying to write a story. If Google Drive's live editting was accessible I would suggest that, but since it isn't... I guess we could try a dropbox folder with a text file in it. And who would I choose? I barely know anyone on here. It was easy enough to get beta testers, but story writers? I know some people's thoughts about me might have changed since I seem to be leaving the hard work for the others, but I swear if I could do it I would. My imagination has proved itself to be a piece of junk in numerous times already and I can't even think of a story for my own game. Yes, I know that's ridiculous.

A fight we cannot lose.
An enemy we cannot defeat.
A destiny we cannot escape.

2014-04-08 16:58:40

Well, I don't know, perhaps we can go on with the context and then form a team with the winners.
Best regards, Haramir.

The true blind is the one who refuses to see.

2014-04-09 18:28:41

Hi, i got an idea, hope it is good.
Why don't we make the carakter like a aigend from a secret service who is investigating in different matters.
During the storry the levels could be fighting like now, or getting to the locations by car or something like that if it is possible, or like running away from a bomb and avoiding missiles by ducking under them, or getting to other cuntrys by plane and investigating there. This game can be big cause we can write the storry our selves and it can be a mix out of action, right choices and more!!!

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2014-04-09 20:33:18

I downloaded Beta 2 and indeed the English manual isn't there. Unfortunately, having not played beta 1, I can't play this game without that manual. Maybe some one could upload the manual from beta 1 until the next release?

My opinions are my own. I try not to state them as facts and if I'm not sure about something, I do whatever research I can. I feel everyone should consider doing the same.

2014-04-10 08:43:38

First of all, only two people have apparently submitted their stories. One of them is only for survival mode, and the other... it's just not what I was expecting. If no stories get to me today or tomorrow I'm going to be doing a much more rudimentary system like the one simba proposed here. I know, you're thinking I just want to get the weight of writing off my shoulders and make others do it, but it's not easy for me. My imagination really sucks and I don't trust my own English level enough to do that.
My school trimester is ending tomorrow so I'll probably have time to work on the game to start on the non-sidescrolling levels and the mission mode if I'm lucky and I get a story that works for it. I also signed up on a site which will make it much easier for me to find voice actors, and with my own audio editting skills along with a friend of mine who's much better than me at this, I'll be able to make audio cutscenes for the game.
Sorry about the manual thing. I seriously didn't notice and I already put it in the folder for the next release, which shouldn't be too far off. People seem to want a fast paced escape NSSL, so I'll be sure to include that in. My main problem now is sounds since I mostly have them on my windows netbook, which... sort of sucks. Windows explorer can take up to two seconds to change file focus and that makes it hard for me to look for sounds. I would put it on a hard drive and surf through them on my mac which is a lot faster but I don't have a good enough external HDD, the only one I have is almost full of stuff i might need, but I'll try my best. I need to buy a new one anyway. I'm sorry my release schedule is so messed up. I hadn't dealt with game production before and this is not as easy as it might sound like.

A fight we cannot lose.
An enemy we cannot defeat.
A destiny we cannot escape.

2014-04-13 16:21:01

We hit the deadline for the contest two days ago and I still have no stories which I can use. I've gotten one which is only for survival mode, which doesn't really make sense to have (no offense to the person who sent it) but I have no stories for mission mode, not even a storyline to begin the game with. This means noone will have their name on the credits, and it also means that instead of story mode, I'll be writing different tasks which will be randomized everytime a level starts and the player must complete, instead of having a full story. This means the game will be endless and I won't be able to make a nice actual ending for the story. Beta3's still going on and I've modified the grenade algorythm to make it a lot more stable and realistic, and I've gotten a new member in the team, who will be my sound designer, which means sounds will be changed for beta 3. I guess I'll have to make my own alternate levels and I really don't know where to start, so I guess I'll make a really simple fast-paced escape level like I said before. Again, if anyone has any ideas for levels which don't use the system I already implemented but can still fit into the game, you can pm or email me about it.

A fight we cannot lose.
An enemy we cannot defeat.
A destiny we cannot escape.

