2012-11-22 23:14:22

hi everyone

today i was at musics and i desided to do some sound design. and with succes. i made a logo for my website and that logo will play every time you start one of my programs. and i made about 10 new sounds for your_adventure and i also added a sound to the pelantas calculator apart from the logo sound.
the sound can also be listened from


at the top of the page there is a link labeled:

please click here to listen the logo of the site.

or something like that ... i am near sure ... i programmed it twenty minutes ago ... i haven't done the high school so don't expect ...

just kidding


i hope you like the newer sounds.

all downloads are updated



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2012-11-23 15:13:05

Hi Pelantas,

I just listened to the Logo you created. It sounds really nice. Well done!


2012-11-23 21:31:52



thank you very much for the positive feedback.

i thought all the time i wasn't able to make my own music, but at my rehablitationcentre they told me that everyone can make music as he/she does have the motivation and is willing to learn.
i think i'll make more sounds at other music lessons so your_adventure will become even better. also for the other enemies. like the jewelghost you'll encounter at the thirth quest.

thanks again



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2024-05-02 20:16:40
