2013-06-07 19:44:09

hello, good afternoon. My name is juliano, I belong to the brasil. am a visual empaired. He would like to present the first play for visual empaired and persons who see, using the kinect. The name of the play is called herocopter fall in love, where, you, on the board of a helicopter, have the objective to save persons, amid natural disasters. This play, initially, was developed with the objective to announce of Imagine Kup 2012, where the project was a semifinalist.
Today, it fall in love, need investment so that, the first one is fall in love of xbox360, totally accessible to the blind persons, and persons who see, breaking barriers.
There is still not demonstration for download, but they can see the video of the game in the site down:
We use the technology of audiogames to speak the menus, to the measure in which one does the jestos in the kinect. Besides, it fall in love that it has sound and image.
for more informations and support to the project, between in contact:
phone possible  investors of the world all who want that this project, the first one is, among many people when world championship went for the industry of games:
(55:61) 3041-80-84
I, juliano, was the tester of the game, and one of the idealizers of the project.
my email: [email protected]

2013-06-07 20:09:46

Hi, and welcome to the forum.
This sounds really amazing. Do you have a direct link to the video? I can't find it on the website because I don't understand Brazil.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2013-06-07 22:20:03

I don't own an xbox 360 I want the game on PC
no, I do not want an demonstration, only a full version of the game..

2013-06-07 22:54:02

Nick: Maybe you should keep away from this topic? This is not a game for pc, but a game for the XBox, and that's it! If you want the full game and no demonstration, then you should have more pasionce!

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2013-06-07 23:06:06

the game will be on PC, I will not get an xbox 360 they are two expencive.
that is all I have to say.

2013-06-07 23:10:50

then stay away from the topic, nick!
I have a little understanding of the native language and managed to watch the video.
It's quite nice. Keep up the great work!

2013-06-08 00:26:19

Hello friends!
well, me and Juliano attended a translation group of games
Portuguese, we posted the games that are being released, etc..
Juliano said that the first game will be released for PC. you will be able to play with both the keyboard, both with cnekt.
for those who want the videu, I'll post the link here:


2013-06-08 00:27:51

Hi, I am unable to find the link to the video so that I can listen to it. I am not able to understand the language. Could someone please post a direct link to the video here? Thank you very much!

2013-06-08 10:19:11


sounds pretty awsome. this is the factor of wow!
my brother owns a xbox360 and maybe i can talk with him so we can buy a kinect together.
i also don't understand portuguese or brazil ...
it are alnguages i want to learn together with spanish ... but that's for another topic.

keep up the good work!!!

greetz mike

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2013-06-08 11:06:59

Nick wrote:

the game will be on PC, I will not get an xbox 360 they are two expencive.
that is all I have to say.

Then the game is not for you. I don't have an XBox either, but might get one in the future. However, I'm interested to follow the development of any accessible game for the different platforms.
Interesting video. I find it hard to tell what's going on, but sounds interesting.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2013-06-08 16:47:56

hello guys!
you do not need to have the xbox.
as I said before, the first game will be released for PC, where you can buy knect pc by simply installing dryvers and ready!

2013-06-08 17:25:52

Oh, sorry. I missed that. smile Nice that the first game will be for the pc.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2013-06-08 18:02:08

@nick. How rude, demanding and quite frankly, annoying. If i was gonna make a game for another platform, i wouldn't want people to be rude about it and tell me where i can release it. Thanks.
As for trying the game out, I'd be very interested. It looks like an interesting concept, much like that in captain dynomite. Fallen hero.

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2013-06-08 23:10:46

if the first game will be released for PC, do not reveal the xbox360 games since I don't have one.
I don't know how to use them.

2013-06-09 00:09:20

Um, nick, other people have xbox 360 machines. If you don't have one that's fine, but it's rude to demand on what platform you want the game. Your lucky that you can get a pc version. Just because you don't have an xbox, don't jump down the developer's throat please.

2013-06-09 01:43:00

okay I'll just let it go and see What happens about the game.
besides, Why is the game for xbox360 only?

2013-06-09 13:22:48

Nick: You know what? The developer have made the game so you can't, or, so you won't play it. You know why? Because you don't want a XBox, because you think it's hard to use and too expensive. Well, that's fine.
Now, you're glad that the first game will be made for pc, right? Because then, you think you'll be able to play it. Now I tell you that you won't be able to play the game on the pc. You know why? Because a  Kinect controler is required. So now I'm sure you're going to say that you won't buy a Kinect controler just to play this game on the pc, because, a Kinect controler is also pretty expensive, at leased here in my country.
Personally, I look forward to hear more about this game. I don't know if I'll buy a Kinect controler just to play this game on a pc, but that depends on how great the game is going to be.
I think it's awesome that games is going to be developed on multiple platforms.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2013-06-09 15:02:10

Diego wrote:

Hello friends!
well, me and Juliano attended a translation group of games
Portuguese, we posted the games that are being released, etc..
Juliano said that the first game will be released for PC. you will be able to play with both the keyboard, both with cnekt.
for those who want the videu, I'll post the link here:


ok guys, Diego said that you could play with a keyboard too I think, so I think you don't need a controller.

This is not a signature.

2013-06-09 15:29:50

hello guys.
as already said twice, the first version will be released for PC.
Juliano and other developers are planning on porting the game to the xbox 360,
but they need support.
if you do not have a knect pc, you can play with the keyboard normally.
knect is the only extra control, but do not worry, the game will be released for PC. we'll see when a version comes out, I'm also very anxious for the game.

2013-06-10 09:02:20

Thanks for the clarifications, and sorry for misunderstanding.
I'm looking forward to check this out.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2013-06-13 16:48:54

reply questions: 1. thes videos is:

the game is not yet available for download,
investment because we need to make some improvements, especially graphic.
what is our aim?
export the game DEPC (platform that was developed)
for xbox360, because the cost of kinect for pc, at least in Brazil, it is still expensive.
To play on the pc, you need to install the microsoft kinect sdk,
have kinect for pc, plug it in usb, and have fun!
I've played the game, as a tester, and say it's an adventure!!
I'm using google translator, because I'm not good in english, guys!
intend to put the game on xbox live for a very affordable price of around $ 5.
we're just waiting for potential investors, so we can improve more and more the project, and dinfundir worldwide.
follow some instructions from the game for you, can know:
to select the menu, using the kinect, extend your right arm and give a slap to the left or right (need to be in front of the kinect)
the game will speak: new game, or the next menu.
to return to the previous menu, stretch the left hand forward and give a slap to the right.
to load the menu, stretch the right hand (the game will speak: charging).

to go to the next level, proceed as above.
to load the game, stretching his right hand.
you're on board the helicopter, receiving instructions from the copilot.
to fly, stretch both arms in the shape of wings, and lift up.
to turn the helicopter to the right, turn your body to the right (you will hear the sound of the helicopter on the right ear).
left, turn the body to the left.
to hear the cry of the people for help, agaiche up, with braçso open.
other phases are more cinistras there are buildings that you have to dodge and ~, earthquakes, and other disasters.

2013-06-13 17:09:40

new video herocopter:

this video was a blind gaming.

2013-07-31 20:11:35

this might've been already cleared up, but I would just like to say something to nick. Just because you don't have an Xbox doesn't mean others shouldn't have tthe game. I just got an Xbox yesterday, and quite frankly, I would prefer it to be on the Xbox. but, if I can't have it on the Xbox right away, I'll be MORE than happy to play it on PC. So, not to be rude, but be happy that they are actually making us a game. I do not wish to start an argument, its just my thoughts. thank you.

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