2014-04-13 21:42:14

Hi Guilevi.
Hang on don't end the story competition yet. I'll write a story for you. Can you just give me the latest copy of the game so I can get an idea of what I'm working with?

What has been created in the laws of nature holds true in the laws of magic as well. Where there is light, there is darkness,  and where there is life, there is also death.
Aerodyne: first of the wizard order

2014-04-14 10:24:48

People seem to be wanting to submit their stories now that they know that the contest isn't there anymore. Not only you, Guitarman, but someone else too. I didn't want this to be an obligatory thing. You don't have to do it. We'll have to deal with that kind of mission mode. I don't want to force anyone to do anything. Keep in mind having a story would mean a lot more weird code for me, but I thought people would write stories before we hit the deadline. It's OK anyway.

A fight we cannot lose.
An enemy we cannot defeat.
A destiny we cannot escape.

2014-06-22 17:56:06

Hello all!,
Yes, your eyes are not lying. There is a new post on this thread. Weeee. Anyways, straight to the point.
School ended just a few days ago and well, I thought it wouldn't be a bad time to start working on TOP again. It was a good idea, or so I think (some people don't share my opinion).
In two days, I added a bunch of new features, made a complete sound redesign with the help of another member of the forum, and packed it all for...
Town of Peril, Beta version 3!
No, there are no NSSL's in yet, but there are a bunch of improvements, including a projectile system which makes it easy as hell for me to make ranged weapons (which I have done already) and other things.
I have also written a very basic documentation in English and deleted the Spanish one from there since it is not really up to date. By reading that, and also the changelogs, you shouldn't have any problems playing. Please do keep E-Mailing me or posting here about anything that might be of interest.
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/568 … latest.zip

A fight we cannot lose.
An enemy we cannot defeat.
A destiny we cannot escape.

2014-06-22 18:13:48

Hi, the link leads to the older version.

I post sounds I record to freesound. Click here to visit my freesound page
I usually post game recordings to anyaudio. Click here to visit my anyaudio page

2014-06-22 18:23:12

it apparently hadn't finished uploading. It just did.

A fight we cannot lose.
An enemy we cannot defeat.
A destiny we cannot escape.

2014-06-22 23:41:04

Downloading right now sir, expect feedback soon.
Best regards, Haramir.

The true blind is the one who refuses to see.

2014-06-26 21:52:55

OK, almost everything's ready for the next version. The only thing I'm lacking right now are ideas for bonus non-sidescrolling levels. I've made a system where you can collect tokens and you can play different bonus games by using up a different number of tokens. These will probably give you extra items and stuff, but I have no idea on what to start with. Any ideas?

A fight we cannot lose.
An enemy we cannot defeat.
A destiny we cannot escape.

2014-06-27 00:16:43

Those are actually some pretty good ideas. I'll try to find sounds and code the levels in tomorrow. I am actually planning to make stuff like trash cans or barrels that you can either break for a special item or jump over if you're in a hurry.

A fight we cannot lose.
An enemy we cannot defeat.
A destiny we cannot escape.

2014-06-27 01:40:13

Wow, great to see that development is going on. Just a question, have you found a Story you could use? Just in case, if you don't have found one and make only different missions, you could make it so that there's an mode with an end after the missions or after a certain number of Tasks you complete successfully. So, the game could be beatable anyway and for fans of unbeatable games, there could be another mode for this. This way you have all Options. I myself prefer games with an end that means that I can beat them at a certain Point. What do you think?

2014-06-28 00:32:30

Just as an idea, I think you are most flexible with the Player being a Police officer or an Agent. This way you could include Missions were you have to fight against different Kinds of crime. For example, you could save People wich have been kit napped by a terrorism Organisation, or you have to destroy specific Targets were they operate from in different ways. Or you have to find some specific items in order to reach some places, open doors and such. What do you think about this. In some Situations you can fight against Gangsters wich have planed to rob the towns bank or Shops. There are many possibilities. What do you think about this?

2014-06-28 12:47:22

Hello. this is awesome so far. keep up the good work. I'd have written a storry, but I can't ever finish one. Can wait till it's compleet.

Blindness isn't a disability, but a diffrent way of seeing things